]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
PetscWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix add constructor from array of matrices
authorStefano Zampini <stefano.zampini@gmail.com>
Mon, 10 Apr 2023 13:49:46 +0000 (16:49 +0300)
committerStefano Zampini <stefano.zampini@gmail.com>
Mon, 10 Apr 2023 14:52:16 +0000 (17:52 +0300)
fix the case of NULL blocks and add tests


index 33d3ef92a661b24fdf342732df5ca9bf4200e142..7b9a67ff9506016e14a4268dd5be6c4dba26b88e 100644 (file)
@@ -111,6 +111,13 @@ namespace PETScWrappers
       explicit BlockSparseMatrix(const Mat &);
+      /**
+       * Create a BlockSparseMatrix with an array of PETSc matrices.
+       */
+      template <size_t block_rows, size_t block_columns>
+      BlockSparseMatrix(
+        const std::array<std::array<Mat, block_columns>, block_rows> &);
        * Destructor.
@@ -333,6 +340,23 @@ namespace PETScWrappers
+    template <size_t block_rows, size_t block_columns>
+    inline BlockSparseMatrix::BlockSparseMatrix(
+      const std::array<std::array<Mat, block_columns>, block_rows> &arrayA)
+    {
+      this->reinit(block_rows, block_columns);
+      this->sub_objects.reinit(block_rows, block_columns);
+      for (auto r = 0; r < block_rows; ++r)
+        for (auto c = 0; c < block_columns; ++c)
+          {
+            if (arrayA[r][c])
+              this->sub_objects[r][c] = new BlockType(arrayA[r][c]);
+            else
+              this->sub_objects[r][c] = nullptr;
+          }
+      this->collect_sizes();
+    }
     inline BlockSparseMatrix &
     BlockSparseMatrix::operator=(const double d)
index 5b97e58acb21bc001c1e6951f1638fcaada5c858..ef3d58a2b34de5530b1ce36c12bac04fd0c90336 100644 (file)
+// A dummy utility routine to create an empty matrix in case we import
+// a MATNEST with NULL blocks
+static void
+createDummyMat(MPI_Comm comm,
+               PetscInt lr,
+               PetscInt gr,
+               PetscInt lc,
+               PetscInt gc,
+               Mat *    dummy)
+  PetscErrorCode ierr;
+  ierr = MatCreate(comm, dummy);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
+  ierr = MatSetSizes(*dummy, lr, lc, gr, gc);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
+  ierr = MatSetType(*dummy, MATAIJ);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
+  ierr = MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(*dummy, 0, nullptr);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
+  ierr = MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(*dummy, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
+  ierr = MatSetUp(*dummy);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
+  ierr = MatSetOption(*dummy, MAT_NO_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES, PETSC_TRUE);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
+  ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(*dummy, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
+  ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(*dummy, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, dealii::ExcPETScError(ierr));
 namespace PETScWrappers
@@ -107,7 +139,7 @@ namespace PETScWrappers
             this->sub_objects[r][c] = p;
-      collect_sizes();
+      this->collect_sizes();
@@ -123,24 +155,63 @@ namespace PETScWrappers
-      BaseClass::collect_sizes();
+      auto           m = this->n_block_rows();
+      auto           n = this->n_block_cols();
+      PetscErrorCode ierr;
+      // Create empty matrices if needed
+      // This is neeeded by the base class
+      // not by MATNEST
+      std::vector<size_type> row_sizes(m);
+      std::vector<size_type> col_sizes(n);
+      std::vector<size_type> row_local_sizes(m);
+      std::vector<size_type> col_local_sizes(n);
+      MPI_Comm               comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
+      for (size_type r = 0; r < m; r++)
+        {
+          for (size_type c = 0; c < n; c++)
+            {
+              if (this->sub_objects[r][c])
+                {
+                  comm = this->sub_objects[r][c]->get_mpi_communicator();
+                  row_sizes[r]       = this->sub_objects[r][c]->m();
+                  col_sizes[c]       = this->sub_objects[r][c]->n();
+                  row_local_sizes[r] = this->sub_objects[r][c]->local_size();
+                  col_local_sizes[c] =
+                    this->sub_objects[r][c]->local_domain_size();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      for (size_type r = 0; r < m; r++)
+        {
+          for (size_type c = 0; c < n; c++)
+            {
+              if (!this->sub_objects[r][c])
+                {
+                  Mat dummy;
+                  createDummyMat(comm,
+                                 static_cast<PetscInt>(row_local_sizes[r]),
+                                 static_cast<PetscInt>(row_sizes[r]),
+                                 static_cast<PetscInt>(col_local_sizes[c]),
+                                 static_cast<PetscInt>(col_sizes[c]),
+                                 &dummy);
+                  this->sub_objects[r][c] = new BlockType(dummy);
+                  ierr                    = MatDestroy(&dummy);
+                  AssertThrow(ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+                }
+            }
+        }
-      auto m = this->n_block_cols();
-      auto n = this->n_block_cols();
+      BaseClass::collect_sizes();
-      PetscErrorCode ierr = destroy_matrix(petsc_nest_matrix);
+      ierr = destroy_matrix(petsc_nest_matrix);
       AssertThrow(ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
       std::vector<Mat> psub_objects(m * n);
       for (unsigned int r = 0; r < m; r++)
         for (unsigned int c = 0; c < n; c++)
           psub_objects[r * n + c] = this->sub_objects[r][c]->petsc_matrix();
-      ierr = MatCreateNest(get_mpi_communicator(),
-                           m,
-                           nullptr,
-                           n,
-                           nullptr,
-                           psub_objects.data(),
-                           &petsc_nest_matrix);
+      ierr = MatCreateNest(
+        comm, m, nullptr, n, nullptr, psub_objects.data(), &petsc_nest_matrix);
       AssertThrow(ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
@@ -251,12 +322,14 @@ namespace PETScWrappers
           for (PetscInt j = 0; j < nc; ++j)
-              // TODO: MATNEST supports NULL blocks
-              this->sub_objects[i][j] = new BlockType(mats[i * nc + j]);
+              if (mats[i * nc + j])
+                this->sub_objects[i][j] = new BlockType(mats[i * nc + j]);
+              else
+                this->sub_objects[i][j] = nullptr;
-      collect_sizes();
+      this->collect_sizes();
   } // namespace MPI
index d2a2fb9f81dfb4c2c1aef71ddbec324d40c74fbf..aca37f14574439ab63d452bc1753e137c16485fd 100644 (file)
@@ -91,6 +91,88 @@ test()
+  // Extract the PETSc MATNEST, create an array of PETSc matrices and assign
+  // to a new BlockSparseMatrix
+  std::array<Mat, 2> arrayRows0 = {
+    {tmp2.block(0, 0).petsc_matrix(), tmp2.block(0, 1).petsc_matrix()}};
+  std::array<Mat, 2> arrayRows1 = {
+    {tmp2.block(1, 0).petsc_matrix(), tmp2.block(1, 1).petsc_matrix()}};
+  std::array<std::array<Mat, 2>, 2> arrayMat = {{arrayRows0, arrayRows1}};
+  PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockSparseMatrix tmp3(arrayMat);
+  Assert(tmp3.n_block_rows() == pbsm.n_block_rows(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp3.n_block_cols() == pbsm.n_block_cols(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp3.m() == pbsm.m(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp3.n() == pbsm.n(), ExcInternalError());
+  for (unsigned int blr = 0; blr < 2; ++blr)
+    {
+      for (unsigned int blc = 0; blc < 2; ++blc)
+        {
+          Assert(tmp3.block(blr, blc).m() == pbsm.block(blr, blc).m(),
+                 ExcInternalError());
+          Assert(tmp3.block(blr, blc).n() == pbsm.block(blr, blc).n(),
+                 ExcInternalError());
+          Assert(tmp3.block(blr, blc).petsc_matrix() ==
+                   pbsm.block(blr, blc).petsc_matrix(),
+                 ExcInternalError());
+        }
+    }
+  // Now pass empty blocks
+  std::array<Mat, 2> arrayRows0Empty = {
+    {nullptr, tmp2.block(0, 1).petsc_matrix()}};
+  std::array<Mat, 2> arrayRows1Empty = {
+    {tmp2.block(1, 0).petsc_matrix(), nullptr}};
+  std::array<std::array<Mat, 2>, 2> arrayMatEmpty = {
+    {arrayRows0Empty, arrayRows1Empty}};
+  PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockSparseMatrix tmp4(arrayMatEmpty);
+  Assert(tmp4.n_block_rows() == pbsm.n_block_rows(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.n_block_cols() == pbsm.n_block_cols(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.m() == pbsm.m(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.n() == pbsm.n(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.block(0, 1).m() == pbsm.block(0, 1).m(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.block(0, 1).n() == pbsm.block(0, 1).n(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.block(0, 1).petsc_matrix() == pbsm.block(0, 1).petsc_matrix(),
+         ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.block(1, 0).m() == pbsm.block(1, 0).m(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.block(1, 0).n() == pbsm.block(1, 0).n(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp4.block(1, 0).petsc_matrix() == pbsm.block(1, 0).petsc_matrix(),
+         ExcInternalError());
+  // Check the rectangular cases
+  std::array<std::array<Mat, 2>, 1> arrayMatRow = {{arrayRows0}};
+  std::array<std::array<Mat, 1>, 2> arrayMatCol = {
+    {{{arrayMat[0][0]}}, {{arrayMat[1][0]}}}};
+  PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockSparseMatrix tmp5(arrayMatRow);
+  Assert(tmp5.n_block_cols() == pbsm.n_block_cols(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp5.n() == pbsm.n(), ExcInternalError());
+  for (unsigned int blc = 0; blc < 2; ++blc)
+    {
+      Assert(tmp5.block(0, blc).m() == pbsm.block(0, blc).m(),
+             ExcInternalError());
+      Assert(tmp5.block(0, blc).n() == pbsm.block(0, blc).n(),
+             ExcInternalError());
+      Assert(tmp5.block(0, blc).petsc_matrix() ==
+               pbsm.block(0, blc).petsc_matrix(),
+             ExcInternalError());
+    }
+  PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockSparseMatrix tmp6(arrayMatCol);
+  Assert(tmp6.n_block_rows() == pbsm.n_block_rows(), ExcInternalError());
+  Assert(tmp6.m() == pbsm.m(), ExcInternalError());
+  for (unsigned int blr = 0; blr < 2; ++blr)
+    {
+      Assert(tmp6.block(blr, 0).m() == pbsm.block(blr, 0).m(),
+             ExcInternalError());
+      Assert(tmp6.block(blr, 0).n() == pbsm.block(blr, 0).n(),
+             ExcInternalError());
+      Assert(tmp6.block(blr, 0).petsc_matrix() ==
+               pbsm.block(blr, 0).petsc_matrix(),
+             ExcInternalError());
+    }

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

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