]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Change structure of the tria.h file a bit to single out parts which are not needed...
authorwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 12:55:57 +0000 (12:55 +0000)
committerwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 12:55:57 +0000 (12:55 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@453 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d

deal.II/deal.II/include/grid/tria_levels.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 276fe663a1853900d4ebdfa4135a8640c55ace3a..139c931ecc4b506802008b70da66525038eb43ba 100644 (file)
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
 /*----------------------------   tria.h     ---------------------------*/
 #include <vector>
-#include <grid/tria_line.h>
-#include <grid/tria_quad.h>
 #include <grid/point.h>
@@ -19,6 +17,7 @@ template <int dim> class LineAccessor;
 template <int dim> class QuadAccessor;
 template <int dim> class CellAccessor;
+template <int dim> class TriangulationLevel;
 template <int dim, class Accessor> class TriaRawIterator;
 template <int dim, class Accessor> class TriaIterator;
@@ -58,390 +57,6 @@ enum MeshSmoothing {
- *  General template for information belonging to one level of a multilevel
- *  hierarchy of a triangulation. This template is only declared to allow
- *  specializations for different dimensions.
- *
- *  @see TriangulationLevel<1>
- *  @see TriangulationLevel<2>
- */
-template <int dim>
-class TriangulationLevel;
- *  Store all information which belongs to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
- *
- *  In #TriangulationLevel<0># all data is stored which is not
- *  dependant on the dimension, e.g. a field to store the
- *  refinement flag for the cells (what a cell actually is
- *  is declared elsewhere), etc. Actually, it is only cell-based
- *  data, like neighborship info or refinement flags. There is another
- *  field, which may fit in here, namely the material data (for cells)
- *  or the boundary indicators (for faces), but since we need for a line
- *  or quad either boundary information or material data, we store them
- *  with the lines and quads rather than with the common data. We may,
- *  however lose some memory in three dimensions, when we need the
- *  material data for cell, boundary data for the quads, but nothing
- *  for the lines. Since we only store one byte per line, quad or hex,
- *  this is a minor loss and we can live with that.
- *
- *  @memo Information belonging to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
- */
-template <>
-class TriangulationLevel<0> {
-  public:
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Flags for the cells whether they are
-                                     *  to be refined or not. The meaning
-                                     *  what a cell is, is dimension specific,
-                                     *  therefore also the length of this
-                                     *  vector depends on the dimension: in
-                                     *  one dimension, the length of this
-                                     *  vector equals the length of the
-                                     *  #lines# vector, in two dimensions
-                                     *  that of the #quads# vector, etc.
-                                     */
-    vector<bool> refine_flags;
-                                    /**
-                                     * Same meaning as the one above, but
-                                     * specifies whether a cell must be
-                                     * coarsened.
-                                     */
-    vector<bool> coarsen_flags;
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Levels and indices of the neighbors
-                                     *  of the cells. Convention is, that the
-                                     *  neighbors of the cell with index #i#
-                                     *  are stored in the fields following
-                                     *  $i*(2*real_space_dimension)$, e.g. in
-                                     *  one spatial dimension, the neighbors
-                                     *  of cell 0 are stored in #neighbors[0]#
-                                     *  and #neighbors[1]#, the neighbors of
-                                     *  cell 1 are stored in #neighbors[2]#
-                                     *  and #neighbors[3]#, and so on.
-                                     *
-                                     *  In neighbors, #neighbors[i].first# is
-                                     *  the level, while #neighbors[i].first#
-                                     *  is the index of the neighbor.
-                                     *
-                                     *  If a neighbor does not exist (cell is
-                                     *  at the boundary), #level=index=-1#
-                                     *  is set.
-                                     *
-                                     *  {\bf Conventions:} The #i#th neighbor
-                                     *  of a cell is the one which shares
-                                     *  the #i#th face (#Line# in 2D, #Quad#
-                                     *  in 3D) of this cell.
-                                     *
-                                     *  The neighbor of a cell has at most the
-                                     *  same level as this cell, i.e. it may
-                                     *  or may not be refined.
-                                     *
-                                     *  In one dimension, a neighbor may have
-                                     *  any level less or equal the level of
-                                     *  this cell. If it has the same level,
-                                     *  it may be refined an arbitrary number
-                                     *  of times, but the neighbor pointer
-                                     *  still points to the cell on the same
-                                     *  level, while the neighbors of the
-                                     *  childs of the neighbor may point to
-                                     *  this cell or its children.
-                                     *
-                                     *  In two and more dimensions, the
-                                     *  neighbor is either on the same level
-                                     *  and refined (in which case its children
-                                     *  have neighbor pointers to this cell or
-                                     *  its direct children), unrefined on
-                                     *  the same level or one level down (in
-                                     *  which case its neighbor pointer points
-                                     *  to the mother cell of this cell).
-                                     */
-    vector<pair<int,int> > neighbors;
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Reserve enough space to accomodate
-                                     *  #total_cells# cells on this level.
-                                     *  Since there are no #used# flags on this
-                                     *  level, you have to give to total number
-                                     *  of cells, not only the number of newly
-                                     *  to accomodate ones, like in the
-                                     *  #TriangulationLevel<N>::reserve_space#
-                                     *  functions, with #N>0#.
-                                     *
-                                     *  Since the
-                                     *  number of neighbors per cell depends
-                                     *  on the dimensions, you have to pass
-                                     *  that additionally.
-                                     */
-    void reserve_space (const unsigned int total_cells,
-                       const unsigned int dimension);
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Check the memory consistency of the
-                                     *  different containers. Should only be
-                                     *  called with the prepro flag #DEBUG#
-                                     *  set. The function should be called from
-                                     *  the functions of the higher
-                                     *  #TriangulationLevel# classes.
-                                     */
-    void monitor_memory (const unsigned int true_dimension) const;
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Exception
-                                     */
-    DeclException3 (ExcMemoryWasted,
-                   char*, int, int,
-                   << "The container " << arg1 << " contains "
-                   << arg2 << " elements, but it`s capacity is "
-                   << arg3 << ".");
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Exception
-                                     */
-    DeclException2 (ExcMemoryInexact,
-                   int, int,
-                   << "The containers have sizes " << arg1 << " and "
-                   << arg2 << ", which is not as expected.");
- *  Store all information which belongs to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
- *  
- *  In one dimension, this is a list of the lines associated with this level,
- *  as well as a list with the indices of the children of these lines.
- *  The #TriangulationsLevel# objects of higher dimensions are derived from
- *  this one.
- *
- *  @memo Information belonging to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
- */
-template <>
-class TriangulationLevel<1> : public TriangulationLevel<0> {
-  private:
-                                    /**
-                                     *  This subclass groups together all that
-                                     *  is needed to describe the lines on one
-                                     *  level.
-                                     */
-    struct LinesData {
-                                        /**
-                                         *  Vector of the lines belonging to
-                                         *  this level. The index of the line
-                                         *  on this level equals the index in
-                                         *  this container, while the global
-                                         *  index of a line is stored in the
-                                         *  line itself.
-                                         */
-       vector<Line> lines;
-                                        /**
-                                         *  Index of the first child of a line
-                                         *  in the list on the next level.
-                                         *  Since when lines are refined, both
-                                         *  children are created at the same
-                                         *  time, they are appended to the list
-                                         *  on the next level after each other.
-                                         *  We therefore only store the index
-                                         *  of the first child, the second
-                                         *  follows immediately afterwards.
-                                         *
-                                         *  If a line has no children, -1 is
-                                         *  stored in this list. A line is
-                                         *  called active if it has no
-                                         *  children. The function
-                                         *  #TriaIterator::active()#
-                                         *  tests for this.
-                                         */
-       vector<int>  children;
-                                        /**
-                                         *  Vector storing whether a line is
-                                         *  used in the #lines# vector.
-                                         *
-                                         *  Since it is difficult to delete
-                                         *  elements in a #vector#, when an
-                                         *  element is not needed any more
-                                         *  (e.g. after derefinement), it is
-                                         *  not deleted from the list, but
-                                         *  rather the according #used# flag
-                                         *  is set to #false#.
-                                         */
-       vector<bool> used;
-                                        /**
-                                         *  Make available a field for user data,
-                                         *  one bit per line. This field is usually
-                                         *  used when an operation runs over all
-                                         *  cells and needs information whether
-                                         *  another cell (e.g. a neighbor) has
-                                         *  already been processed.
-                                         *
-                                         *  You can clear all used flags using
-                                         *  #Triangulation<>::clear_user_flags()#.
-                                         */
-       vector<bool> user_flags;
-                                        /**
-                                         * Store boundary and material data. In
-                                         * one dimension, this field stores
-                                         * the material id of a line, which is
-                                         * number between 0 and 254. In more
-                                         * than one dimension, lines have no
-                                         * material id, but they may be at the
-                                         * boundary; then, we store the
-                                         * boundary indicator in this field,
-                                         * which denotes to which part of the
-                                         * boundary this line belongs and which
-                                         * boundary conditions hold on this
-                                         * part. The boundary indicator also
-                                         * is a number between zero and 254;
-                                         * the id 255 is reserved for lines
-                                         * in the interior and may be used
-                                         * to check whether a line is at the
-                                         * boundary or not, which otherwise
-                                         * is not possible if you don't know
-                                         * which cell it belongs to.
-                                         */
-       vector<unsigned char> material_id;
-    };
-  public:
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Data about the lines.
-                                     */
-    LinesData lines;
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Assert that enough space is allocated
-                                     *  to accomodate #new_lines# new lines.
-                                     *  This function does not only call
-                                     *  #vector::reserve()#, but does really
-                                     *  append the needed elements.
-                                     *  There are pendants for higher
-                                     *  dimensions, which you have to call
-                                     *  explicitely (they can't hand down the
-                                     *  call because there is no easy relation
-                                     *  between the number of new quads and
-                                     *  the number of new lines, etc.). Also
-                                     *  don't forget to call the
-                                     *  #TriangulationLevel<0>::reserve_space#
-                                     *  function.
-                                     */
-    void reserve_space (const unsigned int new_lines);
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Check the memory consistency of the
-                                     *  different containers. Should only be
-                                     *  called with the prepro flag #DEBUG#
-                                     *  set. The function should be called from
-                                     *  the functions of the higher
-                                     *  #TriangulationLevel# classes.
-                                     */
-    void monitor_memory (const unsigned int true_dimension) const;
- *  Store all information which belongs to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
- *
- *  In 2D this is a vector of the lines and one of the
- *  quads on this levels, as well as a the two associated vectors holding
- *  information about the children of these lines and quads.
- *
- *  The vector of lines and their children is derived from
- *  #TriangulationLevel<1>#.
- *
- *  @memo Information belonging to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
- */
-template <>
-class TriangulationLevel<2> :  public TriangulationLevel<1>
-                                    /**
-                                     *  This subclass groups together all that
-                                     *  is needed to describe the quads on one
-                                     *  level.
-                                     *
-                                     *  It is fully analogous to the
-                                     *  #LinesData# structure inherited from
-                                     *  #Triangulation<1>#.
-                                     */
-    struct QuadsData {
-                                        /**
-                                         *  Same as for the #lines# array.
-                                         */
-       vector<Quad> quads;
-                                        /**
-                                         *  Same as for the #LineData::chilren#
-                                         *  array, but since there are four
-                                         *  children, the index points to the
-                                         *  first while the other three are
-                                         *  following immediately afterwards.
-                                         */
-       vector<int>  children;
-                                        /**
-                                         *  Same as for #LineData::used#.
-                                         */
-       vector<bool> used;
-                                        /**
-                                         *  Same as for #LineData::used#.
-                                         */
-       vector<bool> user_flags;
-                                        /**
-                                         * Store boundary and material data. In
-                                         * two dimension, this field stores
-                                         * the material id of a quad, which is
-                                         * number between 0 and 254. In more
-                                         * than two dimensions, quads have no
-                                         * material id, but they may be at the
-                                         * boundary; then, we store the
-                                         * boundary indicator in this field,
-                                         * which denotes to which part of the
-                                         * boundary this line belongs and which
-                                         * boundary conditions hold on this
-                                         * part. The boundary indicator also
-                                         * is a number between zero and 254;
-                                         * the id 255 is reserved for quads
-                                         * in the interior and may be used
-                                         * to check whether a quad is at the
-                                         * boundary or not, which otherwise
-                                         * is not possible if you don't know
-                                         * which cell it belongs to.
-                                         */
-       vector<unsigned char> material_id;
-    };
-  public:
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Data about the quads.
-                                     */
-    QuadsData quads;
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Assert that enough space is allocated
-                                     *  to accomodate #new_quads# new quads.
-                                     */
-    void reserve_space (const unsigned int new_quads);
-                                    /**
-                                     *  Check the memory consistency of the
-                                     *  different containers. Should only be
-                                     *  called with the prepro flag #DEBUG#
-                                     *  set. The function should be called from
-                                     *  the functions of the higher
-                                     *  #TriangulationLevel# classes.
-                                     */
-    void monitor_memory (const unsigned int true_dimension) const;
diff --git a/deal.II/deal.II/include/grid/tria_levels.h b/deal.II/deal.II/include/grid/tria_levels.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..db4f3fe
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+/*----------------------------   tria_levels.h     ---------------------------*/
+/*      $Id$                 */
+#ifndef __tria_levels_H
+#define __tria_levels_H
+/*----------------------------   tria_levels.h     ---------------------------*/
+#include <vector>
+#include <grid/tria_line.h>
+#include <grid/tria_quad.h>
+#include <grid/point.h>
+ *  General template for information belonging to one level of a multilevel
+ *  hierarchy of a triangulation. This template is only declared to allow
+ *  specializations for different dimensions.
+ *
+ *  @see TriangulationLevel<1>
+ *  @see TriangulationLevel<2>
+ */
+template <int dim>
+class TriangulationLevel;
+ *  Store all information which belongs to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
+ *
+ *  In #TriangulationLevel<0># all data is stored which is not
+ *  dependant on the dimension, e.g. a field to store the
+ *  refinement flag for the cells (what a cell actually is
+ *  is declared elsewhere), etc. Actually, it is only cell-based
+ *  data, like neighborship info or refinement flags. There is another
+ *  field, which may fit in here, namely the material data (for cells)
+ *  or the boundary indicators (for faces), but since we need for a line
+ *  or quad either boundary information or material data, we store them
+ *  with the lines and quads rather than with the common data. We may,
+ *  however lose some memory in three dimensions, when we need the
+ *  material data for cell, boundary data for the quads, but nothing
+ *  for the lines. Since we only store one byte per line, quad or hex,
+ *  this is a minor loss and we can live with that.
+ *
+ *  @memo Information belonging to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
+ */
+template <>
+class TriangulationLevel<0> {
+  public:
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Flags for the cells whether they are
+                                     *  to be refined or not. The meaning
+                                     *  what a cell is, is dimension specific,
+                                     *  therefore also the length of this
+                                     *  vector depends on the dimension: in
+                                     *  one dimension, the length of this
+                                     *  vector equals the length of the
+                                     *  #lines# vector, in two dimensions
+                                     *  that of the #quads# vector, etc.
+                                     */
+    vector<bool> refine_flags;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Same meaning as the one above, but
+                                     * specifies whether a cell must be
+                                     * coarsened.
+                                     */
+    vector<bool> coarsen_flags;
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Levels and indices of the neighbors
+                                     *  of the cells. Convention is, that the
+                                     *  neighbors of the cell with index #i#
+                                     *  are stored in the fields following
+                                     *  $i*(2*real_space_dimension)$, e.g. in
+                                     *  one spatial dimension, the neighbors
+                                     *  of cell 0 are stored in #neighbors[0]#
+                                     *  and #neighbors[1]#, the neighbors of
+                                     *  cell 1 are stored in #neighbors[2]#
+                                     *  and #neighbors[3]#, and so on.
+                                     *
+                                     *  In neighbors, #neighbors[i].first# is
+                                     *  the level, while #neighbors[i].first#
+                                     *  is the index of the neighbor.
+                                     *
+                                     *  If a neighbor does not exist (cell is
+                                     *  at the boundary), #level=index=-1#
+                                     *  is set.
+                                     *
+                                     *  {\bf Conventions:} The #i#th neighbor
+                                     *  of a cell is the one which shares
+                                     *  the #i#th face (#Line# in 2D, #Quad#
+                                     *  in 3D) of this cell.
+                                     *
+                                     *  The neighbor of a cell has at most the
+                                     *  same level as this cell, i.e. it may
+                                     *  or may not be refined.
+                                     *
+                                     *  In one dimension, a neighbor may have
+                                     *  any level less or equal the level of
+                                     *  this cell. If it has the same level,
+                                     *  it may be refined an arbitrary number
+                                     *  of times, but the neighbor pointer
+                                     *  still points to the cell on the same
+                                     *  level, while the neighbors of the
+                                     *  childs of the neighbor may point to
+                                     *  this cell or its children.
+                                     *
+                                     *  In two and more dimensions, the
+                                     *  neighbor is either on the same level
+                                     *  and refined (in which case its children
+                                     *  have neighbor pointers to this cell or
+                                     *  its direct children), unrefined on
+                                     *  the same level or one level down (in
+                                     *  which case its neighbor pointer points
+                                     *  to the mother cell of this cell).
+                                     */
+    vector<pair<int,int> > neighbors;
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Reserve enough space to accomodate
+                                     *  #total_cells# cells on this level.
+                                     *  Since there are no #used# flags on this
+                                     *  level, you have to give to total number
+                                     *  of cells, not only the number of newly
+                                     *  to accomodate ones, like in the
+                                     *  #TriangulationLevel<N>::reserve_space#
+                                     *  functions, with #N>0#.
+                                     *
+                                     *  Since the
+                                     *  number of neighbors per cell depends
+                                     *  on the dimensions, you have to pass
+                                     *  that additionally.
+                                     */
+    void reserve_space (const unsigned int total_cells,
+                       const unsigned int dimension);
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Check the memory consistency of the
+                                     *  different containers. Should only be
+                                     *  called with the prepro flag #DEBUG#
+                                     *  set. The function should be called from
+                                     *  the functions of the higher
+                                     *  #TriangulationLevel# classes.
+                                     */
+    void monitor_memory (const unsigned int true_dimension) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Exception
+                                     */
+    DeclException3 (ExcMemoryWasted,
+                   char*, int, int,
+                   << "The container " << arg1 << " contains "
+                   << arg2 << " elements, but it`s capacity is "
+                   << arg3 << ".");
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Exception
+                                     */
+    DeclException2 (ExcMemoryInexact,
+                   int, int,
+                   << "The containers have sizes " << arg1 << " and "
+                   << arg2 << ", which is not as expected.");
+ *  Store all information which belongs to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
+ *  
+ *  In one dimension, this is a list of the lines associated with this level,
+ *  as well as a list with the indices of the children of these lines.
+ *  The #TriangulationsLevel# objects of higher dimensions are derived from
+ *  this one.
+ *
+ *  @memo Information belonging to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
+ */
+template <>
+class TriangulationLevel<1> : public TriangulationLevel<0> {
+  private:
+                                    /**
+                                     *  This subclass groups together all that
+                                     *  is needed to describe the lines on one
+                                     *  level.
+                                     */
+    struct LinesData {
+                                        /**
+                                         *  Vector of the lines belonging to
+                                         *  this level. The index of the line
+                                         *  on this level equals the index in
+                                         *  this container, while the global
+                                         *  index of a line is stored in the
+                                         *  line itself.
+                                         */
+       vector<Line> lines;
+                                        /**
+                                         *  Index of the first child of a line
+                                         *  in the list on the next level.
+                                         *  Since when lines are refined, both
+                                         *  children are created at the same
+                                         *  time, they are appended to the list
+                                         *  on the next level after each other.
+                                         *  We therefore only store the index
+                                         *  of the first child, the second
+                                         *  follows immediately afterwards.
+                                         *
+                                         *  If a line has no children, -1 is
+                                         *  stored in this list. A line is
+                                         *  called active if it has no
+                                         *  children. The function
+                                         *  #TriaIterator::active()#
+                                         *  tests for this.
+                                         */
+       vector<int>  children;
+                                        /**
+                                         *  Vector storing whether a line is
+                                         *  used in the #lines# vector.
+                                         *
+                                         *  Since it is difficult to delete
+                                         *  elements in a #vector#, when an
+                                         *  element is not needed any more
+                                         *  (e.g. after derefinement), it is
+                                         *  not deleted from the list, but
+                                         *  rather the according #used# flag
+                                         *  is set to #false#.
+                                         */
+       vector<bool> used;
+                                        /**
+                                         *  Make available a field for user data,
+                                         *  one bit per line. This field is usually
+                                         *  used when an operation runs over all
+                                         *  cells and needs information whether
+                                         *  another cell (e.g. a neighbor) has
+                                         *  already been processed.
+                                         *
+                                         *  You can clear all used flags using
+                                         *  #Triangulation<>::clear_user_flags()#.
+                                         */
+       vector<bool> user_flags;
+                                        /**
+                                         * Store boundary and material data. In
+                                         * one dimension, this field stores
+                                         * the material id of a line, which is
+                                         * number between 0 and 254. In more
+                                         * than one dimension, lines have no
+                                         * material id, but they may be at the
+                                         * boundary; then, we store the
+                                         * boundary indicator in this field,
+                                         * which denotes to which part of the
+                                         * boundary this line belongs and which
+                                         * boundary conditions hold on this
+                                         * part. The boundary indicator also
+                                         * is a number between zero and 254;
+                                         * the id 255 is reserved for lines
+                                         * in the interior and may be used
+                                         * to check whether a line is at the
+                                         * boundary or not, which otherwise
+                                         * is not possible if you don't know
+                                         * which cell it belongs to.
+                                         */
+       vector<unsigned char> material_id;
+    };
+  public:
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Data about the lines.
+                                     */
+    LinesData lines;
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Assert that enough space is allocated
+                                     *  to accomodate #new_lines# new lines.
+                                     *  This function does not only call
+                                     *  #vector::reserve()#, but does really
+                                     *  append the needed elements.
+                                     *  There are pendants for higher
+                                     *  dimensions, which you have to call
+                                     *  explicitely (they can't hand down the
+                                     *  call because there is no easy relation
+                                     *  between the number of new quads and
+                                     *  the number of new lines, etc.). Also
+                                     *  don't forget to call the
+                                     *  #TriangulationLevel<0>::reserve_space#
+                                     *  function.
+                                     */
+    void reserve_space (const unsigned int new_lines);
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Check the memory consistency of the
+                                     *  different containers. Should only be
+                                     *  called with the prepro flag #DEBUG#
+                                     *  set. The function should be called from
+                                     *  the functions of the higher
+                                     *  #TriangulationLevel# classes.
+                                     */
+    void monitor_memory (const unsigned int true_dimension) const;
+ *  Store all information which belongs to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
+ *
+ *  In 2D this is a vector of the lines and one of the
+ *  quads on this levels, as well as a the two associated vectors holding
+ *  information about the children of these lines and quads.
+ *
+ *  The vector of lines and their children is derived from
+ *  #TriangulationLevel<1>#.
+ *
+ *  @memo Information belonging to one level of the multilevel hierarchy.
+ */
+template <>
+class TriangulationLevel<2> :  public TriangulationLevel<1>
+                                    /**
+                                     *  This subclass groups together all that
+                                     *  is needed to describe the quads on one
+                                     *  level.
+                                     *
+                                     *  It is fully analogous to the
+                                     *  #LinesData# structure inherited from
+                                     *  #Triangulation<1>#.
+                                     */
+    struct QuadsData {
+                                        /**
+                                         *  Same as for the #lines# array.
+                                         */
+       vector<Quad> quads;
+                                        /**
+                                         *  Same as for the #LineData::chilren#
+                                         *  array, but since there are four
+                                         *  children, the index points to the
+                                         *  first while the other three are
+                                         *  following immediately afterwards.
+                                         */
+       vector<int>  children;
+                                        /**
+                                         *  Same as for #LineData::used#.
+                                         */
+       vector<bool> used;
+                                        /**
+                                         *  Same as for #LineData::used#.
+                                         */
+       vector<bool> user_flags;
+                                        /**
+                                         * Store boundary and material data. In
+                                         * two dimension, this field stores
+                                         * the material id of a quad, which is
+                                         * number between 0 and 254. In more
+                                         * than two dimensions, quads have no
+                                         * material id, but they may be at the
+                                         * boundary; then, we store the
+                                         * boundary indicator in this field,
+                                         * which denotes to which part of the
+                                         * boundary this line belongs and which
+                                         * boundary conditions hold on this
+                                         * part. The boundary indicator also
+                                         * is a number between zero and 254;
+                                         * the id 255 is reserved for quads
+                                         * in the interior and may be used
+                                         * to check whether a quad is at the
+                                         * boundary or not, which otherwise
+                                         * is not possible if you don't know
+                                         * which cell it belongs to.
+                                         */
+       vector<unsigned char> material_id;
+    };
+  public:
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Data about the quads.
+                                     */
+    QuadsData quads;
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Assert that enough space is allocated
+                                     *  to accomodate #new_quads# new quads.
+                                     */
+    void reserve_space (const unsigned int new_quads);
+                                    /**
+                                     *  Check the memory consistency of the
+                                     *  different containers. Should only be
+                                     *  called with the prepro flag #DEBUG#
+                                     *  set. The function should be called from
+                                     *  the functions of the higher
+                                     *  #TriangulationLevel# classes.
+                                     */
+    void monitor_memory (const unsigned int true_dimension) const;
+/*----------------------------   tria_levels.h     ---------------------------*/
+/* end of #ifndef __tria_levels_H */
+/*----------------------------   tria_levels.h     ---------------------------*/
index a2855ab38ecef207e3400ed07eea782f8775e224..e4a921619e2f5c069304584ca4bce61c5ac2b6e9 100644 (file)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <grid/dof.h>
 #include <grid/dof_accessor.h>
 #include <grid/dof_constraints.h>
+#include <grid/tria_levels.h>
 #include <grid/tria_accessor.h>
 #include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
 #include <grid/tria.h>
index 5b9eba23788941ac4e142f5f588405b36227d750..2b72797abd4b4e8ffee3b3dfad3cf5ac820cc73f 100644 (file)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 /* $Id$ */
 #include <grid/tria.h>
+#include <grid/tria_levels.h>
 #include <grid/tria_boundary.h>
 #include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
 #include <grid/geometry_info.h>
index 629f49f69191c248522ed47112aa6d83a7582ed9..51d54549cd343dc12d8e0a532e438eb6095dfdd1 100644 (file)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 /* $Id$ */
 #include <grid/tria.h>
+#include <grid/tria_levels.h>
 #include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
 #include <grid/tria_accessor.h>
 #include <grid/tria_iterator.templates.h>

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.