const std::vector<std::string> &piece_names) const;
- * In ParaView it is possible to visualize time-
- * dependent data tagged with the current
+ * In ParaView it is possible to visualize time-dependent
+ * data tagged with the current
* integration time of a time dependent simulation. To use this
* feature you need a <code>.pvd</code>
* file that describes which VTU or PVTU file
* <code>std::vector@<std::pair@<double,std::string@> @></code>):
* @code
- * template <int dim>
+ * template <int dim>
* void MyEquation<dim>::output_results () const
* {
* DataOut<dim> data_out;
* @endcode
* @note See DataOutBase::write_vtu or
- * DataOutBase::write_pvtu_record for
+ * DataOutInterface::write_pvtu_record for
* writing solutions at each timestep.
* @note The second element of each pair, i.e., the file in which