<li> <p>Improved: The class <code
- class="class">LAPACKFullMatrix</code> now also uses LU factorization
- of LAPACK. The new wrapper <code class="class">PreconditionLU</code>
- allows us to use this as a preconditioner.
- <br>
- (GK 2006/10/02)
- </p>
+ class="class">LAPACKFullMatrix</code> now also uses LU factorization
+ of LAPACK. The new wrapper <code class="class">PreconditionLU</code>
+ allows us to use this as a preconditioner.
+ <br>
+ (GK 2006/10/02)
+ </p>
<li> <p>New: The class <code
- class="class">PointerMatrixVector</code> implements the functions
- <code class="member">vmult</code> and <code
- class="member">Tvmult</code> for a <i>1xn</i>-matrix represented by
- a single vector.
- <br>
- (GK 2006/09/17)
- </p>
+ class="class">PointerMatrixVector</code> implements the functions
+ <code class="member">vmult</code> and <code
+ class="member">Tvmult</code> for a <i>1xn</i>-matrix represented by
+ a single vector.
+ <br>
+ (GK 2006/09/17)
+ </p>
<li> <p>Improved: The class <code class="class">SolverCG</code> can
- now estimate the condition number of the linear system using <code
- class="class">TridiagonalMatrix</code> and LAPACK.
- <br>
- (GK 2006/09/06)
- </p>
+ now estimate the condition number of the linear system using <code
+ class="class">TridiagonalMatrix</code> and LAPACK.
+ <br>
+ (GK 2006/09/06)
+ </p>
<li> <p>New: the class <code class="class">TridiagonalMatrix</code>
- has been introduced together with its basic methods, including an
- eigenvalue solver for the symmetric case (LAPACK).
- <br>
- (GK 2006/09/06)
- </p>
+ has been introduced together with its basic methods, including an
+ eigenvalue solver for the symmetric case (LAPACK).
+ <br>
+ (GK 2006/09/06)
+ </p>
<li> <p> Improved: PETSc 2.3.1 (<i>build 16</i>) is now supported by the
linear preconditioner classes. The new PETSc functions
<li> <p>New: The class <code class="class">TransposeMatrix</code>
- modeled after <code class="class">PointerMatrix</code> swaps the
- <code class="member">vmult</code> functions such that its effect is
- the transpose of the matrix it points to.
- <br>
- (GK 2006/07/07)
- </p>
+ modeled after <code class="class">PointerMatrix</code> swaps the
+ <code class="member">vmult</code> functions such that its effect is
+ the transpose of the matrix it points to.
+ <br>
+ (GK 2006/07/07)
+ </p>
<li> <p>New: There is now a function <code
class="member">FullMatrix::trace</code> that does what its name suggests
(WB 2006/06/07)
<li> <p> Improved: The <code
class="class">SparseDirectUMFPACK</code> solver can now also be
(WB 2006/04/24)
<li> <p> New: There are now assignment operators from <code
class="class">BlockVector</code> to <code