place, payable by cheque when the deal.II project is considered
finished by the author(s).
-9./ Each class has to have at least 200 pages of documentation ;-)
+9./ The layout of class declarations is the following: first the
+ block of public functions, beginning with the constructors, then
+ the destructors. If there are public member variables, these have
+ to occur before the constructor. Public variables shall only be
+ used if constant or unavoidable.
+ After the public members, the protected and finally the private
+ members are to be listed. The order is as above: first variables
+ then functions.
+ Exceptions shall be declared at the end of the public section
+ before the non-public sections start.
+10./ If a function has both input and output parameters, usually the
+ input parameters shall precede the output parameters, unless there
+ are good reasons to change this order.
+11./ Each class has to have at least 200 pages of documentation ;-)