]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Move the implementation of ComputeIndexOwner into mpi.cc
authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@colostate.edu>
Tue, 5 Nov 2024 22:21:15 +0000 (15:21 -0700)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@colostate.edu>
Thu, 7 Nov 2024 14:47:28 +0000 (07:47 -0700)

index d5d775152688a4cdd82108061dc644910f797eae..83b0a0266275592b1572e2f589a764f60863f2f8 100644 (file)
@@ -27,405 +27,8 @@ namespace Utilities
   namespace MPI
     namespace internal
-    {
-      /**
-       * An internal namespace used for Utilities::MPI::compute_index_owner()
-       * and for Utilities::MPI::Partitioner::set_ghost_indices().
-       */
-      namespace ComputeIndexOwner
-      {
-        class FlexibleIndexStorage
-        {
-        public:
-          using index_type = unsigned int;
-          static const index_type invalid_index_value =
-            numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
-          FlexibleIndexStorage(const bool use_vector = true);
-          void
-          reinit(const bool        use_vector,
-                 const bool        index_range_contiguous,
-                 const std::size_t size);
-          void
-          fill(const std::size_t start,
-               const std::size_t end,
-               const index_type &value);
-          index_type &
-          operator[](const std::size_t index);
-          index_type
-          operator[](const std::size_t index) const;
-          bool
-          entry_has_been_set(const std::size_t index) const;
-        private:
-          bool                              use_vector;
-          std::size_t                       size;
-          std::vector<index_type>           data;
-          std::map<std::size_t, index_type> data_map;
-        };
-        /**
-         * Dictionary class with basic partitioning in terms of a single
-         * interval of fixed size known to all MPI ranks for two-stage index
-         * lookup.
-         */
-        struct Dictionary
-        {
-          /**
-           * The minimum grain size for the intervals.
-           *
-           * We choose to limit the smallest size an interval for the
-           * two-stage lookup can have with the following two conflicting
-           * goals in mind: On the one hand, we do not want intervals in the
-           * dictionary to become too short. For uneven distributions of
-           * unknowns (some ranks with several thousands of unknowns, others
-           * with none), the lookup DoFs -> dictionary then involves sending
-           * from one MPI rank to many other MPI ranks holding dictionary
-           * intervals, leading to an exceedingly high number of messages some
-           * ranks have to send. Also, fewer longer intervals are generally
-           * more efficient to look up. On the other hand, a range size too
-           * large leads to opposite effect of many messages that come into a
-           * particular dictionary owner in the lookup DoFs ->
-           * dictionary. With the current setting, we get at most 64 messages
-           * coming to a single MPI rank in case there is 1 dof per MPI rank,
-           * which is reasonably low. At the same time, uneven distributions
-           * up to factors of 4096 can be handled with at most 64 messages as
-           * well.
-           */
-          static constexpr unsigned int range_minimum_grain_size = 64;
-          /**
-           * Factor that determines if an index set is sparse or not. An index
-           * set if sparse if less than 25% of the indices are owned by any
-           * process. If the index set is sparse, we switch the internal storage
-           * from a fast storage (vector) to a memory-efficient storage (map).
-           */
-          static constexpr unsigned int sparsity_factor = 4;
-          /**
-           * A vector with as many entries as there are dofs in the dictionary
-           * of the current process, and each entry containing the rank of the
-           * owner of that dof in the IndexSet `owned_indices`. This is
-           * queried in the index lookup, so we keep an expanded list.
-           */
-          FlexibleIndexStorage actually_owning_ranks;
-          /**
-           * A sorted vector containing the MPI ranks appearing in
-           * `actually_owning_ranks`.
-           */
-          std::vector<unsigned int> actually_owning_rank_list;
-          /**
-           * The number of unknowns in the dictionary for on each MPI rank
-           * used for the index space splitting. For simplicity of index
-           * lookup without additional communication, this number is the same
-           * on all MPI ranks.
-           */
-          types::global_dof_index dofs_per_process;
-          /**
-           * The local range of the global index space that is represented in
-           * the dictionary, computed from `dofs_per_process`, the current
-           * MPI rank, and range_minimum_grain_size.
-           */
-          std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>
-            local_range;
-          /**
-           * The actual size, computed as the minimum of dofs_per_process and
-           * the possible end of the index space. Equivalent to
-           * `local_range.second - local_range.first`.
-           */
-          types::global_dof_index locally_owned_size;
-          /**
-           * The global size of the index space.
-           */
-          types::global_dof_index size;
-          /**
-           * The number of ranks the `owned_indices` IndexSet is distributed
-           * among.
-           */
-          unsigned int n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices;
-          /**
-           * A stride to distribute the work more evenly over MPI ranks in
-           * case the grain size forces us to have fewer ranges than we have
-           * processes.
-           */
-          unsigned int stride_small_size;
-          /**
-           * Set up the dictionary by computing the partitioning from the
-           * global size and sending the rank information on locally owned
-           * ranges to the owner of the dictionary part.
-           */
-          void
-          reinit(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm comm);
-          /**
-           * Translate a global dof index to the MPI rank in the dictionary
-           * using `dofs_per_process`. We multiply by `stride_small_size` to
-           * ensure a balance over the MPI ranks due to the grain size.
-           */
-          unsigned int
-          dof_to_dict_rank(const types::global_dof_index i);
-          /**
-           * Given an MPI rank id of an arbitrary process, return the index
-           * offset where the local range of that process begins.
-           */
-          types::global_dof_index
-          get_index_offset(const unsigned int rank);
-          /**
-           * Given the rank in the owned indices from `actually_owning_ranks`,
-           * this returns the index of the rank in the
-           * `actually_owning_rank_list`.
-           */
-          unsigned int
-          get_owning_rank_index(const unsigned int rank_in_owned_indices,
-                                const unsigned int guess = 0);
-        private:
-          /**
-           * Compute the partition from the global size of the index space and
-           * the number of ranks.
-           */
-          void
-          partition(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm comm);
-        };
-        /**
-         * Specialization of ConsensusAlgorithms::Process for the context of
-         * Utilities::MPI::compute_index_owner() and
-         * Utilities::MPI::Partitioner::set_ghost_indices() with additional
-         * payload.
-         */
-        class ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload
-          : public ConsensusAlgorithms::Process<
-              std::vector<
-                std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>,
-              std::vector<unsigned int>>
-        {
-        public:
-          /**
-           * Constructor.
-           */
-          ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload(const IndexSet &owned_indices,
-                                     const IndexSet &indices_to_look_up,
-                                     const MPI_Comm  comm,
-                                     std::vector<unsigned int> &owning_ranks,
-                                     const bool track_index_requesters = false);
-          /**
-           * The index space which describes the locally owned space.
-           */
-          const IndexSet &owned_indices;
-          /**
-           * The indices which are "ghosts" on a given rank and should be
-           * looked up in terms of their owner rank from owned_indices.
-           */
-          const IndexSet &indices_to_look_up;
-          /**
-           * The underlying MPI communicator.
-           */
-          const MPI_Comm comm;
-          /**
-           * The present MPI rank.
-           */
-          const unsigned int my_rank;
-          /**
-           * The total number of ranks participating in the MPI communicator
-           * `comm`.
-           */
-          const unsigned int n_procs;
-          /**
-           * Controls whether we should record a list of ranks who sent
-           * requests to the present MPI process when looking up their remote
-           * indices, and what those indices were. If true, it will be added
-           * into `requesters` and can be queried by `get_requesters()`.
-           */
-          const bool track_index_requesters;
-          /**
-           * The result of the index owner computation: To each index
-           * contained in `indices_to_look_up`, this vector contains the MPI
-           * rank of the owner in `owned_indices`.
-           */
-          std::vector<unsigned int> &owning_ranks;
-          /**
-           * Keeps track of the origin of the requests. The layout of the data
-           * structure is as follows: The outermost vector has as many entries
-           * as Dictionary::actually_owning_rank_list and represents the
-           * information we should send back to the owners from the present
-           * dictionary entry. The second vector then collects a list of MPI
-           * ranks that have requested data, using the rank in the first pair
-           * entry and a list of index ranges as the second entry.
-           */
-          std::vector<std::vector<
-            std::pair<unsigned int,
-                      std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
-                                            types::global_dof_index>>>>>
-            requesters;
-          /**
-           * The dictionary handling the requests.
-           */
-          Dictionary dict;
-          /**
-           * Array to collect the indices to look up (first vector) and their
-           * local index among indices (second vector), sorted by the rank in
-           * the dictionary.
-           */
-          std::map<unsigned int,
-                   std::pair<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>,
-                             std::vector<unsigned int>>>
-            indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank;
-          /**
-           * Implementation of
-           * Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::Process::answer_request(),
-           * adding the owner of a particular index in request_buffer (and
-           * keeping track of who requested a particular index in case that
-           * information is also desired).
-           */
-          virtual void
-          answer_request(
-            const unsigned int                                     other_rank,
-            const std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
-                                        types::global_dof_index>> &buffer_recv,
-            std::vector<unsigned int> &request_buffer) override;
-          /**
-           * Implementation of
-           * Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::Process::compute_targets().
-           */
-          virtual std::vector<unsigned int>
-          compute_targets() override;
-          /**
-           * Implementation of
-           * Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::Process::create_request().
-           */
-          virtual void
-          create_request(const unsigned int other_rank,
-                         std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
-                                               types::global_dof_index>>
-                           &send_buffer) override;
-          /**
-           * Implementation of
-           * Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::Process::read_answer().
-           */
-          virtual void
-          read_answer(const unsigned int               other_rank,
-                      const std::vector<unsigned int> &recv_buffer) override;
-          /**
-           * Resolve the origin of the requests by sending the information
-           * accumulated in terms of the dictionary owners during the run of
-           * the consensus algorithm back to the owner in the original
-           * IndexSet. This requires some point-to-point communication.
-           *
-           * @return Map of processes and associated sets of indices
-           *         that are requested from the current rank. In
-           *         other words, this function returns for each rank
-           *         that has requested information about indices
-           *         owned by the current which indices it has
-           *         requested about; the values of the map are
-           *         therefore all subsets of the owned set of
-           *         indices.
-           */
-          std::map<unsigned int, IndexSet>
-          get_requesters();
-        private:
-          /**
-           * Stores the index request in the `requesters` field. Given the
-           * rank of the owner, we start with a guess for the index at the
-           * owner's site. This is because we typically might look up on the
-           * same rank several times in a row, hence avoiding the binary
-           * search in Dictionary::get_owning_rank_index()). Once we know the
-           * index at the owner, we fill the vector entry with the rank of the
-           * request. Here, we utilize the fact that requests are processed
-           * rank-by-rank, so we can simply look at the end of the vector
-           * whether there is already some data stored or not. Finally, we
-           * build ranges, again using that the index list is sorted and we
-           * therefore only need to append at the end.
-           */
-          void
-          append_index_origin(
-            const types::global_dof_index index_within_dictionary,
-            const unsigned int            rank_of_request,
-            const unsigned int            rank_of_owner,
-            unsigned int                 &owner_index_guess);
-        };
-        /* ------------------------- inline functions ----------------------- */
-        inline unsigned int
-        Dictionary::dof_to_dict_rank(const types::global_dof_index i)
-        {
-          // note: this formula is also explicitly used in
-          // get_index_offset(), so keep the two in sync
-          return (i / dofs_per_process) * stride_small_size;
-        }
-        inline types::global_dof_index
-        Dictionary::get_index_offset(const unsigned int rank)
-        {
-          return std::min(dofs_per_process *
-                            static_cast<types::global_dof_index>(
-                              (rank + stride_small_size - 1) /
-                              stride_small_size),
-                          size);
-        }
-        inline unsigned int
-        Dictionary::get_owning_rank_index(
-          const unsigned int rank_in_owned_indices,
-          const unsigned int guess)
-        {
-          AssertIndexRange(guess, actually_owning_rank_list.size());
-          if (actually_owning_rank_list[guess] == rank_in_owned_indices)
-            return guess;
-          else
-            {
-              auto it = std::lower_bound(actually_owning_rank_list.begin(),
-                                         actually_owning_rank_list.end(),
-                                         rank_in_owned_indices);
-              Assert(it != actually_owning_rank_list.end(), ExcInternalError());
-              Assert(*it == rank_in_owned_indices, ExcInternalError());
-              return it - actually_owning_rank_list.begin();
-            }
-        }
-      } // namespace ComputeIndexOwner
-    }   // namespace internal
-  }     // namespace MPI
+    {} // namespace internal
+  }    // namespace MPI
 } // namespace Utilities
index 9aa0c4c6d49b025adc411ed08772e83e55dc16ef..ba1a3b70d82b90f5e850167fd6b0965c0d04f1fe 100644 (file)
@@ -693,6 +693,1121 @@ namespace Utilities
+    namespace
+    {
+      /**
+       * An internal namespace used for Utilities::MPI::compute_index_owner()
+       * and for Utilities::MPI::Partitioner::set_ghost_indices().
+       */
+      namespace ComputeIndexOwner
+      {
+        class FlexibleIndexStorage
+        {
+        public:
+          using index_type = unsigned int;
+          static const index_type invalid_index_value =
+            numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+          FlexibleIndexStorage(const bool use_vector = true);
+          void
+          reinit(const bool        use_vector,
+                 const bool        index_range_contiguous,
+                 const std::size_t size);
+          void
+          fill(const std::size_t start,
+               const std::size_t end,
+               const index_type &value);
+          index_type &
+          operator[](const std::size_t index);
+          index_type
+          operator[](const std::size_t index) const;
+          bool
+          entry_has_been_set(const std::size_t index) const;
+        private:
+          bool                              use_vector;
+          std::size_t                       size;
+          std::vector<index_type>           data;
+          std::map<std::size_t, index_type> data_map;
+        };
+        /**
+         * Dictionary class with basic partitioning in terms of a single
+         * interval of fixed size known to all MPI ranks for two-stage index
+         * lookup.
+         */
+        struct Dictionary
+        {
+          /**
+           * The minimum grain size for the intervals.
+           *
+           * We choose to limit the smallest size an interval for the
+           * two-stage lookup can have with the following two conflicting
+           * goals in mind: On the one hand, we do not want intervals in the
+           * dictionary to become too short. For uneven distributions of
+           * unknowns (some ranks with several thousands of unknowns, others
+           * with none), the lookup DoFs -> dictionary then involves sending
+           * from one MPI rank to many other MPI ranks holding dictionary
+           * intervals, leading to an exceedingly high number of messages some
+           * ranks have to send. Also, fewer longer intervals are generally
+           * more efficient to look up. On the other hand, a range size too
+           * large leads to opposite effect of many messages that come into a
+           * particular dictionary owner in the lookup DoFs ->
+           * dictionary. With the current setting, we get at most 64 messages
+           * coming to a single MPI rank in case there is 1 dof per MPI rank,
+           * which is reasonably low. At the same time, uneven distributions
+           * up to factors of 4096 can be handled with at most 64 messages as
+           * well.
+           */
+          static constexpr unsigned int range_minimum_grain_size = 64;
+          /**
+           * Factor that determines if an index set is sparse or not. An index
+           * set if sparse if less than 25% of the indices are owned by any
+           * process. If the index set is sparse, we switch the internal storage
+           * from a fast storage (vector) to a memory-efficient storage (map).
+           */
+          static constexpr unsigned int sparsity_factor = 4;
+          /**
+           * A vector with as many entries as there are dofs in the dictionary
+           * of the current process, and each entry containing the rank of the
+           * owner of that dof in the IndexSet `owned_indices`. This is
+           * queried in the index lookup, so we keep an expanded list.
+           */
+          FlexibleIndexStorage actually_owning_ranks;
+          /**
+           * A sorted vector containing the MPI ranks appearing in
+           * `actually_owning_ranks`.
+           */
+          std::vector<unsigned int> actually_owning_rank_list;
+          /**
+           * The number of unknowns in the dictionary for on each MPI rank
+           * used for the index space splitting. For simplicity of index
+           * lookup without additional communication, this number is the same
+           * on all MPI ranks.
+           */
+          types::global_dof_index dofs_per_process;
+          /**
+           * The local range of the global index space that is represented in
+           * the dictionary, computed from `dofs_per_process`, the current
+           * MPI rank, and range_minimum_grain_size.
+           */
+          std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>
+            local_range;
+          /**
+           * The actual size, computed as the minimum of dofs_per_process and
+           * the possible end of the index space. Equivalent to
+           * `local_range.second - local_range.first`.
+           */
+          types::global_dof_index locally_owned_size;
+          /**
+           * The global size of the index space.
+           */
+          types::global_dof_index size;
+          /**
+           * The number of ranks the `owned_indices` IndexSet is distributed
+           * among.
+           */
+          unsigned int n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices;
+          /**
+           * A stride to distribute the work more evenly over MPI ranks in
+           * case the grain size forces us to have fewer ranges than we have
+           * processes.
+           */
+          unsigned int stride_small_size;
+          /**
+           * Set up the dictionary by computing the partitioning from the
+           * global size and sending the rank information on locally owned
+           * ranges to the owner of the dictionary part.
+           */
+          void
+          reinit(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm comm);
+          /**
+           * Translate a global dof index to the MPI rank in the dictionary
+           * using `dofs_per_process`. We multiply by `stride_small_size` to
+           * ensure a balance over the MPI ranks due to the grain size.
+           */
+          unsigned int
+          dof_to_dict_rank(const types::global_dof_index i);
+          /**
+           * Given an MPI rank id of an arbitrary process, return the index
+           * offset where the local range of that process begins.
+           */
+          types::global_dof_index
+          get_index_offset(const unsigned int rank);
+          /**
+           * Given the rank in the owned indices from `actually_owning_ranks`,
+           * this returns the index of the rank in the
+           * `actually_owning_rank_list`.
+           */
+          unsigned int
+          get_owning_rank_index(const unsigned int rank_in_owned_indices,
+                                const unsigned int guess = 0);
+        private:
+          /**
+           * Compute the partition from the global size of the index space and
+           * the number of ranks.
+           */
+          void
+          partition(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm comm);
+        };
+        /**
+         * Specialization of ConsensusAlgorithms::Process for the context of
+         * Utilities::MPI::compute_index_owner() and
+         * Utilities::MPI::Partitioner::set_ghost_indices() with additional
+         * payload.
+         */
+        class ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload
+          : public ConsensusAlgorithms::Process<
+              std::vector<
+                std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>,
+              std::vector<unsigned int>>
+        {
+        public:
+          /**
+           * Constructor.
+           */
+          ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload(const IndexSet &owned_indices,
+                                     const IndexSet &indices_to_look_up,
+                                     const MPI_Comm  comm,
+                                     std::vector<unsigned int> &owning_ranks,
+                                     const bool track_index_requesters = false);
+          /**
+           * The index space which describes the locally owned space.
+           */
+          const IndexSet &owned_indices;
+          /**
+           * The indices which are "ghosts" on a given rank and should be
+           * looked up in terms of their owner rank from owned_indices.
+           */
+          const IndexSet &indices_to_look_up;
+          /**
+           * The underlying MPI communicator.
+           */
+          const MPI_Comm comm;
+          /**
+           * The present MPI rank.
+           */
+          const unsigned int my_rank;
+          /**
+           * The total number of ranks participating in the MPI communicator
+           * `comm`.
+           */
+          const unsigned int n_procs;
+          /**
+           * Controls whether we should record a list of ranks who sent
+           * requests to the present MPI process when looking up their remote
+           * indices, and what those indices were. If true, it will be added
+           * into `requesters` and can be queried by `get_requesters()`.
+           */
+          const bool track_index_requesters;
+          /**
+           * The result of the index owner computation: To each index
+           * contained in `indices_to_look_up`, this vector contains the MPI
+           * rank of the owner in `owned_indices`.
+           */
+          std::vector<unsigned int> &owning_ranks;
+          /**
+           * Keeps track of the origin of the requests. The layout of the data
+           * structure is as follows: The outermost vector has as many entries
+           * as Dictionary::actually_owning_rank_list and represents the
+           * information we should send back to the owners from the present
+           * dictionary entry. The second vector then collects a list of MPI
+           * ranks that have requested data, using the rank in the first pair
+           * entry and a list of index ranges as the second entry.
+           */
+          std::vector<std::vector<
+            std::pair<unsigned int,
+                      std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
+                                            types::global_dof_index>>>>>
+            requesters;
+          /**
+           * The dictionary handling the requests.
+           */
+          Dictionary dict;
+          /**
+           * Array to collect the indices to look up (first vector) and their
+           * local index among indices (second vector), sorted by the rank in
+           * the dictionary.
+           */
+          std::map<unsigned int,
+                   std::pair<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>,
+                             std::vector<unsigned int>>>
+            indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank;
+          /**
+           * Implementation of
+           * Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::Process::answer_request(),
+           * adding the owner of a particular index in request_buffer (and
+           * keeping track of who requested a particular index in case that
+           * information is also desired).
+           */
+          virtual void
+          answer_request(
+            const unsigned int                                     other_rank,
+            const std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
+                                        types::global_dof_index>> &buffer_recv,
+            std::vector<unsigned int> &request_buffer) override;
+          /**
+           * Implementation of
+           * Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::Process::compute_targets().
+           */
+          virtual std::vector<unsigned int>
+          compute_targets() override;
+          /**
+           * Implementation of
+           * Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::Process::create_request().
+           */
+          virtual void
+          create_request(const unsigned int other_rank,
+                         std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
+                                               types::global_dof_index>>
+                           &send_buffer) override;
+          /**
+           * Implementation of
+           * Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::Process::read_answer().
+           */
+          virtual void
+          read_answer(const unsigned int               other_rank,
+                      const std::vector<unsigned int> &recv_buffer) override;
+          /**
+           * Resolve the origin of the requests by sending the information
+           * accumulated in terms of the dictionary owners during the run of
+           * the consensus algorithm back to the owner in the original
+           * IndexSet. This requires some point-to-point communication.
+           *
+           * @return Map of processes and associated sets of indices
+           *         that are requested from the current rank. In
+           *         other words, this function returns for each rank
+           *         that has requested information about indices
+           *         owned by the current which indices it has
+           *         requested about; the values of the map are
+           *         therefore all subsets of the owned set of
+           *         indices.
+           */
+          std::map<unsigned int, IndexSet>
+          get_requesters();
+        private:
+          /**
+           * Stores the index request in the `requesters` field. Given the
+           * rank of the owner, we start with a guess for the index at the
+           * owner's site. This is because we typically might look up on the
+           * same rank several times in a row, hence avoiding the binary
+           * search in Dictionary::get_owning_rank_index()). Once we know the
+           * index at the owner, we fill the vector entry with the rank of the
+           * request. Here, we utilize the fact that requests are processed
+           * rank-by-rank, so we can simply look at the end of the vector
+           * whether there is already some data stored or not. Finally, we
+           * build ranges, again using that the index list is sorted and we
+           * therefore only need to append at the end.
+           */
+          void
+          append_index_origin(
+            const types::global_dof_index index_within_dictionary,
+            const unsigned int            rank_of_request,
+            const unsigned int            rank_of_owner,
+            unsigned int                 &owner_index_guess);
+        };
+        /* ------------------------- inline functions ----------------------- */
+        inline unsigned int
+        Dictionary::dof_to_dict_rank(const types::global_dof_index i)
+        {
+          // note: this formula is also explicitly used in
+          // get_index_offset(), so keep the two in sync
+          return (i / dofs_per_process) * stride_small_size;
+        }
+        inline types::global_dof_index
+        Dictionary::get_index_offset(const unsigned int rank)
+        {
+          return std::min(dofs_per_process *
+                            static_cast<types::global_dof_index>(
+                              (rank + stride_small_size - 1) /
+                              stride_small_size),
+                          size);
+        }
+        inline unsigned int
+        Dictionary::get_owning_rank_index(
+          const unsigned int rank_in_owned_indices,
+          const unsigned int guess)
+        {
+          AssertIndexRange(guess, actually_owning_rank_list.size());
+          if (actually_owning_rank_list[guess] == rank_in_owned_indices)
+            return guess;
+          else
+            {
+              auto it = std::lower_bound(actually_owning_rank_list.begin(),
+                                         actually_owning_rank_list.end(),
+                                         rank_in_owned_indices);
+              Assert(it != actually_owning_rank_list.end(), ExcInternalError());
+              Assert(*it == rank_in_owned_indices, ExcInternalError());
+              return it - actually_owning_rank_list.begin();
+            }
+        }
+        const FlexibleIndexStorage::index_type
+          FlexibleIndexStorage::invalid_index_value;
+        FlexibleIndexStorage::FlexibleIndexStorage(const bool use_vector)
+          : use_vector(use_vector)
+          , size(0)
+        {}
+        void
+        FlexibleIndexStorage::reinit(const bool        use_vector,
+                                     const bool        index_range_contiguous,
+                                     const std::size_t size)
+        {
+          this->use_vector = use_vector;
+          this->size       = size;
+          data = {};
+          data_map.clear();
+          // in case we have contiguous indices, only fill the vector upon
+          // first request in `fill`
+          if (use_vector && !index_range_contiguous)
+            data.resize(size, invalid_index_value);
+        }
+        void
+        FlexibleIndexStorage::fill(
+          const std::size_t                       start,
+          const std::size_t                       end,
+          const FlexibleIndexStorage::index_type &value)
+        {
+          AssertIndexRange(start, size);
+          AssertIndexRange(end, size + 1);
+          if (use_vector)
+            {
+              if (data.empty() && end > start)
+                {
+                  // in debug mode, we want to track whether we set all
+                  // indices, so we first fill an invalid index and only later
+                  // the actual ones, whereas we simply assign the given rank
+                  // to the complete vector the first time we pass around in
+                  // this function in release mode to avoid touching data
+                  // unnecessarily (and overwrite the smaller pieces), as the
+                  // locally owned part comes first
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                  data.resize(size, invalid_index_value);
+                  std::fill(data.begin() + start, data.begin() + end, value);
+                  data.resize(size, value);
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  AssertDimension(data.size(), size);
+                  std::fill(data.begin() + start, data.begin() + end, value);
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              for (auto i = start; i < end; ++i)
+                data_map[i] = value;
+            }
+        }
+        FlexibleIndexStorage::index_type &
+        FlexibleIndexStorage::operator[](const std::size_t index)
+        {
+          AssertIndexRange(index, size);
+          if (use_vector)
+            {
+              AssertDimension(data.size(), size);
+              return data[index];
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              return data_map.try_emplace(index, invalid_index_value)
+                .first->second;
+            }
+        }
+        bool
+        FlexibleIndexStorage::entry_has_been_set(const std::size_t index) const
+        {
+          AssertIndexRange(index, size);
+          if (use_vector)
+            {
+              if (data.empty())
+                return false;
+              AssertDimension(data.size(), size);
+              return data[index] != invalid_index_value;
+            }
+          else
+            return data_map.find(index) != data_map.end();
+        }
+        void
+        Dictionary::reinit(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm comm)
+        {
+          // 1) set up the partition
+          this->partition(owned_indices, comm);
+          unsigned int my_rank = this_mpi_process(comm);
+          types::global_dof_index dic_local_received = 0;
+          std::map<unsigned int,
+                   std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
+                                         types::global_dof_index>>>
+            buffers;
+          const auto owned_indices_size_actual =
+            Utilities::MPI::sum(owned_indices.n_elements(), comm);
+          actually_owning_ranks.reinit((owned_indices_size_actual *
+                                        sparsity_factor) > owned_indices.size(),
+                                       owned_indices_size_actual ==
+                                         owned_indices.size(),
+                                       locally_owned_size);
+          // 2) collect relevant processes and process local dict entries
+          for (auto interval = owned_indices.begin_intervals();
+               interval != owned_indices.end_intervals();
+               ++interval)
+            {
+              // Due to the granularity of the dictionary, the interval
+              // might be split into several ranges of processor owner
+              // ranks. Here, we process the interval by breaking into
+              // smaller pieces in terms of the dictionary number.
+              std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>
+                index_range(*interval->begin(), interval->last() + 1);
+              AssertThrow(index_range.second <= size, ExcInternalError());
+              while (index_range.first != index_range.second)
+                {
+                  Assert(index_range.first < index_range.second,
+                         ExcInternalError());
+                  const unsigned int owner =
+                    dof_to_dict_rank(index_range.first);
+                  // this explicitly picks up the formula of
+                  // dof_to_dict_rank, so the two places must be in sync
+                  const types::global_dof_index next_index =
+                    std::min(get_index_offset(owner + 1), index_range.second);
+                  Assert(next_index > index_range.first, ExcInternalError());
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                  // make sure that the owner is the same on the current
+                  // interval
+                  for (types::global_dof_index i = index_range.first + 1;
+                       i < next_index;
+                       ++i)
+                    AssertDimension(owner, dof_to_dict_rank(i));
+                  // add the interval, either to the local range or into a
+                  // buffer to be sent to another processor
+                  if (owner == my_rank)
+                    {
+                      actually_owning_ranks.fill(index_range.first -
+                                                   local_range.first,
+                                                 next_index - local_range.first,
+                                                 my_rank);
+                      dic_local_received += next_index - index_range.first;
+                      if (actually_owning_rank_list.empty())
+                        actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(my_rank);
+                    }
+                  else
+                    buffers[owner].emplace_back(index_range.first, next_index);
+                  index_range.first = next_index;
+                }
+            }
+          n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices = buffers.size();
+          std::vector<MPI_Request> request;
+          // Check if index set space is partitioned globally without gaps.
+          if (owned_indices_size_actual == owned_indices.size())
+            {
+              // no gaps: setup is simple! Processes send their locally owned
+              // indices to the dictionary. The dictionary stores the sending
+              // rank for each index. The dictionary knows exactly
+              // when it is set up when all indices it is responsible for
+              // have been processed.
+              request.reserve(n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices);
+              // protect the following communication steps using a mutex:
+              static CollectiveMutex      mutex;
+              CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex, comm);
+              const int mpi_tag =
+                Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::dictionary_reinit;
+              // 3) send messages with local dofs to the right dict process
+              for (const auto &rank_pair : buffers)
+                {
+                  request.push_back(MPI_Request());
+                  const int ierr = MPI_Isend(rank_pair.second.data(),
+                                             rank_pair.second.size() * 2,
+                                             DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE,
+                                             rank_pair.first,
+                                             mpi_tag,
+                                             comm,
+                                             &request.back());
+                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                }
+              // 4) receive messages until all dofs in dict are processed
+              while (this->locally_owned_size != dic_local_received)
+                {
+                  // wait for an incoming message
+                  MPI_Status status;
+                  int ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, mpi_tag, comm, &status);
+                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                  // retrieve size of incoming message
+                  int number_amount;
+                  ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status,
+                                       DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE,
+                                       &number_amount);
+                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                  const auto other_rank = status.MPI_SOURCE;
+                  actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(other_rank);
+                  // receive message
+                  Assert(number_amount % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
+                  std::vector<
+                    std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>
+                    buffer(number_amount / 2);
+                  ierr = MPI_Recv(buffer.data(),
+                                  number_amount,
+                                  DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE,
+                                  status.MPI_SOURCE,
+                                  status.MPI_TAG,
+                                  comm,
+                                  MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
+                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                  // process message: loop over all intervals
+                  for (auto interval : buffer)
+                    {
+#  ifdef DEBUG
+                      for (types::global_dof_index i = interval.first;
+                           i < interval.second;
+                           i++)
+                        Assert(actually_owning_ranks.entry_has_been_set(
+                                 i - local_range.first) == false,
+                               ExcInternalError());
+                      Assert(interval.first >= local_range.first &&
+                               interval.first < local_range.second,
+                             ExcInternalError());
+                      Assert(interval.second > local_range.first &&
+                               interval.second <= local_range.second,
+                             ExcInternalError());
+#  endif
+                      actually_owning_ranks.fill(interval.first -
+                                                   local_range.first,
+                                                 interval.second -
+                                                   local_range.first,
+                                                 other_rank);
+                      dic_local_received += interval.second - interval.first;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              // with gap: use a ConsensusAlgorithm to determine when all
+              // dictionaries have been set up.
+              // 3/4) use a ConsensusAlgorithm to send messages with local
+              // dofs to the right dict process
+              using RequestType = std::vector<
+                std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>;
+              ConsensusAlgorithms::selector<RequestType>(
+                /* targets = */
+                [&buffers]() {
+                  std::vector<unsigned int> targets;
+                  targets.reserve(buffers.size());
+                  for (const auto &rank_pair : buffers)
+                    targets.emplace_back(rank_pair.first);
+                  return targets;
+                }(),
+                /* create_request = */
+                [&buffers](const unsigned int target_rank) -> RequestType {
+                  return buffers.at(target_rank);
+                },
+                /* process_request = */
+                [&](const unsigned int source_rank,
+                    const RequestType &request) -> void {
+                  // process message: loop over all intervals
+                  for (auto interval : request)
+                    {
+#  ifdef DEBUG
+                      for (types::global_dof_index i = interval.first;
+                           i < interval.second;
+                           i++)
+                        Assert(
+                          actually_owning_ranks.entry_has_been_set(
+                            i - local_range.first) == false,
+                          ExcMessage(
+                            "Multiple processes seem to own the same global index. "
+                            "A possible reason is that the sets of locally owned "
+                            "indices are not distinct."));
+                      Assert(interval.first < interval.second,
+                             ExcInternalError());
+                      Assert(
+                        local_range.first <= interval.first &&
+                          interval.second <= local_range.second,
+                        ExcMessage(
+                          "The specified interval is not handled by the current process."));
+#  endif
+                      actually_owning_ranks.fill(interval.first -
+                                                   local_range.first,
+                                                 interval.second -
+                                                   local_range.first,
+                                                 source_rank);
+                    }
+                  actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(source_rank);
+                },
+                comm);
+            }
+          std::sort(actually_owning_rank_list.begin(),
+                    actually_owning_rank_list.end());
+          for (unsigned int i = 1; i < actually_owning_rank_list.size(); ++i)
+            Assert(actually_owning_rank_list[i] >
+                     actually_owning_rank_list[i - 1],
+                   ExcInternalError());
+          // 5) make sure that all messages have been sent
+          if (request.size() > 0)
+            {
+              const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(request.size(),
+                                           request.data(),
+                                           MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
+              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+            }
+          Assert(buffers.empty(), ExcInternalError());
+          (void)comm;
+          (void)dic_local_received;
+        }
+        void
+        Dictionary::partition(const IndexSet &owned_indices,
+                              const MPI_Comm  comm)
+        {
+          const unsigned int n_procs = n_mpi_processes(comm);
+          const unsigned int my_rank = this_mpi_process(comm);
+          size = owned_indices.size();
+          Assert(size > 0, ExcNotImplemented());
+          dofs_per_process =
+            std::max<types::global_dof_index>((size + n_procs - 1) / n_procs,
+                                              range_minimum_grain_size);
+          stride_small_size =
+            std::max<unsigned int>(dofs_per_process * n_procs / size, 1);
+          local_range.first  = get_index_offset(my_rank);
+          local_range.second = get_index_offset(my_rank + 1);
+          locally_owned_size = local_range.second - local_range.first;
+        }
+        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload(
+          const IndexSet            &owned_indices,
+          const IndexSet            &indices_to_look_up,
+          const MPI_Comm             comm,
+          std::vector<unsigned int> &owning_ranks,
+          const bool                 track_index_requesters)
+          : owned_indices(owned_indices)
+          , indices_to_look_up(indices_to_look_up)
+          , comm(comm)
+          , my_rank(this_mpi_process(comm))
+          , n_procs(n_mpi_processes(comm))
+          , track_index_requesters(track_index_requesters)
+          , owning_ranks(owning_ranks)
+        {
+          dict.reinit(owned_indices, comm);
+          requesters.resize(dict.actually_owning_rank_list.size());
+        }
+        void
+        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::answer_request(
+          const unsigned int                                     other_rank,
+          const std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
+                                      types::global_dof_index>> &buffer_recv,
+          std::vector<unsigned int>                             &request_buffer)
+        {
+          unsigned int owner_index_guess = 0;
+          for (const auto &interval : buffer_recv)
+            for (auto i = interval.first; i < interval.second; ++i)
+              {
+                const unsigned int actual_owner =
+                  dict.actually_owning_ranks[i - dict.local_range.first];
+                request_buffer.push_back(actual_owner);
+                if (track_index_requesters)
+                  append_index_origin(i - dict.local_range.first,
+                                      other_rank,
+                                      actual_owner,
+                                      owner_index_guess);
+              }
+        }
+        std::vector<unsigned int>
+        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::compute_targets()
+        {
+          std::vector<unsigned int> targets;
+          indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank.clear();
+          unsigned int index             = 0;
+          unsigned int owner_index_guess = 0;
+          for (auto i : indices_to_look_up)
+            {
+              unsigned int other_rank = dict.dof_to_dict_rank(i);
+              if (other_rank == my_rank)
+                {
+                  owning_ranks[index] =
+                    dict.actually_owning_ranks[i - dict.local_range.first];
+                  if (track_index_requesters)
+                    append_index_origin(i - dict.local_range.first,
+                                        my_rank,
+                                        owning_ranks[index],
+                                        owner_index_guess);
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  if (targets.empty() || targets.back() != other_rank)
+                    targets.push_back(other_rank);
+                  auto &indices = indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank[other_rank];
+                  indices.first.push_back(i);
+                  indices.second.push_back(index);
+                }
+              ++index;
+            }
+          Assert(targets.size() == indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank.size(),
+                 ExcMessage("Size does not match!"));
+          return targets;
+        }
+        void
+        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::create_request(
+          const unsigned int                               other_rank,
+          std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
+                                types::global_dof_index>> &send_buffer)
+        {
+          // create index set and compress data to be sent
+          auto &indices_i = indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank[other_rank].first;
+          IndexSet is(dict.size);
+          is.add_indices(indices_i.begin(), indices_i.end());
+          is.compress();
+          for (auto interval = is.begin_intervals();
+               interval != is.end_intervals();
+               ++interval)
+            send_buffer.emplace_back(*interval->begin(), interval->last() + 1);
+        }
+        void
+        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::read_answer(
+          const unsigned int               other_rank,
+          const std::vector<unsigned int> &recv_buffer)
+        {
+          const auto &recv_indices =
+            indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank[other_rank].second;
+          AssertDimension(recv_indices.size(), recv_buffer.size());
+          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < recv_indices.size(); ++j)
+            owning_ranks[recv_indices[j]] = recv_buffer[j];
+        }
+        std::map<unsigned int, IndexSet>
+        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::get_requesters()
+        {
+          Assert(track_index_requesters,
+                 ExcMessage("Must enable index range tracking in "
+                            "constructor of ConsensusAlgorithmProcess"));
+          std::map<unsigned int, dealii::IndexSet> requested_indices;
+          static CollectiveMutex      mutex;
+          CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex, comm);
+          const int mpi_tag = Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::
+            consensus_algorithm_payload_get_requesters;
+          // reserve enough slots for the requests ahead; depending on
+          // whether the owning rank is one of the requesters or not, we
+          // might have one less requests to execute, so fill the requests
+          // on demand.
+          std::vector<MPI_Request> send_requests;
+          send_requests.reserve(requesters.size());
+          // We use an integer vector for the data exchange. Since we send
+          // data associated to intervals with different requesters, we will
+          // need to send (a) the MPI rank of the requester, (b) the number
+          // of intervals directed to this requester, and (c) a list of
+          // intervals, i.e., two integers per interval. The number of items
+          // sent in total can be deduced both via the MPI status message at
+          // the receiver site as well as be counting the buckets from
+          // different requesters.
+          std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>> send_data(
+            requesters.size());
+          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < requesters.size(); ++i)
+            {
+              // special code for our own indices
+              if (dict.actually_owning_rank_list[i] == my_rank)
+                {
+                  for (const auto &j : requesters[i])
+                    {
+                      const types::global_dof_index index_offset =
+                        dict.get_index_offset(my_rank);
+                      IndexSet &my_index_set = requested_indices[j.first];
+                      my_index_set.set_size(owned_indices.size());
+                      for (const auto &interval : j.second)
+                        my_index_set.add_range(index_offset + interval.first,
+                                               index_offset + interval.second);
+                    }
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  for (const auto &j : requesters[i])
+                    {
+                      send_data[i].push_back(j.first);
+                      send_data[i].push_back(j.second.size());
+                      for (const auto &interval : j.second)
+                        {
+                          send_data[i].push_back(interval.first);
+                          send_data[i].push_back(interval.second);
+                        }
+                    }
+                  send_requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
+                  const int ierr =
+                    MPI_Isend(send_data[i].data(),
+                              send_data[i].size(),
+                              Utilities::MPI::mpi_type_id_for_type<
+                                types::global_dof_index>,
+                              dict.actually_owning_rank_list[i],
+                              mpi_tag,
+                              comm,
+                              &send_requests.back());
+                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+                }
+            }
+          // receive the data
+          for (unsigned int c = 0; c < dict.n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices; ++c)
+            {
+              // wait for an incoming message
+              MPI_Status status;
+              int ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, mpi_tag, comm, &status);
+              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+              // retrieve size of incoming message
+              int number_amount;
+              ierr = MPI_Get_count(
+                &status,
+                Utilities::MPI::mpi_type_id_for_type<types::global_dof_index>,
+                &number_amount);
+              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+              // receive message
+              Assert(number_amount % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
+              std::vector<
+                std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>
+                buffer(number_amount / 2);
+              ierr = MPI_Recv(
+                buffer.data(),
+                number_amount,
+                Utilities::MPI::mpi_type_id_for_type<types::global_dof_index>,
+                status.MPI_SOURCE,
+                status.MPI_TAG,
+                comm,
+                &status);
+              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+              // unpack the message and translate the dictionary-local
+              // indices coming via MPI to the global index range
+              const types::global_dof_index index_offset =
+                dict.get_index_offset(status.MPI_SOURCE);
+              unsigned int offset = 0;
+              while (offset < buffer.size())
+                {
+                  AssertIndexRange(offset + buffer[offset].second,
+                                   buffer.size());
+                  IndexSet my_index_set(owned_indices.size());
+                  for (unsigned int i = offset + 1;
+                       i < offset + buffer[offset].second + 1;
+                       ++i)
+                    my_index_set.add_range(index_offset + buffer[i].first,
+                                           index_offset + buffer[i].second);
+                  // the underlying index set is able to merge ranges coming
+                  // from different ranks due to the partitioning in the
+                  // dictionary
+                  IndexSet &index_set = requested_indices[buffer[offset].first];
+                  if (index_set.size() == 0)
+                    index_set.set_size(owned_indices.size());
+                  index_set.add_indices(my_index_set);
+                  offset += buffer[offset].second + 1;
+                }
+              AssertDimension(offset, buffer.size());
+            }
+          if (send_requests.size() > 0)
+            {
+              const auto ierr = MPI_Waitall(send_requests.size(),
+                                            send_requests.data(),
+                                            MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
+              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+            }
+#  ifdef DEBUG
+          for (const auto &it : requested_indices)
+            {
+              IndexSet copy_set = it.second;
+              copy_set.subtract_set(owned_indices);
+              Assert(copy_set.n_elements() == 0,
+                     ExcInternalError(
+                       "The indices requested from the current "
+                       "MPI rank should be locally owned here!"));
+            }
+#  endif
+#endif // DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
+          return requested_indices;
+        }
+        void
+        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::append_index_origin(
+          const types::global_dof_index index_within_dict,
+          const unsigned int            rank_of_request,
+          const unsigned int            rank_of_owner,
+          unsigned int                 &owner_index_guess)
+        {
+          // remember who requested which index. We want to use an
+          // std::vector with simple addressing, via a good guess from the
+          // preceding index, rather than std::map, because this is an inner
+          // loop and it avoids the map lookup in every iteration
+          owner_index_guess =
+            dict.get_owning_rank_index(rank_of_owner, owner_index_guess);
+          auto &request = requesters[owner_index_guess];
+          if (request.empty() || request.back().first != rank_of_request)
+            request.emplace_back(
+              rank_of_request,
+              std::vector<
+                std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>());
+          auto &intervals = request.back().second;
+          if (intervals.empty() || intervals.back().second != index_within_dict)
+            intervals.emplace_back(index_within_dict, index_within_dict + 1);
+          else
+            ++intervals.back().second;
+        }
+      } // namespace ComputeIndexOwner
+    }   // namespace
     std::vector<unsigned int>
     compute_index_owner(const IndexSet &owned_indices,
                         const IndexSet &indices_to_look_up,
@@ -712,7 +1827,7 @@ namespace Utilities
       // dictionary, the index set is statically repartitioned among the
       // processes again and extended with information with the actual owner
       // of that the index.
-      internal::ComputeIndexOwner::ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload process(
+      ComputeIndexOwner::ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload process(
@@ -754,7 +1869,7 @@ namespace Utilities
       // dictionary, the index set is statically repartitioned among the
       // processes again and extended with information with the actual owner
       // of that the index.
-      internal::ComputeIndexOwner::ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload process(
+      ComputeIndexOwner::ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload process(
         owned_indices, indices_to_look_up, comm, owning_ranks, true);
       // Step 2: read dictionary
index 356613e5f2b001e345cf27357e2d2dfbe9be93f1..da488bdc96eac354bcb5918aca9458bbdc846e0b 100644 (file)
@@ -30,743 +30,9 @@ namespace Utilities
     namespace internal
       namespace ComputeIndexOwner
-      {
-        const FlexibleIndexStorage::index_type
-          FlexibleIndexStorage::invalid_index_value;
-        FlexibleIndexStorage::FlexibleIndexStorage(const bool use_vector)
-          : use_vector(use_vector)
-          , size(0)
-        {}
-        void
-        FlexibleIndexStorage::reinit(const bool        use_vector,
-                                     const bool        index_range_contiguous,
-                                     const std::size_t size)
-        {
-          this->use_vector = use_vector;
-          this->size       = size;
-          data = {};
-          data_map.clear();
-          // in case we have contiguous indices, only fill the vector upon
-          // first request in `fill`
-          if (use_vector && !index_range_contiguous)
-            data.resize(size, invalid_index_value);
-        }
-        void
-        FlexibleIndexStorage::fill(
-          const std::size_t                       start,
-          const std::size_t                       end,
-          const FlexibleIndexStorage::index_type &value)
-        {
-          AssertIndexRange(start, size);
-          AssertIndexRange(end, size + 1);
-          if (use_vector)
-            {
-              if (data.empty() && end > start)
-                {
-                  // in debug mode, we want to track whether we set all
-                  // indices, so we first fill an invalid index and only later
-                  // the actual ones, whereas we simply assign the given rank
-                  // to the complete vector the first time we pass around in
-                  // this function in release mode to avoid touching data
-                  // unnecessarily (and overwrite the smaller pieces), as the
-                  // locally owned part comes first
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                  data.resize(size, invalid_index_value);
-                  std::fill(data.begin() + start, data.begin() + end, value);
-                  data.resize(size, value);
-                }
-              else
-                {
-                  AssertDimension(data.size(), size);
-                  std::fill(data.begin() + start, data.begin() + end, value);
-                }
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              for (auto i = start; i < end; ++i)
-                data_map[i] = value;
-            }
-        }
-        FlexibleIndexStorage::index_type &
-        FlexibleIndexStorage::operator[](const std::size_t index)
-        {
-          AssertIndexRange(index, size);
-          if (use_vector)
-            {
-              AssertDimension(data.size(), size);
-              return data[index];
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              return data_map.try_emplace(index, invalid_index_value)
-                .first->second;
-            }
-        }
-        FlexibleIndexStorage::index_type
-        FlexibleIndexStorage::operator[](const std::size_t index) const
-        {
-          AssertIndexRange(index, size);
-          if (use_vector)
-            {
-              AssertDimension(data.size(), size);
-              return data[index];
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              if (data_map.find(index) == data_map.end())
-                return invalid_index_value;
-              return data_map.at(index);
-            }
-        }
-        bool
-        FlexibleIndexStorage::entry_has_been_set(const std::size_t index) const
-        {
-          AssertIndexRange(index, size);
-          if (use_vector)
-            {
-              if (data.empty())
-                return false;
-              AssertDimension(data.size(), size);
-              return data[index] != invalid_index_value;
-            }
-          else
-            return data_map.find(index) != data_map.end();
-        }
-        void
-        Dictionary::reinit(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm comm)
-        {
-          // 1) set up the partition
-          this->partition(owned_indices, comm);
-          unsigned int my_rank = this_mpi_process(comm);
-          types::global_dof_index dic_local_received = 0;
-          std::map<unsigned int,
-                   std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
-                                         types::global_dof_index>>>
-            buffers;
-          const auto owned_indices_size_actual =
-            Utilities::MPI::sum(owned_indices.n_elements(), comm);
-          actually_owning_ranks.reinit((owned_indices_size_actual *
-                                        sparsity_factor) > owned_indices.size(),
-                                       owned_indices_size_actual ==
-                                         owned_indices.size(),
-                                       locally_owned_size);
-          // 2) collect relevant processes and process local dict entries
-          for (auto interval = owned_indices.begin_intervals();
-               interval != owned_indices.end_intervals();
-               ++interval)
-            {
-              // Due to the granularity of the dictionary, the interval
-              // might be split into several ranges of processor owner
-              // ranks. Here, we process the interval by breaking into
-              // smaller pieces in terms of the dictionary number.
-              std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>
-                index_range(*interval->begin(), interval->last() + 1);
-              AssertThrow(index_range.second <= size, ExcInternalError());
-              while (index_range.first != index_range.second)
-                {
-                  Assert(index_range.first < index_range.second,
-                         ExcInternalError());
-                  const unsigned int owner =
-                    dof_to_dict_rank(index_range.first);
-                  // this explicitly picks up the formula of
-                  // dof_to_dict_rank, so the two places must be in sync
-                  const types::global_dof_index next_index =
-                    std::min(get_index_offset(owner + 1), index_range.second);
-                  Assert(next_index > index_range.first, ExcInternalError());
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                  // make sure that the owner is the same on the current
-                  // interval
-                  for (types::global_dof_index i = index_range.first + 1;
-                       i < next_index;
-                       ++i)
-                    AssertDimension(owner, dof_to_dict_rank(i));
-                  // add the interval, either to the local range or into a
-                  // buffer to be sent to another processor
-                  if (owner == my_rank)
-                    {
-                      actually_owning_ranks.fill(index_range.first -
-                                                   local_range.first,
-                                                 next_index - local_range.first,
-                                                 my_rank);
-                      dic_local_received += next_index - index_range.first;
-                      if (actually_owning_rank_list.empty())
-                        actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(my_rank);
-                    }
-                  else
-                    buffers[owner].emplace_back(index_range.first, next_index);
-                  index_range.first = next_index;
-                }
-            }
-          n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices = buffers.size();
-          std::vector<MPI_Request> request;
-          // Check if index set space is partitioned globally without gaps.
-          if (owned_indices_size_actual == owned_indices.size())
-            {
-              // no gaps: setup is simple! Processes send their locally owned
-              // indices to the dictionary. The dictionary stores the sending
-              // rank for each index. The dictionary knows exactly
-              // when it is set up when all indices it is responsible for
-              // have been processed.
-              request.reserve(n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices);
-              // protect the following communication steps using a mutex:
-              static CollectiveMutex      mutex;
-              CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex, comm);
-              const int mpi_tag =
-                Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::dictionary_reinit;
-              // 3) send messages with local dofs to the right dict process
-              for (const auto &rank_pair : buffers)
-                {
-                  request.push_back(MPI_Request());
-                  const int ierr = MPI_Isend(rank_pair.second.data(),
-                                             rank_pair.second.size() * 2,
-                                             DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE,
-                                             rank_pair.first,
-                                             mpi_tag,
-                                             comm,
-                                             &request.back());
-                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                }
-              // 4) receive messages until all dofs in dict are processed
-              while (this->locally_owned_size != dic_local_received)
-                {
-                  // wait for an incoming message
-                  MPI_Status status;
-                  int ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, mpi_tag, comm, &status);
-                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                  // retrieve size of incoming message
-                  int number_amount;
-                  ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status,
-                                       DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE,
-                                       &number_amount);
-                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                  const auto other_rank = status.MPI_SOURCE;
-                  actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(other_rank);
-                  // receive message
-                  Assert(number_amount % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
-                  std::vector<
-                    std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>
-                    buffer(number_amount / 2);
-                  ierr = MPI_Recv(buffer.data(),
-                                  number_amount,
-                                  DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE,
-                                  status.MPI_SOURCE,
-                                  status.MPI_TAG,
-                                  comm,
-                                  MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
-                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                  // process message: loop over all intervals
-                  for (auto interval : buffer)
-                    {
-#  ifdef DEBUG
-                      for (types::global_dof_index i = interval.first;
-                           i < interval.second;
-                           i++)
-                        Assert(actually_owning_ranks.entry_has_been_set(
-                                 i - local_range.first) == false,
-                               ExcInternalError());
-                      Assert(interval.first >= local_range.first &&
-                               interval.first < local_range.second,
-                             ExcInternalError());
-                      Assert(interval.second > local_range.first &&
-                               interval.second <= local_range.second,
-                             ExcInternalError());
-#  endif
-                      actually_owning_ranks.fill(interval.first -
-                                                   local_range.first,
-                                                 interval.second -
-                                                   local_range.first,
-                                                 other_rank);
-                      dic_local_received += interval.second - interval.first;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              // with gap: use a ConsensusAlgorithm to determine when all
-              // dictionaries have been set up.
-              // 3/4) use a ConsensusAlgorithm to send messages with local
-              // dofs to the right dict process
-              using RequestType = std::vector<
-                std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>;
-              ConsensusAlgorithms::selector<RequestType>(
-                /* targets = */
-                [&buffers]() {
-                  std::vector<unsigned int> targets;
-                  targets.reserve(buffers.size());
-                  for (const auto &rank_pair : buffers)
-                    targets.emplace_back(rank_pair.first);
-                  return targets;
-                }(),
-                /* create_request = */
-                [&buffers](const unsigned int target_rank) -> RequestType {
-                  return buffers.at(target_rank);
-                },
-                /* process_request = */
-                [&](const unsigned int source_rank,
-                    const RequestType &request) -> void {
-                  // process message: loop over all intervals
-                  for (auto interval : request)
-                    {
-#  ifdef DEBUG
-                      for (types::global_dof_index i = interval.first;
-                           i < interval.second;
-                           i++)
-                        Assert(
-                          actually_owning_ranks.entry_has_been_set(
-                            i - local_range.first) == false,
-                          ExcMessage(
-                            "Multiple processes seem to own the same global index. "
-                            "A possible reason is that the sets of locally owned "
-                            "indices are not distinct."));
-                      Assert(interval.first < interval.second,
-                             ExcInternalError());
-                      Assert(
-                        local_range.first <= interval.first &&
-                          interval.second <= local_range.second,
-                        ExcMessage(
-                          "The specified interval is not handled by the current process."));
-#  endif
-                      actually_owning_ranks.fill(interval.first -
-                                                   local_range.first,
-                                                 interval.second -
-                                                   local_range.first,
-                                                 source_rank);
-                    }
-                  actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(source_rank);
-                },
-                comm);
-            }
-          std::sort(actually_owning_rank_list.begin(),
-                    actually_owning_rank_list.end());
-          for (unsigned int i = 1; i < actually_owning_rank_list.size(); ++i)
-            Assert(actually_owning_rank_list[i] >
-                     actually_owning_rank_list[i - 1],
-                   ExcInternalError());
-          // 5) make sure that all messages have been sent
-          if (request.size() > 0)
-            {
-              const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(request.size(),
-                                           request.data(),
-                                           MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-            }
-          Assert(buffers.empty(), ExcInternalError());
-          (void)comm;
-          (void)dic_local_received;
-        }
-        void
-        Dictionary::partition(const IndexSet &owned_indices,
-                              const MPI_Comm  comm)
-        {
-          const unsigned int n_procs = n_mpi_processes(comm);
-          const unsigned int my_rank = this_mpi_process(comm);
-          size = owned_indices.size();
-          Assert(size > 0, ExcNotImplemented());
-          dofs_per_process =
-            std::max<types::global_dof_index>((size + n_procs - 1) / n_procs,
-                                              range_minimum_grain_size);
-          stride_small_size =
-            std::max<unsigned int>(dofs_per_process * n_procs / size, 1);
-          local_range.first  = get_index_offset(my_rank);
-          local_range.second = get_index_offset(my_rank + 1);
-          locally_owned_size = local_range.second - local_range.first;
-        }
-        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload(
-          const IndexSet            &owned_indices,
-          const IndexSet            &indices_to_look_up,
-          const MPI_Comm             comm,
-          std::vector<unsigned int> &owning_ranks,
-          const bool                 track_index_requesters)
-          : owned_indices(owned_indices)
-          , indices_to_look_up(indices_to_look_up)
-          , comm(comm)
-          , my_rank(this_mpi_process(comm))
-          , n_procs(n_mpi_processes(comm))
-          , track_index_requesters(track_index_requesters)
-          , owning_ranks(owning_ranks)
-        {
-          dict.reinit(owned_indices, comm);
-          requesters.resize(dict.actually_owning_rank_list.size());
-        }
-        void
-        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::answer_request(
-          const unsigned int                                     other_rank,
-          const std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
-                                      types::global_dof_index>> &buffer_recv,
-          std::vector<unsigned int>                             &request_buffer)
-        {
-          unsigned int owner_index_guess = 0;
-          for (const auto &interval : buffer_recv)
-            for (auto i = interval.first; i < interval.second; ++i)
-              {
-                const unsigned int actual_owner =
-                  dict.actually_owning_ranks[i - dict.local_range.first];
-                request_buffer.push_back(actual_owner);
-                if (track_index_requesters)
-                  append_index_origin(i - dict.local_range.first,
-                                      other_rank,
-                                      actual_owner,
-                                      owner_index_guess);
-              }
-        }
-        std::vector<unsigned int>
-        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::compute_targets()
-        {
-          std::vector<unsigned int> targets;
-          indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank.clear();
-          unsigned int index             = 0;
-          unsigned int owner_index_guess = 0;
-          for (auto i : indices_to_look_up)
-            {
-              unsigned int other_rank = dict.dof_to_dict_rank(i);
-              if (other_rank == my_rank)
-                {
-                  owning_ranks[index] =
-                    dict.actually_owning_ranks[i - dict.local_range.first];
-                  if (track_index_requesters)
-                    append_index_origin(i - dict.local_range.first,
-                                        my_rank,
-                                        owning_ranks[index],
-                                        owner_index_guess);
-                }
-              else
-                {
-                  if (targets.empty() || targets.back() != other_rank)
-                    targets.push_back(other_rank);
-                  auto &indices = indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank[other_rank];
-                  indices.first.push_back(i);
-                  indices.second.push_back(index);
-                }
-              ++index;
-            }
-          Assert(targets.size() == indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank.size(),
-                 ExcMessage("Size does not match!"));
-          return targets;
-        }
-        void
-        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::create_request(
-          const unsigned int                               other_rank,
-          std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
-                                types::global_dof_index>> &send_buffer)
-        {
-          // create index set and compress data to be sent
-          auto &indices_i = indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank[other_rank].first;
-          IndexSet is(dict.size);
-          is.add_indices(indices_i.begin(), indices_i.end());
-          is.compress();
-          for (auto interval = is.begin_intervals();
-               interval != is.end_intervals();
-               ++interval)
-            send_buffer.emplace_back(*interval->begin(), interval->last() + 1);
-        }
-        void
-        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::read_answer(
-          const unsigned int               other_rank,
-          const std::vector<unsigned int> &recv_buffer)
-        {
-          const auto &recv_indices =
-            indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank[other_rank].second;
-          AssertDimension(recv_indices.size(), recv_buffer.size());
-          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < recv_indices.size(); ++j)
-            owning_ranks[recv_indices[j]] = recv_buffer[j];
-        }
-        std::map<unsigned int, IndexSet>
-        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::get_requesters()
-        {
-          Assert(track_index_requesters,
-                 ExcMessage("Must enable index range tracking in "
-                            "constructor of ConsensusAlgorithmProcess"));
-          std::map<unsigned int, dealii::IndexSet> requested_indices;
-          static CollectiveMutex      mutex;
-          CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex, comm);
-          const int mpi_tag = Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::
-            consensus_algorithm_payload_get_requesters;
-          // reserve enough slots for the requests ahead; depending on
-          // whether the owning rank is one of the requesters or not, we
-          // might have one less requests to execute, so fill the requests
-          // on demand.
-          std::vector<MPI_Request> send_requests;
-          send_requests.reserve(requesters.size());
-          // We use an integer vector for the data exchange. Since we send
-          // data associated to intervals with different requesters, we will
-          // need to send (a) the MPI rank of the requester, (b) the number
-          // of intervals directed to this requester, and (c) a list of
-          // intervals, i.e., two integers per interval. The number of items
-          // sent in total can be deduced both via the MPI status message at
-          // the receiver site as well as be counting the buckets from
-          // different requesters.
-          std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>> send_data(
-            requesters.size());
-          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < requesters.size(); ++i)
-            {
-              // special code for our own indices
-              if (dict.actually_owning_rank_list[i] == my_rank)
-                {
-                  for (const auto &j : requesters[i])
-                    {
-                      const types::global_dof_index index_offset =
-                        dict.get_index_offset(my_rank);
-                      IndexSet &my_index_set = requested_indices[j.first];
-                      my_index_set.set_size(owned_indices.size());
-                      for (const auto &interval : j.second)
-                        my_index_set.add_range(index_offset + interval.first,
-                                               index_offset + interval.second);
-                    }
-                }
-              else
-                {
-                  for (const auto &j : requesters[i])
-                    {
-                      send_data[i].push_back(j.first);
-                      send_data[i].push_back(j.second.size());
-                      for (const auto &interval : j.second)
-                        {
-                          send_data[i].push_back(interval.first);
-                          send_data[i].push_back(interval.second);
-                        }
-                    }
-                  send_requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
-                  const int ierr =
-                    MPI_Isend(send_data[i].data(),
-                              send_data[i].size(),
-                              Utilities::MPI::mpi_type_id_for_type<
-                                types::global_dof_index>,
-                              dict.actually_owning_rank_list[i],
-                              mpi_tag,
-                              comm,
-                              &send_requests.back());
-                  AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                }
-            }
-          // receive the data
-          for (unsigned int c = 0; c < dict.n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices; ++c)
-            {
-              // wait for an incoming message
-              MPI_Status status;
-              int ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, mpi_tag, comm, &status);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-              // retrieve size of incoming message
-              int number_amount;
-              ierr = MPI_Get_count(
-                &status,
-                Utilities::MPI::mpi_type_id_for_type<types::global_dof_index>,
-                &number_amount);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-              // receive message
-              Assert(number_amount % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
-              std::vector<
-                std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>
-                buffer(number_amount / 2);
-              ierr = MPI_Recv(
-                buffer.data(),
-                number_amount,
-                Utilities::MPI::mpi_type_id_for_type<types::global_dof_index>,
-                status.MPI_SOURCE,
-                status.MPI_TAG,
-                comm,
-                &status);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-              // unpack the message and translate the dictionary-local
-              // indices coming via MPI to the global index range
-              const types::global_dof_index index_offset =
-                dict.get_index_offset(status.MPI_SOURCE);
-              unsigned int offset = 0;
-              while (offset < buffer.size())
-                {
-                  AssertIndexRange(offset + buffer[offset].second,
-                                   buffer.size());
-                  IndexSet my_index_set(owned_indices.size());
-                  for (unsigned int i = offset + 1;
-                       i < offset + buffer[offset].second + 1;
-                       ++i)
-                    my_index_set.add_range(index_offset + buffer[i].first,
-                                           index_offset + buffer[i].second);
-                  // the underlying index set is able to merge ranges coming
-                  // from different ranks due to the partitioning in the
-                  // dictionary
-                  IndexSet &index_set = requested_indices[buffer[offset].first];
-                  if (index_set.size() == 0)
-                    index_set.set_size(owned_indices.size());
-                  index_set.add_indices(my_index_set);
-                  offset += buffer[offset].second + 1;
-                }
-              AssertDimension(offset, buffer.size());
-            }
-          if (send_requests.size() > 0)
-            {
-              const auto ierr = MPI_Waitall(send_requests.size(),
-                                            send_requests.data(),
-                                            MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-            }
-#  ifdef DEBUG
-          for (const auto &it : requested_indices)
-            {
-              IndexSet copy_set = it.second;
-              copy_set.subtract_set(owned_indices);
-              Assert(copy_set.n_elements() == 0,
-                     ExcInternalError(
-                       "The indices requested from the current "
-                       "MPI rank should be locally owned here!"));
-            }
-#  endif
-#endif // DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
-          return requested_indices;
-        }
-        void
-        ConsensusAlgorithmsPayload::append_index_origin(
-          const types::global_dof_index index_within_dict,
-          const unsigned int            rank_of_request,
-          const unsigned int            rank_of_owner,
-          unsigned int                 &owner_index_guess)
-        {
-          // remember who requested which index. We want to use an
-          // std::vector with simple addressing, via a good guess from the
-          // preceding index, rather than std::map, because this is an inner
-          // loop and it avoids the map lookup in every iteration
-          owner_index_guess =
-            dict.get_owning_rank_index(rank_of_owner, owner_index_guess);
-          auto &request = requesters[owner_index_guess];
-          if (request.empty() || request.back().first != rank_of_request)
-            request.emplace_back(
-              rank_of_request,
-              std::vector<
-                std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>());
-          auto &intervals = request.back().second;
-          if (intervals.empty() || intervals.back().second != index_within_dict)
-            intervals.emplace_back(index_within_dict, index_within_dict + 1);
-          else
-            ++intervals.back().second;
-        }
-      } // namespace ComputeIndexOwner
-    }   // namespace internal
-  }     // namespace MPI
+      {} // namespace ComputeIndexOwner
+    }    // namespace internal
+  }      // namespace MPI
 } // namespace Utilities

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.