]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Document one of the parameter classes.
authorbangerth <bangerth@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Wed, 14 May 2008 19:39:26 +0000 (19:39 +0000)
committerbangerth <bangerth@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Wed, 14 May 2008 19:39:26 +0000 (19:39 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@16095 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 4c182b359ffed5e798bd5be4a04356e31eb10ec0..269ee014518b8f32ca8aaef7d14d408c2665155e 100644 (file)
@@ -286,48 +286,121 @@ struct EulerEquations
 template <int dim>
 const double EulerEquations<dim>::gas_gamma = 1.4;
+                                // @sect3{Run time parameter handling}
+                                // Our next job is to define a few
+                                // classes that will contain run-time
+                                // parameters (for example solver
+                                // tolerances, number of iterations,
+                                // stabilization parameter, and the
+                                // like). One could do this in the
+                                // main class, but we separate it
+                                // from that one to make the program
+                                // more modular and easier to read:
+                                // Everything that has to do with
+                                // run-time parameters will be in the
+                                // following namespace, whereas the
+                                // program logic is in the main
+                                // class.
+                                //
+                                // We will split the run-time
+                                // parameters into a few separate
+                                // structures, which we will all put
+                                // into a namespace
+                                // <code>Parameters</code>. Of these
+                                // classes, there are a few that
+                                // group the parameters for
+                                // individual groups, such as for
+                                // solvers, mesh refinement, or
+                                // output. Each of these classes have
+                                // functions
+                                // <code>declare_parameters()</code>
+                                // and
+                                // <code>parse_parameters()</code>
+                                // that declare parameter subsections
+                                // and entries in a ParameterHandler
+                                // object, and retrieve actual
+                                // parameter values from such an
+                                // object, respectively. These
+                                // classes declare all their
+                                // parameters in subsections of the
+                                // ParameterHandler.
+                                //
+                                // The final class of the following
+                                // namespace combines all the
+                                // previous classes by deriving from
+                                // them and taking care of a few more
+                                // entries at the top level of the
+                                // input file, as well as a few odd
+                                // other entries in subsections that
+                                // are too short to warrent a
+                                // structure by themselves.
 namespace Parameters
-                                  // An object to store parameter information
-                                  // about the Aztec solver.
+                                  // @sect3{The Parameters::Solver class}
+                                  //
+                                  // The first of these classes deals
+                                  // with parameters for the linear
+                                  // inner solver. It offers
+                                  // parameters that indicate which
+                                  // solver to use (GMRES as a solver
+                                  // for general non-symmetric
+                                  // indefinite systems, or a sparse
+                                  // direct solver), the amount of
+                                  // output to be produced, as well
+                                  // as various parameters that tweak
+                                  // the thresholded incomplete LU
+                                  // decomposition (ILUT) that we use
+                                  // as a preconditioner for GMRES.
+                                  //
+                                  // In particular, the ILUT takes
+                                  // the following parameters:
+                                  // -ilut_fill: the number of extra
+                                  //  entries to add when forming the ILU
+                                  //  decomposition
+                                  // -ilut_atol, ilut_rtol: When
+                                  //  forming the preconditioner, for
+                                  //  certain problems bad conditioning
+                                  //  (or just bad luck) can cause the
+                                  //  preconditioner to be very poorly
+                                  //  conditioned.  Hence it can help to
+                                  //  add diagonal perturbations to the
+                                  //  original matrix and form the
+                                  //  preconditioner for this slightly
+                                  //  better matrix.  ATOL is an absolute
+                                  //  perturbation that is added to the
+                                  //  diagonal before forming the prec,
+                                  //  and RTOL is a scaling factor $rtol
+                                  //  >= 1$.
+                                  // -ilut_drop: The ILUT will
+                                  //  drop any values that
+                                  //  have magnitude less than this value.
+                                  //  This is a way to manage the amount
+                                  //  of memory used by this
+                                  //  preconditioner.
+                                  //
+                                  // The meaning of each parameter is
+                                  // also briefly described in the
+                                  // third argument of the
+                                  // ParameterHandler::declare_entry
+                                  // call in
+                                  // <code>declare_parameters()</code>.
   struct Solver 
-      int LIN_OUTPUT;
-      enum solver_type { GMRES = 0, DIRECT = 1};
-      solver_type SOLVER;
+      enum SolverType { gmres, direct };
+      SolverType solver;
-      enum  output_type { QUIET = 0, VERBOSE = 1 };
-      output_type OUTPUT;
-                                      // Linear residual tolerance.
-      double RES;
-      int MAX_ITERS;
-                                      // We use the ILUT preconditioner.
-                                      // This is similar to the ILU.  FILL is
-                                      // the number of extra entries to add
-                                      // when forming the ILU decomposition.
-      double ILUT_FILL;
-                                      // When forming the preconditioner, for
-                                      // certain problems bad conditioning
-                                      // (or just bad luck) can cause the
-                                      // preconditioner to be very poorly
-                                      // conditioned.  Hence it can help to
-                                      // add diagonal perturbations to the
-                                      // original matrix and form the
-                                      // preconditioner for this slightly
-                                      // better matrix.  ATOL is an absolute
-                                      // perturbation that is added to the
-                                      // diagonal before forming the prec,
-                                      // and RTOL is a scaling factor $rtol
-                                      // >= 1$.
-      double ILUT_ATOL;
-      double ILUT_RTOL;
-                                      // The ILUT will drop any values that
-                                      // have magnitude less than this value.
-                                      // This is a way to manage the amount
-                                      // of memory used by this
-                                      // preconditioner.
-      double ILUT_DROP;
+      enum  OutputType { quiet, verbose };
+      OutputType output;
+      double linear_residual;
+      int max_iterations;
+      double ilut_fill;
+      double ilut_atol;
+      double ilut_rtol;
+      double ilut_drop;
       static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
       void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
@@ -340,31 +413,31 @@ namespace Parameters
     prm.enter_subsection("linear solver");
       prm.declare_entry("output", "quiet",
-                       Patterns::Selection(
-                         "quiet|verbose"),
-                       "<quiet|verbose>");
+                       Patterns::Selection("quiet|verbose"),
+                       "State whether output from solver runs should be printed. "
+                       "Choices are <quiet|verbose>.");
       prm.declare_entry("method", "gmres",
-                       Patterns::Selection(
-                         "gmres|direct"),
-                       "<gmres|direct>");
+                       Patterns::Selection("gmres|direct"),
+                       "The kind of solver for the linear system. "
+                       "Choices are <gmres|direct>.");
       prm.declare_entry("residual", "1e-10",
-                       "linear solver residual");
+                       "Linear solver residual");
       prm.declare_entry("max iters", "300",
-                       "maximum solver iterations");
+                       "Maximum solver iterations");
       prm.declare_entry("ilut fill", "2",
-                       "ilut preconditioner fill");
+                       "Ilut preconditioner fill");
       prm.declare_entry("ilut absolute tolerance", "1e-9",
-                       "ilut preconditioner tolerance");
+                       "Ilut preconditioner tolerance");
       prm.declare_entry("ilut relative tolerance", "1.1",
-                       "rel tol");
+                       "Ilut relative tolerance");
       prm.declare_entry("ilut drop tolerance", "1e-10",
-                       "ilut drop tol");
+                       "Ilut drop tolerance");
@@ -378,23 +451,22 @@ namespace Parameters
       const std::string op = prm.get("output");
       if (op == "verbose")
-       OUTPUT = Parameters::Solver::VERBOSE;
+       output = verbose;
       if (op == "quiet")
-       OUTPUT = Parameters::Solver::QUIET;
+       output = quiet;
       const std::string sv = prm.get("method");
       if (sv == "direct") 
-       SOLVER = Parameters::Solver::DIRECT;
+       solver = direct;
       else if (sv == "gmres")
-       SOLVER = Parameters::Solver::GMRES;
-      RES       = prm.get_double("residual");
-      MAX_ITERS = prm.get_integer("max iters");
-      ILUT_FILL = prm.get_double("ilut fill");
-      ILUT_ATOL = prm.get_double("ilut absolute tolerance");
-      ILUT_RTOL = prm.get_double("ilut relative tolerance");
-      ILUT_DROP = prm.get_double("ilut drop tolerance");
-      RES = prm.get_double("residual");
+       solver = gmres;
+      linear_residual = prm.get_double("residual");
+      max_iterations  = prm.get_integer("max iters");
+      ilut_fill       = prm.get_double("ilut fill");
+      ilut_atol       = prm.get_double("ilut absolute tolerance");
+      ilut_rtol       = prm.get_double("ilut relative tolerance");
+      ilut_drop       = prm.get_double("ilut drop tolerance");
@@ -1464,7 +1536,7 @@ void ConsLaw<dim>::solve (Vector<double> &dsolution, int &niter, double &lin_res
   Epetra_Vector b(View, *Map, right_hand_side.begin());
                                   // The Direct option selects the Amesos solver.
-  if (solver_params.SOLVER == Parameters::Solver::DIRECT) {
+  if (solver_params.solver == Parameters::Solver::direct) {
                                     // Setup for solving with
                                     // Amesos. Other solvers are
@@ -1482,12 +1554,12 @@ void ConsLaw<dim>::solve (Vector<double> &dsolution, int &niter, double &lin_res
                                     // out the sparsity patterns, and then the
                                     // numerical part actually performs Gaussian
                                     // elimination or whatever the approach is.
-    if (solver_params.OUTPUT == Parameters::Solver::VERBOSE)
+    if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
       std::cout << "Starting Symbolic fact\n" << std::flush;
-    if (solver_params.OUTPUT == Parameters::Solver::VERBOSE)
+    if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
       std::cout << "Starting Numeric fact\n" << std::flush;
@@ -1498,7 +1570,7 @@ void ConsLaw<dim>::solve (Vector<double> &dsolution, int &niter, double &lin_res
                                     // And finally solve the problem.
-    if (solver_params.OUTPUT == Parameters::Solver::VERBOSE)
+    if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
       std::cout << "Starting solve\n" << std::flush;
     niter = 0;
@@ -1508,16 +1580,16 @@ void ConsLaw<dim>::solve (Vector<double> &dsolution, int &niter, double &lin_res
                                     // for us.
     delete solver;
-  } else if (solver_params.SOLVER == Parameters::Solver::GMRES) {
+  } else if (solver_params.solver == Parameters::Solver::gmres) {
                                     // For the iterative solvers, we use Aztec.
     AztecOO Solver;
                                     // Select the appropriate level of verbosity.
-    if (solver_params.OUTPUT == Parameters::Solver::QUIET)
+    if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::quiet)
       Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, AZ_none);
-    if (solver_params.OUTPUT == Parameters::Solver::VERBOSE)
+    if (solver_params.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose)
       Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, AZ_all);
                                     // Select gmres.  Other solvers are available.
@@ -1529,21 +1601,21 @@ void ConsLaw<dim>::solve (Vector<double> &dsolution, int &niter, double &lin_res
                                     // why, but we must pretend like we are in parallel
                                     // using domain decomposition or the preconditioner
                                     // refuses to activate.
-    Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_precond, AZ_dom_decomp);
+    Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_precond,         AZ_dom_decomp);
     Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_subdomain_solve, AZ_ilut);
-    Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_overlap, 0);
-    Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_reorder, 0);
+    Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_overlap,         0);
+    Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_reorder,         0);
                                     // ILUT parameters as described above.
-    Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_drop, solver_params.ILUT_DROP);
-    Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_ilut_fill, solver_params.ILUT_FILL);
-    Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_athresh, solver_params.ILUT_ATOL);
-    Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_rthresh, solver_params.ILUT_RTOL);
+    Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_drop,      solver_params.ilut_drop);
+    Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_ilut_fill, solver_params.ilut_fill);
+    Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_athresh,   solver_params.ilut_atol);
+    Solver.SetAztecParam(AZ_rthresh,   solver_params.ilut_rtol);
                                     // Run the solver iteration.  Collect the number
                                     // of iterations and the residual.
-    Solver.Iterate(solver_params.MAX_ITERS, solver_params.RES);
+    Solver.Iterate(solver_params.max_iterations, solver_params.linear_residual);
     niter = Solver.NumIters();
     lin_residual = Solver.TrueResidual();
@@ -1852,15 +1924,12 @@ void ConsLaw<dim>::declare_parameters() {
                                   // Initial condition block.
   prm.enter_subsection("initial condition");
-  for (unsigned int di = 0; di < EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; di++) {
-    char var[512];
-    std::sprintf(var, "w_%d", di);
-                                    // for dirichlet, a function in x,y,z
-    std::sprintf(var, "w_%d value", di);
-    prm.declare_entry(var, "0.0",
-                     Patterns::Anything(),
-                     "expression in x,y,z");
+  {
+    for (unsigned int di = 0; di < EulerEquations<dim>::n_components; di++)
+      prm.declare_entry("w_" + Utilities::int_to_string(di) + " value",
+                       "0.0",
+                       Patterns::Anything(),
+                       "expression in x,y,z");

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.