* The output uses two different povray-objects:
* <ul>
- * @item <tt>BICUBIC_PATCH</tt>
+ * <li> <tt>BICUBIC_PATCH</tt>
* A <tt>bicubic_patch</tt> is a 3-dimensional Bezier patch. It consists of 16 Points
* describing the surface. The 4 corner points are touched by the object,
* while the other 12 points pull and stretch the patch into shape.
* subdivisions has to be 3 to provide the patch with 16 points.
* A bicubic patch is not exact but generates very smooth images.
- * @item <tt>MESH</tt>
+ * <li> <tt>MESH</tt>
* The mesh object is used to store large number of triangles.
* Every square of the patch data is split into one upper-left and one
* lower-right triangle. If the number of subdivisions is three, 32 triangle
* usually has. At present the following
* formats are defined:
* <ul>
- * @item <tt>dx</tt>: <tt>.dx</tt>
- * @item <tt>ucd</tt>: <tt>.inp</tt>
- * @item <tt>gnuplot</tt>: <tt>.gnuplot</tt>
- * @item <tt>povray</tt>: <tt>.pov</tt>
- * @item <tt>eps</tt>: <tt>.eps</tt>
- * @item <tt>gmv</tt>: <tt>.gmv</tt>
- * @item <tt>vtk</tt>: <tt>.vtk</tt>.
+ * <li> <tt>dx</tt>: <tt>.dx</tt>
+ * <li> <tt>ucd</tt>: <tt>.inp</tt>
+ * <li> <tt>gnuplot</tt>: <tt>.gnuplot</tt>
+ * <li> <tt>povray</tt>: <tt>.pov</tt>
+ * <li> <tt>eps</tt>: <tt>.eps</tt>
+ * <li> <tt>gmv</tt>: <tt>.gmv</tt>
+ * <li> <tt>vtk</tt>: <tt>.vtk</tt>.
* </ul>
* If this function is called
* Access to the time goes through the following functions:
* @verbatim
- * @item <tt>get_time</tt>: return the present value of the time variable.
- * @item <tt>set_time</tt>: set the time value to a specific value.
- * @item <tt>advance_time</tt>: increase the time by a certain time step.
+ * <li> <tt>get_time</tt>: return the present value of the time variable.
+ * <li> <tt>set_time</tt>: set the time value to a specific value.
+ * <li> <tt>advance_time</tt>: increase the time by a certain time step.
* @endverbatim
* The latter two functions are virtual, so that derived classes can
* perform computations which need only be done once for every new time.
* A class that simplifies the process of execution logging. It does so by
* providing
* <ul>
- * @item a push and pop mechanism for prefixes, and
- * @item the possibility of distributing information to files and the
+ * <li> a push and pop mechanism for prefixes, and
+ * <li> the possibility of distributing information to files and the
* console.
* </ul>
* The usual usage of this class is through the pregenerated object
* <tt>deallog</tt>. Typical steps are
* <ul>
- * @item <tt>deallog.attach(std::ostream)</tt>: write logging information into a file.
- * @item <tt>deallog.depth_console(n)</tt>: restrict output on screen to outer loops.
- * @item Before entering a new phase of your program, e.g. a new loop,
+ * <li> <tt>deallog.attach(std::ostream)</tt>: write logging information into a file.
+ * <li> <tt>deallog.depth_console(n)</tt>: restrict output on screen to outer loops.
+ * <li> Before entering a new phase of your program, e.g. a new loop,
* <tt>deallog.push("loopname")</tt>.
- * @item <tt>deallog << anything << std::endl;</tt> to write logging information
+ * <li> <tt>deallog << anything << std::endl;</tt> to write logging information
* (Usage of <tt>std::endl</tt> is mandatory!).
- * @item <tt>deallog.pop()</tt> when leaving that stage entered with <tt>push</tt>.
+ * <li> <tt>deallog.pop()</tt> when leaving that stage entered with <tt>push</tt>.
* </ul>
* @author Guido Kanschat, Wolfgang Bangerth, 1999, 2003