* begin.set_to_next_positive(tria.begin_active());
* end = tria.end();
* n_flagged_cells = std::distance (begin, end);
- * @verbatim
+ * @endverbatim
* Note that by the @p set_to_next_positive call the first cell with
* a set user flag was assigned to the @p begin iterator. For the
* @{end} iterator, no such call was necessary, since the past-the-end
* std::distance (FI(IteratorFilters::UserFlagSet())
* .set_to_next_positive(tria.begin_active()),
* FI(IteratorFilters::UserFlagSet(), tria.end()));
- * @verbatim
+ * @endverbatim
* It relies on the fact that if we create an unnamed filtered
* iterator with a given predicate but no iterator value and assign it
* the next positive value with respect to this predicate, it returns
* FilteredIterator<typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator>
* cell (FilteredIterator::SubdomainEqualTo(3)),
* endc (FilteredIterator::SubdomainEqualTo(3), tria.end());
- * cell.set_to_next_positive (tria.begin_active());
+ * cell.set_to_next_positive (tria.begin_active(3));
* for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
* assemble_local_matrix (cell);
* @endverbatim