#include <base/logstream.h>
#include <lac/block_sparsity_pattern.h>
+#include <lac/block_sparse_matrix.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
-int main ()
+void test ()
ofstream logfile("block_matrices.output");
// their places are checked later
// with the matrix-vector
// operations.
+ unsigned int total_nonzero_elements = 0;
for (unsigned int row=0; row<19; ++row)
// first count the number of
deallog << endl;
const unsigned int c=count(t.begin(), t.end(), true);
// now see how many elements
// there really are:
unsigned int ac=0;
<< ": expected length=" << c
<< ", actual length=" << ac
<< endl;
- Assert (c==ac, ExcInternalError());
+ total_nonzero_elements += ac;
+ AssertThrow (c==ac, ExcInternalError());
+ };
+ deallog << total_nonzero_elements << "=="
+ << bsp.n_nonzero_elements()
+ << endl;
+ AssertThrow (total_nonzero_elements == bsp.n_nonzero_elements(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // now make a matrix with this
+ // sparsity pattern
+ BlockSparseMatrix<double,3,2> bsm (bsp);
+ deallog << total_nonzero_elements << "=="
+ << bsm.n_nonzero_elements()
+ << endl;
+ AssertThrow (total_nonzero_elements == bsm.n_nonzero_elements(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // try to write something into it,
+ // set entry (i,j) to i*j
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<19; ++row)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i)
+ bsm.set (row, (row*5+i*9)%29, row*((row*5+i*9)%29));
+ // and add .5 to each value
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<19; ++row)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i)
+ bsm.add (row, (row*5+i*9)%29, 0.5);
+int main ()
+ try
+ {
+ test ();
+ }
+ catch (exception &e)
+ {
+ cerr << endl << endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << endl;
+ cerr << "Exception on processing: " << e.what() << endl
+ << "Aborting!" << endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << endl;
+ // abort
+ return 2;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ cerr << endl << endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << endl;
+ cerr << "Unknown exception!" << endl
+ << "Aborting!" << endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << endl;
+ // abort
+ return 3;
+ return 0;