const unsigned int n_shape_functions;
+ /*
+ * The default line support points. Is used in when the shape function
+ * values are computed.
+ *
+ * The number of quadrature points depends on the degree of this
+ * class, and it matches the number of degrees of freedom of an
+ * FE_Q<1>(this->degree).
+ */
+ QGaussLobatto<1> line_support_points;
* Tensors of covariant transformation at each of the quadrature points.
* The matrix stored is the Jacobian * G^{-1}, where G = Jacobian^{t} *
MappingQGeneric<dim,spacedim>::InternalData::InternalData (const unsigned int polynomial_degree)
polynomial_degree (polynomial_degree),
- n_shape_functions (Utilities::fixed_power<dim>(polynomial_degree+1))
+ n_shape_functions (Utilities::fixed_power<dim>(polynomial_degree+1)),
+ line_support_points (polynomial_degree + 1)
// Construct the tensor product polynomials used as shape functions for the
// Qp mapping of cells at the boundary.
- const QGaussLobatto<1> line_support_points (polynomial_degree + 1);
const TensorProductPolynomials<dim>
tensor_pols (Polynomials::generate_complete_Lagrange_basis(line_support_points.get_points()));
Assert (n_shape_functions==tensor_pols.n(),