- if ((cell_type == "line") && (dim == 2))
+ if ((cell_type == "line") && ((dim == 2) || (dim == 3)))
// boundary info
subcelldata.boundary_lines.push_back (CellData<1>());
// vertex with this index exists
= vertex_indices[subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().vertices[i]];
- else
- {
- // no such vertex index
- AssertThrow (false,
- ExcInvalidVertexIndex(cell,
- subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().vertices[i]));
- subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().vertices[i] = -1;
- };
+ else
+ {
+ // no such vertex index
+ AssertThrow (false,
+ ExcInvalidVertexIndex(cell,
+ subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().vertices[i]));
+ subcelldata.boundary_lines.back().vertices[i] = -1;
+ };
- // cannot read this
- AssertThrow (false, ExcUnknownIdentifier(cell_type));
+ if ((cell_type == "quad") && (dim == 3))
+ // boundary info
+ {
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads.push_back (CellData<2>());
+ in >> subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[0]
+ >> subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[1]
+ >> subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[2]
+ >> subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[3];
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().material_id = material_id;
+ // transform from ucd to
+ // consecutive numbering
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
+ if (vertex_indices.find (subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[i]) !=
+ vertex_indices.end())
+ // vertex with this index exists
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[i]
+ = vertex_indices[subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[i]];
+ else
+ {
+ // no such vertex index
+ Assert (false,
+ ExcInvalidVertexIndex(cell,
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[i]));
+ subcelldata.boundary_quads.back().vertices[i] = -1;
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ // cannot read this
+ AssertThrow (false, ExcUnknownIdentifier(cell_type));
// check that no forbidden arrays are used
Assert (subcelldata.check_consistency(dim), ExcInternalError());
// now set boundary indicators
// where given
- // not yet implemented
- AssertThrow ((subcelldata.boundary_lines.size() == 0) &&
- (subcelldata.boundary_quads.size() == 0),
- ExcNotImplemented());
+ // first do so for lines
+ vector<CellData<1> >::const_iterator boundary_line
+ = subcelldata.boundary_lines.begin();
+ vector<CellData<1> >::const_iterator end_boundary_line
+ = subcelldata.boundary_lines.end();
+ for (; boundary_line!=end_boundary_line; ++boundary_line)
+ {
+ line_iterator line;
+ pair <int, int> line_vertices(make_pair(boundary_line->vertices[0],
+ boundary_line->vertices[1]));
+ if (needed_lines.find(line_vertices) != needed_lines.end())
+ // line found in this
+ // direction
+ line = needed_lines[line_vertices];
+ else
+ {
+ // look wether it exists in
+ // reverse direction
+ swap (line_vertices.first, line_vertices.second);
+ if (needed_lines.find(line_vertices) != needed_lines.end())
+ line = needed_lines[line_vertices];
+ else
+ {
+ // line does not exist
+ AssertThrow (false, ExcLineInexistant(line_vertices.first,
+ line_vertices.second));
+ line = end_line();
+ };
+ };
+ // Assert that only exterior
+ // lines are given a boundary
+ // indicator
+ AssertThrow (line->boundary_indicator() == 0,
+ ExcInteriorLineCantBeBoundary());
+ line -> set_boundary_indicator (boundary_line->material_id);
+ };
+ // now go on with boundary faces
+ vector<CellData<2> >::const_iterator boundary_quad
+ = subcelldata.boundary_quads.begin();
+ vector<CellData<2> >::const_iterator end_boundary_quad
+ = subcelldata.boundary_quads.end();
+ for (; boundary_quad!=end_boundary_quad; ++boundary_quad)
+ {
+ quad_iterator quad;
+ line_iterator line[4];
+ vector <int> quad_vertices(4);
+ // first find the lines that
+ // are made up of the given
+ // vertices, then build up a
+ // quad from these lines
+ // finally use the find
+ // function of the map template
+ // to find the quad
+ pair <int, int> line_vertices[4]
+ = { make_pair (boundary_quad->vertices[0], boundary_quad->vertices[1]),
+ make_pair (boundary_quad->vertices[1], boundary_quad->vertices[2]),
+ make_pair (boundary_quad->vertices[3], boundary_quad->vertices[2]),
+ make_pair (boundary_quad->vertices[0], boundary_quad->vertices[3]) };
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
+ {
+ // check whether line
+ // already exists
+ if (needed_lines.find(line_vertices[i]) != needed_lines.end())
+ line[i] = needed_lines[line_vertices[i]];
+ else
+ // look wether it exists
+ // in reverse direction
+ {
+ swap (line_vertices[i].first, line_vertices[i].second);
+ if (needed_lines.find(line_vertices[i]) != needed_lines.end())
+ line[i] = needed_lines[line_vertices[i]];
+ else
+ {
+ // line does not exist
+ AssertThrow (false, ExcLineInexistant(line_vertices[i].first,
+ line_vertices[i].second));
+ line[i] = end_line();
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ // Set up 2 quads that are
+ // built up fromt the lines for
+ // reasons of comparison to
+ // needed_quads. The second
+ // quad is the reversed version
+ // of the first quad in order
+ // find the quad regardless of
+ // its orientation. This is
+ // introduced for convenience
+ // and because boundary quad
+ // orientation does not carry
+ // any information.
+ Quad quad_compare_1(line[0]->index(), line[1]->index(), line[2]->index(), line[3]->index());
+ Quad quad_compare_2(line[3]->index(), line[2]->index(), line[1]->index(), line[0]->index());
+ // try to find the quad with
+ // lines situated as
+ // constructed above. if it
+ // could not be found, rotate
+ // the boundary lines 3 times
+ // until it is found or it does
+ // not exist.
+ unsigned int n_rotations=0;
+ bool not_found_quad_1;
+ while ( (not_found_quad_1=(needed_quads.find(quad_compare_1) == needed_quads.end())) &&
+ ( needed_quads.find(quad_compare_2) == needed_quads.end()) &&
+ (n_rotations<4))
+ {
+ rotate(line, line+1, line+4);
+ // update the quads with
+ // rotated lines
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
+ {
+ quad_compare_1.set_line(i, line[i]->index());
+ quad_compare_2.set_line(3-i, line[i]->index());
+ };
+ ++n_rotations;
+ };
+ if (n_rotations==4)
+ {
+ // quad does not exist
+ AssertThrow (false, ExcQuadInexistant(line[0]->index(), line[1]->index(),
+ line[2]->index(), line[3]->index()));
+ quad = end_quad();
+ }
+ // exception not thrown,
+ // therefore assign the quad
+ // appropriately
+ if (not_found_quad_1)
+ quad = needed_quads[quad_compare_2];
+ else
+ quad = needed_quads[quad_compare_1];
+ // check whether this face is
+ // really an exterior one
+ AssertThrow(quad->boundary_indicator()==0,
+ ExcInteriorQuadCantBeBoundary());
+ quad->set_boundary_indicator (boundary_quad->material_id);
+ };