// ``FEValues'' class:
#include <fe/fe_values.h>
+ // We need one more include from
+ // standard C++, which is necessary
+ // when we try to find out the actual
+ // type behind a pointer to a base
+ // class. We will explain this in
+ // slightly more detail below.
+#include <typeinfo>
#include <fstream>
// Then we need the class that does
- // all the work.
+ // all the work. It is mostly the
+ // same as in previous examples, and
+ // we will discuss the differences
+ // only when we declare the
+ // respective functions or variables
+ // below.
template <int dim>
class LaplaceProblem
+ // We will use this class in
+ // several modes: for different
+ // finite elements, as well as
+ // for adaptive and global
+ // refinement. The decision
+ // whether global or adaptive
+ // refinement shall be used is
+ // communicated to the
+ // constructor of this class
+ // through an enumeration type,
+ // which we declare here:
enum RefinementMode {
global_refinement, adaptive_refinement
+ // This is the constructor of the
+ // class, it takes the finite
+ // element and the refinement
+ // mode as parameter and stores
+ // them in local variables.
LaplaceProblem (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
const RefinementMode refinement_mode);
+ // The following two functions
+ // are the same as in previous
+ // examples.
~LaplaceProblem ();
void run ();
+ // As are these:
void setup_system ();
void assemble_system ();
void solve ();
void refine_grid ();
+ // After the solution has been
+ // computed, we perform some
+ // analysis on it, such as
+ // computing the error in various
+ // norms. This is done in the
+ // following function. To enable
+ // some output, we pass it the
+ // number of the refinement
+ // cycle.
void process_solution (const unsigned int cycle);
+ // Now for the data elements of
+ // this class:
Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
Vector<double> solution;
Vector<double> system_rhs;
- RefinementMode refinement_mode;
+ // The second last variable
+ // stores the refinement mode
+ // passed to the
+ // constructor. Since it is only
+ // set in the constructor, we can
+ // declare this variable
+ // constant, to avoid that
+ // someone sets it involuntarily
+ // (e.g. in an `if'-statement
+ // where == was written as = by
+ // chance).
+ const RefinementMode refinement_mode;
// For each refinement level some
// important data (like the
+ // In the constructor of this class,
+ // we only set the variables passed
+ // to this object, and associate the
+ // DoF handler object with the
+ // triangulation (which is empty at
+ // present, however).
template <int dim>
LaplaceProblem<dim>::LaplaceProblem (const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
const RefinementMode refinement_mode) :
+ // Now for the function doing grid
+ // refinement. Depending on the
+ // refinement mode passed to the
+ // constructor, we do global or
+ // adaptive refinement.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::refine_grid ()
switch (refinement_mode)
+ // If global refinement is
+ // required, this is simple:
case global_refinement:
triangulation.refine_global (1);
+ // In case of adaptive
+ // refinement, we use the same
+ // functions and classes as in
+ // the previous example
+ // program. Note that one
+ // could treat Neumann
+ // boundaries differently than
+ // Dirichlet boundaries, and
+ // one should in fact do so
+ // here since we have Neumann
+ // boundary conditions on part
+ // of the boundaries, but
+ // since we don't have a
+ // function here that
+ // describes the Neumann
+ // values (we only construct
+ // these values from the exact
+ // solution when assembling
+ // the matrix), we omit this
+ // detail here.
case adaptive_refinement:
Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell (triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ // Finally process the solution after
+ // it has been computed. For this, we
+ // integrate the error in various
+ // norms, and we generate tables that
+ // will be later used to display the
+ // convergence against the continuous
+ // solution in a nice format.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::process_solution (const unsigned int cycle)
+ // In order to integrate the
+ // difference between computed
+ // numerical solution and the
+ // continuous solution (described
+ // by the ``Solution'' class
+ // defined at the top of this
+ // file), we first need a vector
+ // that will hold the norm of the
+ // error on each cell. Since
+ // accuracy with 16 digits is not
+ // so important for these
+ // quantities, we sace some memory
+ // by using ``float'' instead of
+ // ``double'' values.
Vector<float> difference_per_cell (triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ // Next we use a function from the
+ // library which computes the error
+ // in the L2 norm on each cell. We
+ // have to pass it the DoF handler
+ // object, the vector holding the
+ // nodal values of the numerical
+ // solution, the continuous
+ // solution as a function object,
+ // the vector into which it shall
+ // place the norm of the error on
+ // each cell, a quadrature rule by
+ // which this norm shall be
+ // computed, and the type of norm
+ // to be used. Here, we use a Gauss
+ // formula with three points in
+ // each space direction, and
+ // compute the L2 norm.
VectorTools::integrate_difference (dof_handler,
+ // Finally, we want to get the
+ // global L2 norm. This can of
+ // course be obtained by summing
+ // the squares of the norms on each
+ // cell, and taking the square root
+ // of that value. This is
+ // equivalent to taking the l2
+ // (lower case ``l'') norm of the
+ // vector of norms on each cell:
const double L2_error = difference_per_cell.l2_norm();
+ // The same procedure is done to
+ // get the H1 semi-norm:
VectorTools::integrate_difference (dof_handler,
const double H1_error = difference_per_cell.l2_norm();
+ // Finally, we compute the maximum
+ // norm. Of course, we can't
+ // actually use the true maximum,
+ // but only the maximum at the
+ // quadrature points. Since this
+ // quite sensitively depends on the
+ // quadrature rule being used, and
+ // since we would like to avoid
+ // false results due to
+ // super-convergence effects at
+ // some points, we use a special
+ // quadrature rule that is obtained
+ // by iterating the trapezoidal
+ // rule five times in each space
+ // direction. Note that the
+ // constructor of the ``QIterated''
+ // class takes a one-dimensional
+ // quadrature rule and a number
+ // that tells it how often it shall
+ // use this rule in each space
+ // direction.
+ QTrapez<1> q_trapez;
+ QIterated<dim> q_iterated (q_trapez, 5);
+ // Using this special quadrature
+ // rule, we can now try to find the
+ // maximal error on each cell:
VectorTools::integrate_difference (dof_handler,
- QGauss3<dim>(),
+ q_iterated,
+ // Obviously, the maximal error
+ // globally is the maximum over the
+ // maximal errors on each cell:
const double Linfty_error = difference_per_cell.linfty_norm();
+ // After all these errors have been
+ // computed, we finally write some
+ // output and put all the data into
+ // a table.
const unsigned int n_active_cells=triangulation.n_active_cells();
const unsigned int n_dofs=dof_handler.n_dofs();
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::run ()
- for (unsigned int cycle=0; cycle<6; ++cycle)
+ for (unsigned int cycle=0; cycle<7; ++cycle)
// The first action in each
// iteration of the outer loop
cell->face(face)->set_boundary_indicator (1);
- // If this is not the first
- // step, the we call
- // ``refine_grid'' to
- // actually refine the grid
- // according to the
- // refinement mode passed to
- // the constructor.
- refine_grid ();
+ {
+ // If this is not the first
+ // step, the we call
+ // ``refine_grid'' to
+ // actually refine the grid
+ // according to the
+ // refinement mode passed to
+ // the constructor.
+ refine_grid ();
+ };
// The next steps you already
// know from previous
Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ // We augment the filename by a
+ // postfix denoting the finite
+ // element which we have used in
+ // the computation. Finding out
+ // which finite element we are
+ // actually using is not that
+ // simple here, since we only have
+ // a pointer to the common base
+ // class of all finite elements,
+ // but we can use a rather new
+ // feature of C++ to check whether
+ // the actual type of the object
+ // pointed to by ``fe'' is an
+ // ``FEQ1'', ``FEQ2'', or something
+ // different.
+ if (typeid(*fe)==typeid(const FEQ1<dim>))
+ filename += "-q1";
+ else
+ if (typeid(*fe)==typeid(const FEQ2<dim>))
+ filename += "-q2";
+ else
+ // The finite element is
+ // neither Q1 nor Q2. This
+ // should not have happened,
+ // but maybe someone has tried
+ // to change this in ``main'',
+ // so it might happen. We catch
+ // this case and throw an
+ // exception, since we don't
+ // know how to name the
+ // respective output file
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
filename += ".gmv";
ofstream output (filename.c_str());
DataOut<dim> data_out;
data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof_handler);
data_out.add_data_vector (solution, "solution");
- data_out.build_patches ();
+ // Now building the intermediate
+ // format as before is the next
+ // step. We introduce one more
+ // feature of deal.II here. The
+ // background is the following: in
+ // some of the runs of this
+ // function, we have used
+ // biquadratic finite
+ // elements. However, since almost
+ // all output formats only support
+ // bilinear data, the data is
+ // written only bilinear, and
+ // information is lost
+ // therefore. Of course, we can't
+ // change the format in which
+ // graphic programs accept their
+ // inputs, but we can write the
+ // data differently such that we
+ // more closely resemble the
+ // information available in the
+ // quadratic approximation. We can,
+ // for example, write each cell as
+ // four subcells with bilinear data
+ // each, such that we have nine
+ // data points for each cell in the
+ // triangulation. The graphic
+ // programs will, of course,
+ // display this data still only
+ // bilinear, but at least we have
+ // given some more of the
+ // information we have.
+ //
+ // In order to allow writing more
+ // than one subcell per actual
+ // cell, the ``build_patches''
+ // function accepts a parameter
+ // (the default is ``1'', which is
+ // why you haven't seen this
+ // parameter in previous
+ // examples). This parameter
+ // denotes into how many subcells
+ // per space direction each cell
+ // shall be subdivided for
+ // output. For example, if you give
+ // ``2'', this leads to 4 cells in
+ // 2D and 8 cells in 3D. For
+ // quadratic elements, two subcells
+ // per space direction is obviously
+ // the right choice, so this is
+ // what we choose:
+ unsigned int n_subcells;
+ if (typeid(*fe) == typeid(const FEQ1<dim>))
+ n_subcells = 1;
+ else
+ if (typeid(*fe) == typeid(const FEQ2<dim>))
+ n_subcells = 2;
+ else
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ data_out.build_patches (n_subcells);
+ // Finally write out the data in
+ // GMV format.
data_out.write_gmv (output);
// In each cycle values were added to
// and the captions may not be printed
// directly above the specific columns.
- // The table can also be written into a tex file.
- // The (nicely) formatted table
- // can be viewed at after
- // calling `latex whole_table' and
- // e.g. `xdvi whole_table'.
+ // The table can also be written
+ // into a tex file. The (nicely)
+ // formatted table can be viewed at
+ // after calling `latex filename'
+ // and e.g. `xdvi filename', where
+ // filename is the name of the file
+ // which we construct from the name
+ // of the finite element and the
+ // refinement mode, as above
if (true)
- ofstream table_file("whole_table.tex");
+ string filename = "error";
+ switch (refinement_mode)
+ {
+ case global_refinement:
+ filename += "-global";
+ break;
+ case adaptive_refinement:
+ filename += "-adaptive";
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ };
+ if (typeid(*fe)==typeid(const FEQ1<dim>))
+ filename += "-q1";
+ else
+ if (typeid(*fe)==typeid(const FEQ2<dim>))
+ filename += "-q2";
+ else
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ filename += ".tex";
+ ofstream table_file(filename.c_str());
// Finally, the convergence chart
- // is written:
+ // is written. The filename is
+ // again constructed as above.
if (true)
- ofstream table_file("convergence_table.tex");
+ string filename = "convergence";
+ switch (refinement_mode)
+ {
+ case global_refinement:
+ filename += "-global";
+ break;
+ case adaptive_refinement:
+ filename += "-adaptive";
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ };
+ if (typeid(*fe)==typeid(const FEQ1<dim>))
+ filename += "-q1";
+ else
+ if (typeid(*fe)==typeid(const FEQ2<dim>))
+ filename += "-q2";
+ else
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ filename += ".tex";
+ ofstream table_file(filename.c_str());
+ // The main function is mostly as
+ // before. The only difference is
+ // that we solve three times, once
+ // for Q1 and adaptive refinement,
+ // once for Q1 elements and global
+ // refinement, and once for Q2
+ // elements and global refinement.
int main ()
deallog.depth_console (0);
- FEQ1<2> fe;
-// LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem_2d (fe, LaplaceProblem<2>::adaptive_refinement);
- LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem_2d (fe, LaplaceProblem<2>::global_refinement);
- laplace_problem_2d.run ();
+ // Now for the three calls to
+ // the main class. Each call is
+ // blocked into curly braces in
+ // order to detroy the
+ // respective objects (i.e. the
+ // finite element and the
+ // LaplaceProblem object) at
+ // the end of the block and
+ // before we go to the next
+ // run.
+ {
+ cout << "Solving with Q1 elements, adaptive refinement" << endl
+ << "=============================================" << endl
+ << endl;
+ FEQ1<2> fe;
+ LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem_2d (fe, LaplaceProblem<2>::adaptive_refinement);
+ laplace_problem_2d.run ();
+ cout << endl;
+ };
+ {
+ cout << "Solving with Q1 elements, global refinement" << endl
+ << "===========================================" << endl
+ << endl;
+ FEQ1<2> fe;
+ LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem_2d (fe, LaplaceProblem<2>::global_refinement);
+ laplace_problem_2d.run ();
+ cout << endl;
+ };
+ {
+ cout << "Solving with Q2 elements, global refinement" << endl
+ << "===========================================" << endl
+ << endl;
+ FEQ2<2> fe;
+ LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem_2d (fe, LaplaceProblem<2>::global_refinement);
+ laplace_problem_2d.run ();
+ cout << endl;
+ };
catch (exception &exc)