bool mirror[dim - 1];
Point<dim-1> constraint_point;
+ // Eliminate FP errors in constraint
+ // points. Due to their origin, they
+ // must all be fractions of the unit
+ // interval. If we have polynomial
+ // degree 4, the refined element has 8
+ // intervals. Hence the coordinates
+ // must be 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375 etc.
+ // Now the coordinates of the
+ // constraint points will be multiplied
+ // by the inverse of the interval size
+ // (in the example by 8). After that
+ // the coordinates must be integral
+ // numbers. Hence a normal truncation
+ // is performed and the coordinates
+ // will be scaled back. The equal
+ // treatment of all coordinates should
+ // eliminate any FP errors.
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim - 1; ++k)
- // Eliminate FP errors in
- // constraint points. Due to their
- // origin, they must all be
- // fractions of the unit
- // interval. If we have polynomial
- // degree 4, the refined element
- // has 8 intervals. Hence the
- // coordinates must be 0, 0.125,
- // 0.25, 0.375 etc. Now the
- // coordinates of the constraint
- // points will be multiplied by the
- // inverse of the interval size (in
- // the example by 8). After that
- // the coordinates must be integral
- // numbers. Hence a normal
- // truncation is performed and the
- // coordinates will be scaled
- // back. The equal treatment of all
- // coordinates should eliminate any
- // FP errors.
const int coord_int =
static_cast<int> (constraint_points[j](k) * interval + 0.25);
constraint_point(k) = 1.*coord_int / interval;
= { face_index_map[i] % (this->degree + 1),
face_index_map[i] / (this->degree + 1) };
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim - 1; ++k)
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k<2; ++k)
if (mirror[k])
indices[k] = this->degree - indices[k];