+++ /dev/null
-The newly released Version 3.1 of deal.II, an object-oriented finite
-element library, is available from the deal.II home-page at
- http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~deal
-It has significant improvements over the old version 3.0. See the news
-page at
- http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~deal/news/2000/3.0.0-vs-3.1.0.html
-deal.II is a C++ class library targeted at adaptive finite elements.
-It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques of the C++ programming
-language to offer you a modern interface to the complex data
-structures and algorithms required for locally refined meshes and
-enables you to use a variety of finite elements in one, two, and three
-space dimensions, as well as support for time-dependent problems.
-The library is written for research purposes and offers many features:
-- Support for one, two, and three space dimensions, using a unified
- interface that enables writing programs almost dimension independent.
-- Handling of locally refined grids, including different adaptive
- refinement strategies based on local error indicators and error
- estimators.
-- Support for a variety of finite elements, including Lagrange
- elements of order one through four, and discontinuous elements.
-- Extensive documentation: all documentation is available online in a
- logical tree structure to allow fast access to the information you
- need. If printed it comprises about 250 pages of tutorials, several
- reports, and far more than 1,000 pages of programming interface
- documentation with explanations of all classes, functions, and
- variables.
-- Modern software techniques that make access to the complex data
- structures and algorithms as transparent as possible. The use of
- object oriented programming allows for program structures similar to
- the structures in mathematical analysis.
-- Fast algorithms that enable you to solve problems with up to several
- millions of degrees of freedom quickly. As opposed to programming
- symbolic algebra packages the penalty for readability is low.
-- Support for several output formats, including some common formats
- for visualization of scientific data.
-- Support for a variety of computer platforms, including multi-
- processor machines.
-- Free source code under an Open Source license for noncommercial
- purposes, and the invitation to contribute to further development of
- the library.
-Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, the deal.II team
+++ /dev/null
-Version 3.2 of the well-known deal.II object-oriented finite element
-library has been released. It is available from the deal.II home-page
- http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~deal
-The most important improvements are:
-- Mapping of arbitrary order at curved boundaries. This includes the
- possibility of using sub-, iso-, and super-parametric elements, as
- well as C1 mappings and shape functions depending on the actual grid
- cell.
-- A matrix class for conveniently filtering Dirichlet boundary values
- without modifying the system matrix.
-- A wide variety of target systems by ISO C++ conformance.
-Beside these, the list of changes comprises more than 100 new
-functions, classes, and bug fixes. A concise list with respect to the
-previous version can be found at
- http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~deal/news/2001/3.1.0-vs-3.2.0.html
-All main features of the previous versions have been continued and
-- Support for dimension-independent programming
-- Extensive documentation and working example programs
-- Locally refined grids
-- Continuous and discontinuous elements of higher order
-- Fast linear algebra
-- Built-in support for symmetric multi-processing (SMP)
-- Output for a variety of visualization platforms
-deal.II is distributed under an Open Source license and is free for
-non-commercial use.
-Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, the deal.II team
+++ /dev/null
-Version 3.3 of the deal.II object-oriented finite element library has
-been released. It is available from the deal.II home-page at
- http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~deal
-The most important improvements compared to the previous version are:
-- Support for the graphical file formats used by Tecplot and OpenDX.
-- An example program demonstrating the Discontinuous Galerkin Finite
- Element Method (DGFEM).
-- Support for subdomains, thus simplifying the creation of programs
- that run on clusters of computers.
-Beside these, the list of changes comprises more than 50 new
-functions, classes, and bug fixes. A concise list with respect to the
-previous version can be found at
- http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/~deal/news/2002/3.2.0-vs-3.3.0.html
-All main features of the previous versions have been continued and
-- Support for dimension-independent programming
-- Extensive documentation and working example programs
-- Locally refined grids
-- Continuous and discontinuous elements of higher order
-- Fast linear algebra
-- Built-in support for symmetric multi-processing (SMP)
-- Output for a variety of visualization platforms.
-deal.II can be downloaded for free and is distributed under an Open
-Source license.
-Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, the deal.II team
+++ /dev/null
-Version 3.4 of the deal.II object-oriented finite element library has
-been released. It is available from the deal.II home-page at
- http://www.dealii.org
-The most important changes compared to the previous version are:
-- A new homepage address at www.dealii.org
-- Two more example programs, explaining modern error estimation
- techniques and showing software design methods allowing for modular
- and extensible programs
-- Improved multi-threading supports using POSIX
-- Improved ISO C++ Standard conformance
-- Support for TECPLOT binary format and grid output in DX format
-- Three functions have been deprecated, and will be removed in the
- next version.
-A complete list of changes with respect to the previous version can be
-found at
- http://www.dealii.org/news/2002/3.3.0-vs-3.4.0.html
-All main features of the previous versions have been continued and
-- Support for dimension-independent programming
-- Extensive documentation and working example programs
-- Locally refined grids
-- Continuous and discontinuous elements of higher order
-- Fast linear algebra
-- Built-in support for symmetric multi-processing (SMP)
-- Output for a variety of visualization platforms.
-deal.II can be downloaded for free and is distributed under an Open
-Source license.
-Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, the deal.II team
+++ /dev/null
-After one year of development, version 4.0 of the deal.II
-object-oriented finite element library has been released. It is
-available from the deal.II home-page at
- http://www.dealii.org
-This version features many new components. The most outstanding
-additions are
-- Support for Nedelec edge elements; in general, we now support
- vector-valued elements where the vector components are coupled
-- An implementation of Q(r) elements with hierarchic shape functions
-- A new and simpler-to-use multi-threading scheme
-- A much faster scheme to read in grids in 2d
-- Support for more compilers and operating systems
-A comprehensive list of new features can be found at
- http://www.dealii.org/news/3.4.0-vs-4.0.0.html
-All main features of the previous versions have been continued and
-- Support for dimension-independent programming
-- Extensive documentation and working example programs
-- Locally refined grids
-- A zoo of different finite elements
-- Fast linear algebra
-- Built-in support for symmetric multi-processing (SMP)
-- Output for a variety of visualization platforms.
-deal.II can be downloaded for free and is distributed under an Open
-Source license.
-Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, the deal.II team
+++ /dev/null
-After almost one year of development, version 5.0 of the deal.II
-object-oriented finite element library has been released. It is
-available from the deal.II home-page at
- http://www.dealii.org
-Version 5.0 is another major step for this library. The most important
-change is the addition of interfaces to the PETSc library to provide a
-second set of linear system support classes besides the original
-deal.II ones. Via PETSc and an interface to METIS, parallel finite
-element computations on clusters of computers have become as simple as
-sequential ones. Through this, the library has proven to support
-computations with more than 10 million unknowns.
-In addition to this, the most noteworthy changes are:
-- Two new example programs, demonstrating one-dimensional nonlinear
- problems and parallel computations with PETSc
-- The use of doxygen for the generation of our several-thousand pages
- strong documentation, with significantly better cross-linking between
- pages
-- Much better support for three-dimensional computations. Several
- topological restrictions on unstructured 3d meshes have been lifted,
- and a number of long-standing bugs have been fixed. We can now also
- read in 3d meshes with several 100,000 cells in a few seconds
-- Support for Raviart-Thomas elements in 2d and 3d.
-- Support for more compilers and operating systems
-A comprehensive list of new features and fixed bugs can be found at
- http://www.dealii.org/news/4.0.0-vs-5.0.0.html
-All main features of the previous versions have been continued and
-- Support for dimension-independent programming
-- Extensive documentation and working example programs
-- Locally refined grids
-- A zoo of different finite elements
-- Fast linear algebra
-- Built-in support for symmetric multi-processing (SMP)
-- Output for a variety of visualization platforms.
-deal.II can be downloaded for free and is distributed under an Open
-Source license.
-Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, the deal.II team
+++ /dev/null
-Version 5.1 of the deal.II object-oriented finite element library has been
-released. It is available from the deal.II home-page at
- http://www.dealii.org/
-Version 5.1 offers a number of improvements over previous versions. In
-particular, it contains a version of the sparse direct solver package UMFPack,
-as well as corresponding interfaces to use it from within deal.II.
-In addition to this, the most noteworthy changes are:
-- Vectors and matrices built on top of PETSc objects are now completely
- integrated. In particular, it is possible to build block vectors and
- matrices with them.
-- In 3d, Lagrange elements now implement hanging node constraints for all
- polynomial orders, not only for the first few
-- Several classes have been optimized to use algorithms with a better
- complexity in terms of memory use or run time
-- Support for DLLs on Microsoft Windows.
-A comprehensive list of new features and fixed bugs can be found at
- http://www.dealii.org/5.1.0/news/5.0.0-vs-5.1.0.html
-All main features of the previous versions have been continued and improved:
-- Support for dimension-independent programming
-- Extensive documentation and working example programs
-- Locally refined grids
-- A zoo of different finite elements
-- Fast linear algebra
-- Built-in support for symmetric multi-processing (SMP)
-- Output for a variety of visualization platforms.
-deal.II can be downloaded for free and is distributed under an Open
-Source license.
-Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, the deal.II team
+++ /dev/null
-Version 5.2 of the deal.II object-oriented finite element library has been
-released. It is available from the deal.II home-page at
- http://www.dealii.org/
-Version 5.2 offers a number of improvements over previous versions. In
-particular, the most noteworthy changes are:
-- There are two more tutorial programs that demonstrate solving 3d, quasi-
- static elasticity problems in parallel as well as some data handling
- techniques
-- Support for parsing and evaluating functions given in text, rather than
- in program form
-- A new graphical output format that can later be converted to the file
- formats understood by a large number of visualization packages
-- Optimization of the interface to PETSc, in particular for distributed
- sparse matrices
-- Full support for computations with symmetric tensors
-- Many improvements in the generation of our 4000+ page documentation
-- Fixes for all the bugs that have come to our attention in the last
- 9 months.
-A comprehensive list of almost 100 new features and fixed bugs can be found at
- http://www.dealii.org/5.2.0/news/5.1.0-vs-5.2.0.html
-All main features of the previous versions have been continued and improved:
-- Support for dimension-independent programming
-- Extensive documentation and working example programs
-- Multigrid support
-- Locally refined grids
-- A zoo of different finite elements
-- Fast linear algebra
-- Built-in support for symmetric multi-processing (SMP) and distributed
- computing
-- Output for a variety of visualization platforms.
-deal.II can be downloaded for free and is distributed under an Open
-Source license.
-Guido Kanschat, Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, the deal.II team
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# How to use this script:
-# 1. Produce a file announce-$version, where
-# $version = $Major.$minor[.$patchlevel]
-# 2. Run this script like
-# perl announce.pl 3.3
-# This will send email to Guido, Ralf, Wolfgang.
-# 3. Check if this email was correctly delivered.
-# 4. Run the script again with additional 'ok':
-# perl announce.pl 3.3 ok
-# 5. Remove addresses with delivery problems from the list!!!
-use strict;
-my $os = `uname -s`;
-# die "Use on Linux machines only !" unless ($os =~ m'Linux');
-#die "Call as deal user" unless (`who am i` =~ m/deal/);
-my @recipients;
-my $test = 1;
-die "Usage: perl announce.pl <version> [ok]" if ($#ARGV<0);
-my $version = $ARGV[0];
-my $file = "announce-$version";
-die "Announcement file $file does not exist" unless (-r $file);
-$test = 0 if ($ARGV[1] eq 'ok');
-open ANNOUNCEMENT, $file;
-my @announcement = <ANNOUNCEMENT>;
-print "=====Announcing version $version=====\n";
-# Undeliverable addresses are commented out.
-if ($test)
- @recipients = ('wolfgang@dealii.org',
- 'guido.kanschat@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de',
- 'ralf@dealii.org');
-} else {
- @recipients = (
- 'dealii@dealii.org',
-# 'kc@isc.tamu.edu',
- 'tveldhui@extreme.indiana.edu',
- 'sullivan@mathcom.com',
- 'Ian_MacPhedran@engr.usask.ca',
- 'roger@maths.grace.cri.nz',
-# 'oon-digest@oonumerics.org',
- 'scicomp@uni-erlangen.de',
- 'im-net-digest@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de',
- 'na.digest@na-net.ornl.gov',
- 'num.info@ganymed.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de');
-my $r;
-foreach $r (@recipients)
- print "$r\n";
- if ($test)
- {
- system ("mailx -s 'deal.II Version $version released' $r < $file");
- } else {
- system ("mailx -s 'deal.II Version $version released' $r < $file");
- }
+++ /dev/null
-This file is internal information only. It lists the steps to be done
-when a new release shall be issued:
- cvs update -d -P
- perl common/scripts/status.pl -c
- make all
- cd tests ; make all ; cd ..
- cd examples ; make all ; cd ..
-*** Caveat: for a minor version x.y.Z,
-*** 1-3 must be performed on Branch-x-y
-*** AND on HEAD
-1/ rename the changes file and create a new one for the next release
-2/ adjust news.html: new entry for the release, remove temporary entry
- used to show changes after last release. Crosslink changes file. If
- necessary link an announcement.
-3/ Commit the changes of step 2!
-4/ if a x.y.0 release, create a branch:
- call common/scripts/cvs-create-branch <x> <y>
-5/ cvs checkout -P -r Branch-<x>-<y> deal.II
- mv deal.II checkout
- cd checkout
- cvs checkout -r Branch-<x>-<y> tests
-6/ change the version in configure.in on both HEAD and branch; version
- on branch should have THREE digits.
-7/ test the branch thoroughly:
- make distclean (if applicable)
- ./configure --with-umfpack
- make all
- cd tests
- make all
- cd ../examples
- make all
- make run
-8/ run `make online-doc' on the branch and check that no link
- points to Nirvana
-9/ cvs tag all files with Version-x-y-z
-10/ tell your friends to tag their programs
-11/ call common/scripts/make_tarfile.sh in the directory containing 'checkout'
-12/ put both tar files on the web server.
-13/ Add links to download/index.html, navbar.html and toc.html on homepage.
-14/ Log in as deal and execute "makedoc_version x.y.z"
- Report errors!!!
-15/ wait overnight
-16/ announce the release
- follow the instructions in ./announce.pl
-17/ Celebrate!