right parts the values coincide with each other, just as we wanted:
@image html step-45.solution.png
+Note also that the solution is clearly not left-right symmetric and so would
+not likely have been periodic had we prescribed, for example, homogeneous
+Neumann boundary condition. However, it is periodic thanks to the constraints
+<a name="extensions"></a>
+<h3>Possibilities for extensions</h3>
+The function <code>LaplaceProblem::make_periodicity_constraints</code> is
+relatively simple in that it just matches the location of degrees of
+freedom. This makes it flexible when the periodicity boundary conditions are
+posed not just on opposite faces of the unit rectangle but on separate parts
+of a possibly more complicated domain. Or, if one wanted to "twist" the
+boundary condition by prescribing, for example,
+ u(0,y) &= u(1,1-y) \qquad &\text{for }y\in(0,1).
+On the other hand, the function is somewhat limited by the assumption that the
+domain is two-dimensional and that we only use $Q_1$ elements. The former
+assumption is easily lifted by looping over all four vertices of a face in 3d,
+but the latter is somewhat more complicated to lift because we have assumed
+that degrees of freedom are only located in vertices. In the following,
+therefore, let us describe a function that computes the same constraints but
+in a dimension-independent way and for any finite element one may want to
+The idea is to work recursively on pairs of faces. For example, let us start
+with the left and right face of the (single) coarse mesh cell. They need to
+match, but they are not active (i.e. they are further refined) and so there
+are no degrees of freedom associated with these faces. However, if the two
+current faces are periodic, then so are the zeroth children of the two as well
+as the respective first children, etc. We can then in turn work on each of
+these pairs of faces. If they are not active, we may recurse further into this
+refinement tree until we find a pair of active faces. In that case, we enter
+equivalences between matching degrees of freedom on the two active faces.
+An implementation of this idea would look like follows (with the
+<code>make_periodicity_constraint_recursively()</code> function — an
+implementation detail, not an external interface — put into an anonymous
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ make_periodicity_constraints_recursively
+ (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &face_1,
+ const typename DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &face_2,
+ ConstraintMatrix &constraints)
+ {
+ Assert (face_1->n_children() == face_2->n_children(),
+ ExcNotImplemented());
+ if (face_1->has_children())
+ {
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<face_1->n_children(); ++c)
+ make_periodicity_constraints_recursively<dim> (face_1->child(c),
+ face_2->child(c),
+ constraints);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_face
+ = face_1->get_dof_handler().get_fe().dofs_per_face;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices_1 (dofs_per_face);
+ face_1->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices_1);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices_2 (dofs_per_face);
+ face_2->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices_2);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_face; ++i)
+ {
+ constraints.add_line (local_dof_indices_1[i]);
+ constraints.add_entry (local_dof_indices_1[i],
+ local_dof_indices_2[i],
+ 1.0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void LaplaceProblem::make_periodicity_constraints ()
+ make_periodicity_constraints_recursively<2> (dof_handler.begin(0)->face(0),
+ dof_handler.begin(0)->face(1),
+ constraints);
+The implementation of the recursive function should be mostly self explanatory
+given the discussion above. The
+<code>LaplaceProblem::make_periodicity_constraints()</code> function simply
+calls the former with matching faces of the first (and only) coarse mesh cell
+on refinement level 0. Note that when calling the recursive function we have
+to explicitly specify the template argument since the compiler can not deduce
+it (the template argument is only used in a "non-deducible context").
+This function is now dimension and finite element independent, but it still
+has the restriction that it assumes that the mesh is uniformly refined (or, in
+fact, only that matching periodic faces are refined equally). We check this at
+the beginning by asserting that both faces have the same number of children
+(that includes that neither have any children, i.e. that both are active).
+On the other hand, the function above can be extended to also allow this sort
+of thing. In that case, if we encounter the situation that only one cell is
+refined, we would have to recurse into its children and interpolate their
+degrees of freedom with respect to the degrees of freedom to the coarser
+matching face. This can use the same facilities the finite element classes
+already provide for computing constraints based on hanging nodes. We leave
+implementing this as an exercise, however.