base_ptr[offsets[0]] = data;
+ /**
+ * Returns horizontal sum of data field.
+ */
+ Number
+ horizontal_add()
+ {
+ return data;
+ }
* Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
* enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
_mm512_i32scatter_pd(base_ptr, index, data, 8);
+ /**
+ * Returns horizontal sum of data field.
+ */
+ double
+ horizontal_add();
* Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
* enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
__m512d data;
+ /**
+ * Extract lower half of data field.
+ */
+ __m256d
+ get_low() const
+ {
+ return _mm512_castpd512_pd256(data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract higher half of data field.
+ */
+ __m256d
+ get_high() const
+ {
+ return _mm512_extractf64x4_pd(data, 1);
+ }
* Return the square root of this field. Not for use in user code. Use
* sqrt(x) instead.
_mm512_i32scatter_ps(base_ptr, index, data, 4);
+ /**
+ * Returns horizontal sum of data field.
+ */
+ float
+ horizontal_add();
* Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
* enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
__m512 data;
+ /**
+ * Extract lower half of data field.
+ */
+ __m256
+ get_low() const
+ {
+ return _mm512_castps512_ps256(data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract higher half of data field.
+ */
+ __m256
+ get_high() const
+ {
+ return _mm256_castpd_ps(_mm512_extractf64x4_pd(_mm512_castps_pd(data), 1));
+ }
* Return the square root of this field. Not for use in user code. Use
* sqrt(x) instead.
: VectorizedArrayBase<VectorizedArray<double, 4>, 4>(list)
+ /**
+ * Construct an array with the data field.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray(__m256d const &x)
+ {
+ data = x;
+ }
* This function can be used to set all data fields to a given scalar.
base_ptr[offsets[i]] = *(reinterpret_cast<const double *>(&data) + i);
+ /**
+ * Returns horizontal sum of data field.
+ */
+ double
+ horizontal_add();
* Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
* enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
__m256d data;
+ /**
+ * Extract lower half of data field.
+ */
+ __m128d
+ get_low() const
+ {
+ return _mm256_castpd256_pd128(data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract higher half of data field.
+ */
+ __m128d
+ get_high() const
+ {
+ return _mm256_extractf128_pd(data, 1);
+ }
* Return the square root of this field. Not for use in user code. Use
* sqrt(x) instead.
: VectorizedArrayBase<VectorizedArray<float, 8>, 8>(list)
+ /**
+ * Construct an array with the data field.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray(__m256 const &x)
+ {
+ data = x;
+ }
* This function can be used to set all data fields to a given scalar.
base_ptr[offsets[i]] = *(reinterpret_cast<const float *>(&data) + i);
+ /**
+ * Returns horizontal sum of data field.
+ */
+ float
+ horizontal_add();
* Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
* enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
__m256 data;
+ /**
+ * Extract lower half of data field.
+ */
+ __m128
+ get_low() const
+ {
+ return _mm256_castps256_ps128(data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract higher half of data field.
+ */
+ __m128
+ get_high() const
+ {
+ return _mm256_extractf128_ps(data, 1);
+ }
* Return the square root of this field. Not for use in user code. Use
* sqrt(x) instead.
: VectorizedArrayBase<VectorizedArray<double, 2>, 2>(list)
+ /**
+ * Construct an array with the data field.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray(__m128d const &x)
+ {
+ data = x;
+ }
* This function can be used to set all data fields to a given scalar.
base_ptr[offsets[i]] = *(reinterpret_cast<const double *>(&data) + i);
+ /**
+ * Returns horizontal sum of data field.
+ */
+ double
+ horizontal_add();
* Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
* enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
return *this;
+ /**
+ * Construct an array with the data field.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray(__m128 const &x)
+ {
+ data = x;
+ }
* Assign a scalar to the current object. This overload is used for
* rvalue references; because it does not make sense to assign
base_ptr[offsets[i]] = *(reinterpret_cast<const float *>(&data) + i);
+ /**
+ * Returns horizontal sum of data field.
+ */
+ float
+ horizontal_add();
* Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
* enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
#endif // DOXYGEN
+ * horizontal_add() functions.
+ */
+#if DEAL_II_VECTORIZATION_WIDTH_IN_BITS >= 128 && defined(__SSE2__)
+inline double
+VectorizedArray<double, 2>::horizontal_add()
+ __m128d t1 = _mm_unpackhi_pd(data, data);
+ __m128d t2 = _mm_add_pd(data, t1);
+ return _mm_cvtsd_f64(t2);
+inline float
+VectorizedArray<float, 4>::horizontal_add()
+ __m128 t1 = _mm_movehl_ps(data, data);
+ __m128 t2 = _mm_add_ps(data, t1);
+ __m128 t3 = _mm_shuffle_ps(t2, t2, 1);
+ __m128 t4 = _mm_add_ss(t2, t3);
+ return _mm_cvtss_f32(t4);
+#if DEAL_II_VECTORIZATION_WIDTH_IN_BITS >= 256 && defined(__AVX__)
+inline double
+VectorizedArray<double, 4>::horizontal_add()
+ VectorizedArray<double, 2> t1(this->get_low() + this->get_high());
+ return t1.horizontal_add();
+inline float
+VectorizedArray<float, 8>::horizontal_add()
+ VectorizedArray<float, 4> t1(this->get_low() + this->get_high());
+ return t1.horizontal_add();
+#if DEAL_II_VECTORIZATION_WIDTH_IN_BITS >= 512 && defined(__AVX512F__)
+inline double
+VectorizedArray<double, 8>::horizontal_add()
+ VectorizedArray<double, 4> t1(this->get_low() + this->get_high());
+ return t1.horizontal_add();
+inline float
+VectorizedArray<float, 16>::horizontal_add()
+ VectorizedArray<float, 8> t1(this->get_low() + this->get_high());
+ return t1.horizontal_add();
* @name Arithmetic operations with VectorizedArray
* @{