perl -pi -e 's/(EXTRACT_PRIVATE\s*=\s*)NO/$$1YES/;s/(INTERNAL_DOCS\s*=\s*)NO/$$1YES/;' options.dox
$(MAKE) html
-%.tag: %.dox
- @DOXYGEN@ $<
+# generate documentation. write the output to a file so as not to hide the
+# important message to impatient observers that this process can take quite
+# a while
+deal.tag: deal.dox \
+ $D/base/include/*/*.h \
+ $D/lac/include/*/*.h \
+ $D/deal.II/include/*/*.h \
+ headers/*.h
+ @echo "=== Generating reference documentation. " \
+ "This can take several minutes..."
+ @DOXYGEN@ deal.dox > doxygen.log
-base.tag: @prefix@/base/include/*/*.h headers/base/*.h
-lac.tag: base.tag @prefix@/lac/include/*/*.h headers/lac/*.h
-deal.tag: lac.tag @prefix@/deal.II/include/*/*.h headers/deal.II/*.h
-base: base.tag
-lac: lac.tag
deal.II: deal.tag
# validate cross references. there are so many html files in these
# $(PERL) $D/common/scripts/ deal.II/*.html
# as this leads to error messages of the kind "/usr/bin/perl: Argument
# list too long". Instead, use a loop over all html files
- @echo --- Validating xrefs in $(@:validate-xrefs-%=%)/ ---
- cd $(@:validate-xrefs-%=%) ; \
+ @echo --- Validating xrefs in doxygen/deal.II/ ---
+ @cd deal.II ; \
for i in *.html ; do \
- $(PERL) $D/common/scripts/ $i ; \
+ $(PERL) $D/common/scripts/ $$i ; \
-validate-xrefs: validate-xrefs-base \
- validate-xrefs-lac \
- validate-xrefs-deal.II
+# we have so many files that we can't just do "rm deal.II/*" because that
+# leads to overlong command lines. gotta split it up
+ for i in {base,lac,deal.II}/* ; do rm $$i ; done
+ rm *.tag
-.PHONY: html private base lac deal.II \
- validate-xrefs \
- validate-xrefs-base \
- validate-xrefs-lac \
- validate-xrefs-deal.II
+.PHONY: html private deal.II \
+ validate-xrefs clean