if (auto tria_pdt = dynamic_cast<
const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(&tria))
- Assert(
- my_rank == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int ||
- my_rank == dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm),
- ExcMessage(
- "If parallel::distributed::Triangulation as source triangulation, my_rank has to equal global rank."));
+ Assert(my_rank == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int ||
+ my_rank == dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "For creation from a parallel::distributed::Triangulation, "
+ "my_rank has to equal global rank."));
my_rank = dealii::Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm);
// store the communicator
construction_data.comm = comm;
std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>>
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vertex_to_coinciding_vertex_group;
// helper function, which collects all vertices belonging to a cell
// (also taking into account periodicity)
- auto add_vertices_of_cell_to_vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells =
- [coinciding_vertex_groups, vertex_to_coinciding_vertex_group](
- TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &cell,
+ const auto add_vertices_of_cell_to_vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells =
+ [&coinciding_vertex_groups, &vertex_to_coinciding_vertex_group](
+ const auto & cell,
std::vector<bool> &vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells) {
// add local vertices
for (const auto v : cell->vertex_indices())
(tria.get_mesh_smoothing() &
Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::limit_level_difference_at_vertices),
- "Source triangulation has to be setup with limit_level_difference_at_vertices if the construction of the multigrid hierarchy is requested!"));
+ "Source triangulation has to be set up with "
+ "limit_level_difference_at_vertices if the construction of the "
+ "multigrid hierarchy is requested!"));
// 1) collect locally relevant cells (set user_flag)
std::vector<bool> old_user_flags;
// cell
std::vector<bool> vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells_on_level(
- for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
+ for (const auto &cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
if ((construct_multigrid &&
(cell->level_subdomain_id() == my_rank)) ||
(cell->is_active() && cell->subdomain_id() == my_rank))
cell, vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells_on_level);
- for (auto cell : tria.active_cell_iterators())
+ for (const auto &cell : tria.active_cell_iterators())
if (cell->subdomain_id() == my_rank)
cell, vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells_on_level);
// helper function to determine if cell is locally relevant
// (i.e. a cell which is connected to a vertex via a locally
// owned cell)
- const auto is_locally_relevant_on_level =
- [&](TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &cell) {
- for (const auto v : cell->vertex_indices())
- if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells_on_level
- [cell->vertex_index(v)])
- return true;
- return false;
- };
+ const auto is_locally_relevant_on_level = [&](const auto &cell) {
+ for (const auto v : cell->vertex_indices())
+ if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells_on_level
+ [cell->vertex_index(v)])
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
// mark all locally relevant cells
- for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
+ for (const auto &cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
if (is_locally_relevant_on_level(cell))
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vertices_locally_relevant;
// a) loop over all cells
- for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(0))
+ for (const auto &cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(0))
if (!cell->user_flag_set())
// collect local vertices on active level
std::vector<bool> vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_active_cells(
- for (auto cell : tria.active_cell_iterators())
+ for (const auto &cell : tria.active_cell_iterators())
if (cell->subdomain_id() == my_rank)
cell, vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_active_cells);
// helper function to determine if cell is locally relevant
// on active level
- const auto is_locally_relevant_on_active_level =
- [&](TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &cell) {
- if (cell->is_active())
- for (const auto v : cell->vertex_indices())
- if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_active_cells
- [cell->vertex_index(v)])
- return true;
- return false;
- };
+ const auto is_locally_relevant_on_active_level = [&](const auto &cell) {
+ if (cell->is_active())
+ for (const auto v : cell->vertex_indices())
+ if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_active_cells[cell->vertex_index(
+ v)])
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
for (unsigned int level = 0;
level < tria.get_triangulation().n_global_levels();
// collect local vertices on level
std::vector<bool> vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells_on_level(
- for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
+ for (const auto &cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
if ((construct_multigrid &&
(cell->level_subdomain_id() == my_rank)) ||
(cell->is_active() && cell->subdomain_id() == my_rank))
// helper function to determine if cell is locally relevant
// on level
- const auto is_locally_relevant_on_level =
- [&](TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &cell) {
- for (const auto v : cell->vertex_indices())
- if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells_on_level
- [cell->vertex_index(v)])
- return true;
- return false;
- };
+ const auto is_locally_relevant_on_level = [&](const auto &cell) {
+ for (const auto v : cell->vertex_indices())
+ if (vertices_owned_by_locally_owned_cells_on_level
+ [cell->vertex_index(v)])
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
auto &level_cell_infos = construction_data.cell_infos[level];
- for (auto cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
+ for (const auto &cell : tria.cell_iterators_on_level(level))
// check if cell is locally relevant
if (!(cell->user_flag_set()))