FullMatrix<number>::copy_from (const MATRIX &M)
this->reinit (M.m(), M.n());
- const typename MATRIX::const_iterator end = M.end();
- for (typename MATRIX::const_iterator entry = M.begin();
- entry != end; ++entry)
- this->el(entry->row(), entry->column()) = entry->value();
+ // loop over the elements of the argument matrix row by row, as suggested
+ // in the documentation of the sparse matrix iterator class, and
+ // copy them into the current object
+ for (unsigned int row = 0; row < M.n(); ++row)
+ {
+ const typename MATRIX::const_iterator end_row = M.end(row);
+ for (typename MATRIX::const_iterator entry = M.begin(row);
+ entry != end_row; ++entry)
+ this->el(row, entry->column()) = entry->value();
+ }
FullMatrix<number>::copy_transposed (const MATRIX &M)
this->reinit (M.n(), M.m());
- const typename MATRIX::const_iterator end = M.end();
- for (typename MATRIX::const_iterator entry = M.begin();
- entry != end; ++entry)
- this->el(entry->column(), entry->row()) = entry->value();
+ // loop over the elements of the argument matrix row by row, as suggested
+ // in the documentation of the sparse matrix iterator class, and
+ // copy them into the current object
+ for (unsigned int row = 0; row < M.n(); ++row)
+ {
+ const typename MATRIX::const_iterator end_row = M.end(row);
+ for (typename MATRIX::const_iterator entry = M.begin(row);
+ entry != end_row; ++entry)
+ this->el(entry->column(), row) = entry->value();
+ }