-//TODO:[WB] remove reference to non-existing TriaDimensionInfo
* Structure which is passed to the
* <tt>Triangulation<dim>::create_triangulation</tt> function. It
* In order to make things as easy and dimension independent as possible,
* use of class local typedefs is made, see below.
- * In the base class TriaDimensionInfo, a @p Cell is typedef'd to be whatever
- * is reasonable for a cell in the respective dimension, i.e. a @p Line in
- * one dimension, a @p Quad in two dimensions, and so on.
- *
* The Triangulation class provides iterator which enable looping over all
- * lines, cells,
- * etc without knowing the exact representation used to describe them. Their
- * names are typedefs in the TriaDimensionInfo base class (thus making them
- * local types to this class) and are as follows:
+ * lines, cells, etc without knowing the exact representation used to
+ * describe them. Their names are typedefs imported from the IteratorSelector
+ * class (thus making them local types to this class) and are as follows:
* <ul>
* <li> @p raw_line_iterator: loop over all lines, used or not (declared for