--- /dev/null
+New: Class parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer
+has been introduced to transfer the active_fe_index of each
+cell across meshes in case of refinement/serialization, if a
+hp::DoFHandler has been used with a parallel::distributed::Triangulation.
+(Marc Fehling, 2018/07/23)
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii_distributed_active_fe_indices_transfer_h
+#define dealii_distributed_active_fe_indices_transfer_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/hp/dof_handler.h>
+namespace parallel
+ namespace distributed
+ {
+ /**
+ * This class transfers each cell's `active_fe_index` of a hp::FECollection
+ * attached to a hp::DoFHandler while refining and/or coarsening a
+ * distributed grid and handles the necessary communication.
+ *
+ * This class therefore does for the `active_fe_index` information of each
+ * cell what parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer does for the values
+ * of degrees of freedom defined on a parallel::distributed::Triangulation.
+ *
+ * @note If you use more than one object to attach data to a
+ * parallel::distributed::Triangulation at the same time (e.g. a
+ * parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer object), the calls to
+ * parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer::prepare_for_transfer(),
+ * parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer::prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement()
+ * and parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer::prepare_serialization(),
+ * as well as parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer::unpack() and
+ * parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer::interpolate(), or
+ * parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer::deserialize() and
+ * parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer::deserialize() for serialization,
+ * need to be in the same order, respectively.
+ *
+ * <h3>Transferring each cell's active_fe_index</h3>
+ *
+ * The following code snippet demonstrates how to transfer all active FE
+ * indices across refinement/coarsening of the triangulation that is
+ * registered to the hp::DoFHandler member object of this class.
+ *
+ * @code
+ * parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>
+ * feidx_trans(hp_dof_handler);
+ * // flag some cells for refinement and coarsening, e.g.
+ * GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_fraction(tria,
+ * error_indicators,
+ * 0.3,
+ * 0.05);
+ *
+ * // prepare the triangulation,
+ * tria.prepare_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ *
+ * // prepare the SolutionTransfer object for coarsening and refinement
+ * // and give the solution vector that we intend to interpolate later,
+ * feidx_trans.prepare_for_transfer();
+ *
+ * // actually execute the refinement,
+ * tria.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ *
+ * // unpack all active fe indices,
+ * feidx_trans.unpack();
+ *
+ * // redistribute dofs for further use,
+ * // using the active FE indices just restored
+ * hp_dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe_collection);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ *
+ * <h3>Use for serialization</h3>
+ *
+ * This class can be used to serialize and later deserialize a distributed
+ * mesh with attached data to separate files. If you use more than one
+ * hp::DoFHandler and therefore more than one
+ * parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer object, they need to be
+ * serialized and deserialized in the same order.
+ *
+ * For serialization, the following code snippet saves not only the
+ * triangulation itself, but also the active FE indices of a hp::DoFHandler
+ * that works on this triangulation:
+ * @code
+ * parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>
+ * feidx_trans(hp_dof_handler);
+ * feidx_trans.prepare_for_transfer();
+ *
+ * triangulation.save(filename);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Later, during deserialization, both the triangulation and all active FE
+ * indices of the hp::DoFHandler can be restored as follows:
+ * @code
+ * //[create coarse mesh...]
+ * triangulation.load(filename);
+ *
+ * parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>
+ * feidx_trans(hp_dof_handler);
+ * feidx_trans.deserialize();
+ *
+ * // distribute dofs for further use,
+ * // using the active FE indices just restored
+ * hp_dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe_collection);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @note See documentation of parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer for
+ * matching code snippets in both cases.
+ *
+ * @ingroup distributed
+ * @author Marc Fehling, 2018
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
+ class ActiveFEIndicesTransfer
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param[in] dof The hp::DoFHandler on which all
+ * operations will happen. At the time when this constructor
+ * is called, the hp::DoFHandler still points to the triangulation
+ * before the refinement in question happens.
+ */
+ ActiveFEIndicesTransfer(const hp::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &dof_handler);
+ /**
+ * Prepare the current object for coarsening and refinement or
+ * serialization.
+ */
+ void
+ prepare_for_transfer();
+ /**
+ * Unpack the information previously stored in this object before
+ * the mesh was refined or coarsened onto the current set of cells.
+ */
+ void
+ unpack();
+ /**
+ * Execute the deserialization of the stored information.
+ * This needs to be done after calling Triangulation::load().
+ */
+ void
+ deserialize();
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Pointer to the hp::DoFHandler to work with.
+ */
+ SmartPointer<const hp::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>,
+ ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>>
+ dof_handler;
+ /**
+ * The handle that the parallel::distributed::Triangulation has
+ * assigned to this object with which we can access our memory
+ * offset and our pack function.
+ */
+ unsigned int handle;
+ /**
+ * A callback function used to pack the data on the current mesh into
+ * objects that can later be retrieved after refinement, coarsening and
+ * repartitioning.
+ */
+ std::vector<char>
+ pack_callback(
+ const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::CellStatus status);
+ /**
+ * A callback function used to unpack the data on the current mesh that
+ * has been packed up previously on the mesh before refinement,
+ * coarsening and repartitioning.
+ */
+ void
+ unpack_callback(
+ const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::CellStatus status,
+ const boost::iterator_range<std::vector<char>::const_iterator>
+ &data_range);
+ };
+ } // namespace distributed
+} // namespace parallel
+ active_fe_indices_transfer.cc
+ active_fe_indices_transfer.inst.in
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+# include <deal.II/distributed/active_fe_indices_transfer.h>
+# include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+# include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+# include <deal.II/hp/dof_handler.h>
+namespace parallel
+ namespace distributed
+ {
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer(
+ const hp::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &dof_handler)
+ : dof_handler(&dof_handler, typeid(*this).name())
+ , handle(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ Assert(
+ (dynamic_cast<
+ const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &(this->dof_handler)->get_triangulation()) != nullptr),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer requires a parallel::distributed::Triangulation object."));
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>::prepare_for_transfer()
+ {
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *tria =
+ (dynamic_cast<parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ const_cast<dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &dof_handler->get_triangulation())));
+ Assert(tria != nullptr, ExcInternalError());
+ handle = tria->register_data_attach(
+ std::bind(&ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>::pack_callback,
+ this,
+ std::placeholders::_1,
+ std::placeholders::_2),
+ /*returns_variable_size_data=*/false);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>::unpack()
+ {
+ // TODO: casting away constness is bad
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *tria =
+ (dynamic_cast<parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ const_cast<dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *>(
+ &dof_handler->get_triangulation())));
+ Assert(tria != nullptr, ExcInternalError());
+ tria->notify_ready_to_unpack(
+ handle,
+ std::bind(&ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>::unpack_callback,
+ this,
+ std::placeholders::_1,
+ std::placeholders::_2,
+ std::placeholders::_3));
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>::deserialize()
+ {
+ // For deserialization, we need to register this object
+ // to the triangulation first to get a valid handle for
+ // data access.
+ prepare_for_transfer();
+ unpack();
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ std::vector<char>
+ ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>::pack_callback(
+ const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell_,
+ const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::CellStatus status)
+ {
+ const typename hp::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator cell(
+ *cell_, dof_handler);
+ unsigned int fe_index = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim,
+ spacedim>::CELL_PERSIST:
+ case parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::CELL_REFINE:
+ fe_index = cell->active_fe_index();
+ break;
+ case parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim,
+ spacedim>::CELL_COARSEN:
+ // In this case, the callback function will be called on the parent
+ // cell which shall store the packed information. We need to choose
+ // from its children which ID to store.
+ {
+ std::set<unsigned int> fe_indices_children;
+ for (unsigned int child_index = 0;
+ child_index < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell;
+ ++child_index)
+ {
+ typename hp::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator child =
+ cell->child(child_index);
+ fe_indices_children.insert(child->active_fe_index());
+ }
+ fe_index = dof_handler->get_fe().find_least_face_dominating_fe(
+ fe_indices_children);
+ Assert(fe_index != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "No FiniteElement has been found in your FECollection "
+ "that dominates all children of a cell you are trying "
+ "to coarsen!"));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ break;
+ }
+ return Utilities::pack(fe_index, /*allow_compression=*/false);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void
+ ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, spacedim>::unpack_callback(
+ const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell_,
+ const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::CellStatus status,
+ const boost::iterator_range<std::vector<char>::const_iterator>
+ &data_range)
+ {
+ typename hp::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator cell(*cell_,
+ dof_handler);
+ const unsigned int fe_index =
+ Utilities::unpack<unsigned int>(data_range.begin(),
+ data_range.end(),
+ /*allow_compression=*/false);
+ Assert(fe_index <= dof_handler->get_fe().size(), ExcInternalError());
+ switch (status)
+ {
+ case parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim,
+ spacedim>::CELL_PERSIST:
+ case parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim,
+ spacedim>::CELL_COARSEN:
+ cell->set_active_fe_index(fe_index);
+ break;
+ case parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::CELL_REFINE:
+ // In this case, the callback function will be called on the parent
+ // cell which stores the packed information. We need to distribute
+ // it on its children.
+ for (unsigned int child_index = 0;
+ child_index < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell;
+ ++child_index)
+ cell->child(child_index)->set_active_fe_index(fe_index);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } // namespace distributed
+} // namespace parallel
+// explicit instantiations
+# include "feindices_transfer.inst"
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
+ {
+ namespace parallel
+ \{
+ namespace distributed
+ \{
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+ template class ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<deal_II_dimension,
+ deal_II_space_dimension>;
+ \}
+ \}
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ActiveFEIndicesTransfer Test
+#include <deal.II/distributed/active_fe_indices_transfer.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/hp/dof_handler.h>
+#include "../tests.h"
+template <int dim>
+ const unsigned int myid = Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ // ------ setup ------
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> tria(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_cube(tria, 2);
+ tria.refine_global(1);
+ deallog << "cells before: " << tria.n_global_active_cells() << std::endl;
+ hp::DoFHandler<dim> dh(tria);
+ hp::FECollection<dim> fe_collection;
+ // prepare FECollection with arbitrary number of entries
+ const unsigned int max_degree = 1 + std::pow(2, dim);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max_degree; ++i)
+ fe_collection.push_back(FE_Q<dim>(max_degree - i));
+ typename hp::DoFHandler<dim, dim>::active_cell_iterator cell;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ for (cell = dh.begin_active(); cell != dh.end(); ++cell)
+ {
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ {
+ // set active fe index
+ if (!(cell->is_artificial()))
+ {
+ if (i >= fe_collection.size())
+ i = 0;
+ cell->set_active_fe_index(i++);
+ }
+ // set refinement/coarsening flags
+ if (cell->id().to_string() == "0_1:0")
+ cell->set_refine_flag();
+ else if (cell->parent()->id().to_string() ==
+ ((dim == 2) ? "3_0:" : "7_0:"))
+ cell->set_coarsen_flag();
+ deallog << "myid=" << myid << " cellid=" << cell->id()
+ << " fe_index=" << cell->active_fe_index()
+ << " feq_degree=" << max_degree - cell->active_fe_index();
+ if (cell->coarsen_flag_set())
+ deallog << " coarsening";
+ else if (cell->refine_flag_set())
+ deallog << " refining";
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ dh.distribute_dofs(fe_collection);
+ // ----- transfer -----
+ parallel::distributed::ActiveFEIndicesTransfer<dim, dim> feidx_transfer(dh);
+ feidx_transfer.prepare_for_transfer();
+ tria.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ deallog << "cells after: " << tria.n_global_active_cells() << std::endl;
+ feidx_transfer.unpack();
+ // for further calculations, distribute dofs after unpacking, i.e.
+ // dh.distribute_dofs(fe_collection);
+ // ------ verify ------
+ // check if all children adopted the correct id
+ for (cell = dh.begin_active(); cell != dh.end(); ++cell)
+ {
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ {
+ deallog << "myid=" << myid << " cellid=" << cell->id()
+ << " fe_index=" << cell->active_fe_index()
+ << " feq_degree=" << max_degree - cell->active_fe_index()
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure no processor is hanging
+ deallog << "OK" << std::endl;
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll log;
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ test<2>();
+ deallog.pop();
+ deallog.push("3d");
+ test<3>();
+ deallog.pop();
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5 refining
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:0 fe_index=4 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:1 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:2 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:3 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:00 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:01 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:02 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:03 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9 refining
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:0 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:1 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:2 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:3 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:4 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:5 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:6 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:7 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:0 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:1 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:2 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:3 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:4 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:5 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:6 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:7 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=3_1:0 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=3_1:1 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=3_1:2 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=3_1:3 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=3_1:4 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=3_1:5 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=3_1:6 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=3_1:7 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:0 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:1 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:2 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:3 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:4 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:5 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:6 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=1_1:7 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:0 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:1 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:2 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:3 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:4 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:5 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:6 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=2_1:7 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:00 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:01 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:02 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:03 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:04 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:05 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:06 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:07 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=2_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=2_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=2_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=2_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:0 fe_index=4 feq_degree=1 coarsening
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:1 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5 coarsening
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:2 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4 coarsening
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:3 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3 coarsening
+DEAL:1:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=3_0: fe_index=4 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:0 fe_index=4 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:1 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:2 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:3 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=2_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=2_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=2_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:2d::myid=1 cellid=2_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:1:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:0 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:1 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:2 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:3 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:4 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:5 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:6 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:7 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:0 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:1 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:2 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:3 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:4 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:5 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:6 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:7 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_1:0 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3 coarsening
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_1:1 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2 coarsening
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_1:2 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1 coarsening
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_1:3 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9 coarsening
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_1:4 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8 coarsening
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_1:5 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7 coarsening
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_1:6 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6 coarsening
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_1:7 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5 coarsening
+DEAL:1:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=7_0: fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:0 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:1 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:2 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:3 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:4 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:5 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:6 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=3_1:7 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=4_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:0 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:1 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:2 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:3 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:4 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:5 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:6 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=5_1:7 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:0 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:1 fe_index=8 feq_degree=1
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:2 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:3 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:4 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:5 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:6 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=6_1:7 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5 refining
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:00 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:01 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:02 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:2d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:03 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9 refining
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:0:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:00 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:01 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:02 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:03 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:04 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:05 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:06 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:0:3d::myid=0 cellid=0_2:07 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:1:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:1:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=1_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:1:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=0_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=0_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=0_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=0_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=0_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=0_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:1:3d::myid=1 cellid=0_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:2:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:2:2d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:2:2d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:2:2d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:2:2d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:2:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:2:2d::myid=2 cellid=0_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:2:2d::myid=2 cellid=0_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:2:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=2_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=2_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=2_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=2_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=2_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=2_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=2_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=2_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:2:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:2:3d::myid=2 cellid=1_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:3:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:3:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:3:2d::myid=3 cellid=0_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:3:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=3_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=3_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=3_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=3_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=3_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=3_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=3_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=3_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:3:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=2_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=2_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=2_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=2_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=2_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=2_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=2_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:3:3d::myid=3 cellid=2_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:4:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:4:2d::myid=4 cellid=2_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:4:2d::myid=4 cellid=2_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:4:2d::myid=4 cellid=2_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:4:2d::myid=4 cellid=2_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:4:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:4:2d::myid=4 cellid=1_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:4:2d::myid=4 cellid=1_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:4:2d::myid=4 cellid=1_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:4:2d::myid=4 cellid=1_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:4:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=4_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=4_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=4_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=4_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=4_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=4_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=4_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=4_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:4:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=3_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=3_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=3_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=3_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=3_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=3_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=3_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:4:3d::myid=4 cellid=3_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:5:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:5:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:5:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=5_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=5_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=5_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=5_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=5_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=5_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=5_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=5_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:5:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=4_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=4_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=4_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=4_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=4_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=4_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=4_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:5:3d::myid=5 cellid=4_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:6:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:6:2d::myid=6 cellid=3_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5 coarsening
+DEAL:6:2d::myid=6 cellid=3_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4 coarsening
+DEAL:6:2d::myid=6 cellid=3_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3 coarsening
+DEAL:6:2d::myid=6 cellid=3_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2 coarsening
+DEAL:6:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:6:2d::myid=6 cellid=2_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:6:2d::myid=6 cellid=2_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:6:2d::myid=6 cellid=2_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:6:2d::myid=6 cellid=2_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:6:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=6_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=6_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=6_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=6_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=6_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=6_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=6_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=6_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:6:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=5_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=5_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=5_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=5_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=5_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=5_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=5_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:6:3d::myid=6 cellid=5_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:7:2d::cells before: 16
+DEAL:7:2d::cells after: 16
+DEAL:7:2d::myid=7 cellid=3_0: fe_index=3 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:7:3d::cells before: 64
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9 coarsening
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8 coarsening
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7 coarsening
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6 coarsening
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5 coarsening
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4 coarsening
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3 coarsening
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2 coarsening
+DEAL:7:3d::cells after: 64
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=7_0: fe_index=7 feq_degree=2
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=6_1:0 fe_index=0 feq_degree=9
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=6_1:1 fe_index=1 feq_degree=8
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=6_1:2 fe_index=2 feq_degree=7
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=6_1:3 fe_index=3 feq_degree=6
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=6_1:4 fe_index=4 feq_degree=5
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=6_1:5 fe_index=5 feq_degree=4
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=6_1:6 fe_index=6 feq_degree=3
+DEAL:7:3d::myid=7 cellid=6_1:7 fe_index=7 feq_degree=2