void ConstraintMatrix::condense (CompressedSetSparsityPattern &sparsity) const
Assert (sorted == true, ExcMatrixNotClosed());
+void ConstraintMatrix::condense (CompressedSimpleSparsityPattern &sparsity) const
+ Assert (sorted == true, ExcMatrixNotClosed());
+ Assert (sparsity.n_rows() == sparsity.n_cols(),
+ ExcNotQuadratic());
+ // store for each index whether it must be
+ // distributed or not. If entry is
+ // numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ // no distribution is necessary.
+ // otherwise, the number states which line
+ // in the constraint matrix handles this
+ // index
+ std::vector<unsigned int> distribute(sparsity.n_rows(),
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<lines.size(); ++c)
+ distribute[lines[c].line] = c;
+ const unsigned int n_rows = sparsity.n_rows();
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<n_rows; ++row)
+ {
+ if (distribute[row] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ // regular line. loop over
+ // cols. note that as we
+ // proceed to distribute
+ // cols, the loop may get
+ // longer
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<sparsity.row_length(row); ++j)
+ {
+ const unsigned int column = sparsity.column_number(row,j);
+ if (distribute[column] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // distribute entry
+ // at regular row
+ // @p{row} and
+ // irregular column
+ // column. note that
+ // this changes the
+ // line we are
+ // presently working
+ // on: we add
+ // additional
+ // entries. if we add
+ // another entry at a
+ // column behind the
+ // present one, we
+ // will encounter it
+ // later on (but
+ // since it can't be
+ // further
+ // constrained, won't
+ // have to do
+ // anything about
+ // it). if we add it
+ // up front of the
+ // present column, we
+ // will find the
+ // present column
+ // later on again as
+ // it was shifted
+ // back (again
+ // nothing happens,
+ // in particular no
+ // endless loop, as
+ // when we encounter
+ // it the second time
+ // we won't be able
+ // to add more
+ // entries as they
+ // all already exist,
+ // but we do the same
+ // work more often
+ // than necessary,
+ // and the loop gets
+ // longer), so move
+ // the cursor one to
+ // the right in the
+ // case that we add
+ // an entry up front
+ // that did not exist
+ // before. check
+ // whether it existed
+ // before by tracking
+ // the length of this
+ // row
+ unsigned int old_rowlength = sparsity.row_length(row);
+ for (unsigned int q=0;
+ q!=lines[distribute[column]].entries.size();
+ ++q)
+ {
+ const unsigned int
+ new_col = lines[distribute[column]].entries[q].first;
+ sparsity.add (row, new_col);
+ const unsigned int new_rowlength = sparsity.row_length(row);
+ if ((new_col < column) && (old_rowlength != new_rowlength))
+ ++j;
+ old_rowlength = new_rowlength;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ // row must be distributed
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<sparsity.row_length(row); ++j)
+ {
+ const unsigned int column = sparsity.column_number(row,j);
+ if (distribute[column] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ // distribute entry at irregular
+ // row @p{row} and regular column
+ // sparsity.colnums[j]
+ for (unsigned int q=0;
+ q!=lines[distribute[row]].entries.size(); ++q)
+ sparsity.add (lines[distribute[row]].entries[q].first,
+ column);
+ else
+ // distribute entry at irregular
+ // row @p{row} and irregular column
+ // sparsity.get_column_numbers()[j]
+ for (unsigned int p=0; p!=lines[distribute[row]].entries.size(); ++p)
+ for (unsigned int q=0;
+ q!=lines[distribute[sparsity.column_number(row,j)]]
+ .entries.size(); ++q)
+ sparsity.add (lines[distribute[row]].entries[p].first,
+ lines[distribute[sparsity.column_number(row,j)]]
+ .entries[q].first);
+ };
+ };
void ConstraintMatrix::condense (BlockSparsityPattern &sparsity) const
Assert (sorted == true, ExcMatrixNotClosed());
+void ConstraintMatrix::condense (BlockCompressedSimpleSparsityPattern &sparsity) const
+ Assert (sorted == true, ExcMatrixNotClosed());
+ Assert (sparsity.n_rows() == sparsity.n_cols(),
+ ExcNotQuadratic());
+ Assert (sparsity.n_block_rows() == sparsity.n_block_cols(),
+ ExcNotQuadratic());
+ Assert (sparsity.get_column_indices() == sparsity.get_row_indices(),
+ ExcNotQuadratic());
+ const BlockIndices &
+ index_mapping = sparsity.get_column_indices();
+ const unsigned int n_blocks = sparsity.n_block_rows();
+ // store for each index whether it must be
+ // distributed or not. If entry is
+ // numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ // no distribution is necessary.
+ // otherwise, the number states which line
+ // in the constraint matrix handles this
+ // index
+ std::vector<unsigned int> distribute (sparsity.n_rows(),
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<lines.size(); ++c)
+ distribute[lines[c].line] = static_cast<signed int>(c);
+ const unsigned int n_rows = sparsity.n_rows();
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<n_rows; ++row)
+ {
+ // get index of this row
+ // within the blocks
+ const std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>
+ block_index = index_mapping.global_to_local(row);
+ const unsigned int block_row = block_index.first;
+ const unsigned int local_row = block_index.second;
+ if (distribute[row] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ // regular line. loop over
+ // all columns and see
+ // whether this column must
+ // be distributed. note that
+ // as we proceed to
+ // distribute cols, the loop
+ // over cols may get longer.
+ //
+ // don't try to be clever
+ // here as in the algorithm
+ // for the
+ // CompressedSparsityPattern,
+ // as that would be much more
+ // complicated here. after
+ // all, we know that
+ // compressed patterns are
+ // inefficient...
+ {
+ // to loop over all entries
+ // in this row, we have to
+ // loop over all blocks in
+ // this blockrow and the
+ // corresponding row
+ // therein
+ for (unsigned int block_col=0; block_col<n_blocks; ++block_col)
+ {
+ const CompressedSimpleSparsityPattern &
+ block_sparsity = sparsity.block(block_row, block_col);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<block_sparsity.row_length(local_row); ++j)
+ {
+ const unsigned int global_col
+ = index_mapping.local_to_global(block_col,
+ block_sparsity.column_number(local_row,j));
+ if (distribute[global_col] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ // distribute entry at regular
+ // row @p{row} and irregular column
+ // global_col
+ {
+ for (unsigned int q=0;
+ q!=lines[distribute[global_col]]
+ .entries.size(); ++q)
+ sparsity.add (row,
+ lines[distribute[global_col]].entries[q].first);
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // row must be
+ // distributed. split the
+ // whole row into the
+ // chunks defined by the
+ // blocks
+ for (unsigned int block_col=0; block_col<n_blocks; ++block_col)
+ {
+ const CompressedSimpleSparsityPattern &
+ block_sparsity = sparsity.block(block_row,block_col);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<block_sparsity.row_length(local_row); ++j)
+ {
+ const unsigned int global_col
+ = index_mapping.local_to_global (block_col,
+ block_sparsity.column_number(local_row,j));
+ if (distribute[global_col] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ // distribute entry at irregular
+ // row @p{row} and regular column
+ // global_col.
+ {
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q!=lines[distribute[row]].entries.size(); ++q)
+ sparsity.add (lines[distribute[row]].entries[q].first,
+ global_col);
+ }
+ else
+ // distribute entry at irregular
+ // row @p{row} and irregular column
+ // @p{global_col}
+ {
+ for (unsigned int p=0; p!=lines[distribute[row]].entries.size(); ++p)
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q!=lines[distribute[global_col]].entries.size(); ++q)
+ sparsity.add (lines[distribute[row]].entries[p].first,
+ lines[distribute[global_col]].entries[q].first);
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
unsigned int ConstraintMatrix::n_constraints () const
return lines.size();
// This is the implementation of the
// <code>vmult</code> function.
- // Note that we use a rather large
- // tolerance for the solver
- // control. The reason for this is
- // that the function is used very
- // frequently, and hence, any
- // additional effort to make the
- // residual in the CG solve smaller
- // makes the solution more
- // expensive. Note that we do not
- // only use this class as a
- // preconditioner for the Schur
- // complement, but also when forming
- // the inverse of the Laplace matrix -
- // which needs to be accurate in
- // order to obtain a solution to the
- // right problem.
+ // In this class we use a rather large
+ // tolerance for the solver control. The
+ // reason for this is that the function is
+ // used very frequently, and hence, any
+ // additional effort to make the residual
+ // in the CG solve smaller makes the
+ // solution more expensive. Note that we do
+ // not only use this class as a
+ // preconditioner for the Schur complement,
+ // but also when forming the inverse of the
+ // Laplace matrix – which is hence
+ // directly responsible for the accuracy of
+ // the solution itself, so we can't choose
+ // a too large tolerance, either.
template <class Matrix, class Preconditioner>
void InverseMatrix<Matrix,Preconditioner>::vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
const Vector<double> &src) const
<< std::endl;
// The next task is to allocate a
- // sparsity pattern for the system
- // matrix we will create. We could
- // do this in the same way as in
- // step-20, i.e. directly build an
- // object of type SparsityPattern
- // through
+ // sparsity pattern for the system matrix
+ // we will create. We could do this in
+ // the same way as in step-20,
+ // i.e. directly build an object of type
+ // SparsityPattern through
// DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern. However,
- // there is a major reason not to
- // do so: In 3D, the function
+ // there is a major reason not to do so:
+ // In 3D, the function
// DoFTools::max_couplings_between_dofs
- // yields a conservative but rather
- // large number for the coupling
- // between the individual dofs, so
- // that the memory initially
- // provided for the creation of the
- // sparsity pattern of the matrix
- // is far too much -- so much
- // actually that the initial
- // sparsity pattern won't even fit
- // into the physical memory of most
- // systems already for
- // moderately-sized 3D problems,
- // see also the discussion in
- // step-18. Instead, we first
- // build a temporary object that
- // uses a different data structure
- // that doesn't require allocating
- // more memory than necessary but
- // isn't suitable for use as a
- // basis of SparseMatrix or
- // BlockSparseMatrix objects; in a
- // second step we then copy this
- // object into an object of
- // BlockSparsityPattern. This is
- // entirely analgous to what we
- // already did in step-11 and
- // step-18.
+ // yields a conservative but rather large
+ // number for the coupling between the
+ // individual dofs, so that the memory
+ // initially provided for the creation of
+ // the sparsity pattern of the matrix is
+ // far too much -- so much actually that
+ // the initial sparsity pattern won't
+ // even fit into the physical memory of
+ // most systems already for
+ // moderately-sized 3D problems, see also
+ // the discussion in step-18. Instead,
+ // we first build a temporary object that
+ // uses a different data structure that
+ // doesn't require allocating more memory
+ // than necessary but isn't suitable for
+ // use as a basis of SparseMatrix or
+ // BlockSparseMatrix objects; in a second
+ // step we then copy this object into an
+ // object of BlockSparsityPattern. This
+ // is entirely analgous to what we
+ // already did in step-11 and step-18.
- // There is one snag again here,
- // though: just as in step-27, it
- // turns out that using the
- // CompressedSparsityPattern (or
- // the block version
- // BlockCompressedSparsityPattern
- // we would use here)
- // has a bottleneck that makes the
- // algorithm to build the sparsity
- // pattern be quadratic in the
- // number of degrees of
- // freedom. This doesn't become
- // noticable until we get well into
- // the range of several 100,000
- // degrees of freedom, but
- // eventually dominates the setup
- // of the linear system when we get
- // to more than a million degrees
- // of freedom. This is due to the
- // data structures used in the
+ // There is one snag again here, though:
+ // it turns out that using the
+ // CompressedSparsityPattern (or the
+ // block version
+ // BlockCompressedSparsityPattern we
+ // would use here) has a bottleneck that
+ // makes the algorithm to build the
+ // sparsity pattern be quadratic in the
+ // number of degrees of freedom. This
+ // doesn't become noticable until we get
+ // well into the range of several 100,000
+ // degrees of freedom, but eventually
+ // dominates the setup of the linear
+ // system when we get to more than a
+ // million degrees of freedom. This is
+ // due to the data structures used in the
// CompressedSparsityPattern class,
// nothing that can easily be
- // changed. Fortunately, there is
- // an easy solution, as already
- // pointed out in step-27: the
- // CompressedSetSparsityPattern
- // class (and its block variant
- // BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern)
- // has exactly the same interface,
- // uses a different internal data
- // structure, is slightly slower
- // for smaller numbers of degrees
- // of freedom (but there we don't
- // care that much anyway) but is
- // linear in the number of degrees
- // of freedom and therefore much
- // more efficient for large
- // problems.
+ // changed. Fortunately, there is an easy
+ // solution: the
+ // CompressedSimpleSparsityPattern class
+ // (and its block variant
+ // BlockCompressedSimpleSparsityPattern)
+ // has exactly the same interface, uses a
+ // different internal data structure, is
+ // slightly slower for smaller numbers of
+ // degrees of freedom (but there we don't
+ // care that much anyway) but is linear
+ // in the number of degrees of freedom
+ // and therefore much more efficient for
+ // large problems. As another
+ // alternative, we could also have chosen
+ // the class
+ // BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern that
+ // uses yet another strategy for internal
+ // memory management. Though, that class
+ // turns out to be more memory-demanding
+ // than
+ // BlockCompressedSimpleSparsityPattern
+ // for this example.
- // Consequently, this is the class
- // that we will use for our
- // intermediate sparsity
- // representation. All this is done
- // inside a new scope, which means
- // that the memory of
- // <code>csp</code> will be
- // released once the information
+ // Consequently, this is the class that
+ // we will use for our intermediate
+ // sparsity representation. All this is
+ // done inside a new scope, which means
+ // that the memory of <code>csp</code>
+ // will be released once the information
// has been copied to
// <code>sparsity_pattern</code>.
- BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern csp (2,2);
+ BlockCompressedSimpleSparsityPattern csp (2,2);
csp.block(0,0).reinit (n_u, n_u);
csp.block(1,0).reinit (n_p, n_u);
- // Note that in the above
- // computation of the local
- // matrix contribution we added
- // the term <code> phi_p[i] *
- // phi_p[j] </code>, yielding a
+ // Note that in the above computation
+ // of the local matrix contribution
+ // we added the term <code> phi_p[i]
+ // * phi_p[j] </code>, yielding a
// pressure mass matrix in the
- // $(1,1)$ block of the matrix
- // as discussed in the
- // introduction. That this term
- // only ends up in the $(1,1)$
- // block stems from the fact
- // that both of the factors in
- // <code>phi_p[i] *
- // phi_p[j]</code> are only
- // non-zero when all the other
- // terms vanish (and the other
- // way around).
+ // $(1,1)$ block of the matrix as
+ // discussed in the
+ // introduction. That this term only
+ // ends up in the $(1,1)$ block stems
+ // from the fact that both of the
+ // factors in <code>phi_p[i] *
+ // phi_p[j]</code> are only non-zero
+ // when all the other terms vanish
+ // (and the other way around).
// Note also that operator* is
// overloaded for symmetric
// After the addition of the local
- // contributions, we have to
- // condense the hanging node
- // constraints and interpolate
- // Dirichlet boundary conditions.
- // Further down below where we set
- // up the mesh, we will associate
+ // contributions, we have to condense the
+ // hanging node constraints and
+ // interpolate Dirichlet boundary
+ // conditions. Further down below where
+ // we set up the mesh, we will associate
// the top boundary where we impose
- // Dirichlet boundary conditions
- // with boundary indicator 1. We
- // will have to pass this boundary
- // indicator as second argument to
- // the function below interpolating
- // boundary values. There is one
- // more thing, though. The
- // function describing the
- // Dirichlet conditions was defined
- // for all components, both
- // velocity and pressure. However,
- // the Dirichlet conditions are to
- // be set for the velocity only.
- // To this end, we use a
+ // Dirichlet boundary conditions with
+ // boundary indicator 1. We will have to
+ // pass this boundary indicator as second
+ // argument to the function below
+ // interpolating boundary values. There
+ // is one more thing, though. The
+ // function describing the Dirichlet
+ // conditions was defined for all
+ // components, both velocity and
+ // pressure. However, the Dirichlet
+ // conditions are to be set for the
+ // velocity only. To this end, we use a
// <code>component_mask</code> that
- // filters out the pressure
- // component, so that the
- // condensation is performed on
- // velocity degrees of freedom
- // only:
+ // filters out the pressure component, so
+ // that the condensation is performed on
+ // velocity degrees of freedom only:
hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_matrix);
hanging_node_constraints.condense (system_rhs);
// linear system, we generate a
// preconditioner for the
// velocity-velocity matrix, i.e.,
- // <code>block(0,0)</code> in the
- // system matrix. As mentioned
- // above, this depends on the
- // spatial dimension. Since the two
- // classes described by the
- // <code>InnerPreconditioner@<dim@> :: type</code>
- // typedef have the same interface,
- // we do not have to do anything
- // different whether we want to use
- // a sparse direct solver or an
- // ILU:
+ // <code>block(0,0)</code> in the system
+ // matrix. As mentioned above, this
+ // depends on the spatial
+ // dimension. Since the two classes
+ // described by the
+ // <code>InnerPreconditioner@<dim@> ::
+ // type</code> typedef have the same
+ // interface, we do not have to do
+ // anything different whether we want to
+ // use a sparse direct solver or an ILU:
std::cout << " Computing preconditioner..." << std::endl << std::flush;
SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
- // Now to the preconditioner to
- // the Schur complement. As
- // explained in the introduction,
- // the preconditioning is done by
- // a mass matrix in the pressure
- // variable. It is stored in the
- // $(1,1)$ block of the system
- // matrix (that is not used
+ // Now to the preconditioner to the
+ // Schur complement. As explained in
+ // the introduction, the
+ // preconditioning is done by a mass
+ // matrix in the pressure variable. It
+ // is stored in the $(1,1)$ block of
+ // the system matrix (that is not used
// anywhere else but in
// preconditioning).
- // Actually, the solver needs to have the
- // preconditioner in the form $P^{-1}$, so
- // we need to create an inverse
- // operation. Once again, we use an
- // object of the class
+ // Actually, the solver needs to have
+ // the preconditioner in the form
+ // $P^{-1}$, so we need to create an
+ // inverse operation. Once again, we
+ // use an object of the class
// <code>InverseMatrix</code>, which
// implements the <code>vmult</code>
// operation that is needed by the
// solver. In this case, we have to
- // invert the pressure mass matrix. As it
- // already turned out in earlier tutorial
- // programs, the inversion of a mass
- // matrix is a rather cheap and
+ // invert the pressure mass matrix. As
+ // it already turned out in earlier
+ // tutorial programs, the inversion of
+ // a mass matrix is a rather cheap and
// straight-forward operation (compared
// to, e.g., a Laplace matrix). The CG
// method with ILU preconditioning
// converges in 5-10 steps,
- // independently on the mesh size. This
- // is precisely what we do here: We
- // choose another ILU preconditioner
+ // independently on the mesh size.
+ // This is precisely what we do here:
+ // We choose another ILU preconditioner
// and take it along to the
// InverseMatrix object via the
// corresponding template parameter. A
// CG solver is then called within the
- // vmult operation of the inverse matrix.
+ // vmult operation of the inverse
+ // matrix.
- // An alternative that is cheaper to build,
- // but needs more iterations afterwards,
- // would be to choose a SSOR preconditioner
- // with factor 1.2. It needs about twice
- // the number of iterations, but the costs
- // for its generation are almost neglible.
+ // An alternative that is cheaper to
+ // build, but needs more iterations
+ // afterwards, would be to choose a
+ // SSOR preconditioner with factor
+ // 1.2. It needs about twice the number
+ // of iterations, but the costs for its
+ // generation are almost neglible.
SparseILU<double> preconditioner;
preconditioner.initialize (system_matrix.block(1,1),
InverseMatrix<SparseMatrix<double>,SparseILU<double> >
m_inverse (system_matrix.block(1,1), preconditioner);
- // With the Schur complement and
- // an efficient preconditioner at
- // hand, we can solve the
- // respective equation for the
- // pressure (i.e. block 0 in the
- // solution vector) in the usual
+ // With the Schur complement and an
+ // efficient preconditioner at hand, we
+ // can solve the respective equation
+ // for the pressure (i.e. block 0 in
+ // the solution vector) in the usual
// way:
cg.solve (schur_complement, solution.block(1), schur_rhs,
- // After this first solution step,
- // the hanging node constraints have
- // to be distributed to the solution
- // in order to achieve a consistent
- // pressure field.
+ // After this first solution step, the
+ // hanging node constraints have to be
+ // distributed to the solution in order
+ // to achieve a consistent pressure
+ // field.
hanging_node_constraints.distribute (solution);
std::cout << " "
<< std::endl;
- // As in step-20, we finally need
- // to solve for the velocity
- // equation where we plug in the
- // solution to the pressure
- // equation. This involves only
- // objects we already know - so we
- // simply multiply $p$ by $B^T$,
- // subtract the right hand side and
- // multiply by the inverse of
- // $A$. At the end, we need to
+ // As in step-20, we finally need to
+ // solve for the velocity equation where
+ // we plug in the solution to the
+ // pressure equation. This involves only
+ // objects we already know - so we simply
+ // multiply $p$ by $B^T$, subtract the
+ // right hand side and multiply by the
+ // inverse of $A$. At the end, we need to
// distribute the constraints from
- // hanging nodes in order to obtain
- // a constistent flow field:
+ // hanging nodes in order to obtain a
+ // constistent flow field:
system_matrix.block(0,1).vmult (tmp, solution.block(1));
tmp *= -1;
// The next function generates graphical
// output. In this example, we are going to
- // use the VTK file format. We attach names
- // to the individual variables in the problem:
- // <code>velocity</code> to the <code>dim</code>
- // components of velocity and <code>pressure</code>
- // to the pressure.
+ // use the VTK file format. We attach
+ // names to the individual variables in the
+ // problem: <code>velocity</code> to the
+ // <code>dim</code> components of velocity
+ // and <code>pressure</code> to the
+ // pressure.
- // Not all visualization programs
- // have the ability to group
- // individual vector components into
- // a vector to provide vector plots;
- // in particular, this holds for some
- // VTK-based visualization
- // programs. In this case, the
- // logical grouping of components
- // into vectors should already be
- // described in the file containing
- // the data. In other words, what we
- // need to do is provide our output
- // writers with a way to know which
- // of the components of the finite
- // element logically form a vector
- // (with $d$ components in $d$ space
- // dimensions) rather than letting
- // them assume that we simply have a
- // bunch of scalar fields. This is
- // achieved using the members of the
+ // Not all visualization programs have the
+ // ability to group individual vector
+ // components into a vector to provide
+ // vector plots; in particular, this holds
+ // for some VTK-based visualization
+ // programs. In this case, the logical
+ // grouping of components into vectors
+ // should already be described in the file
+ // containing the data. In other words,
+ // what we need to do is provide our output
+ // writers with a way to know which of the
+ // components of the finite element
+ // logically form a vector (with $d$
+ // components in $d$ space dimensions)
+ // rather than letting them assume that we
+ // simply have a bunch of scalar fields.
+ // This is achieved using the members of
+ // the
// <code>DataComponentInterpretation</code>
- // namespace: as with the filename,
- // we create a vector in which the
- // first <code>dim</code> components
- // refer to the velocities and are
- // given the tag
+ // namespace: as with the filename, we
+ // create a vector in which the first
+ // <code>dim</code> components refer to the
+ // velocities and are given the tag
// <code>DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_part_of_vector</code>;
// we finally push one tag
// <code>DataComponentInterpretation::component_is_scalar</code>
- // to describe the grouping of the
- // pressure variable.
+ // to describe the grouping of the pressure
+ // variable.
// The rest of the function is then
// the same as in step-20.
// @sect4{StokesProblem::refine_mesh}
- // This is the last interesting function
- // of the <code>StokesProblem</code> class.
+ // This is the last interesting function of
+ // the <code>StokesProblem</code> class.
// As indicated by its name, it takes the
- // solution to the problem and
- // refines the mesh where this is
- // needed. The procedure is the same
- // as in the respective step in
- // step-6, with the exception that
- // we base the refinement only on the
- // change in pressure, i.e., we call
- // the Kelly error estimator with a
- // mask object. Additionally, we do
- // not coarsen the grid again:
+ // solution to the problem and refines the
+ // mesh where this is needed. The procedure
+ // is the same as in the respective step in
+ // step-6, with the exception that we base
+ // the refinement only on the change in
+ // pressure, i.e., we call the Kelly error
+ // estimator with a mask
+ // object. Additionally, we do not coarsen
+ // the grid again:
template <int dim>
StokesProblem<dim>::refine_mesh ()
// @sect4{StokesProblem::run}
- // The last step in the Stokes class
- // is, as usual, the function that generates
- // the initial grid and calls the other
+ // The last step in the Stokes class is, as
+ // usual, the function that generates the
+ // initial grid and calls the other
// functions in the respective order.
- // We start off with a rectangle of
- // size $4 \times 1$ (in 2d) or $4
- // \times 1 \times 1$ (in 3d), placed
- // in $R^2/R^3$ as
+ // We start off with a rectangle of size $4
+ // \times 1$ (in 2d) or $4 \times 1 \times
+ // 1$ (in 3d), placed in $R^2/R^3$ as
// $(-2,2)\times(-1,0)$ or
// $(-2,2)\times(0,1)\times(-1,1)$,
- // respectively. It is natural to
- // start with equal mesh size in each
- // direction, so we subdivide the
- // initial rectangle four times in
- // the first coordinate direction. To
- // limit the scope of the variables
- // involved in the creation of the
- // mesh to the range where we
- // actually need them, we put the
- // entire block between a pair of
- // braces:
+ // respectively. It is natural to start
+ // with equal mesh size in each direction,
+ // so we subdivide the initial rectangle
+ // four times in the first coordinate
+ // direction. To limit the scope of the
+ // variables involved in the creation of
+ // the mesh to the range where we actually
+ // need them, we put the entire block
+ // between a pair of braces:
template <int dim>
void StokesProblem<dim>::run ()
- // We then apply an initial
- // refinement before solving for
- // the first time. In 3D, there are
- // going to be more degrees of
- // freedom, so we refine less
- // there:
+ // We then apply an initial refinement
+ // before solving for the first time. In
+ // 3D, there are going to be more degrees
+ // of freedom, so we refine less there:
triangulation.refine_global (4-dim);
- // As first seen in step-6, we
- // cycle over the different
- // refinement levels and refine
- // (except for the first cycle),
+ // As first seen in step-6, we cycle over
+ // the different refinement levels and
+ // refine (except for the first cycle),
// setup the degrees of freedom and
- // matrices, assemble, solve and
- // create output:
- for (unsigned int refinement_cycle = 0; refinement_cycle<4;
+ // matrices, assemble, solve and create
+ // output:
+ for (unsigned int refinement_cycle = 0; refinement_cycle<6;
std::cout << "Refinement cycle " << refinement_cycle << std::endl;
deallog.depth_console (0);
- StokesProblem<3> flow_problem(1);
+ StokesProblem<2> flow_problem(1);
flow_problem.run ();
catch (std::exception &exc)
// SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 31 (1994),
// pp. 1352-1367).
- // Replacing <i>P</i> by $\tilde{P}$ does
- // not change the situation
- // dramatically. The product $P^{-1} A$
- // will still be close to a matrix with
- // eigenvalues 0 and 1, which lets us
- // hope to be able to get a number of
+ // Replacing <i>P</i> by $\tilde{P}$
+ // keeps that spirit alive: the product
+ // $P^{-1} A$ will still be close to a
+ // matrix with eigenvalues 1, which lets
+ // us hope to be able to get a number of
// GMRES iterations that does not depend
// on the problem size.
// step-22, we choose to create the pattern
// not as in the first few tutorial
// programs, but by using the blocked
- // version of CompressedSetSparsityPattern.
+ // version of CompressedSimpleSparsityPattern.
// The reason for doing this is mainly
// memory, that is, the SparsityPattern
// class would consume too much memory when
// So, we first release the memory stored
// in the matrices, then set up an object
// of type
- // BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern
+ // BlockCompressedSimpleSparsityPattern
// consisting of $2\times 2$ blocks (for
// the Stokes system matrix and
// preconditioner) or
- // CompressedSparsityPattern (for the
- // temperature part). We then fill these
- // sparsity patterns with the nonzero
+ // CompressedSimpleSparsityPattern (for
+ // the temperature part). We then fill
+ // these objects with the nonzero
// pattern, taking into account that for
// the Stokes system matrix, there are no
// entries in the pressure-pressure block
// (but all velocity vector components
// couple with each other and with the
// pressure). Similarly, in the Stokes
- // preconditioner matrix, only the diagonal
- // blocks are nonzero, since we use the
- // vector Laplacian as discussed in the
- // introduction. This operator only couples
- // each vector component of the Laplacian
- // with itself, but not with the other
- // vector components. (Application of the
+ // preconditioner matrix, only the
+ // diagonal blocks are nonzero, since we
+ // use the vector Laplacian as discussed
+ // in the introduction. This operator
+ // only couples each vector component of
+ // the Laplacian with itself, but not
+ // with the other vector
+ // components. (Application of the
// constraints resulting from the no-flux
// boundary conditions will couple vector
// components at the boundary again,
// however.)
- // When generating the sparsity pattern, we
- // directly apply the constraints from
+ // When generating the sparsity pattern,
+ // we directly apply the constraints from
// hanging nodes and no-flux boundary
// conditions. This approach was already
// used in step-27, but is different from
- // the one in early tutorial programs where
- // we first built the original sparsity
- // pattern and only then added the entries
- // resulting from constraints. The reason
- // for doing so is that later during
- // assembly we are going to distribute the
- // constraints immediately when
- // transferring local to global
- // dofs. Consequently, there will be no
- // data written at positions of constrained
- // degrees of freedom, so we can let the
- // DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern function
- // omit these entries by setting the last
- // boolean flag to <code>false</code>. Once
- // the sparsity pattern is ready, we can
- // use it to initialize the Trilinos
- // matrices. Note that the Trilinos
- // matrices store the sparsity pattern
- // internally, so there is no need to keep
- // the sparsity pattern around after the
+ // the one in early tutorial programs
+ // where we first built the original
+ // sparsity pattern and only then added
+ // the entries resulting from
+ // constraints. The reason for doing so
+ // is that later during assembly we are
+ // going to distribute the constraints
+ // immediately when transferring local to
+ // global dofs. Consequently, there will
+ // be no data written at positions of
+ // constrained degrees of freedom, so we
+ // can let the
+ // DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern
+ // function omit these entries by setting
+ // the last boolean flag to
+ // <code>false</code>. Once the sparsity
+ // pattern is ready, we can use it to
+ // initialize the Trilinos
+ // matrices. Since the Trilinos matrices
+ // store the sparsity pattern internally,
+ // there is no need to keep the sparsity
+ // pattern around after the
// initialization of the matrix.
stokes_block_sizes.resize (2);
stokes_block_sizes[0] = n_u;
stokes_matrix.clear ();
- BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern csp (2,2);
+ BlockCompressedSimpleSparsityPattern csp (2,2);
csp.block(0,0).reinit (n_u, n_u);
csp.block(0,1).reinit (n_u, n_p);
Mp_preconditioner.reset ();
stokes_preconditioner_matrix.clear ();
- BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern csp (2,2);
+ BlockCompressedSimpleSparsityPattern csp (2,2);
csp.block(0,0).reinit (n_u, n_u);
csp.block(0,1).reinit (n_u, n_p);
// discretization) follows the generation
// of the Stokes matrix – except
// that it is much easier here since we
- // do not need to take care of any
- // blocks or coupling between components:
+ // do not need to take care of any blocks
+ // or coupling between components:
temperature_mass_matrix.clear ();
temperature_stiffness_matrix.clear ();
temperature_matrix.clear ();
- CompressedSetSparsityPattern csp (n_T, n_T);
+ CompressedSimpleSparsityPattern csp (n_T, n_T);
DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (temperature_dof_handler, csp,
temperature_constraints, false);