TriaObjectAccessor<3, dim>::line (const unsigned int i) const {
Assert (used(), ExcCellNotUsed());
Assert (i<12, ExcIndexRange (i,0,12));
+ // egcs 1.1.2 gets into trouble if we
+ // omit the this-> here, if one tries to
+ // inline this function into another
+ // function where the variable name
+ // quad is also used.. It then complains
+ // that the name look-up for
+ // for-loop-variables has changed. using
+ // this-> as here works around the problem
if (i<4)
- return quad(0)->line(i);
+ return this->quad(0)->line(i);
if (i<8)
- return quad(1)->line(i-4);
+ return this->quad(1)->line(i-4);
switch (i)
case 8:
- return quad(2)->line(3);
+ return this->quad(2)->line(3);
case 9:
- return quad(2)->line(1);
+ return this->quad(2)->line(1);
case 10:
- return quad(4)->line(1);
+ return this->quad(4)->line(1);
case 11:
- return quad(4)->line(3);
+ return this->quad(4)->line(3);
Assert (false, ExcIndexRange(i,0,12));
return TriaIterator<dim,TriaObjectAccessor<1, dim> >(tria, -1, -1, 0);