and pressures using the old temperature field, and then solve for the new
temperature field using the just computed velocity field.
-The methods to do so are not new: Solving the linear equations coming from the
-Stokes system has been discussed in great detail in @ref step_22 "step-22". In
-particular, in the results section of that program, we have discussed a number
-of alternative linear solver strategies. We will use the best alternative
-identified there, using a GMRES solver preconditioned by a block matrix
-involving the Schur complement.
-XXXXXX more specifically (state matrix, preconditioner) XXXXXXXX
+<h5>Linear solvers for the Stokes problem</h5>
-For the temperature equation, the problem is even simpler:
+Solving the linear equations coming from the Stokes system has been
+discussed in great detail in @ref step_22 "step-22". In particular, in
+the results section of that program, we have discussed a number of
+alternative linear solver strategies that turned out to be more
+efficient than the original approach. The best alternative
+identified there we to use a GMRES solver preconditioned by a block
+matrix involving the Schur complement. Specifically, the Stokes
+operator leads to a block structured matrix
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ A & B^T \\ B & 0
+ \end{array}\right)
+and as discussed there a good preconditioner is
+ P^{-1}
+ =
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ A^{-1} & 0 \\ S^{-1} B A^{-1} & -S^{-1}
+ \end{array}\right)
+where $S$ is the Schur complement of the Stokes operator
+$S=B^TA^{-1}B$. Of course, this preconditioner is not useful because we
+can't form the various inverses of matrices, but we can use the
+following as a preconditioner:
+ \tilde P^{-1}
+ =
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \tilde A^{-1} & 0 \\ \tilde S^{-1} B \tilde A^{-1} & -\tilde S^{-1}
+ \end{array}\right)
+where $\tilde A^{-1},\tilde S^{-1}$ are approximations to the inverse
+matrices. In particular, it turned out that $S$ is spectrally
+equivalent to the mass matrix and consequently replacing $\tilde
+S^{-1}$ by a CG solver applied to the mass matrix on the pressure
+space was a good choice.
+It was more complicated to come up with a good replacement $\tilde
+A^{-1}$, which corresponds to the discretized symmetric Laplacian of
+the vector-valued velocity field, i.e.
+$A_{ij} = (\varepsilon {\mathbf v}_i, \eta \varepsilon ({\mathbf
+In @ref step_22 "step-22" we used a sparse LU decomposition (using the
+SparseDirectUMFPACK class) of $A$ for $\tilde A^{-1}$ — the
+perfect preconditioner — in 2d, but for 3d memory and compute
+time is not usually sufficient to actually compute this decomposition;
+consequently, we only use an incomplete LU decomposition (ILU, using
+the SparseILU class) in 3d.
+For this program, we would like to go a bit further. To this end, note
+that the symmetrized bilinear form on vector fields,
+$(\varepsilon {\mathbf v}_i, \eta \varepsilon ({\mathbf v}_j))$
+is not too far away from the nonsymmetrized version,
+$(\nabla {\mathbf v}_i, \eta \nabla ({\mathbf v}_j))$. The latter,
+however, has the advantage that the <code>dim</code> vector components
+of the test functions are not mixed, i.e. the resulting matrix is
+block-diagonal: one block for each vector component, and each of these
+blocks is equal to the Laplace matrix for this vector component.
+<h5>Linear solvers for the temperature equation</h5>