+++ /dev/null
-Version 9.3.0 of deal.II, the object-oriented finite element library
-awarded the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, has been
-released. It is available for free under an Open Source license from
-the deal.II homepage at https://www.dealii.org/
-The major changes of this release are:
-- Ten new tutorial programs covering: particle methods, tracking
- locations in a flow field, a matrix-free geometric multigrid solver
- for a nonlinear problem, automatic and symbolic differentiation,
- SUNDIALS interfaces for nonlinear problems, SIPG approach to
- discontinuous Galerkin methods, an explicit integrator for the
- Euler equations, a solver for the Black-Scholes equations, and
- topology optimization problems.
-- Experimental support for simplex and mixed meshes.
-- Improved flexibility of the particle infrastructure.
-- Support for global-coarsening multigrid algorithms.
-- Advances in the matrix-free infrastructure.
-- Usage of MPI-3.0 shared-memory features to reduce memory footprint
-- Improved support for evaluation and integration at arbitrary points
-- More than 210 other new features, improvements, and bugfixes.
-For more information see the preprint at https://www.dealii.org/deal93-preprint.pdf
-The main features of deal.II are:
-- Extensive documentation and 76 fully-functional example programs
-- Support for dimension-independent programming
-- Locally refined adaptive meshes with multigrid support
-- A zoo of different finite elements and fast linear algebra
-- Built-in support for shared memory and distributed parallel computing,
-- Interfaces to Trilinos, PETSc, METIS, UMFPACK and other external software
-- Output for a wide variety of visualization platforms.