--- /dev/null
+# call this script with a list of files it shall process for
+# class and struct declarations.
+#fill list of files to be processed
+while ($ARGV[0]) {
+ @input_files = (@input_files, shift);
+# generate a guard for the file to disallow multiple inclusion
+$guard = `pwd`;
+# in case the string gets longer than the number of significant
+# positions for the preprocessor is, it is safer to use the
+# last parts of the string fist. therefore, split the string
+# at the slashes and assemble it again backwards
+$guard = join("/", reverse(split(/\//, $guard)));
+$guard =~ s![^\w]!_!g;
+$guard .= "__guard";
+print "#ifndef $guard\n";
+print "#define $guard\n";
+print "\n";
+print "/* this file is automatically generated from the Makefile; do not\n";
+print " * change it by hand. */\n";
+print "\n\n";
+foreach $file (@input_files) {
+ parse_class_declarations ($file);
+print "\n\n";
+print "#endif // $guard\n";
+sub parse_class_declarations {
+ local ($filename) = $_[0];
+ open (FILE, $filename);
+ while (<FILE>) {
+ # if this is continued line, then strip the backslash and join
+ # it with the following one as well
+ while ( /\\$/ ) {
+ $_ =~ s/\\$//;
+ $_ = $_ . " " . <FILE>;
+ }
+ # if the lines contains a "template" at the
+ # beginning and no semicolon at the end: join it
+ # with the next line.
+ if ( /^\s*template/ && !/;\s*$/ ) {
+ # if this is a multiline template, then join following lines as well
+ # find out by looking at the last char of the line
+ while ( ! />\s*$/ ) {
+ # more concise check: find out whether the number of '<' is
+ # not equal to the number of '>'
+ my ( $tmp1, $tmp2 ) = ($_, $_);
+ $tmp1 =~ s/[^<]//g;
+ $tmp2 =~ s/[^>]//g;
+ if ( length ($tmp1) == length ($tmp2) ) {
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s/\n//;
+ $_ = $_ . " " . <FILE>;
+ s/ \s+/ /g;
+ }
+ }
+ s/\n//;
+ s/ \s+/ /g;
+ $_ = $_ . " " . <FILE>;
+ }
+ if ( /^\s*((template\s*<
+ (
+ ([-\w,_=:\s] |
+ <([-\w_,=:\s])+> )*
+ )>\s*)?
+ (class|struct))(.*)/x ) {
+ # this is the declaration of a class, possibly a template
+ $basepart = $1;
+ $rest = $7;
+ # test whether it is a forward declaration or something else.
+ # if it is a forward declaration, then skip it, as it must
+ # be declared somewhere else properly
+ # (note that $rest contains the name of the class and what
+ # comes after that)
+ if ( $rest =~ /;\s*$/ ) {
+ next;
+ }
+ # first extract the name of the class
+ $rest =~ /([\w_]+(\s*<(([-\w,_\s]|<([-\w,\s])+>)+)>)?)(.*)/;
+ $name = $1;
+ $rest = $6;
+ # we look for declarations, where after the name comes a colon
+ # or an open-brace, maybe also a semicolon or just nothing
+ #
+ # the colon might be of an inheritance list, but we do not
+ # want it to come from a nested class declaration
+ if (($rest =~ /^\s*([\{;]|:[^:])/) || ($rest =~ /^\s*$/)) {
+ $declaration = $basepart . " " . $name;
+ # strip double spaces etc.
+ $declaration =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
+ $declaration =~ s/^\s+//g;
+ $declaration =~ s/\s+$//g;
+ # strip default template parameters
+ while ( $declaration =~ s/<(.*)=\s*[-\w,_:\s]+(<[^.]*>)?(.*)>/<$1 $3 > / ) {
+ }
+ # impose a negativ-list of names we do not want to
+ # have in this file. this is due to a compiler bug in
+ # egcs 1.1.2, which does not gracefully handle local
+ # template classes if their name is globally defined,
+ # for example
+ #
+ # template <int dim> struct Y;
+ # struct X {template <int dim> struct Y{}; };
+ # X::Y<1> y;
+ #
+ # does not work. So we filter out these classes at
+ # present. A better way would certainly be to only
+ # allow those classes into the forward-declarations.h
+ # file that are global, but that would mean parsing
+ # the include files instead of just searching for
+ # small bits...
+ if ( ! ($declaration =~ /EpsFlags|Patch|Mem_Fun_Data|Fun_Data/ ))
+ {
+ print $declaration, ";\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }