* This method runs the loop over all cells and apply the local operation on
- * each element in parallel. @p func is a functor which is appplied on each color.
+ * each element in parallel. @p func is a functor which is applied on each color.
template <typename functor, typename VectorType>
const VectorType &src,
VectorType & dst) const;
+ /**
+ * This method runs the loop over all cells and apply the local operation on
+ * each element in parallel. This function is very similar to cell_loop()
+ * but it uses a simpler functor.
+ *
+ * @p func needs to define
+ * \code
+ * __device__ void operator()(
+ * const unsigned int cell,
+ * const typename CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree<dim, Number>::Data *gpu_data);
+ * static const unsigned int n_dofs_1d;
+ * static const unsigned int n_local_dofs;
+ * static const unsigned int n_q_points;
+ * \endcode
+ */
+ template <typename Functor>
+ void
+ evaluate_coefficients(Functor func) const;
* Copy the values of the constrained entries from @p src to @p dst. This is
* used to impose zero Dirichlet boundary condition.
1) : 1;
/* clang-format on */
+ /**
+ * Compute the quadrature point index in the local cell of a given thread.
+ *
+ * @relates MatrixFree
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ __device__ inline unsigned int
+ q_point_id_in_cell(const unsigned int n_q_points_1d)
+ {
+ return (dim == 1 ?
+ threadIdx.x % n_q_points_1d :
+ dim == 2 ?
+ threadIdx.x % n_q_points_1d + n_q_points_1d * threadIdx.y :
+ threadIdx.x % n_q_points_1d +
+ n_q_points_1d * (threadIdx.y + n_q_points_1d * threadIdx.z));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the quadrature point index local of a given thread. The index is
+ * only unique for a given MPI process.
+ *
+ * @relates MatrixFree
+ */
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ __device__ inline unsigned int
+ local_q_point_id(
+ const unsigned int cell,
+ const typename CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree<dim, Number>::Data *data,
+ const unsigned int n_q_points_1d,
+ const unsigned int n_q_points)
+ {
+ return (data->row_start / data->padding_length + cell) * n_q_points +
+ q_point_id_in_cell<dim>(n_q_points_1d);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the quadrature point associated with a given thread.
+ *
+ * @relates MatrixFree
+ */
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ __device__ inline typename CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree<dim, Number>::point_type &
+ get_quadrature_point(
+ const unsigned int cell,
+ const typename CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree<dim, Number>::Data *data,
+ const unsigned int n_q_points_1d)
+ {
+ return *(data->q_points + data->padding_length * cell +
+ q_point_id_in_cell<dim>(n_q_points_1d));
+ }
} // namespace CUDAWrappers
template <int dim, typename Number, typename functor>
__global__ void
- apply_kernel_shmem(const functor & func,
+ apply_kernel_shmem(functor func,
const typename MatrixFree<dim, Number>::Data gpu_data,
const Number * src,
Number * dst)
if (cell < gpu_data.n_cells)
func(cell, &gpu_data, &shared_data, src, dst);
+ template <int dim, typename Number, typename Functor>
+ __global__ void
+ evaluate_coeff(Functor func,
+ const typename MatrixFree<dim, Number>::Data gpu_data)
+ {
+ constexpr unsigned int cells_per_block =
+ cells_per_block_shmem(dim, Functor::n_dofs_1d - 1);
+ constexpr unsigned int n_dofs_per_block =
+ cells_per_block * Functor::n_local_dofs;
+ constexpr unsigned int n_q_points_per_block =
+ cells_per_block * Functor::n_q_points;
+ const unsigned int local_cell = threadIdx.x / Functor::n_dofs_1d;
+ const unsigned int cell =
+ local_cell + cells_per_block * (blockIdx.x + gridDim.x * blockIdx.y);
+ if (cell < gpu_data.n_cells)
+ func(cell, &gpu_data);
+ }
} // namespace internal
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ template <typename Functor>
+ void
+ MatrixFree<dim, Number>::evaluate_coefficients(Functor func) const
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_colors; ++i)
+ internal::evaluate_coeff<dim, Number, Functor>
+ <<<grid_dim[i], block_dim[i]>>>(func, get_data(i));
+ }
template <int dim, typename Number>
MatrixFree<dim, Number>::memory_consumption() const