]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Separate 2d povray output from the general case.
authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@colostate.edu>
Fri, 24 Dec 2021 05:20:20 +0000 (22:20 -0700)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@colostate.edu>
Fri, 24 Dec 2021 05:20:20 +0000 (22:20 -0700)

index b1a7a278cf537992013bebd9cd063837170d9c41..f92435970364526fdf7172c58acebb673a0bfaf6 100644 (file)
@@ -4068,44 +4068,52 @@ namespace DataOutBase
-  template <int dim, int spacedim>
-  void
-  write_povray(
-    const std::vector<Patch<dim, spacedim>> &patches,
-    const std::vector<std::string> &         data_names,
-    const std::vector<
-      std::tuple<unsigned int,
-                 unsigned int,
-                 std::string,
-                 DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>> &,
-    const PovrayFlags &flags,
-    std::ostream &     out)
+  namespace
-    AssertThrow(out, ExcIO());
+    template <int dim, int spacedim>
+    void
+    do_write_povray(const std::vector<Patch<dim, spacedim>> &,
+                    const std::vector<std::string> &,
+                    const PovrayFlags &,
+                    std::ostream &)
+    {
+      Assert(false,
+             ExcMessage("Writing files in POVRAY format is only supported "
+                        "for two-dimensional meshes."));
+    }
+    void
+    do_write_povray(const std::vector<Patch<2, 2>> &patches,
+                    const std::vector<std::string> &data_names,
+                    const PovrayFlags &             flags,
+                    std::ostream &                  out)
+    {
+      AssertThrow(out, ExcIO());
-    // verify that there are indeed patches to be written out. most
-    // of the times, people just forget to call build_patches when there
-    // are no patches, so a warning is in order. that said, the
-    // assertion is disabled if we support MPI since then it can
-    // happen that on the coarsest mesh, a processor simply has no cells it
-    // actually owns, and in that case it is legit if there are no patches
-    Assert(patches.size() > 0, ExcNoPatches());
+      // verify that there are indeed patches to be written out. most
+      // of the times, people just forget to call build_patches when there
+      // are no patches, so a warning is in order. that said, the
+      // assertion is disabled if we support MPI since then it can
+      // happen that on the coarsest mesh, a processor simply has no cells it
+      // actually owns, and in that case it is legit if there are no patches
+      Assert(patches.size() > 0, ExcNoPatches());
-    if (patches.size() == 0)
-      return;
+      if (patches.size() == 0)
+        return;
-    Assert(dim == 2,
-           ExcNotImplemented()); // only for 2-D surfaces on a 2-D plane
-    Assert(spacedim == 2, ExcNotImplemented());
+      constexpr int dim      = 2;
+      constexpr int spacedim = 2;
-    const unsigned int n_data_sets = data_names.size();
-    (void)n_data_sets;
+      const unsigned int n_data_sets = data_names.size();
+      (void)n_data_sets;
-    // write preamble
-    {
-      out << "/* This file was generated by the deal.II library." << '\n'
+      // write preamble
+      {
+        out
+          << "/* This file was generated by the deal.II library." << '\n'
           << "   Date =  " << Utilities::System::get_date() << '\n'
           << "   Time =  " << Utilities::System::get_time() << '\n'
           << '\n'
@@ -4113,285 +4121,311 @@ namespace DataOutBase
           << '\n'
           << "*/ " << '\n';
-      // include files
-      out << "#include \"colors.inc\" " << '\n'
-          << "#include \"textures.inc\" " << '\n';
+        // include files
+        out << "#include \"colors.inc\" " << '\n'
+            << "#include \"textures.inc\" " << '\n';
+        // use external include file for textures, camera and light
+        if (flags.external_data)
+          out << "#include \"data.inc\" " << '\n';
+        else // all definitions in data file
+          {
+            // camera
+            out << '\n'
+                << '\n'
+                << "camera {" << '\n'
+                << "  location <1,4,-7>" << '\n'
+                << "  look_at <0,0,0>" << '\n'
+                << "  angle 30" << '\n'
+                << "}" << '\n';
+            // light
+            out << '\n'
+                << "light_source {" << '\n'
+                << "  <1,4,-7>" << '\n'
+                << "  color Grey" << '\n'
+                << "}" << '\n';
+            out << '\n'
+                << "light_source {" << '\n'
+                << "  <0,20,0>" << '\n'
+                << "  color White" << '\n'
+                << "}" << '\n';
+          }
+      }
+      // max. and min. height of solution
+      Assert(patches.size() > 0, ExcNoPatches());
+      double hmin = patches[0].data(0, 0);
+      double hmax = patches[0].data(0, 0);
-      // use external include file for textures, camera and light
-      if (flags.external_data)
-        out << "#include \"data.inc\" " << '\n';
-      else // all definitions in data file
+      for (const auto &patch : patches)
-          // camera
-          out << '\n'
-              << '\n'
-              << "camera {" << '\n'
-              << "  location <1,4,-7>" << '\n'
-              << "  look_at <0,0,0>" << '\n'
-              << "  angle 30" << '\n'
-              << "}" << '\n';
-          // light
-          out << '\n'
-              << "light_source {" << '\n'
-              << "  <1,4,-7>" << '\n'
-              << "  color Grey" << '\n'
-              << "}" << '\n';
-          out << '\n'
-              << "light_source {" << '\n'
-              << "  <0,20,0>" << '\n'
-              << "  color White" << '\n'
-              << "}" << '\n';
-        }
-    }
+          const unsigned int n_subdivisions = patch.n_subdivisions;
-    // max. and min. height of solution
-    Assert(patches.size() > 0, ExcNoPatches());
-    double hmin = patches[0].data(0, 0);
-    double hmax = patches[0].data(0, 0);
+          Assert((patch.data.n_rows() == n_data_sets &&
+                  !patch.points_are_available) ||
+                   (patch.data.n_rows() == n_data_sets + spacedim &&
+                    patch.points_are_available),
+                 ExcDimensionMismatch(patch.points_are_available ?
+                                        (n_data_sets + spacedim) :
+                                        n_data_sets,
+                                      patch.data.n_rows()));
+          Assert(patch.data.n_cols() ==
+                   Utilities::fixed_power<dim>(n_subdivisions + 1),
+                 ExcInvalidDatasetSize(patch.data.n_cols(),
+                                       n_subdivisions + 1));
-    for (const auto &patch : patches)
-      {
-        const unsigned int n_subdivisions = patch.n_subdivisions;
+          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_subdivisions + 1; ++i)
+            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_subdivisions + 1; ++j)
+              {
+                const int dl = i * (n_subdivisions + 1) + j;
+                if (patch.data(0, dl) < hmin)
+                  hmin = patch.data(0, dl);
+                if (patch.data(0, dl) > hmax)
+                  hmax = patch.data(0, dl);
+              }
+        }
-        Assert((patch.data.n_rows() == n_data_sets &&
-                !patch.points_are_available) ||
-                 (patch.data.n_rows() == n_data_sets + spacedim &&
-                  patch.points_are_available),
-               ExcDimensionMismatch(patch.points_are_available ?
-                                      (n_data_sets + spacedim) :
-                                      n_data_sets,
-                                    patch.data.n_rows()));
-        Assert(patch.data.n_cols() ==
-                 Utilities::fixed_power<dim>(n_subdivisions + 1),
-               ExcInvalidDatasetSize(patch.data.n_cols(), n_subdivisions + 1));
+      out << "#declare HMIN=" << hmin << ";" << '\n'
+          << "#declare HMAX=" << hmax << ";" << '\n'
+          << '\n';
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_subdivisions + 1; ++i)
-          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_subdivisions + 1; ++j)
-            {
-              const int dl = i * (n_subdivisions + 1) + j;
-              if (patch.data(0, dl) < hmin)
-                hmin = patch.data(0, dl);
-              if (patch.data(0, dl) > hmax)
-                hmax = patch.data(0, dl);
-            }
-      }
+      if (!flags.external_data)
+        {
+          // texture with scaled niveau lines 10 lines in the surface
+          out << "#declare Tex=texture{" << '\n'
+              << "  pigment {" << '\n'
+              << "    gradient y" << '\n'
+              << "    scale y*(HMAX-HMIN)*" << 0.1 << '\n'
+              << "    color_map {" << '\n'
+              << "      [0.00 color Light_Purple] " << '\n'
+              << "      [0.95 color Light_Purple] " << '\n'
+              << "      [1.00 color White]    " << '\n'
+              << "} } }" << '\n'
+              << '\n';
+        }
-    out << "#declare HMIN=" << hmin << ";" << '\n'
-        << "#declare HMAX=" << hmax << ";" << '\n'
-        << '\n';
+      if (!flags.bicubic_patch)
+        {
+          // start of mesh header
+          out << '\n' << "mesh {" << '\n';
+        }
-    if (!flags.external_data)
-      {
-        // texture with scaled niveau lines 10 lines in the surface
-        out << "#declare Tex=texture{" << '\n'
-            << "  pigment {" << '\n'
-            << "    gradient y" << '\n'
-            << "    scale y*(HMAX-HMIN)*" << 0.1 << '\n'
-            << "    color_map {" << '\n'
-            << "      [0.00 color Light_Purple] " << '\n'
-            << "      [0.95 color Light_Purple] " << '\n'
-            << "      [1.00 color White]    " << '\n'
-            << "} } }" << '\n'
-            << '\n';
-      }
+      // loop over all patches
+      for (const auto &patch : patches)
+        {
+          const unsigned int n_subdivisions = patch.n_subdivisions;
+          const unsigned int n              = n_subdivisions + 1;
+          const unsigned int d1             = 1;
+          const unsigned int d2             = n;
-    if (!flags.bicubic_patch)
-      {
-        // start of mesh header
-        out << '\n' << "mesh {" << '\n';
-      }
+          Assert((patch.data.n_rows() == n_data_sets &&
+                  !patch.points_are_available) ||
+                   (patch.data.n_rows() == n_data_sets + spacedim &&
+                    patch.points_are_available),
+                 ExcDimensionMismatch(patch.points_are_available ?
+                                        (n_data_sets + spacedim) :
+                                        n_data_sets,
+                                      patch.data.n_rows()));
+          Assert(patch.data.n_cols() == Utilities::fixed_power<dim>(n),
+                 ExcInvalidDatasetSize(patch.data.n_cols(),
+                                       n_subdivisions + 1));
-    // loop over all patches
-    for (const auto &patch : patches)
-      {
-        const unsigned int n_subdivisions = patch.n_subdivisions;
-        const unsigned int n              = n_subdivisions + 1;
-        const unsigned int d1             = 1;
-        const unsigned int d2             = n;
-        Assert((patch.data.n_rows() == n_data_sets &&
-                !patch.points_are_available) ||
-                 (patch.data.n_rows() == n_data_sets + spacedim &&
-                  patch.points_are_available),
-               ExcDimensionMismatch(patch.points_are_available ?
-                                      (n_data_sets + spacedim) :
-                                      n_data_sets,
-                                    patch.data.n_rows()));
-        Assert(patch.data.n_cols() == Utilities::fixed_power<dim>(n),
-               ExcInvalidDatasetSize(patch.data.n_cols(), n_subdivisions + 1));
+          std::vector<Point<spacedim>> ver(n * n);
+          for (unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < n; ++i2)
+            for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < n; ++i1)
+              {
+                // compute coordinates for this patch point, storing in ver
+                ver[i1 * d1 + i2 * d2] =
+                  get_equispaced_location(patch, {i1, i2}, n_subdivisions);
+              }
-        std::vector<Point<spacedim>> ver(n * n);
-        for (unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < n; ++i2)
-          for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < n; ++i1)
+          if (!flags.bicubic_patch)
-              // compute coordinates for this patch point, storing in ver
-              ver[i1 * d1 + i2 * d2] =
-                get_equispaced_location(patch, {i1, i2}, n_subdivisions);
+              // approximate normal vectors in patch
+              std::vector<Point<3>> nrml;
+              // only if smooth triangles are used
+              if (flags.smooth)
+                {
+                  nrml.resize(n * n);
+                  // These are difference quotients of the surface
+                  // mapping. We take them symmetric inside the
+                  // patch and one-sided at the edges
+                  Point<3> h1, h2;
+                  // Now compute normals in every point
+                  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+                    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+                      {
+                        const unsigned int il = (i == 0) ? i : (i - 1);
+                        const unsigned int ir =
+                          (i == n_subdivisions) ? i : (i + 1);
+                        const unsigned int jl = (j == 0) ? j : (j - 1);
+                        const unsigned int jr =
+                          (j == n_subdivisions) ? j : (j + 1);
+                        h1(0) =
+                          ver[ir * d1 + j * d2](0) - ver[il * d1 + j * d2](0);
+                        h1(1) = patch.data(0, ir * d1 + j * d2) -
+                                patch.data(0, il * d1 + j * d2);
+                        h1(2) =
+                          ver[ir * d1 + j * d2](1) - ver[il * d1 + j * d2](1);
+                        h2(0) =
+                          ver[i * d1 + jr * d2](0) - ver[i * d1 + jl * d2](0);
+                        h2(1) = patch.data(0, i * d1 + jr * d2) -
+                                patch.data(0, i * d1 + jl * d2);
+                        h2(2) =
+                          ver[i * d1 + jr * d2](1) - ver[i * d1 + jl * d2](1);
+                        nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](0) =
+                          h1(1) * h2(2) - h1(2) * h2(1);
+                        nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](1) =
+                          h1(2) * h2(0) - h1(0) * h2(2);
+                        nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](2) =
+                          h1(0) * h2(1) - h1(1) * h2(0);
+                        // normalize Vector
+                        double norm =
+                          std::sqrt(std::pow(nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](0), 2.) +
+                                    std::pow(nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](1), 2.) +
+                                    std::pow(nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](2), 2.));
+                        if (nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](1) < 0)
+                          norm *= -1.;
+                        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
+                          nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](k) /= norm;
+                      }
+                }
+              // setting up triangles
+              for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_subdivisions; ++i)
+                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_subdivisions; ++j)
+                  {
+                    // down/left vertex of triangle
+                    const int dl = i * d1 + j * d2;
+                    if (flags.smooth)
+                      {
+                        // writing smooth_triangles
+                        // down/right triangle
+                        out << "smooth_triangle {" << '\n'
+                            << "\t<" << ver[dl](0) << "," << patch.data(0, dl)
+                            << "," << ver[dl](1) << ">, <" << nrml[dl](0)
+                            << ", " << nrml[dl](1) << ", " << nrml[dl](2)
+                            << ">," << '\n';
+                        out << " \t<" << ver[dl + d1](0) << ","
+                            << patch.data(0, dl + d1) << "," << ver[dl + d1](1)
+                            << ">, <" << nrml[dl + d1](0) << ", "
+                            << nrml[dl + d1](1) << ", " << nrml[dl + d1](2)
+                            << ">," << '\n';
+                        out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ","
+                            << patch.data(0, dl + d1 + d2) << ","
+                            << ver[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ">, <"
+                            << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ", "
+                            << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ", "
+                            << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](2) << ">}" << '\n';
+                        // upper/left triangle
+                        out << "smooth_triangle {" << '\n'
+                            << "\t<" << ver[dl](0) << "," << patch.data(0, dl)
+                            << "," << ver[dl](1) << ">, <" << nrml[dl](0)
+                            << ", " << nrml[dl](1) << ", " << nrml[dl](2)
+                            << ">," << '\n';
+                        out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ","
+                            << patch.data(0, dl + d1 + d2) << ","
+                            << ver[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ">, <"
+                            << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ", "
+                            << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ", "
+                            << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](2) << ">," << '\n';
+                        out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d2](0) << ","
+                            << patch.data(0, dl + d2) << "," << ver[dl + d2](1)
+                            << ">, <" << nrml[dl + d2](0) << ", "
+                            << nrml[dl + d2](1) << ", " << nrml[dl + d2](2)
+                            << ">}" << '\n';
+                      }
+                    else
+                      {
+                        // writing standard triangles down/right triangle
+                        out << "triangle {" << '\n'
+                            << "\t<" << ver[dl](0) << "," << patch.data(0, dl)
+                            << "," << ver[dl](1) << ">," << '\n';
+                        out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1](0) << ","
+                            << patch.data(0, dl + d1) << "," << ver[dl + d1](1)
+                            << ">," << '\n';
+                        out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ","
+                            << patch.data(0, dl + d1 + d2) << ","
+                            << ver[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ">}" << '\n';
+                        // upper/left triangle
+                        out << "triangle {" << '\n'
+                            << "\t<" << ver[dl](0) << "," << patch.data(0, dl)
+                            << "," << ver[dl](1) << ">," << '\n';
+                        out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ","
+                            << patch.data(0, dl + d1 + d2) << ","
+                            << ver[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ">," << '\n';
+                        out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d2](0) << ","
+                            << patch.data(0, dl + d2) << "," << ver[dl + d2](1)
+                            << ">}" << '\n';
+                      }
+                  }
+          else
+            {
+              // writing bicubic_patch
+              Assert(n_subdivisions == 3,
+                     ExcDimensionMismatch(n_subdivisions, 3));
+              out << '\n'
+                  << "bicubic_patch {" << '\n'
+                  << "  type 0" << '\n'
+                  << "  flatness 0" << '\n'
+                  << "  u_steps 0" << '\n'
+                  << "  v_steps 0" << '\n';
+              for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+                {
+                  out << "\t<" << ver[i](0) << "," << patch.data(0, i) << ","
+                      << ver[i](1) << ">";
+                  if (i != 15)
+                    out << ",";
+                  out << '\n';
+                }
+              out << "  texture {Tex}" << '\n' << "}" << '\n';
+            }
+        }
+      if (!flags.bicubic_patch)
+        {
+          // the end of the mesh
+          out << "  texture {Tex}" << '\n' << "}" << '\n' << '\n';
+        }
-        if (!flags.bicubic_patch)
-          {
-            // approximate normal vectors in patch
-            std::vector<Point<3>> nrml;
-            // only if smooth triangles are used
-            if (flags.smooth)
-              {
-                nrml.resize(n * n);
-                // These are difference quotients of the surface
-                // mapping. We take them symmetric inside the
-                // patch and one-sided at the edges
-                Point<3> h1, h2;
-                // Now compute normals in every point
-                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-                  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
-                    {
-                      const unsigned int il = (i == 0) ? i : (i - 1);
-                      const unsigned int ir =
-                        (i == n_subdivisions) ? i : (i + 1);
-                      const unsigned int jl = (j == 0) ? j : (j - 1);
-                      const unsigned int jr =
-                        (j == n_subdivisions) ? j : (j + 1);
-                      h1(0) =
-                        ver[ir * d1 + j * d2](0) - ver[il * d1 + j * d2](0);
-                      h1(1) = patch.data(0, ir * d1 + j * d2) -
-                              patch.data(0, il * d1 + j * d2);
-                      h1(2) =
-                        ver[ir * d1 + j * d2](1) - ver[il * d1 + j * d2](1);
-                      h2(0) =
-                        ver[i * d1 + jr * d2](0) - ver[i * d1 + jl * d2](0);
-                      h2(1) = patch.data(0, i * d1 + jr * d2) -
-                              patch.data(0, i * d1 + jl * d2);
-                      h2(2) =
-                        ver[i * d1 + jr * d2](1) - ver[i * d1 + jl * d2](1);
-                      nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](0) = h1(1) * h2(2) - h1(2) * h2(1);
-                      nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](1) = h1(2) * h2(0) - h1(0) * h2(2);
-                      nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](2) = h1(0) * h2(1) - h1(1) * h2(0);
-                      // normalize Vector
-                      double norm =
-                        std::sqrt(std::pow(nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](0), 2.) +
-                                  std::pow(nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](1), 2.) +
-                                  std::pow(nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](2), 2.));
-                      if (nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](1) < 0)
-                        norm *= -1.;
-                      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
-                        nrml[i * d1 + j * d2](k) /= norm;
-                    }
-              }
+      // make sure everything now gets to disk
+      out.flush();
-            // setting up triangles
-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_subdivisions; ++i)
-              for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_subdivisions; ++j)
-                {
-                  // down/left vertex of triangle
-                  const int dl = i * d1 + j * d2;
-                  if (flags.smooth)
-                    {
-                      // writing smooth_triangles
-                      // down/right triangle
-                      out << "smooth_triangle {" << '\n'
-                          << "\t<" << ver[dl](0) << "," << patch.data(0, dl)
-                          << "," << ver[dl](1) << ">, <" << nrml[dl](0) << ", "
-                          << nrml[dl](1) << ", " << nrml[dl](2) << ">," << '\n';
-                      out << " \t<" << ver[dl + d1](0) << ","
-                          << patch.data(0, dl + d1) << "," << ver[dl + d1](1)
-                          << ">, <" << nrml[dl + d1](0) << ", "
-                          << nrml[dl + d1](1) << ", " << nrml[dl + d1](2)
-                          << ">," << '\n';
-                      out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ","
-                          << patch.data(0, dl + d1 + d2) << ","
-                          << ver[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ">, <"
-                          << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ", "
-                          << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ", "
-                          << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](2) << ">}" << '\n';
-                      // upper/left triangle
-                      out << "smooth_triangle {" << '\n'
-                          << "\t<" << ver[dl](0) << "," << patch.data(0, dl)
-                          << "," << ver[dl](1) << ">, <" << nrml[dl](0) << ", "
-                          << nrml[dl](1) << ", " << nrml[dl](2) << ">," << '\n';
-                      out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ","
-                          << patch.data(0, dl + d1 + d2) << ","
-                          << ver[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ">, <"
-                          << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ", "
-                          << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ", "
-                          << nrml[dl + d1 + d2](2) << ">," << '\n';
-                      out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d2](0) << ","
-                          << patch.data(0, dl + d2) << "," << ver[dl + d2](1)
-                          << ">, <" << nrml[dl + d2](0) << ", "
-                          << nrml[dl + d2](1) << ", " << nrml[dl + d2](2)
-                          << ">}" << '\n';
-                    }
-                  else
-                    {
-                      // writing standard triangles down/right triangle
-                      out << "triangle {" << '\n'
-                          << "\t<" << ver[dl](0) << "," << patch.data(0, dl)
-                          << "," << ver[dl](1) << ">," << '\n';
-                      out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1](0) << ","
-                          << patch.data(0, dl + d1) << "," << ver[dl + d1](1)
-                          << ">," << '\n';
-                      out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ","
-                          << patch.data(0, dl + d1 + d2) << ","
-                          << ver[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ">}" << '\n';
-                      // upper/left triangle
-                      out << "triangle {" << '\n'
-                          << "\t<" << ver[dl](0) << "," << patch.data(0, dl)
-                          << "," << ver[dl](1) << ">," << '\n';
-                      out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d1 + d2](0) << ","
-                          << patch.data(0, dl + d1 + d2) << ","
-                          << ver[dl + d1 + d2](1) << ">," << '\n';
-                      out << "\t<" << ver[dl + d2](0) << ","
-                          << patch.data(0, dl + d2) << "," << ver[dl + d2](1)
-                          << ">}" << '\n';
-                    }
-                }
-          }
-        else
-          {
-            // writing bicubic_patch
-            Assert(n_subdivisions == 3,
-                   ExcDimensionMismatch(n_subdivisions, 3));
-            out << '\n'
-                << "bicubic_patch {" << '\n'
-                << "  type 0" << '\n'
-                << "  flatness 0" << '\n'
-                << "  u_steps 0" << '\n'
-                << "  v_steps 0" << '\n';
-            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
-              {
-                out << "\t<" << ver[i](0) << "," << patch.data(0, i) << ","
-                    << ver[i](1) << ">";
-                if (i != 15)
-                  out << ",";
-                out << '\n';
-              }
-            out << "  texture {Tex}" << '\n' << "}" << '\n';
-          }
-      }
+      AssertThrow(out, ExcIO());
+    }
+  } // namespace
-    if (!flags.bicubic_patch)
-      {
-        // the end of the mesh
-        out << "  texture {Tex}" << '\n' << "}" << '\n' << '\n';
-      }
-    // make sure everything now gets to disk
-    out.flush();
-    AssertThrow(out, ExcIO());
+  template <int dim, int spacedim>
+  void
+  write_povray(
+    const std::vector<Patch<dim, spacedim>> &patches,
+    const std::vector<std::string> &         data_names,
+    const std::vector<
+      std::tuple<unsigned int,
+                 unsigned int,
+                 std::string,
+                 DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>> &,
+    const PovrayFlags &flags,
+    std::ostream &     out)
+  {
+    do_write_povray(patches, data_names, flags, out);

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.