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+<!-- deal.II tutorial template
+ Jan Schrage <schrage@gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de> 1999
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+<h1>Boundary Conditions</h1>
+<h2><a name="boundary">Setting boundary conditions</a></h2>
+There are two <acronym>deal.II</acronym> functions relevant for us at the moment:
+void VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(...)
+which does exactly what it says. This function accepts a list of pairs
+of boundary indicators and the according functions and returns a list of
+pairs of degrees of freedom numbers and values denoting the respective
+Dirichlet boundary values.
+This output is used by
+void MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values(...)
+that inserts the proper boundary conditions into the system of equations.
+<p class="example">
+<span class="example">Example:</span> We insert Dirichlet boundary conditions into
+a system of equations of the form <code>Au=f</code>. The vectors <code>u</code> and
+<code>f</code> and the matrix <code>A</code> have already been initialized, likewise
+the handler for the degrees of freedom <code>dof</code> and the corresponding finite
+element <code>fe</code>.
+<pre class="example"><code>
+map<int,double> boundary_values;
+DoFHandler<2>::FunctionMap dirichlet_bc;
+BoundaryFct bfct;
+First, we need a few definitions:
+<code>boundary_values</code> maps DoF indices at the boundary computed by <code>interpolate_boundary_values</code> to their respective values.
+<li><code>dirichlet_bc</code> maps boundary indicators to boundary functions, supplied by us. All boundary indicators are zero by default, therefore the
+above statement maps the same function to all the boundaries. The boundary functions compute the boundary values.
+<li><code>bfct</code> is a function returning <code>cos(2*PI*x)*sin(2*PI*y)
+</code>, thereby supplying boundary values.
+This may seem a bit confusing. What actually happens is the following:
+<li><code>interpolate_boundary_values</code> takes the boundary functions
+<code>bfct</code>, its relation to boundaries <code>dirichlet_bc</code> and
+the triangulation <code>dof, fe</code> and returns a
+mapping <code>boundary_values</code> that maps values instead of functions
+to our boundaries. The function looks at <em>all</em> the boundaries. All we
+ever need to do is specify the initial triangulation.
+<li><code>apply_boundary_values</code> subsequently takes that mapping and
+our system of equations <tt>Au=f</tt> and inserts the boundary values into
+the system of equations which can then be solved.
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+<a href="mailto:schrage@gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de">Jan Schrage</a></address>
+Last modified: $Date$