]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
New test cases to cover more orientation issues
authorMartin Kronbichler <martin.kronbichler@it.uu.se>
Mon, 20 Dec 2021 09:20:38 +0000 (10:20 +0100)
committerMartin Kronbichler <martin.kronbichler@it.uu.se>
Tue, 21 Dec 2021 11:57:54 +0000 (12:57 +0100)
tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_34.cc [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_34.output [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_35.cc [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_35.output [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_34.cc b/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_34.cc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..818ac4a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// similar to matrix_vector_faces_25 (matrix-free face evaluation,
+// matrix-vector products as compared to the same implementation with
+// MeshWorker, gather_evaluate and integrate_scatter, go through all different
+// orientations), but for a system of equations and with local refinement
+#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_dgq.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_system.h>
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include "matrix_vector_faces_common.h"
+generate_grid(Triangulation<3> &triangulation, int orientation)
+  Point<3>              vertices_1[] = {Point<3>(-1., -1., -3.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., -1., -3.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., +1., -3.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., +1., -3.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., -1., -1.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., -1., -1.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., +1., -1.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., +1., -1.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., -1., +1.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., -1., +1.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., +1., +1.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., +1., +1.)};
+  std::vector<Point<3>> vertices(&vertices_1[0], &vertices_1[12]);
+  std::vector<CellData<3>> cells(2, CellData<3>());
+  /* cell 0 */
+  int cell_vertices_0[GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell] = {
+    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
+  /* cell 1 */
+  int cell_vertices_1[8][GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell] = {
+    {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11},
+    {5, 7, 4, 6, 9, 11, 8, 10},
+    {7, 6, 5, 4, 11, 10, 9, 8},
+    {6, 4, 7, 5, 10, 8, 11, 9},
+    {9, 8, 11, 10, 5, 4, 7, 6},
+    {8, 10, 9, 11, 4, 6, 5, 7},
+    {10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5},
+    {11, 9, 10, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4}};
+  for (const unsigned int j : GeometryInfo<3>::vertex_indices())
+    {
+      cells[0].vertices[j] = cell_vertices_0[j];
+      cells[1].vertices[j] = cell_vertices_1[orientation][j];
+    }
+  cells[0].material_id = 0;
+  cells[1].material_id = 0;
+  triangulation.create_triangulation(vertices, cells, SubCellData());
+  const unsigned int face_no = orientation < 4 ? 4 : 5;
+  const auto         cell    = ++(triangulation.begin());
+  deallog << "Orientation index within MatrixFree: "
+          << (!cell->face_orientation(face_no) + 2 * cell->face_flip(face_no) +
+              4 * cell->face_rotation(face_no))
+          << std::endl;
+run_test(const unsigned int fe_degree)
+  FESystem<3> fe2(FE_DGQHermite<3>(fe_degree), 3);
+  for (unsigned int orientation = 0; orientation < 8; ++orientation)
+    {
+      deallog << "Testing orientation case " << orientation << std::endl;
+      for (unsigned int refine = 0; refine < 2; ++refine)
+        {
+          Triangulation<3> tria;
+          generate_grid(tria, orientation);
+          if (refine == 0)
+            {
+              tria.begin()->set_refine_flag();
+              deallog << "Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined"
+                      << std::endl;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              (++tria.begin())->set_refine_flag();
+              deallog << "Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined"
+                      << std::endl;
+            }
+          tria.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+          DoFHandler<3> dof(tria);
+          dof.distribute_dofs(fe2);
+          AffineConstraints<double> constraints;
+          constraints.close();
+          deallog << "Testing " << dof.get_fe().get_name();
+          deallog << std::endl;
+          MappingQ<3> mapping(dof.get_fe().degree + 1);
+          Vector<double> in(dof.n_dofs()), out(dof.n_dofs());
+          Vector<double> out_dist(out);
+          // Set random seed for reproducibility
+          Testing::srand(42);
+          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dof.n_dofs(); ++i)
+            {
+              if (constraints.is_constrained(i))
+                continue;
+              const double entry = Testing::rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
+              in(i)              = entry;
+            }
+          // assemble sparse matrix with MeshWorker for degrees less than 3
+          // (the latter would be extraordinarily expensive already on 9 cells
+          // as done here)
+          if (fe_degree < 3)
+            {
+              SparsityPattern      sparsity;
+              SparseMatrix<double> matrix;
+              {
+                DynamicSparsityPattern d_sparsity(dof.n_dofs());
+                DoFTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern(dof, d_sparsity);
+                sparsity.copy_from(d_sparsity);
+              }
+              matrix.reinit(sparsity);
+              MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox<3> info_box;
+              UpdateFlags                       update_flags =
+                update_values | update_gradients | update_jacobians;
+              info_box.add_update_flags_all(update_flags);
+              info_box.initialize_gauss_quadrature(dof.get_fe().degree + 1,
+                                                   dof.get_fe().degree + 1,
+                                                   dof.get_fe().degree + 1);
+              info_box.initialize(dof.get_fe(), mapping);
+              MeshWorker::DoFInfo<3> dof_info(dof);
+              MeshWorker::Assembler::MatrixSimple<SparseMatrix<double>>
+                assembler;
+              assembler.initialize(matrix);
+              MatrixIntegrator<3> integrator;
+              MeshWorker::integration_loop<3, 3>(dof.begin_active(),
+                                                 dof.end(),
+                                                 dof_info,
+                                                 info_box,
+                                                 integrator,
+                                                 assembler);
+              matrix.vmult(out, in);
+            }
+          MatrixFree<3, double> mf_data;
+          const QGauss<1>       quad(dof.get_fe().degree + 1);
+          typename MatrixFree<3, double>::AdditionalData data;
+          data.tasks_parallel_scheme =
+            MatrixFree<3, double>::AdditionalData::none;
+          data.tasks_block_size = 3;
+          data.mapping_update_flags_inner_faces =
+            (update_gradients | update_JxW_values);
+          data.mapping_update_flags_boundary_faces =
+            (update_gradients | update_JxW_values);
+          mf_data.reinit(mapping, dof, constraints, quad, data);
+          {
+            MatrixFreeTest<3, -1, 0, double, Vector<double>, 3> mf(mf_data);
+            mf.vmult(out_dist, in);
+            if (fe_degree < 3)
+              {
+                out_dist -= out;
+                const double diff_norm =
+                  out_dist.linfty_norm() / out.linfty_norm();
+                deallog << "Norm of difference basic:           " << diff_norm
+                        << std::endl;
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                // Cannot compare in case we have no matrix reference. Then
+                // use this result for the other variant instead
+                out = out_dist;
+              }
+          }
+          {
+            MatrixFreeVariant<3, -1, 0, double, Vector<double>, 3> mf(mf_data,
+                                                                      true);
+            mf.vmult(out_dist, in);
+            out_dist -= out;
+            const double diff_norm = out_dist.linfty_norm() / out.linfty_norm();
+            deallog << "Norm of difference gather_evaluate: " << diff_norm
+                    << std::endl;
+          }
+        }
+    }
+template <int dim, int fe_degree>
+  if (dim == 2)
+    return;
+  else
+    run_test(fe_degree + 1);
diff --git a/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_34.output b/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_34.output
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0119c96
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 0
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 0
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.40e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.40e-15
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 0
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.62e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.62e-15
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 1
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 6
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           2.05e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.05e-15
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 6
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           2.00e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.00e-15
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 2
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 2
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.40e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.40e-15
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 2
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.62e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.62e-15
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 3
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 4
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           2.05e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.05e-15
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 4
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           2.00e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.00e-15
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 4
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 7
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.43e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.43e-15
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 7
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.43e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.43e-15
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 5
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 1
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.71e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.71e-15
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 1
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.52e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.52e-15
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 6
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 5
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.62e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.62e-15
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 5
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.43e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.43e-15
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 7
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 3
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.52e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.52e-15
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 3
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference basic:           1.52e-15
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.57e-15
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 0
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 0
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 7.20e-16
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 0
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 1
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 6
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.88e-16
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 6
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 2
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 2
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 7.20e-16
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 2
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 3
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 4
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.88e-16
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 4
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 4
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 7
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 6.97e-16
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 7
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 5
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 1
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 1
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 4.18e-16
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 6
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 5
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 6.97e-16
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 5
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 7
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 3
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 3
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQHermite<3>(3)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.79e-16
diff --git a/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_35.cc b/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_35.cc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dcdd670
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// similar to matrix_vector_faces_34 (matrix-free face evaluation on a case
+// with different orientations and refinements from both sides, system of
+// equations), but for the advection operation with FE_DGQ.
+#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_dgq.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_system.h>
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include "matrix_vector_faces_common.h"
+generate_grid(Triangulation<3> &triangulation, int orientation)
+  Point<3>              vertices_1[] = {Point<3>(-1., -1., -3.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., -1., -3.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., +1., -3.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., +1., -3.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., -1., -1.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., -1., -1.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., +1., -1.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., +1., -1.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., -1., +1.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., -1., +1.),
+                           Point<3>(-1., +1., +1.),
+                           Point<3>(+1., +1., +1.)};
+  std::vector<Point<3>> vertices(&vertices_1[0], &vertices_1[12]);
+  std::vector<CellData<3>> cells(2, CellData<3>());
+  /* cell 0 */
+  int cell_vertices_0[GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell] = {
+    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
+  /* cell 1 */
+  int cell_vertices_1[8][GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell] = {
+    {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11},
+    {5, 7, 4, 6, 9, 11, 8, 10},
+    {7, 6, 5, 4, 11, 10, 9, 8},
+    {6, 4, 7, 5, 10, 8, 11, 9},
+    {9, 8, 11, 10, 5, 4, 7, 6},
+    {8, 10, 9, 11, 4, 6, 5, 7},
+    {10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5},
+    {11, 9, 10, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4}};
+  for (const unsigned int j : GeometryInfo<3>::vertex_indices())
+    {
+      cells[0].vertices[j] = cell_vertices_0[j];
+      cells[1].vertices[j] = cell_vertices_1[orientation][j];
+    }
+  cells[0].material_id = 0;
+  cells[1].material_id = 0;
+  triangulation.create_triangulation(vertices, cells, SubCellData());
+  const unsigned int face_no = orientation < 4 ? 4 : 5;
+  const auto         cell    = ++(triangulation.begin());
+  deallog << "Orientation index within MatrixFree: "
+          << (!cell->face_orientation(face_no) + 2 * cell->face_flip(face_no) +
+              4 * cell->face_rotation(face_no))
+          << std::endl;
+template <int dim,
+          int fe_degree,
+          int n_q_points_1d            = fe_degree + 1,
+          typename number              = double,
+          typename VectorType          = Vector<number>,
+          int n_components             = 1,
+          typename VectorizedArrayType = VectorizedArray<number>>
+class MatrixFreeAdvectionTest
+  MatrixFreeAdvectionTest(
+    const MatrixFree<dim, number, VectorizedArrayType> &data,
+    const bool                                          zero_within_loop = true,
+    const unsigned int start_vector_component                            = 0)
+    : data(data)
+    , zero_within_loop(zero_within_loop)
+    , start_vector_component(start_vector_component)
+  {
+    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+      advection[d] = 0.4 + 0.12 * d;
+  }
+  void
+  vmult(VectorType &dst, const VectorType &src) const
+  {
+    if (!zero_within_loop)
+      dst = 0;
+    data.loop(
+      &MatrixFreeAdvectionTest::local_apply,
+      &MatrixFreeAdvectionTest::local_apply_face,
+      &MatrixFreeAdvectionTest::local_apply_boundary_face,
+      this,
+      dst,
+      src,
+      zero_within_loop,
+      MatrixFree<dim, number, VectorizedArrayType>::DataAccessOnFaces::values,
+      MatrixFree<dim, number, VectorizedArrayType>::DataAccessOnFaces::values);
+  }
+  void
+  local_apply(const MatrixFree<dim, number, VectorizedArrayType> &data,
+              VectorType &                                        dst,
+              const VectorType &                                  src,
+              const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> &cell_range) const
+  {
+    FEEvaluation<dim,
+                 fe_degree,
+                 n_q_points_1d,
+                 n_components,
+                 number,
+                 VectorizedArrayType>
+      phi(data, 0, 0, start_vector_component);
+    for (unsigned int cell = cell_range.first; cell < cell_range.second; ++cell)
+      {
+        phi.reinit(cell);
+        phi.read_dof_values(src);
+        phi.evaluate(EvaluationFlags::values);
+        for (unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q)
+          phi.submit_gradient(multiply_by_advection(advection,
+                                                    phi.get_value(q)),
+                              q);
+        phi.integrate(EvaluationFlags::gradients);
+        phi.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+      }
+  }
+  void
+  local_apply_face(
+    const MatrixFree<dim, number, VectorizedArrayType> &data,
+    VectorType &                                        dst,
+    const VectorType &                                  src,
+    const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> &       face_range) const
+  {
+    FEFaceEvaluation<dim,
+                     fe_degree,
+                     n_q_points_1d,
+                     n_components,
+                     number,
+                     VectorizedArrayType>
+      phi_m(data, true, 0, 0, start_vector_component);
+    FEFaceEvaluation<dim,
+                     fe_degree,
+                     n_q_points_1d,
+                     n_components,
+                     number,
+                     VectorizedArrayType>
+      phi_p(data, false, 0, 0, start_vector_component);
+    using value_type =
+      typename FEFaceEvaluation<dim,
+                                fe_degree,
+                                n_q_points_1d,
+                                n_components,
+                                number,
+                                VectorizedArrayType>::value_type;
+    for (unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face)
+      {
+        phi_m.reinit(face);
+        phi_m.read_dof_values(src);
+        phi_m.evaluate(EvaluationFlags::values);
+        phi_p.reinit(face);
+        phi_p.read_dof_values(src);
+        phi_p.evaluate(EvaluationFlags::values);
+        for (unsigned int q = 0; q < phi_m.n_q_points; ++q)
+          {
+            value_type u_minus = phi_m.get_value(q),
+                       u_plus  = phi_p.get_value(q);
+            const VectorizedArrayType normal_times_advection =
+              advection * phi_m.get_normal_vector(q);
+            const value_type flux_times_normal =
+              make_vectorized_array<number, VectorizedArrayType::size()>(0.5) *
+              ((u_minus + u_plus) * normal_times_advection +
+               std::abs(normal_times_advection) * (u_minus - u_plus));
+            phi_m.submit_value(-flux_times_normal, q);
+            phi_p.submit_value(flux_times_normal, q);
+          }
+        phi_m.integrate(EvaluationFlags::values);
+        phi_m.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+        phi_p.integrate(EvaluationFlags::values);
+        phi_p.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+      }
+  }
+  void
+  local_apply_boundary_face(
+    const MatrixFree<dim, number, VectorizedArrayType> &data,
+    VectorType &                                        dst,
+    const VectorType &                                  src,
+    const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> &       face_range) const
+  {
+    FEFaceEvaluation<dim,
+                     fe_degree,
+                     n_q_points_1d,
+                     n_components,
+                     number,
+                     VectorizedArrayType>
+      fe_eval(data, true, 0, 0, start_vector_component);
+    using value_type =
+      typename FEFaceEvaluation<dim,
+                                fe_degree,
+                                n_q_points_1d,
+                                n_components,
+                                number,
+                                VectorizedArrayType>::value_type;
+    value_type u_plus = {};
+    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < n_components; ++d)
+      u_plus[d] = 1.3;
+    for (unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face)
+      {
+        fe_eval.reinit(face);
+        fe_eval.read_dof_values(src);
+        fe_eval.evaluate(EvaluationFlags::values);
+        for (unsigned int q = 0; q < fe_eval.n_q_points; ++q)
+          {
+            value_type                u_minus = fe_eval.get_value(q);
+            const VectorizedArrayType normal_times_advection =
+              advection * fe_eval.get_normal_vector(q);
+            const value_type flux_times_normal =
+              make_vectorized_array<number, VectorizedArrayType::size()>(0.5) *
+              ((u_minus + u_plus) * normal_times_advection +
+               std::abs(normal_times_advection) * (u_minus - u_plus));
+            fe_eval.submit_value(-flux_times_normal, q);
+          }
+        fe_eval.integrate(EvaluationFlags::values);
+        fe_eval.distribute_local_to_global(dst);
+      }
+  }
+  const MatrixFree<dim, number, VectorizedArrayType> &data;
+  const bool                                          zero_within_loop;
+  const unsigned int                                  start_vector_component;
+  Tensor<1, dim, VectorizedArrayType>                 advection;
+run_test(const unsigned int fe_degree)
+  FESystem<3> fe2(FE_DGQ<3>(fe_degree), 3);
+  for (unsigned int orientation = 0; orientation < 8; ++orientation)
+    {
+      deallog << "Testing orientation case " << orientation << std::endl;
+      for (unsigned int refine = 0; refine < 2; ++refine)
+        {
+          Triangulation<3> tria;
+          generate_grid(tria, orientation);
+          if (refine == 0)
+            {
+              tria.begin()->set_refine_flag();
+              deallog << "Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined"
+                      << std::endl;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              (++tria.begin())->set_refine_flag();
+              deallog << "Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined"
+                      << std::endl;
+            }
+          tria.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+          DoFHandler<3> dof(tria);
+          dof.distribute_dofs(fe2);
+          AffineConstraints<double> constraints;
+          constraints.close();
+          deallog << "Testing " << dof.get_fe().get_name();
+          deallog << std::endl;
+          MappingQ<3> mapping(dof.get_fe().degree + 1);
+          Vector<double> in(dof.n_dofs()), out(dof.n_dofs());
+          Vector<double> out_dist(out);
+          // Set random seed for reproducibility
+          Testing::srand(42);
+          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dof.n_dofs(); ++i)
+            {
+              if (constraints.is_constrained(i))
+                continue;
+              const double entry = Testing::rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
+              in(i)              = entry;
+            }
+          MatrixFree<3, double> mf_data;
+          const QGauss<1>       quad(dof.get_fe().degree + 1);
+          typename MatrixFree<3, double>::AdditionalData data;
+          data.tasks_parallel_scheme =
+            MatrixFree<3, double>::AdditionalData::none;
+          data.tasks_block_size = 3;
+          data.mapping_update_flags_inner_faces =
+            (update_gradients | update_JxW_values);
+          data.mapping_update_flags_boundary_faces =
+            (update_gradients | update_JxW_values);
+          mf_data.reinit(mapping, dof, constraints, quad, data);
+          {
+            MatrixFreeAdvectionTest<3, -1, 0, double, Vector<double>, 3> mf(
+              mf_data);
+            mf.vmult(out, in);
+          }
+          {
+            MatrixFreeAdvection<3, -1, 0, double, Vector<double>, 3> mf(mf_data,
+                                                                        true);
+            mf.vmult(out_dist, in);
+            out_dist -= out;
+            const double diff_norm = out_dist.linfty_norm() / out.linfty_norm();
+            deallog << "Norm of difference gather_evaluate: " << diff_norm
+                    << std::endl;
+          }
+        }
+    }
+template <int dim, int fe_degree>
+  if (dim == 2)
+    return;
+  else
+    run_test(fe_degree);
diff --git a/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_35.output b/tests/matrix_free/matrix_vector_faces_35.output
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..821a7d5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 0
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 0
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 0
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 1
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 6
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 6
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 7.17e-17
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 2
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 2
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 2
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 3
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 4
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 4
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.69e-17
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 4
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 7
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 7
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 5
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 1
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 1
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 7.17e-17
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 6
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 5
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 5
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 7
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 3
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 3
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(1)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 1.79e-17
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 0
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 0
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 0
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 1
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 6
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 6
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.24e-17
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 2
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 2
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 2
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 3
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 4
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 4
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 4.48e-17
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 4
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 7
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 7
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 5
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 1
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 1
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.24e-17
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 6
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 5
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 5
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Testing orientation case 7
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 3
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell refined, oriented cell unrefined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 0.00
+DEAL:3d::Orientation index within MatrixFree: 3
+DEAL:3d::Standard cell unrefined, oriented cell refined
+DEAL:3d::Testing FESystem<3>[FE_DGQ<3>(2)^3]
+DEAL:3d::Norm of difference gather_evaluate: 2.24e-17
index 29bf84b003b1c39ba0effd6dbc0311829e90cc40..e9c73d46b111d9578260b4fd8f687a7367f03102 100644 (file)
@@ -633,8 +633,9 @@ private:
-    value_type u_plus;
-    u_plus = make_vectorized_array<number, VectorizedArrayType::size()>(1.3);
+    value_type u_plus = {};
+    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < n_components; ++d)
+      u_plus[d] = 1.3;
     for (unsigned int face = face_range.first; face < face_range.second; ++face)

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.