--- /dev/null
+if [ ${VERSION} = ]; then
+ CHECKSUM=17c6513483d23590cbce6957ec6d1e66
+# **********************************************************************************
+package_specific_conf() {
+ # Generate modulefile
+ mkdir -p ${MODULEFILE_PATH}
+ rm -f $CONFIG_FILE
+ echo "#%Module 1.0
+# ${NAME}
+conflict cmake
+prepend-path PATH ${INSTALL_PATH}/bin
+ echo
+ echo "${NAME} has now been installed in"
+ echo
+ cecho ${GOOD} " ${INSTALL_PATH}"
+ echo
+ echo "To update your environment variables, use the created modulefile:"
+ echo
+ cecho ${GOOD} " $CONFIG_FILE"
+ echo
--- /dev/null
+# RHEL 7
+# This build script assumes that you have several packages already
+# installed via CentOS's yum using the following commands:
+# su -c 'yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"'
+# su -c 'yum install -y cmake gcc-c++'
+# Set the compiler
+# export CC=/usr/bin/gcc
+# export CXX=/usr/bin/g++
+# export FC=/usr/bin/gfortran
+# export FF=/usr/bin/gfortran
+# Define the packages this platform needs
--- /dev/null
+# Global configuration variables go here. You will want to tweak this
+# file to suit your needs. If you want to keep local changes that are
+# not overwritten by repository updates, those can be written
+# to local.cfg instead (entries there will override those in this file).
+# Meta-project to build
+# for cmake 2.8 so far...
+# How many processes would you like to build using?
+# Where do you want the compiled software installed?
+# Where do you want the downloaded source files to go?
+# Where do you want to unpack source files to go?
+# Where do you want the build files to go?