]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
update benchmark (cmake, interactive graphs, etc.)
authorheister <heister@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:56:54 +0000 (20:56 +0000)
committerheister <heister@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:56:54 +0000 (20:56 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@30143 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d

12 files changed:
tests/benchmarks/step-22/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/benchmarks/step-22/Makefile [deleted file]
tests/benchmarks/tablehandler/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/benchmarks/tablehandler/Makefile [deleted file]
tests/benchmarks/test_assembly/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/benchmarks/test_assembly/Makefile [deleted file]
tests/benchmarks/test_poisson/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/benchmarks/test_poisson/Makefile [deleted file]

index 38a9f67fe5b562e9682a32470b079122977a45a0..b3666444dd52aa886df93e082e54df08135422cd 100644 (file)
@@ -3,16 +3,18 @@
 source testlist.sh
 PREVREVISION="`svn info deal.II | grep Revision | sed s/Revision://`"
-MAKECMD="nice make -j10"
+MAKECMD="nice make -j10 install"
+#MAKECMD="nice make -j10 optimized"
 export MAKECMD
 echo "testing $PREVREVISION"
-cd deal.II
   echo "configure"
-  ./configure --disable-threads --with-petsc=no || exit 2
+  cd build
+  cmake ../deal.II || exit 2
+  #./configure --disable-threads --with-petsc=no || exit 2
   echo "compiling" 
-  $MAKECMD optimized || exit 3
+  $MAKECMD || exit 3
   cd ..
index a91ecc4c62a3e77223dfbcb0cfddc787968b3ffe..1121999dd5f8354dfca570e8e059e30dd611d5e9 100644 (file)
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+{ name: 'tablehandler - write', data: [
+{ name: 'test_assembly - assembly', data: [
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+, [27150,-0.954654]
+, [27200,0.477327]
+, [27250,0.238663]
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+, [27450,-0.238663]
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+, [27650,0.238663]
+, [27700,0.238663]
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+, [27800,0.238663]
+, [27850,0.477327]
+, [27900,0.238663]
+, [27950,0.477327]
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+, [28050,0.238663]
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+, [28150,97.852029]
+, [28200,98.806683]
+, [28250,0.238663]
+, [28300,0.238663]
+, [28350,0.477327]
+, [28400,0.477327]
+, [28450,0.238663]
+, [28500,0.238663]
+, [28550,0.238663]
+, [28600,0.715990]
+, [28650,0.238663]
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+, [28725,0.954654]
+, [28750,0.954654]
+, [28775,0.477327]
+, [28800,0.954654]
+, [28825,-0.238663]
+, [28850,0.715990]
+, [28875,0.954654]
+, [28900,1.193317]
+, [28925,1.431981]
+, [28950,0.954654]
+, [28975,1.193317]
+, [29000,-1.193317]
+, [29025,0.954654]
+, [29050,0.954654]
+, [29075,1.193317]
+, [29100,1.193317]
+, [29125,1.431981]
+, [29150,1.193317]
+, [29175,1.431981]
+, [29200,1.193317]
+, [29225,1.431981]
+, [29250,0.954654]
+, [29275,0.715990]
+, [29300,0.954654]
+, [29325,1.193317]
+, [29350,1.670644]
+, [29375,1.193317]
+, [29400,0.954654]
+, [29425,0.954654]
+, [29450,0.715990]
+, [29475,1.193317]
+, [29500,0.954654]
+, [29525,1.193317]
+, [29550,1.431981]
+, [29575,0.954654]
+, [29600,0.954654]
+, [29625,0.954654]
+, [29650,1.193317]
+, [29675,1.193317]
+, [29700,1.193317]
+, [29725,1.193317]
+, [29750,0.954654]
+, [29775,0.954654]
+, [29800,0.954654]
+, [29825,0.954654]
+, [29850,1.193317]
+, [29875,0.954654]
+, [29900,0.954654]
+, [29925,0.954654]
+, [29950,0.715990]
+, [29975,-1.193317]
+, [30000,0.954654]
+, [30025,1.431981]
+, [30050,1.193317]
+, [30075,0.954654]
+, [30100,0.715990]
+, [30125,0.000000]
+{ name: 'test_assembly - copy sp', data: [
+, [27050,-0.831601]
+, [27100,-0.415800]
+, [27150,-7.692308]
+, [27200,-0.207900]
+, [27250,-0.623701]
+, [27300,0.207900]
+, [27350,-0.415800]
+, [27400,-0.623701]
+, [27450,-1.455301]
+, [27500,-0.623701]
+, [27550,-0.623701]
+, [27600,-0.831601]
+, [27650,-0.623701]
+, [27700,1.039501]
+, [27750,-4.158004]
+, [27800,-3.950104]
+, [27850,-0.623701]
+, [27900,-0.831601]
+, [27950,-2.286902]
+, [28000,-0.415800]
+, [28050,-0.623701]
+, [28100,-0.623701]
+, [28150,-0.415800]
+, [28200,-0.623701]
+, [28250,-1.247401]
+, [28300,-1.663202]
+, [28350,-0.623701]
+, [28400,-1.039501]
+, [28450,-5.197505]
+, [28500,-0.831601]
+, [28550,-0.623701]
+, [28600,-1.039501]
+, [28650,-7.276507]
+, [28700,-1.039501]
+, [28725,-1.247401]
+, [28750,-1.871102]
+, [28775,-1.663202]
+, [28800,-0.207900]
+, [28825,-4.781705]
+, [28850,-0.207900]
+, [28875,0.207900]
+, [28900,0.000000]
+, [28925,-0.415800]
+, [28950,0.207900]
+, [28975,-0.623701]
+, [29000,-14.968815]
+, [29025,-0.207900]
+, [29050,-0.623701]
+, [29075,-0.831601]
+, [29100,0.207900]
+, [29125,-0.831601]
+, [29150,-0.415800]
+, [29175,-1.039501]
+, [29200,-0.207900]
+, [29225,-0.831601]
+, [29250,-0.207900]
+, [29275,0.207900]
+, [29300,-0.207900]
+, [29325,-1.039501]
+, [29350,-0.207900]
+, [29375,-1.247401]
+, [29400,-0.623701]
+, [29425,-0.831601]
+, [29450,-1.039501]
+, [29475,-0.623701]
+, [29500,-0.415800]
+, [29525,-0.415800]
+, [29550,-0.207900]
+, [29575,-0.623701]
+, [29600,-0.207900]
+, [29625,-0.415800]
+, [29650,-0.623701]
+, [29675,0.000000]
+, [29700,-0.415800]
+, [29725,-0.831601]
+, [29750,-0.415800]
+, [29775,-0.623701]
+, [29800,-0.207900]
+, [29825,-1.039501]
+, [29850,-0.207900]
+, [29875,-1.871102]
+, [29900,-0.415800]
+, [29925,-1.247401]
+, [29950,-0.415800]
+, [29975,-8.523909]
+, [30000,-0.415800]
+, [30025,-0.415800]
+, [30050,-1.247401]
+, [30075,-0.207900]
+, [30100,-0.831601]
+, [30125,-1.039501]
+{ name: 'test_assembly - create matrix and vectors', data: [
+, [27050,-2.857143]
+, [27100,-0.952381]
+, [27150,-5.142857]
+, [27200,-7.428571]
+, [27250,-0.952381]
+, [27300,-2.857143]
+, [27350,-0.952381]
+, [27400,-0.952381]
+, [27450,-0.952381]
+, [27500,-0.952381]
+, [27550,0.000000]
+, [27600,-0.952381]
+, [27650,-0.952381]
+, [27700,-1.904762]
+, [27750,-0.952381]
+, [27800,-0.952381]
+, [27850,-0.952381]
+, [27900,-0.952381]
+, [27950,-1.904762]
+, [28000,-1.904762]
+, [28050,-0.952381]
+, [28100,-0.952381]
+, [28150,-1.904762]
+, [28200,-0.952381]
+, [28250,-0.952381]
+, [28300,-1.904762]
+, [28350,-2.857143]
+, [28400,-2.857143]
+, [28450,-5.523810]
+, [28500,-2.857143]
+, [28550,-1.904762]
+, [28600,-0.952381]
+, [28650,-1.904762]
+, [28700,-1.904762]
+, [28725,-0.952381]
+, [28750,-1.904762]
+, [28775,-0.952381]
+, [28800,-0.952381]
+, [28825,-5.142857]
+, [28850,-0.952381]
+, [28875,-0.952381]
+, [28900,-0.952381]
+, [28925,-1.904762]
+, [28950,-1.904762]
+, [28975,-0.952381]
+, [29000,-5.142857]
+, [29025,-1.904762]
+, [29050,-0.952381]
+, [29075,-1.904762]
+, [29100,-0.952381]
+, [29125,-1.904762]
+, [29150,-0.952381]
+, [29175,0.000000]
+, [29200,-2.857143]
+, [29225,-0.952381]
+, [29250,-0.952381]
+, [29275,-2.857143]
+, [29300,-0.952381]
+, [29325,-1.904762]
+, [29350,-1.904762]
+, [29375,-0.952381]
+, [29400,-1.904762]
+, [29425,-1.904762]
+, [29450,-0.952381]
+, [29475,-2.857143]
+, [29500,-0.952381]
+, [29525,-2.857143]
+, [29550,-0.952381]
+, [29575,-0.952381]
+, [29600,-1.904762]
+, [29625,-0.952381]
+, [29650,-2.857143]
+, [29675,-0.952381]
+, [29700,-0.952381]
+, [29725,-0.952381]
+, [29750,-2.857143]
+, [29775,-1.904762]
+, [29800,-1.904762]
+, [29825,-1.904762]
+, [29850,-2.857143]
+, [29875,-0.952381]
+, [29900,-0.952381]
+, [29925,-1.904762]
+, [29950,-0.952381]
+, [29975,-6.285714]
+, [30000,-1.904762]
+, [30025,-2.857143]
+, [30050,-0.952381]
+, [30075,-2.857143]
+, [30100,-1.904762]
+, [30125,-3.809524]
+{ name: 'test_assembly - distribute dofs', data: [
+, [27050,-0.888889]
+, [27100,-1.333333]
+, [27150,-2.222222]
+, [27200,-4.888889]
+, [27250,-3.111111]
+, [27300,-1.333333]
+, [27350,0.888889]
+, [27400,4.000000]
+, [27450,4.000000]
+, [27500,4.444444]
+, [27550,3.555556]
+, [27600,3.111111]
+, [27650,4.000000]
+, [27700,4.000000]
+, [27750,4.444444]
+, [27800,4.444444]
+, [27850,6.666667]
+, [27900,3.555556]
+, [27950,2.222222]
+, [28000,3.111111]
+, [28050,4.000000]
+, [28100,2.666667]
+, [28150,3.111111]
+, [28200,3.111111]
+, [28250,3.555556]
+, [28300,3.555556]
+, [28350,3.555556]
+, [28400,4.000000]
+, [28450,3.111111]
+, [28500,4.000000]
+, [28550,3.111111]
+, [28600,3.555556]
+, [28650,1.777778]
+, [28700,3.111111]
+, [28725,2.222222]
+, [28750,3.111111]
+, [28775,0.888889]
+, [28800,4.000000]
+, [28825,3.555556]
+, [28850,3.111111]
+, [28875,4.000000]
+, [28900,3.111111]
+, [28925,2.666667]
+, [28950,4.444444]
+, [28975,5.333333]
+, [29000,3.111111]
+, [29025,4.888889]
+, [29050,3.111111]
+, [29075,6.222222]
+, [29100,3.111111]
+, [29125,5.333333]
+, [29150,3.555556]
+, [29175,5.777778]
+, [29200,4.000000]
+, [29225,4.000000]
+, [29250,4.888889]
+, [29275,3.555556]
+, [29300,4.444444]
+, [29325,2.666667]
+, [29350,3.555556]
+, [29375,4.888889]
+, [29400,3.555556]
+, [29425,4.000000]
+, [29450,4.000000]
+, [29475,4.000000]
+, [29500,4.444444]
+, [29525,4.000000]
+, [29550,4.000000]
+, [29575,4.888889]
+, [29600,4.000000]
+, [29625,3.555556]
+, [29650,4.888889]
+, [29675,4.444444]
+, [29700,4.444444]
+, [29725,3.111111]
+, [29750,3.555556]
+, [29775,3.555556]
+, [29800,2.666667]
+, [29825,3.111111]
+, [29850,4.000000]
+, [29875,3.555556]
+, [29900,4.888889]
+, [29925,4.888889]
+, [29950,3.555556]
+, [29975,4.000000]
+, [30000,4.444444]
+, [30025,2.666667]
+, [30050,4.888889]
+, [30075,3.111111]
+, [30100,3.555556]
+, [30125,-0.444444]
+{ name: 'test_assembly - make csp', data: [
+, [27050,1.915709]
+, [27100,7.024266]
+, [27150,12.388250]
+, [27200,12.132822]
+, [27250,13.665390]
+, [27300,4.469987]
+, [27350,-0.127714]
+, [27400,0.000000]
+, [27450,4.342273]
+, [27500,1.021711]
+, [27550,1.021711]
+, [27600,1.404853]
+, [27650,0.638570]
+, [27700,-1.149425]
+, [27750,0.127714]
+, [27800,0.383142]
+, [27850,4.214559]
+, [27900,2.426564]
+, [27950,1.660281]
+, [28000,1.021711]
+, [28050,3.831418]
+, [28100,2.171137]
+, [28150,2.554278]
+, [28200,3.959132]
+, [28250,-0.638570]
+, [28300,0.766284]
+, [28350,0.893997]
+, [28400,2.171137]
+, [28450,1.149425]
+, [28500,0.383142]
+, [28550,0.766284]
+, [28600,0.127714]
+, [28650,1.915709]
+, [28700,0.766284]
+, [28725,2.043423]
+, [28750,0.127714]
+, [28775,0.766284]
+, [28800,13.665390]
+, [28825,13.154534]
+, [28850,13.665390]
+, [28875,12.388250]
+, [28900,13.409962]
+, [28925,11.877395]
+, [28950,13.154534]
+, [28975,12.388250]
+, [29000,9.833972]
+, [29025,13.154534]
+, [29050,13.026820]
+, [29075,11.877395]
+, [29100,12.899106]
+, [29125,13.282248]
+, [29150,13.282248]
+, [29175,13.793103]
+, [29200,11.621967]
+, [29225,12.132822]
+, [29250,12.388250]
+, [29275,12.643678]
+, [29300,12.005109]
+, [29325,10.855683]
+, [29350,12.643678]
+, [29375,13.537676]
+, [29400,13.026820]
+, [29425,11.749681]
+, [29450,12.643678]
+, [29475,10.983397]
+, [29500,13.537676]
+, [29525,12.899106]
+, [29550,12.899106]
+, [29575,12.643678]
+, [29600,11.238825]
+, [29625,13.537676]
+, [29650,12.132822]
+, [29675,11.877395]
+, [29700,12.515964]
+, [29725,13.920817]
+, [29750,12.643678]
+, [29775,13.537676]
+, [29800,12.260536]
+, [29825,10.600255]
+, [29850,11.877395]
+, [29875,13.409962]
+, [29900,12.643678]
+, [29925,13.409962]
+, [29950,12.132822]
+, [29975,12.260536]
+, [30000,11.877395]
+, [30025,12.771392]
+, [30050,12.132822]
+, [30075,14.303959]
+, [30100,0.638570]
+, [30125,1.404853]
+{ name: 'test_assembly - refine', data: [
+, [27050,-1.401869]
+, [27100,0.000000]
+, [27150,-4.205607]
+, [27200,-5.607477]
+, [27250,-3.271028]
+, [27300,-3.271028]
+, [27350,-2.336449]
+, [27400,-1.869159]
+, [27450,-3.271028]
+, [27500,-0.934579]
+, [27550,-1.401869]
+, [27600,-2.336449]
+, [27650,-2.803738]
+, [27700,-0.934579]
+, [27750,-4.672897]
+, [27800,-1.869159]
+, [27850,-3.271028]
+, [27900,-2.803738]
+, [27950,-2.803738]
+, [28000,-2.336449]
+, [28050,-2.803738]
+, [28100,-2.803738]
+, [28150,-3.271028]
+, [28200,-2.803738]
+, [28250,-3.271028]
+, [28300,-4.672897]
+, [28350,-3.271028]
+, [28400,-5.607477]
+, [28450,-4.205607]
+, [28500,-2.336449]
+, [28550,-5.140187]
+, [28600,-1.869159]
+, [28650,-2.803738]
+, [28700,-3.738318]
+, [28725,-4.672897]
+, [28750,-4.672897]
+, [28775,-1.869159]
+, [28800,-3.738318]
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+, [28850,-4.672897]
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+, [29175,-4.672897]
+, [29200,-5.607477]
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+, [29250,-3.738318]
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+, [29300,-3.738318]
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+, [29350,-4.205607]
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+, [29725,-5.607477]
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+, [30050,-4.205607]
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+, [27400,0.000000]
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+, [27550,0.000000]
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+, [28300,-0.375235]
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+, [28975,3.939962]
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+, [29050,3.939962]
+, [29075,3.939962]
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+, [29150,3.939962]
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+, [29200,3.752345]
+, [29225,3.752345]
+, [29250,3.752345]
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+, [29350,3.752345]
+, [29375,3.752345]
+, [29400,3.939962]
+, [29425,3.752345]
+, [29450,3.752345]
+, [29475,3.564728]
+, [29500,3.564728]
+, [29525,3.752345]
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+, [29575,3.752345]
+, [29600,3.564728]
+, [29625,3.752345]
+, [29650,3.564728]
+, [29675,3.752345]
+, [29700,3.564728]
+, [29725,3.564728]
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+, [29775,3.564728]
+, [29800,3.564728]
+, [29825,3.939962]
+, [29850,3.752345]
+, [29875,3.564728]
+, [29900,3.752345]
+, [29925,3.939962]
+, [29950,3.564728]
+, [29975,3.564728]
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+, [30025,3.564728]
+, [30050,3.752345]
+, [30075,3.752345]
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+, [27350,-1.587302]
+, [27400,-1.587302]
+, [27450,-3.174603]
+, [27500,-3.968254]
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+, [28200,-4.761905]
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+, [28300,-2.380952]
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+, [28400,-1.587302]
+, [28450,0.000000]
+, [28500,-3.174603]
+, [28550,-3.174603]
+, [28600,-3.174603]
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+, [28725,-1.587302]
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+, [28850,0.793651]
+, [28875,-0.793651]
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+, [28950,-0.793651]
+, [28975,0.000000]
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+, [29025,0.000000]
+, [29050,0.000000]
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+, [29100,0.793651]
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+, [29200,-0.793651]
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+, [29400,-0.793651]
+, [29425,3.174603]
+, [29450,0.000000]
+, [29475,-0.793651]
+, [29500,1.587302]
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+, [29550,-2.380952]
+, [29575,0.793651]
+, [29600,0.793651]
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+, [29650,-2.380952]
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+, [29700,0.793651]
+, [29725,1.587302]
+, [29750,3.174603]
+, [29775,-1.587302]
+, [29800,0.793651]
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+, [29850,1.587302]
+, [29875,2.380952]
+, [29900,-1.587302]
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+, [29950,2.380952]
+, [29975,-1.587302]
+, [30000,1.587302]
+, [30025,0.000000]
+, [30050,0.000000]
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+, [27300,-1.326700]
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+, [27450,-1.492537]
+, [27500,-1.492537]
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+, [28200,-1.160862]
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+, [28300,-1.326700]
+, [28350,-1.492537]
+, [28400,-1.326700]
+, [28450,-2.321725]
+, [28500,-2.155887]
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+, [28600,-2.155887]
+, [28650,-1.990050]
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+, [29100,-0.165837]
+, [29125,-0.331675]
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+, [29175,-0.331675]
+, [29200,-0.497512]
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+, [29250,0.000000]
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+, [29350,-0.331675]
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+, [29400,-0.497512]
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+, [29450,-0.165837]
+, [29475,0.000000]
+, [29500,-0.497512]
+, [29525,0.165837]
+, [29550,0.331675]
+, [29575,0.165837]
+, [29600,-1.160862]
+, [29625,-0.497512]
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+, [29675,0.000000]
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+, [29775,-0.497512]
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+, [29875,0.331675]
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+, [29925,-0.165837]
+, [29950,-0.165837]
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+, [30075,0.165837]
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+, [27450,-0.288184]
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+, [27600,-0.288184]
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+, [27750,0.576369]
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+, [28550,-4.322767]
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+, [28650,-4.322767]
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+, [28775,-0.576369]
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+, [28875,-0.288184]
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+, [29150,-0.288184]
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+, [29200,-0.576369]
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+, [29575,-0.288184]
+, [29600,0.288184]
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+, [29675,0.000000]
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+, [29725,-0.288184]
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+, [29850,0.288184]
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+, [29925,0.000000]
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+, [30050,-0.288184]
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+, [27350,-2.777778]
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+, [27750,-0.925926]
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+, [28775,-0.925926]
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+, [28850,1.851852]
+, [28875,1.851852]
+, [28900,2.777778]
+, [28925,1.851852]
+, [28950,2.777778]
+, [28975,2.777778]
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+, [29075,1.851852]
+, [29100,1.851852]
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+, [29150,1.851852]
+, [29175,1.851852]
+, [29200,1.851852]
+, [29225,1.851852]
+, [29250,2.777778]
+, [29275,1.851852]
+, [29300,1.851852]
+, [29325,1.851852]
+, [29350,1.851852]
+, [29375,1.851852]
+, [29400,2.777778]
+, [29425,2.777778]
+, [29450,1.851852]
+, [29475,2.777778]
+, [29500,1.851852]
+, [29525,2.777778]
+, [29550,1.851852]
+, [29575,1.851852]
+, [29600,2.777778]
+, [29625,1.851852]
+, [29650,1.851852]
+, [29675,1.851852]
+, [29700,1.851852]
+, [29725,1.851852]
+, [29750,2.777778]
+, [29775,1.851852]
+, [29800,2.777778]
+, [29825,1.851852]
+, [29850,1.851852]
+, [29875,0.925926]
+, [29900,1.851852]
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+, [29950,0.000000]
+, [29975,2.777778]
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+, [30025,1.851852]
+, [30050,2.777778]
+, [30075,2.777778]
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+, [27400,3.024575]
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+, [28450,0.756144]
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+, [28750,0.378072]
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+, [28825,2.835539]
+, [28850,3.402647]
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+, [28950,4.158790]
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+, [29450,3.591682]
+, [29475,3.402647]
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+, [29675,3.780718]
+, [29700,3.780718]
+, [29725,3.780718]
+, [29750,5.482042]
+, [29775,3.024575]
+, [29800,5.103970]
+, [29825,3.591682]
+, [29850,3.213611]
+, [29875,3.213611]
+, [29900,3.969754]
+, [29925,3.591682]
+, [29950,3.780718]
+, [29975,3.780718]
+, [30000,5.103970]
+, [30025,3.780718]
+, [30050,5.482042]
+, [30075,4.347826]
+, [30100,1.323251]
+, [30125,3.024575]
+        });
+    });
+       </head>
+       <body>
 deal.II performance benchmarks, see 
-<a href="http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html">http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html</a><br>
+<a href="http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html">http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html</a><br><br>
+<div id="container" style="min-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
 <img src="baseline.png"/>
@@ -16,4 +1255,6 @@ deal.II performance benchmarks, see
 <img src="tablehandler.png"/>
+       </body>
index 0ff0e7d3e1ff21e86d30ce504abbec932a43b8a9..f687f4b079fc1d5e56c2dd9e438937efcd4bd467 100755 (executable)
@@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ begin = \
                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-               <title>Highcharts Example</title>
+               <title>deal.II regression timings</title>
                <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
 <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
 <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script>
-<div id="container" style="min-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
 $(function () {
     var chart;
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes(28000,chart.xAxis[0].getExtremes().dataMax);
 deal.II performance benchmarks, see 
-<a href="http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html">http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html</a><br>
+<a href="http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html">http://www.dealii.org/testsuite.html</a><br><br>
 <div id="container" style="min-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
@@ -121,25 +120,36 @@ for fname in list:
            for l in data:
                if (len(l.strip())<1):
+                if (baseline>-1 and baseline<0.5):
+                    continue;
-               lnumbers = [float(x) for x in l.split()]
+                def isfloat(x):
+                    try:
+                        float(x)
+                        return True
+                    except ValueError:
+                        return False
+               lnumbers = [float(x) for x in l.split() if isfloat(x)]
                if len(lnumbers)<=1:
-               if baseline<0:
+               if baseline<0 and len(lnumbers)>idx:
-               if lnumbers[0]==0:
+               if lnumbers[0]<27000:
                if (i==1):
-               print "[%d,%f]" % (lnumbers[0], (lnumbers[idx]-baseline)/baseline*100.0)
+                if len(lnumbers)>idx:
+                    print "[%d,%f]" % (lnumbers[0], (lnumbers[idx]-baseline)/baseline*100.0)
            print "]}\n"
-print end
\ No newline at end of file
+print end
index 773161e846ad4d9a3b6ba6faf4d24bb27122963c..e80781472fb028efc701571eb08e6d09b2406dbf 100644 (file)
@@ -1,7 +1,24 @@
 rm -rf deal.II
-svn co -r $REV http://www.dealii.org/svn/dealii/trunk/deal.II
+svn co -r $REV https://svn.dealii.org/trunk/deal.II
+mkdir build
+cd build
+make install -j 10
+cd ..
+source testlist.sh
+for test in $TESTS ; do
+      cd $test
+      echo "** cmake for $test:"
+      cmake -DDEAL_II_DIR=`pwd`/../installed
+      make release
+      cd ..
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/step-22/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/benchmarks/step-22/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f261836
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#  CMake script for the step-1 tutorial program:
+# Set the name of the project and target:
+SET(TARGET "step-22")
+# Declare all source files the target consists of:
+  ${TARGET}.cc
+  # You can specify additional files here!
+  )
+# Usually, you will not need to modify anything beyond this point...
+    ${deal.II_DIR}/ ${DEAL_II_DIR}/ ../../installed/ ../ ../../ ../../../ ../../../../../ $ENV{DEAL_II_DIR}
+  #
+  # If the deal.II library cannot be found (because it is not installed at a
+  # default location or your project resides at an uncommon place), you
+  # can specify additional hints for search paths here, e.g.
+  # "$ENV{HOME}/workspace/deal.II"
+  )
+IF (NOT ${deal.II_FOUND})
+           "\n\n"
+          " *** Could not locate deal.II. *** "
+          "\n\n"
+           " *** You may want to either pass the -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path/to/deal.II flag to cmake \n"
+           " *** or set an environment variable \"DEAL_II_DIR\" that contains this path.")
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/step-22/Makefile b/tests/benchmarks/step-22/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 09602f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile 25724 2012-07-24 23:35:36Z bangerth $
-# For the small projects Makefile, you basically need to fill in only
-# four fields.
-# The first is the name of the application. It is assumed that the
-# application name is the same as the base file name of the single C++
-# file from which the application is generated.
-target = step-22
-# The second field determines whether you want to run your program in
-# debug or optimized mode. The latter is significantly faster, but no
-# run-time checking of parameters and internal states is performed, so
-# you should set this value to `on' while you develop your program,
-# and to `off' when running production computations.
-debug-mode = off
-# As third field, we need to give the path to the top-level deal.II
-# directory. You need to adjust this to your needs. Since this path is
-# probably the most often needed one in the Makefile internals, it is
-# designated by a single-character variable, since that can be
-# reference using $D only, i.e. without the parentheses that are
-# required for most other parameters, as e.g. in $(target).
-D = ../deal.II
-# The last field specifies the names of data and other files that
-# shall be deleted when calling `make clean'. Object and backup files,
-# executables and the like are removed anyway. Here, we give a list of
-# files in the various output formats that deal.II supports.
-clean-up-files = *gmv *gnuplot *gpl *eps *pov *vtk *ucd *.d2
-# Usually, you will not need to change anything beyond this point.
-# The next statement tells the `make' program where to find the
-# deal.II top level directory and to include the file with the global
-# settings
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-# Since the whole project consists of only one file, we need not
-# consider difficult dependencies. We only have to declare the
-# libraries which we want to link to the object file. deal.II has two
-# libraries: one for the debug mode version of the
-# application and one for optimized mode.
-libs.g   := $(lib-deal2.g)
-libs.o   := $(lib-deal2.o)
-# We now use the variable defined above to switch between debug and
-# optimized mode to select the set of libraries to link with. Included
-# in the list of libraries is the name of the object file which we
-# will produce from the single C++ file. Note that by default we use
-# the extension .g.o for object files compiled in debug mode and .o for
-# object files in optimized mode (or whatever local default on your
-# system is instead of .o)
-ifeq ($(debug-mode),on)
-  libraries = $(target).g.$(OBJEXT) $(libs.g)
-  libraries = $(target).$(OBJEXT) $(libs.o)
-# Now comes the first production rule: how to link the single object
-# file produced from the single C++ file into the executable. Since
-# this is the first rule in the Makefile, it is the one `make' selects
-# if you call it without arguments.
-all: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-$(target)$(EXEEXT) : $(libraries)
-       @echo ============================ Linking $@
-       @$(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-# To make running the application somewhat independent of the actual
-# program name, we usually declare a rule `run' which simply runs the
-# program. You can then run it by typing `make run'. This is also
-# useful if you want to call the executable with arguments which do
-# not change frequently. You may then want to add them to the
-# following rule:
-run: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-       @echo ============================ Running $<
-       @./$(target)$(EXEEXT)
-# As a last rule to the `make' program, we define what to do when
-# cleaning up a directory. This usually involves deleting object files
-# and other automatically created files such as the executable itself,
-# backup files, and data files. Since the latter are not usually quite
-# diverse, you needed to declare them at the top of this file.
-       -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *~ Makefile.dep $(target)$(EXEEXT) $(clean-up-files)
-# Since we have not yet stated how to make an object file from a C++
-# file, we should do so now. Since the many flags passed to the
-# compiler are usually not of much interest, we suppress the actual
-# command line using the `at' sign in the first column of the rules
-# and write the string indicating what we do instead.
-./%.g.$(OBJEXT) :
-       @echo "==============debug========= $(<F)  ->  $@"
-       @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.g) -c $< -o $@
-./%.$(OBJEXT) :
-       @echo "==============optimized===== $(<F)  ->  $@"
-       @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.o) -c $< -o $@
-# The following statement tells make that the rules `run' and `clean'
-# are not expected to produce files of the same name as Makefile rules
-# usually do.
-.PHONY: all run clean
-# Finally there is a rule which you normally need not care much about:
-# since the executable depends on some include files from the library,
-# besides the C++ application file of course, it is necessary to
-# re-generate the executable when one of the files it depends on has
-# changed. The following rule creates a dependency file
-# `Makefile.dep', which `make' uses to determine when to regenerate
-# the executable. This file is automagically remade whenever needed,
-# i.e. whenever one of the cc-/h-files changed. Make detects whether
-# to remake this file upon inclusion at the bottom of this file.
-# If the creation of Makefile.dep fails, blow it away and fail
-Makefile.dep: $(target).cc Makefile \
-              $(shell echo $D/include/deal.II/*/*.h)
-       @echo ============================ Remaking $@
-       @$D/common/scripts/make_dependencies  $(INCLUDE) -B. $(target).cc \
-               > $@ \
-         || (rm -f $@ ; false)
-       @if test -s $@ ; then true ; else rm $@ ; false ; fi
-# To make the dependencies known to `make', we finally have to include
-# them:
--include Makefile.dep
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/tablehandler/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/benchmarks/tablehandler/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..41f57c9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#  CMake script for the step-1 tutorial program:
+# Set the name of the project and target:
+SET(TARGET "table_handler")
+# Declare all source files the target consists of:
+  ${TARGET}.cc
+  # You can specify additional files here!
+  )
+# Usually, you will not need to modify anything beyond this point...
+    ${deal.II_DIR}/ ${DEAL_II_DIR}/ ../../installed/ ../ ../../ ../../../ ../../../../../ $ENV{DEAL_II_DIR}
+  #
+  # If the deal.II library cannot be found (because it is not installed at a
+  # default location or your project resides at an uncommon place), you
+  # can specify additional hints for search paths here, e.g.
+  # "$ENV{HOME}/workspace/deal.II"
+  )
+IF (NOT ${deal.II_FOUND})
+           "\n\n"
+          " *** Could not locate deal.II. *** "
+          "\n\n"
+           " *** You may want to either pass the -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path/to/deal.II flag to cmake \n"
+           " *** or set an environment variable \"DEAL_II_DIR\" that contains this path.")
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/tablehandler/Makefile b/tests/benchmarks/tablehandler/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 96adbdc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile 25724 2012-07-24 23:35:36Z bangerth $
-# For the small projects Makefile, you basically need to fill in only
-# four fields.
-# The first is the name of the application. It is assumed that the
-# application name is the same as the base file name of the single C++
-# file from which the application is generated.
-target = table_handler
-# The second field determines whether you want to run your program in
-# debug or optimized mode. The latter is significantly faster, but no
-# run-time checking of parameters and internal states is performed, so
-# you should set this value to `on' while you develop your program,
-# and to `off' when running production computations.
-debug-mode = off
-# As third field, we need to give the path to the top-level deal.II
-# directory. You need to adjust this to your needs. Since this path is
-# probably the most often needed one in the Makefile internals, it is
-# designated by a single-character variable, since that can be
-# reference using $D only, i.e. without the parentheses that are
-# required for most other parameters, as e.g. in $(target).
-D = ../deal.II
-# The last field specifies the names of data and other files that
-# shall be deleted when calling `make clean'. Object and backup files,
-# executables and the like are removed anyway. Here, we give a list of
-# files in the various output formats that deal.II supports.
-clean-up-files = *gmv *gnuplot *gpl *eps *pov *vtk *ucd *.d2
-# Usually, you will not need to change anything beyond this point.
-# The next statement tells the `make' program where to find the
-# deal.II top level directory and to include the file with the global
-# settings
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-# Since the whole project consists of only one file, we need not
-# consider difficult dependencies. We only have to declare the
-# libraries which we want to link to the object file. deal.II has two
-# libraries: one for the debug mode version of the
-# application and one for optimized mode.
-libs.g   := $(lib-deal2.g)
-libs.o   := $(lib-deal2.o)
-# We now use the variable defined above to switch between debug and
-# optimized mode to select the set of libraries to link with. Included
-# in the list of libraries is the name of the object file which we
-# will produce from the single C++ file. Note that by default we use
-# the extension .g.o for object files compiled in debug mode and .o for
-# object files in optimized mode (or whatever local default on your
-# system is instead of .o)
-ifeq ($(debug-mode),on)
-  libraries = $(target).g.$(OBJEXT) $(libs.g)
-  libraries = $(target).$(OBJEXT) $(libs.o)
-# Now comes the first production rule: how to link the single object
-# file produced from the single C++ file into the executable. Since
-# this is the first rule in the Makefile, it is the one `make' selects
-# if you call it without arguments.
-all: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-$(target)$(EXEEXT) : $(libraries)
-       @echo ============================ Linking $@
-       @$(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-# To make running the application somewhat independent of the actual
-# program name, we usually declare a rule `run' which simply runs the
-# program. You can then run it by typing `make run'. This is also
-# useful if you want to call the executable with arguments which do
-# not change frequently. You may then want to add them to the
-# following rule:
-run: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-       @echo ============================ Running $<
-       @./$(target)$(EXEEXT)
-# As a last rule to the `make' program, we define what to do when
-# cleaning up a directory. This usually involves deleting object files
-# and other automatically created files such as the executable itself,
-# backup files, and data files. Since the latter are not usually quite
-# diverse, you needed to declare them at the top of this file.
-       -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *~ Makefile.dep $(target)$(EXEEXT) $(clean-up-files)
-# Since we have not yet stated how to make an object file from a C++
-# file, we should do so now. Since the many flags passed to the
-# compiler are usually not of much interest, we suppress the actual
-# command line using the `at' sign in the first column of the rules
-# and write the string indicating what we do instead.
-./%.g.$(OBJEXT) :
-       @echo "==============debug========= $(<F)  ->  $@"
-       @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.g) -c $< -o $@
-./%.$(OBJEXT) :
-       @echo "==============optimized===== $(<F)  ->  $@"
-       @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.o) -c $< -o $@
-# The following statement tells make that the rules `run' and `clean'
-# are not expected to produce files of the same name as Makefile rules
-# usually do.
-.PHONY: all run clean
-# Finally there is a rule which you normally need not care much about:
-# since the executable depends on some include files from the library,
-# besides the C++ application file of course, it is necessary to
-# re-generate the executable when one of the files it depends on has
-# changed. The following rule creates a dependency file
-# `Makefile.dep', which `make' uses to determine when to regenerate
-# the executable. This file is automagically remade whenever needed,
-# i.e. whenever one of the cc-/h-files changed. Make detects whether
-# to remake this file upon inclusion at the bottom of this file.
-# If the creation of Makefile.dep fails, blow it away and fail
-Makefile.dep: $(target).cc Makefile \
-              $(shell echo $D/include/deal.II/*/*.h)
-       @echo ============================ Remaking $@
-       @$D/common/scripts/make_dependencies  $(INCLUDE) -B. $(target).cc \
-               > $@ \
-         || (rm -f $@ ; false)
-       @if test -s $@ ; then true ; else rm $@ ; false ; fi
-# To make the dependencies known to `make', we finally have to include
-# them:
--include Makefile.dep
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/test_assembly/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/benchmarks/test_assembly/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f261836
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#  CMake script for the step-1 tutorial program:
+# Set the name of the project and target:
+SET(TARGET "step-22")
+# Declare all source files the target consists of:
+  ${TARGET}.cc
+  # You can specify additional files here!
+  )
+# Usually, you will not need to modify anything beyond this point...
+    ${deal.II_DIR}/ ${DEAL_II_DIR}/ ../../installed/ ../ ../../ ../../../ ../../../../../ $ENV{DEAL_II_DIR}
+  #
+  # If the deal.II library cannot be found (because it is not installed at a
+  # default location or your project resides at an uncommon place), you
+  # can specify additional hints for search paths here, e.g.
+  # "$ENV{HOME}/workspace/deal.II"
+  )
+IF (NOT ${deal.II_FOUND})
+           "\n\n"
+          " *** Could not locate deal.II. *** "
+          "\n\n"
+           " *** You may want to either pass the -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path/to/deal.II flag to cmake \n"
+           " *** or set an environment variable \"DEAL_II_DIR\" that contains this path.")
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/test_assembly/Makefile b/tests/benchmarks/test_assembly/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 09602f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile 25724 2012-07-24 23:35:36Z bangerth $
-# For the small projects Makefile, you basically need to fill in only
-# four fields.
-# The first is the name of the application. It is assumed that the
-# application name is the same as the base file name of the single C++
-# file from which the application is generated.
-target = step-22
-# The second field determines whether you want to run your program in
-# debug or optimized mode. The latter is significantly faster, but no
-# run-time checking of parameters and internal states is performed, so
-# you should set this value to `on' while you develop your program,
-# and to `off' when running production computations.
-debug-mode = off
-# As third field, we need to give the path to the top-level deal.II
-# directory. You need to adjust this to your needs. Since this path is
-# probably the most often needed one in the Makefile internals, it is
-# designated by a single-character variable, since that can be
-# reference using $D only, i.e. without the parentheses that are
-# required for most other parameters, as e.g. in $(target).
-D = ../deal.II
-# The last field specifies the names of data and other files that
-# shall be deleted when calling `make clean'. Object and backup files,
-# executables and the like are removed anyway. Here, we give a list of
-# files in the various output formats that deal.II supports.
-clean-up-files = *gmv *gnuplot *gpl *eps *pov *vtk *ucd *.d2
-# Usually, you will not need to change anything beyond this point.
-# The next statement tells the `make' program where to find the
-# deal.II top level directory and to include the file with the global
-# settings
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-# Since the whole project consists of only one file, we need not
-# consider difficult dependencies. We only have to declare the
-# libraries which we want to link to the object file. deal.II has two
-# libraries: one for the debug mode version of the
-# application and one for optimized mode.
-libs.g   := $(lib-deal2.g)
-libs.o   := $(lib-deal2.o)
-# We now use the variable defined above to switch between debug and
-# optimized mode to select the set of libraries to link with. Included
-# in the list of libraries is the name of the object file which we
-# will produce from the single C++ file. Note that by default we use
-# the extension .g.o for object files compiled in debug mode and .o for
-# object files in optimized mode (or whatever local default on your
-# system is instead of .o)
-ifeq ($(debug-mode),on)
-  libraries = $(target).g.$(OBJEXT) $(libs.g)
-  libraries = $(target).$(OBJEXT) $(libs.o)
-# Now comes the first production rule: how to link the single object
-# file produced from the single C++ file into the executable. Since
-# this is the first rule in the Makefile, it is the one `make' selects
-# if you call it without arguments.
-all: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-$(target)$(EXEEXT) : $(libraries)
-       @echo ============================ Linking $@
-       @$(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-# To make running the application somewhat independent of the actual
-# program name, we usually declare a rule `run' which simply runs the
-# program. You can then run it by typing `make run'. This is also
-# useful if you want to call the executable with arguments which do
-# not change frequently. You may then want to add them to the
-# following rule:
-run: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-       @echo ============================ Running $<
-       @./$(target)$(EXEEXT)
-# As a last rule to the `make' program, we define what to do when
-# cleaning up a directory. This usually involves deleting object files
-# and other automatically created files such as the executable itself,
-# backup files, and data files. Since the latter are not usually quite
-# diverse, you needed to declare them at the top of this file.
-       -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *~ Makefile.dep $(target)$(EXEEXT) $(clean-up-files)
-# Since we have not yet stated how to make an object file from a C++
-# file, we should do so now. Since the many flags passed to the
-# compiler are usually not of much interest, we suppress the actual
-# command line using the `at' sign in the first column of the rules
-# and write the string indicating what we do instead.
-./%.g.$(OBJEXT) :
-       @echo "==============debug========= $(<F)  ->  $@"
-       @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.g) -c $< -o $@
-./%.$(OBJEXT) :
-       @echo "==============optimized===== $(<F)  ->  $@"
-       @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.o) -c $< -o $@
-# The following statement tells make that the rules `run' and `clean'
-# are not expected to produce files of the same name as Makefile rules
-# usually do.
-.PHONY: all run clean
-# Finally there is a rule which you normally need not care much about:
-# since the executable depends on some include files from the library,
-# besides the C++ application file of course, it is necessary to
-# re-generate the executable when one of the files it depends on has
-# changed. The following rule creates a dependency file
-# `Makefile.dep', which `make' uses to determine when to regenerate
-# the executable. This file is automagically remade whenever needed,
-# i.e. whenever one of the cc-/h-files changed. Make detects whether
-# to remake this file upon inclusion at the bottom of this file.
-# If the creation of Makefile.dep fails, blow it away and fail
-Makefile.dep: $(target).cc Makefile \
-              $(shell echo $D/include/deal.II/*/*.h)
-       @echo ============================ Remaking $@
-       @$D/common/scripts/make_dependencies  $(INCLUDE) -B. $(target).cc \
-               > $@ \
-         || (rm -f $@ ; false)
-       @if test -s $@ ; then true ; else rm $@ ; false ; fi
-# To make the dependencies known to `make', we finally have to include
-# them:
--include Makefile.dep
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/test_poisson/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/benchmarks/test_poisson/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bc4ea38
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#  CMake script for the step-1 tutorial program:
+# Set the name of the project and target:
+SET(TARGET "poisson")
+# Declare all source files the target consists of:
+  ${TARGET}.cc
+  # You can specify additional files here!
+  )
+# Usually, you will not need to modify anything beyond this point...
+    ${deal.II_DIR}/ ${DEAL_II_DIR}/ ../../installed/ ../ ../../ ../../../ ../../../../../ $ENV{DEAL_II_DIR}
+  #
+  # If the deal.II library cannot be found (because it is not installed at a
+  # default location or your project resides at an uncommon place), you
+  # can specify additional hints for search paths here, e.g.
+  # "$ENV{HOME}/workspace/deal.II"
+  )
+IF (NOT ${deal.II_FOUND})
+           "\n\n"
+          " *** Could not locate deal.II. *** "
+          "\n\n"
+           " *** You may want to either pass the -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path/to/deal.II flag to cmake \n"
+           " *** or set an environment variable \"DEAL_II_DIR\" that contains this path.")
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/test_poisson/Makefile b/tests/benchmarks/test_poisson/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d55964e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile 25724 2012-07-24 23:35:36Z bangerth $
-# For the small projects Makefile, you basically need to fill in only
-# four fields.
-# The first is the name of the application. It is assumed that the
-# application name is the same as the base file name of the single C++
-# file from which the application is generated.
-target = poisson
-# The second field determines whether you want to run your program in
-# debug or optimized mode. The latter is significantly faster, but no
-# run-time checking of parameters and internal states is performed, so
-# you should set this value to `on' while you develop your program,
-# and to `off' when running production computations.
-debug-mode = off
-# As third field, we need to give the path to the top-level deal.II
-# directory. You need to adjust this to your needs. Since this path is
-# probably the most often needed one in the Makefile internals, it is
-# designated by a single-character variable, since that can be
-# reference using $D only, i.e. without the parentheses that are
-# required for most other parameters, as e.g. in $(target).
-D = ../deal.II
-# The last field specifies the names of data and other files that
-# shall be deleted when calling `make clean'. Object and backup files,
-# executables and the like are removed anyway. Here, we give a list of
-# files in the various output formats that deal.II supports.
-clean-up-files = *gmv *gnuplot *gpl *eps *pov *vtk *ucd *.d2
-# Usually, you will not need to change anything beyond this point.
-# The next statement tells the `make' program where to find the
-# deal.II top level directory and to include the file with the global
-# settings
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-# Since the whole project consists of only one file, we need not
-# consider difficult dependencies. We only have to declare the
-# libraries which we want to link to the object file. deal.II has two
-# libraries: one for the debug mode version of the
-# application and one for optimized mode.
-libs.g   := $(lib-deal2.g)
-libs.o   := $(lib-deal2.o)
-# We now use the variable defined above to switch between debug and
-# optimized mode to select the set of libraries to link with. Included
-# in the list of libraries is the name of the object file which we
-# will produce from the single C++ file. Note that by default we use
-# the extension .g.o for object files compiled in debug mode and .o for
-# object files in optimized mode (or whatever local default on your
-# system is instead of .o)
-ifeq ($(debug-mode),on)
-  libraries = $(target).g.$(OBJEXT) $(libs.g)
-  libraries = $(target).$(OBJEXT) $(libs.o)
-# Now comes the first production rule: how to link the single object
-# file produced from the single C++ file into the executable. Since
-# this is the first rule in the Makefile, it is the one `make' selects
-# if you call it without arguments.
-all: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-$(target)$(EXEEXT) : $(libraries)
-       @echo ============================ Linking $@
-       @$(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-# To make running the application somewhat independent of the actual
-# program name, we usually declare a rule `run' which simply runs the
-# program. You can then run it by typing `make run'. This is also
-# useful if you want to call the executable with arguments which do
-# not change frequently. You may then want to add them to the
-# following rule:
-run: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-       @echo ============================ Running $<
-       @./$(target)$(EXEEXT)
-# As a last rule to the `make' program, we define what to do when
-# cleaning up a directory. This usually involves deleting object files
-# and other automatically created files such as the executable itself,
-# backup files, and data files. Since the latter are not usually quite
-# diverse, you needed to declare them at the top of this file.
-       -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *~ Makefile.dep $(target)$(EXEEXT) $(clean-up-files)
-# Since we have not yet stated how to make an object file from a C++
-# file, we should do so now. Since the many flags passed to the
-# compiler are usually not of much interest, we suppress the actual
-# command line using the `at' sign in the first column of the rules
-# and write the string indicating what we do instead.
-./%.g.$(OBJEXT) :
-       @echo "==============debug========= $(<F)  ->  $@"
-       @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.g) -c $< -o $@
-./%.$(OBJEXT) :
-       @echo "==============optimized===== $(<F)  ->  $@"
-       @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.o) -c $< -o $@
-# The following statement tells make that the rules `run' and `clean'
-# are not expected to produce files of the same name as Makefile rules
-# usually do.
-.PHONY: all run clean
-# Finally there is a rule which you normally need not care much about:
-# since the executable depends on some include files from the library,
-# besides the C++ application file of course, it is necessary to
-# re-generate the executable when one of the files it depends on has
-# changed. The following rule creates a dependency file
-# `Makefile.dep', which `make' uses to determine when to regenerate
-# the executable. This file is automagically remade whenever needed,
-# i.e. whenever one of the cc-/h-files changed. Make detects whether
-# to remake this file upon inclusion at the bottom of this file.
-# If the creation of Makefile.dep fails, blow it away and fail
-Makefile.dep: $(target).cc Makefile \
-              $(shell echo $D/include/deal.II/*/*.h)
-       @echo ============================ Remaking $@
-       @$D/common/scripts/make_dependencies  $(INCLUDE) -B. $(target).cc \
-               > $@ \
-         || (rm -f $@ ; false)
-       @if test -s $@ ; then true ; else rm $@ ; false ; fi
-# To make the dependencies known to `make', we finally have to include
-# them:
--include Makefile.dep

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.