-//---------------------------- std::vector.long_double.cc ---------------------------
+//---------------------------- vector.long_double.cc ---------------------------
// $Id$
// Version: $Name$
// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
// further information on this license.
-//---------------------------- std::vector.long_double.cc ---------------------------
+//---------------------------- vector.long_double.cc ---------------------------
#include <lac/vector.templates.h>
template double Vector<double>::operator * (const Vector<long double> &) const;
template long double Vector<long double>::operator * (const Vector<float> &) const;
template long double Vector<long double>::operator * (const Vector<double> &) const;
+template long double Vector<long double>::operator * (const Vector<long double> &) const;
// see the .h file for why these functions are disabled.
// template Vector<float>::Vector (const Vector<double>& v);
// template Vector<double>::Vector (const Vector<float>& v);