--- /dev/null
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.sparse
+from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
+import time
+############ list of "exact" measurement values, z_hat ####################
+z_hat = np.array(
+ [0.06076511762259369, 0.09601910120848481,
+ 0.1238852517838584, 0.1495184117375201,
+ 0.1841596127549784, 0.2174525028261122,
+ 0.2250996160898698, 0.2197954769002993,
+ 0.2074695698370926, 0.1889996477663016,
+ 0.1632722532153726, 0.1276782480038186,
+ 0.07711845915789312, 0.09601910120848552,
+ 0.2000589533367983, 0.3385592591951766,
+ 0.3934300024647806, 0.4040223892461541,
+ 0.4122329537843092, 0.4100480091545554,
+ 0.3949151637189968, 0.3697873264791232,
+ 0.33401826235924, 0.2850397806663382,
+ 0.2184260032478671, 0.1271121156350957,
+ 0.1238852517838611, 0.3385592591951819,
+ 0.7119285162766475, 0.8175712861756428,
+ 0.6836254116578105, 0.5779452419831157,
+ 0.5555615956136897, 0.5285181561736719,
+ 0.491439702849224, 0.4409367494853282,
+ 0.3730060082060772, 0.2821694983395214,
+ 0.1610176733857739, 0.1495184117375257,
+ 0.3934300024647929, 0.8175712861756562,
+ 0.9439154625527653, 0.8015904115095128,
+ 0.6859683749254024, 0.6561235366960599,
+ 0.6213197201867315, 0.5753611315000049,
+ 0.5140091754526823, 0.4325325506354165,
+ 0.3248315148915482, 0.1834600412730086,
+ 0.1841596127549917, 0.4040223892461832,
+ 0.6836254116578439, 0.8015904115095396,
+ 0.7870119561144977, 0.7373108331395808,
+ 0.7116558878070463, 0.6745179049094283,
+ 0.6235300574156917, 0.5559332704045935,
+ 0.4670304994474178, 0.3499809143811,
+ 0.19688263746294, 0.2174525028261253,
+ 0.4122329537843404, 0.5779452419831566,
+ 0.6859683749254372, 0.7373108331396063,
+ 0.7458811983178246, 0.7278968022406559,
+ 0.6904793535357751, 0.6369176452710288,
+ 0.5677443693743215, 0.4784738764865867,
+ 0.3602190632823262, 0.2031792054737325,
+ 0.2250996160898818, 0.4100480091545787,
+ 0.5555615956137137, 0.6561235366960938,
+ 0.7116558878070715, 0.727896802240657,
+ 0.7121928678670187, 0.6712187391428729,
+ 0.6139157775591492, 0.5478251665295381,
+ 0.4677122687599031, 0.3587654911000848,
+ 0.2050734291675918, 0.2197954769003094,
+ 0.3949151637190157, 0.5285181561736911,
+ 0.6213197201867471, 0.6745179049094407,
+ 0.690479353535786, 0.6712187391428787,
+ 0.6178408289359514, 0.5453605027237883,
+ 0.489575966490909, 0.4341716881061278,
+ 0.3534389974779456, 0.2083227496961347,
+ 0.207469569837099, 0.3697873264791366,
+ 0.4914397028492412, 0.5753611315000203,
+ 0.6235300574157017, 0.6369176452710497,
+ 0.6139157775591579, 0.5453605027237935,
+ 0.4336604929612851, 0.4109641743019312,
+ 0.3881864790111245, 0.3642640090182592,
+ 0.2179599909280145, 0.1889996477663011,
+ 0.3340182623592461, 0.4409367494853381,
+ 0.5140091754526943, 0.5559332704045969,
+ 0.5677443693743304, 0.5478251665295453,
+ 0.4895759664908982, 0.4109641743019171,
+ 0.395727260284338, 0.3778949322004734,
+ 0.3596268271857124, 0.2191250268948948,
+ 0.1632722532153683, 0.2850397806663325,
+ 0.373006008206081, 0.4325325506354207,
+ 0.4670304994474315, 0.4784738764866023,
+ 0.4677122687599041, 0.4341716881061055,
+ 0.388186479011099, 0.3778949322004602,
+ 0.3633362567187364, 0.3464457261905399,
+ 0.2096362321365655, 0.1276782480038148,
+ 0.2184260032478634, 0.2821694983395252,
+ 0.3248315148915535, 0.3499809143811097,
+ 0.3602190632823333, 0.3587654911000799,
+ 0.3534389974779268, 0.3642640090182283,
+ 0.35962682718569, 0.3464457261905295,
+ 0.3260728953424643, 0.180670595355394,
+ 0.07711845915789244, 0.1271121156350963,
+ 0.1610176733857757, 0.1834600412730144,
+ 0.1968826374629443, 0.2031792054737354,
+ 0.2050734291675885, 0.2083227496961245,
+ 0.2179599909279998, 0.2191250268948822,
+ 0.2096362321365551, 0.1806705953553887,
+ 0.1067965550010013])
+####### do all precomputations necessary for MCMC simulations #############
+# Define the mesh width
+h = 1/32
+# Define characteristic function of unit square
+def heaviside(x) :
+ if x<0 :
+ return 0
+ else :
+ return 1
+def S(x,y) :
+ return heaviside(x)*heaviside(y) * (1-heaviside(x-h))*(1-heaviside(y-h));
+# Define tent function on the domain [0,2h]x[0,2h]
+def phi(x,y) :
+ return ((x+h)*(y+h)*S(x+h,y+h) + (h-x)*(h-y)*S(x,y)
+ + (x+h)*(h-y)*S(x+h,y) + (h-x)*(y+h)*S(x,y+h))/h**2
+# Define conversion function for dof's from 2D to scalar label, and
+# its inverse
+def ij_to_dof_index(i,j) :
+ return 33*j+i
+def inv_ij_to_dof_index(k) :
+ return [k-33*int(k/33),int(k/33)]
+# Construct measurement matrix, M, for measurements
+xs = np.arange(1./14,13./14,1./14); #measurement points
+M = np.zeros((13,13,33**2));
+for k in range(33**2) :
+ c = inv_ij_to_dof_index(k)
+ for i in range(13) :
+ for j in range(13) :
+ M[i,j,k] = phi(xs[i]-h*c[0], xs[j]-h*c[1])
+M = M.reshape((13**2, 33**2))
+M = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(M);
+# Construct local overlap matrix, A_loc, and identity matrix Id
+A_loc = np.array([[2./3, -1./6, -1./3, -1./6],
+ [-1./6, 2./3, -1./6, -1./3],
+ [-1./3, -1./6, 2./3, -1./6],
+ [-1./6, -1./3, -1./6, 2./3]])
+Id = np.eye(33**2,33**2)
+# Locate boundary labels
+boundaries = ([ij_to_dof_index(i,0) for i in range(33)] +
+ [ij_to_dof_index(i,32) for i in range(33)] +
+ [ij_to_dof_index(0,j+1) for j in range(31)] +
+ [ij_to_dof_index(32,j+1) for j in range(31)])
+# Define RHS of FEM linear system, AU = b
+b = np.ones(33**2)*10*h**2
+b[boundaries] = 0 #enforce boundary conditions on b
+###################### forward solver function ############################
+def forward_solver(theta) :
+ # Initialize matrix A for FEM linear solve, AU = b
+ A = np.zeros((33**2,33**2))
+ # Build A by summing over contribution from each cell
+ for i in range(32) :
+ for j in range (32) :
+ # Find local coefficient in 8x8 grid
+ thet = theta[int(i/4)+int(j/4)*8]
+ # Update A by including contribution from cell (i,j)
+ dof = [ij_to_dof_index(i,j),
+ ij_to_dof_index(i,j+1),
+ ij_to_dof_index(i+1,j+1),
+ ij_to_dof_index(i+1,j)]
+ A[np.ix_(dof,dof)] += thet*A_loc
+ # Enforce boundary condition: Zero out rows and columns, then
+ # put a one back into the diagonal entries.
+ A[boundaries,:] = 0
+ A[:,boundaries] = 0
+ A[boundaries,boundaries] = 1
+ # Solve linear equation for coefficients, U, and then
+ # get the Z vector by multiplying by the measurement matrix
+ u = spsolve(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A), b)
+ z = M * u
+ return z
+################# compute log probability, log pi #########################
+def log_likelihood(theta) :
+ z = forward_solver(theta)
+ misfit = z - z_hat
+ sig = 0.05 #likelihood standard deviation
+ return -np.dot(misfit,misfit)/(2*sig**2)
+def log_prior(theta) :
+ sig_pr = 2 #prior (log) standard deviation
+ return -np.linalg.norm(np.log(theta))**2/(2*sig_pr**2)
+def log_posterior(theta) :
+ return log_likelihood(theta) + log_prior(theta)
+############# A function to test against known output #####################
+def verify_against_stored_tests() :
+ for i in range(10) :
+ print ("Verifying against data set", i)
+ # Read the input vector
+ f_input = open ("../testing/input.{}.txt".format(i), 'r')
+ theta = np.fromfile(f_input, count=64, sep=" ")
+ # Then compute both the forward solution and its statistics.
+ # This is not efficiently written here (it calls the forward
+ # solver twice), but we don't care about efficiency here since
+ # we are only computing with ten samples
+ this_z = forward_solver(theta)
+ this_log_likelihood = log_likelihood(theta)
+ this_log_prior = log_prior(theta)
+ # Then also read the reference output generated by the C++ program:
+ f_output_z = open ("../testing/output.{}.z.txt".format(i), 'r')
+ f_output_likelihood = open ("../testing/output.{}.likelihood.txt".format(i), 'r')
+ f_output_prior = open ("../testing/output.{}.prior.txt".format(i), 'r')
+ reference_z = np.fromfile(f_output_z, count=13**2, sep=" ")
+ reference_log_likelihood = float(f_output_likelihood.read())
+ reference_log_prior = float(f_output_prior.read())
+ print (" || z-z_ref || : ",
+ np.linalg.norm(this_z - reference_z))
+ print (" log likelihood : ",
+ "Python value=", this_log_likelihood,
+ "(C++ reference value=", reference_log_likelihood,
+ ", error=", abs(this_log_likelihood - reference_log_likelihood),
+ ")")
+ print (" log prior : ",
+ "Python value=", this_log_prior,
+ "(C++ reference value=", reference_log_prior,
+ ", error=", abs(this_log_prior - reference_log_prior),
+ ")")
+def time_forward_solver() :
+ begin = time.time()
+ n_runs = 100
+ for i in range(n_runs) :
+ # Create a random vector (with entries between 0 and 1), scale
+ # it by a factor of 4, subtract 2, then take the exponential
+ # of each entry to get random entries between e^{-2} and
+ # e^{+2}
+ theta = np.exp(np.random.rand(64) * 4 - 2)
+ z = forward_solver(theta)
+ end = time.time()
+ print ("Time per forward evaluation:", (end-begin)/n_runs)