# This example program will only work if PETSc and SLEPc are both installed.
# If this is not the case, then simply redefine the main targets to do nothing
+ifneq ($(USE_CONTRIB_PETSC)$(USE_CONTRIB_SLEPC)$(enable-threads),yesyesno)
default run clean:
@echo "==========================================================="
@echo "= and detected during configuration of deal.II ="
@echo "==========================================================="
+ else
+default run clean:
+ @echo
+ @echo "==========================================================="
+ @echo "= PETSc can not be used when running programs on ="
+ @echo "= multiple threads. Make sure you have specified the ="
+ @echo "= --disable-threads flag upon configuration of deal.II ="
+ @echo "==========================================================="
+ @echo
+ endif