* "up on a matrix.");
* prm.enter_subsection ("Preconditioner");
* {
- * prm.declare_parameter ("Kind",
- * "SSOR",
- * Patterns::Selection ("SSOR|Jacobi"),
- * "A string that describes the kind of preconditioner "
- * "to use.");
- * prm.declare_parameter ("Relaxation factor",
- * "1.0",
- * Patterns::Double (0, 1),
- * "The numerical value (between zero and one) for the "
- * "relaxation factor to use in the preconditioner.");
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Kind",
+ * "SSOR",
+ * Patterns::Selection ("SSOR|Jacobi"),
+ * "A string that describes the kind of preconditioner "
+ * "to use.");
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Relaxation factor",
+ * "1.0",
+ * Patterns::Double (0, 1),
+ * "The numerical value (between zero and one) for the "
+ * "relaxation factor to use in the preconditioner.");
* }
* prm.leave_subsection ();
* @endcode
* ParameterHandler::XML as second argument, we can get a complete
* representation of this data structure in XML. It will look like
* this:
+ * @code
+ * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ * <Maximal_20number_20of_20iterations>
+ * <value>10</value>
+ * <default_value>10</default_value>
+ * <documentation>A parameter that describes the maximal number of iterations the CG method is to take before giving up on a matrix.</documentation>
+ * <pattern>0</pattern>
+ * <pattern_description>[Integer range 1...1000 (inclusive)]</pattern_description>
+ * </Maximal_20number_20of_20iterations>
+ * <Preconditioner>
+ * <Kind><value>SSOR</value>
+ * <default_value>SSOR</default_value>
+ * <documentation>A string that describes the kind of preconditioner to use.</documentation>
+ * <pattern>1</pattern>
+ * <pattern_description>SSOR|Jacobi</pattern_description>
+ * </Kind>
+ * <Relaxation_20factor>
+ * <value>1.0</value>
+ * <default_value>1.0</default_value>
+ * <documentation>The numerical value (between zero and one) for the relaxation factor to use in the preconditioner.</documentation>
+ * <pattern>2</pattern>
+ * <pattern_description>[Floating point range 0...1 (inclusive)]</pattern_description>
+ * </Relaxation_20factor>
+ * </Preconditioner>
+ * @endcode
+ * This representation closely resembles the directory/file structure
+ * discussed above. The only difference is that directory and file
+ * names are mangled: since they should only contain letters and
+ * numbers, every character in their names that's not one is replaced
+ * by an underscore followed by its two-digit hexadecimal representation.
+ *
* @ingroup input
* @author Wolfgang Bangerth, October 1997, revised February 1998, 2010