in >> patch.patch_index >> patch.n_subdivisions;
- {
- // we would like to use
- // in >> patch.points_are_available;
- // here, but in order to be compatible with
- // older versions of the deal.II intermediate
- // format, which did not contain this flag,
- // we have to do it a bit more complicated.
- std::string line;
- // eat the rest of the previous line
- getline (in, line);
- // now get the line that should contain the
- // flag points_are_available
- getline (in,line);
- if (line=="1" || line=="true")
- patch.points_are_available=true;
- else if (line=="0" || line=="false")
- patch.points_are_available=false;
- else
- {
- // this is not the line we searched
- // for, so this must be the old format,
- // i.e. we have no points available
- patch.points_are_available=false;
- // put back the line, because it needs
- // to be read in the following
- in.putback('\n');
- for (int c=line.length()-1; c>=0; --c)
- in.putback(line[c]);
- in.putback('\n');
- }
- }
+ in >> patch.points_are_available;
unsigned int n_rows, n_cols;
in >> n_rows >> n_cols;