Math. Comp., submitted, 2010
+ <li> <p>
+ G. Lube, B. Tews
+ <br>
+ <strong>Optimal control of singularly perturbed
+ advection-diffusion-reaction problems</strong>
+ <br>
+ Math. Model. Meths. Appl. Sc., Vol. 20, No. 3, 375-395, 2010.
+ (<a href="">DOI</a>)<br>
+ Preprint 2008-15, Institute for Numerical and Applied
+ Mathematics, University of Göttingen, Germany, 2008
+ </p>
<li> <p>
F. Prill, M. Lukacova-Medvidova, R. Hartmann
Diploma thesis, University of Göttingen, Germany, 2008
- <li> <p>
- G. Lube, B. Tews
- <br>
- <strong>Optimal control of singularly perturbed
- advection-diffusion-reaction problems</strong>
- <br>
- Preprint 2008-15, Institute for Numerical and Applied
- Mathematics, University of G&oouml;ttingen, Germany, 2008
- </p>
<li> <p>
M. Neytcheva and E. Bängtsson