template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim=dim>
class TriaAccessorBase
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Dimension of the space the
+ * object represented by this
+ * accessor lives in. For
+ * example, if this accessor
+ * represents a quad that is
+ * part of a two-dimensional
+ * surface in four-dimensional
+ * space, then this value is
+ * four.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
+ /**
+ * Dimensionality of the object
+ * that the thing represented by
+ * this accessopr is part of. For
+ * example, if this accessor
+ * represents a line that is part
+ * of a hexahedron, then this
+ * value will be three.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
+ /**
+ * Dimensionality of the current
+ * object represented by this
+ * accessor. For example, if it
+ * is line (irrespective of
+ * whether it is part of a quad
+ * or hex, and what dimension we
+ * are in), then this value
+ * equals 1.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int structure_dimension = structdim;
* Declare the data type that
- /**
- * Space dimension of the Accessor
- */
- static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
- static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
- static const unsigned int structure_dimension = structdim;
template <typename Accessor> friend class TriaRawIterator;
template <typename Accessor> friend class TriaIterator;
template <typename Accessor> friend class TriaActiveIterator;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
class TriaAccessorBase<dim,dim,spacedim>
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Dimension of the space the
+ * object represented by this
+ * accessor lives in. For
+ * example, if this accessor
+ * represents a quad that is
+ * part of a two-dimensional
+ * surface in four-dimensional
+ * space, then this value is
+ * four.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
+ /**
+ * Dimensionality of the object
+ * that the thing represented by
+ * this accessopr is part of. For
+ * example, if this accessor
+ * represents a line that is part
+ * of a hexahedron, then this
+ * value will be three.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
+ /**
+ * Dimensionality of the current
+ * object represented by this
+ * accessor. For example, if it
+ * is line (irrespective of
+ * whether it is part of a quad
+ * or hex, and what dimension we
+ * are in), then this value
+ * equals 1.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int structure_dimension = dim;
* Declare the data type that
const Triangulation<dim,spacedim> *tria;
- /**
- * Space dimension of the Accessor
- */
- static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
- static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
- static const unsigned int structure_dimension = dim;
template <typename Accessor> friend class TriaRawIterator;