but that the problem appears where the mesh becomes too coarse. That
shouldn't surprise us: if we increase the Reynolds number, the scales
on which we expect flow variation decreases and we will have to have a
-finer mesh. A rerun with one more mesh refinement dialed in in the
-parameter file confirms that results look much more sensible now.
+finer mesh.
+A rerun with one more mesh refinement dialed in in the parameter file
+confirms that results look much more sensible now:
+@image html step-35.Re_500.zoom_2.png
+Here, the zone where the mesh becomes coarser is immediately
+downstream of the big red blob at the bottom of the wake behind the
+obstacle. While there are still quite visible oscillations beyond that
+point, it is clear that mesh refinement has already significantly
+helped, and we can expect that further refining the mesh will suppress
+the remaining oscillations as well.
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