// traces of the shape functions is
// an element of P_{k} (in 2d), or
// Q_{k} (in 3d), where k is the
- // degree of the element
- //
- // from this, we interpolate
- // between mother and cell
- // face. for the general case, this
- // may be a little complicated if
- // we don't use Lagrange
- // interpolation polynomials, since
- // then we can't just use point
- // interpolation. what we do
- // instead is to evaluate at a
- // number of points and then invert
- // the interpolation matrix. here,
- // for the FE_Q elements, we
- // actually do have Lagrange
- // polynomials, but we still follow
- // the general scheme since this
- // code here is the master copy for
- // what we use in other elements as
- // well. however, there are places
- // where we make use of the fact
- // that we have Lagrange
- // interpolation polynomials.
- // mathematically speaking, the
- // interpolation process works in
- // the following way: on each
- // subface, we want that finite
- // element solututions from both
- // sides coincide. i.e. if a and b
- // are expansion coefficients for
- // the shape functions from both
- // sides, we seek a relation
- // between x and y such that
- // sum_i a_i phi^c_i(x)
- // == sum_j b_j phi_j(x)
+ // degree of the element. from
+ // this, we interpolate between
+ // mother and cell face.
+ // the interpolation process works
+ // as followings: on each subface,
+ // we want that finite element
+ // solutions from both sides
+ // coincide. i.e. if a and b are
+ // expansion coefficients for the
+ // shape functions from both sides,
+ // we seek a relation between x and
+ // y such that
+ // sum_j a_j phi^c_j(x)
+ // == sum_j b_j phi_j(x)
// for all points x on the
- // interface. here, phi^c_i are the
+ // interface. here, phi^c_j are the
// shape functions on the small
// cell on one side of the face,
// and phi_j those on the big cell
// need n evaluation points, and we
// choose them equidistantly.
- // what one then gets is a matrix
- // system
- // a A == b B
+ // we obtain the matrix system
+ // A a == B b
// where
- // A_ij = phi^c_i(x_j)
- // B_ij = phi_i(x_j)
- // and the relation we are looking for
- // is
- // a = (A^T)^-1 B^T b
+ // A_ij = phi^c_j(x_i)
+ // B_ij = phi_j(x_i)
+ // and the relation we are looking
+ // for is
+ // a = A^-1 B b
- // below, we build up these
- // matrices, but rather than
- // transposing them after the
- // fact, we do so while building
- // them. A will be
- // subface_interpolation, B will be
- // face_interpolation. note that we
- // build up these matrices for all
- // faces at once, rather than
- // considering them separately. the
- // reason is that we finally will
- // want to have them in this order
- // anyway, as this is the format we
- // need inside deal.II
- TensorProductPolynomials<dim-1>
- face_polynomials (Polynomials::LagrangeEquidistant::
- generate_complete_basis (this->degree));
- Assert (face_polynomials.n() == this->dofs_per_face, ExcInternalError());
- const unsigned int n_small_functions = this->interface_constraints_size()[0];
- FullMatrix<double> face_interpolation (n_small_functions, this->dofs_per_face);
- FullMatrix<double> subface_interpolation (n_small_functions, n_small_functions);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_small_functions; ++i)
+ // for the special case of Lagrange
+ // interpolation polynomials, A_ij
+ // reduces to delta_ij, and
+ // a_i = B_ij b_j
+ // Hence,
+ // interface_constraints(i,j)=B_ij.
+ //
+ // for the general case, where we
+ // don't have Lagrange
+ // interpolation polynomials, this
+ // is a little more
+ // complicated. Then we would
+ // evaluate at a number of points
+ // and invert the interpolation
+ // matrix A.
+ //
+ // Note, that we build up these
+ // matrices for all subfaces at
+ // once, rather than considering
+ // them separately. the reason is
+ // that we finally will want to
+ // have them in this order anyway,
+ // as this is the format we need
+ // inside deal.II
+ // In the following the points x_i
+ // are constructed in following
+ // order (n=degree-1)
+ // *----------*---------*
+ // 1..n 0 n+1..2n
+ // i.e. first the midpoint of the
+ // line, then the support points on
+ // subface 0 and on subface 1
+ std::vector<Point<dim-1> > constraint_points;
+ // Add midpoint
+ constraint_points.push_back (Point<dim-1> (0.5));
+ if (this->degree>1)
- // generate a quadrature point
- // xi. it is actually not so
- // important where this point
- // lies, as long as we make
- // sure that they are not
- // equal. however, we will want
- // them to be the (equidistant)
- // Lagrange points, since then
- // the subface_interpolation
- // matrix has a most positive
- // property: it is a
- // permutation of the identity
- // matrix. so create an
- // equidistant mesh of points
- // in the interior of the face
- // (in 2d). for 3d, things are
- // somewhat more convoluted as
- // usual, since the new (child)
- // shape functions are not only
- // located in the interior of
- // the face, but also on the
- // edges, with the exception of
- // the four vertices of the
- // face. the function we call
- // takes care of all this
- const Point<dim-1> p_face
- = FE_Q_Helper::generate_face_unit_point (i, n_small_functions);
- // evaluate the big face
- // shape function at this
- // point. note that the
- // numbering of our shape
- // functions is different
- // from that of the
- // polynomial, which orders
- // them in the order of
- // interpolation points.
- //
- // face_index_map_inverse will
- // get us over this little
- // conversion
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<this->dofs_per_face; ++j)
- {
- face_interpolation(i,j)
- = face_polynomials.compute_value(face_index_map[j], p_face);
- // if the value is small up
- // to round-off, then
- // simply set it to zero to
- // avoid unwanted fill-in
- // of the constraint
- // matrices (which would
- // then increase the number
- // of other DoFs a
- // constrained DoF would
- // couple to)
- if (std::fabs(face_interpolation(i,j)) < 1e-14)
- face_interpolation(i,j) = 0;
- }
- // then evaluate all the
- // small shape functions at
- // this point.
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_small_functions; ++j)
- {
- // first thing is to check
- // which face the present
- // point is on,
- // i.e. whether it is left
- // or right of the middle
- // vertex in 2d, or
- // something more complex
- // in 3d (note that we
- // might actually be
- // sitting on top of the
- // center vertex, or on on
- // interface between
- // children, but that
- // doesn't really bother
- // us: the shape functions
- // associated with that
- // have the same value
- // whether we consider the
- // left or the right
- // subface, and all other
- // shape functions should
- // be zero there as well,
- // so it doesn't really
- // matter whether we
- // account for this fact or
- // not...)
- const unsigned int subface
- = GeometryInfo<dim-1>::child_cell_from_point (p_face);
- // then check whether small
- // shape function number j
- // is nonzero on this
- // face. as usual with our
- // numbering of shape
- // functions in constraint
- // matrices, this is messy,
- // so have a function that
- // does this for us
- //
- // if not active, then the
- // entry in the matrix will
- // remain zero, and we
- // simply go on with the
- // next entry
- if (!
- FE_Q_Helper::
- constraint_function_is_active_on_child (j, subface, *this))
- continue;
- // otherwise: compute the
- // coordinates of this
- // evaluation point on
- // the small face
- const Point<dim-1> p_subface
- = GeometryInfo<dim-1>::cell_to_child_coordinates (p_face, subface);
- // then get the index of
- // small shape function j
- // on this subface. again,
- // divert to a function
- // that is specialized for
- // this
- const unsigned int local_j
- = FE_Q_Helper::constraint_get_local_j (j, subface, *this);
- // so evaluate this shape
- // function there. now,
- // since we have been
- // careful with our choice
- // of evaluation points,
- // this is not actually
- // necessary: the values of
- // the small shape
- // functions at these
- // points should be either
- // zero, and we can
- // precompute which they
- // are. However, we double
- // check just to be sure we
- // didn't do something
- // stupid...
- //
- // (we could just set the
- // evaluated value, but
- // we'd end up with a lot
- // of almost-zero entries,
- // which will then carry
- // over to the final
- // result. this clutters up
- // the constraint matrices,
- // which we want to keep as
- // small as possible.)
- if (FE_Q_Helper::constraint_is_support_point (i, j, subface, *this))
- subface_interpolation(i, j) = 1.;
- else
- subface_interpolation(i, j) = 0.;
- Assert (std::fabs (subface_interpolation(i, j) -
- face_polynomials.compute_value(local_j, p_subface))
- < 1e-12,
- ExcInternalError());
- }
+ const unsigned int n=this->degree-1;
+ const double step=1./this->degree;
+ // subface 0
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<=n; ++i)
+ constraint_points.push_back (
+ GeometryInfo<dim-1>::child_to_cell_coordinates(Point<dim-1>(i*step),0));
+ // subface 1
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<=n; ++i)
+ constraint_points.push_back (
+ GeometryInfo<dim-1>::child_to_cell_coordinates(Point<dim-1>(i*step),1));
- // what we now want to do is to
- // compute
- // (subface_intp)^-1 face_intp
- // which should give us the
- // desired hanging node constraints.
- // rather than actually doing this,
- // we note that we have constructed
- // subface_interpolation to be a
- // permutation of the unit matrix.
- // rather than doing a gauss jordan
- // inversion, we note that the
- // inverse is actually given by the
- // transpose of the matrix. This has
- // the additional benefit of being
- // more stable and in particular of
- // not adding almost-zeros
+ // Now construct relation between
+ // destination (child) and source (mother)
+ // dofs.
+ const std::vector<Polynomials::Polynomial<double> > polynomials=
+ Polynomials::LagrangeEquidistant::generate_complete_basis(this->degree);
.TableBase<2,double>::reinit (this->interface_constraints_size());
- subface_interpolation.Tmmult (this->interface_constraints,
- face_interpolation);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<constraint_points.size(); ++i)
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<this->degree+1; ++j)
+ {
+ this->interface_constraints(i,j) =
+ polynomials[face_index_map[j]].value (constraint_points[i](0));
+ // if the value is small up
+ // to round-off, then
+ // simply set it to zero to
+ // avoid unwanted fill-in
+ // of the constraint
+ // matrices (which would
+ // then increase the number
+ // of other DoFs a
+ // constrained DoF would
+ // couple to)
+ if (std::fabs(this->interface_constraints(i,j)) < 1e-14)
+ this->interface_constraints(i,j) = 0;
+ }
const unsigned int dim = 3;
- // This algorithm for the automatic
- // generation of the constraint matrices is
- // different from the one implemented for
- // the 2D elements. Hence it is only suited
- // for standard Finite Elements with a
- // Lagrangian basis. This algorithm
- // consists of two parts. In the first
- // part, the coordinates of the hanging
- // nodes on the master element will be
- // determined. These points are constructed
- // in a special order (as described in the
- // fe_base.h file for the class
- // FiniteElementBase). First the hanging
- // node in the mid of the coarser element
- // is considered:
- //
- // Coarse Fine
- // +-----+ +--+--+
- // | | | | |
- // | * | +--+--+
- // | | | | |
- // +-----+ +--+--+
- //
- // Then the coordinates of the hanging
- // nodes at the midpoint of the outline of
- // the coarse element follow:
- //
- // Coarse Fine
- // +--*--+ +--+--+
- // | | | | |
- // * * +--+--+
- // | | | | |
- // +--*--+ +--+--+
- //
- // For Q1 that was it. But for higher order
- // elements some more constraints are
- // required. Hanging nodes on the lines
- // which are inside the coarse element:
- //
- // Coarse Fine
- // +-----+ +--+--+
- // | * | | | |
- // | * * | +--+--+
- // | * | | | |
- // +-----+ +--+--+
- //
- // Hanging nodes on the outside lines:
- //
- // Coarse Fine
- // +-*-*-+ +--+--+
- // * * | | |
- // | | +--+--+
- // * * | | |
- // +-*-*-+ +--+--+
- //
- // And finally the interior nodes:
- //
- // Coarse Fine
- // +-----+ +--+--+
- // | * * | | | |
- // | | +--+--+
- // | * * | | | |
- // +-----+ +--+--+
- //
- // Once these points are known, it is
- // pretty easy to get the contribution of
- // each node on the coarse face to the
- // value at the hanging nodes. This task
- // is accomplished in the second part of
- // the algorithm
- // Generate destination points.
+ // For a detailed documentation of
+ // the interpolation see the
+ // FE_Q<2>::initialize_constraints
+ // function.
+ // In the following the points x_i
+ // are constructed in the order as
+ // described in the documentation
+ // of the FiniteElementBase class
+ // (fe_base.h), i.e.
+ // *--13--3--14--*
+ // | | |
+ // 16 20 7 19 12
+ // | | |
+ // 4--8---0--6---2
+ // | | |
+ // 15 17 5 18 11
+ // | | |
+ // *--9---1--10--*
std::vector<Point<dim-1> > constraint_points;
// Add midpoint