# include <ArborX.hpp>
+# include <utility>
PointPredicate(const std::vector<dealii::Point<dim, Number>> &points);
- * Number of points stored in the structure.
+ * The number of points stored in the structure.
size() const;
const std::vector<dealii::BoundingBox<dim, Number>> &bounding_boxes);
- * Number of bounding boxes stored in the structure.
+ * The number of bounding boxes stored in the structure.
size() const;
unsigned int n_nearest_neighbors;
+ /**
+ * Base class for Sphere-based predicates providing basic functionality for
+ * derived classes; not supposed to be used on its own.
+ */
+ class SpherePredicate
+ {
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. @p spheres is a list of spheres, i.e. a center and radius
+ * pair, used by the predicate.
+ */
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ SpherePredicate(
+ const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>>
+ &spheres);
+ /**
+ * The number of spheres stored in the structure.
+ */
+ std::size_t
+ size() const;
+ /**
+ * Return the `i`th sphere stored in the object.
+ */
+ const std::pair<dealii::Point<3, float>, float> &
+ get(unsigned int) const;
+ private:
+ std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<3, float>, float>> spheres;
+ };
+ /**
+ * This class defines a predicate used by ArborXWrappers::BVH to determine
+ * for given spheres which of the bounding boxes used to build the
+ * ArborXWrappers::BVH intersect with them.
+ * @note The class is not supposed to be used in a polymorphic context.
+ */
+ class SphereIntersectPredicate : private SpherePredicate
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. @p spheres is a list of spheres which we are interested in
+ * knowing if they intersect ArborXWrappers::BVH bounding boxes.
+ */
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ SphereIntersectPredicate(
+ const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>>
+ &spheres);
+ // We need these since we inherit privately to avoid polymorphic use.
+ using SpherePredicate::get;
+ using SpherePredicate::size;
+ };
+ /**
+ * This class defines a predicate used by ArborXWrappers::BVH to determine,
+ * for the given spheres, which are the nearest bounding boxes/points among
+ * the ones used to build the ArborXWrappers::BVH.
+ * @note The class is not supposed to be used in a polymorphic context.
+ */
+ class SphereNearestPredicate : private SpherePredicate
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. @p spheres is a list of spheres for which we are
+ * interested in the @p n_nearest_neighbors in the ArborXWrappers::BVH
+ * bounding boxes/points.
+ */
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ SphereNearestPredicate(
+ const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>> &spheres,
+ const unsigned int n_nearest_neighbors);
+ /**
+ * Return the number of nearest neighbors we are looking for.
+ */
+ unsigned int
+ get_n_nearest_neighbors() const;
+ // We need these since we inherit privately to avoid polymorphic use.
+ using SpherePredicate::get;
+ using SpherePredicate::size;
+ private:
+ unsigned int n_nearest_neighbors;
+ };
} // namespace ArborXWrappers
+ /**
+ * This struct allows ArborX to use
+ * std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point, Number> as primitive.
+ */
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ struct AccessTraits<
+ std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>>,
+ PrimitivesTag>
+ {
+ using memory_space = Kokkos::HostSpace;
+ /**
+ * Return the size of the vector @p v.
+ */
+ static std::size_t
+ size(const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>> &v);
+ /**
+ * Return an ArborX::Sphere from the std::pair<dealii::Point, Number>
+ * `v[i]`.
+ */
+ static Sphere
+ get(const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>> &v,
+ std::size_t i);
+ };
* This struct allows ArborX to use PointIntersectPredicate as a predicate.
using memory_space = Kokkos::HostSpace;
- * Number of Point stored in @p pt_intersect.
+ * The number of points stored in @p pt_intersect.
static std::size_t
size(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::PointIntersectPredicate &pt_intersect);
- * Return an Arbox::intersects(ArborX::Point) object constructed from the
+ * Return an ArborX::intersects(ArborX::Point) object constructed from the
* `i`th dealii::Point stored in @p pt_intersect.
static auto
* This struct allows ArborX to use PointNearestPredicate as a predicate.
using memory_space = Kokkos::HostSpace;
- * Number of Point stored in @p pt_nearest.
+ * The number of points stored in @p pt_nearest.
static std::size_t
size(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::PointNearestPredicate &pt_nearest);
- * Return an Arbox::nearest(ArborX::Point,
+ * Return an ArborX::nearest(ArborX::Point,
* PointNearestPredicate::get_n_nearest_neighbors) object constructed from
* the `i`th dealii::Point stored in @p pt_nearest.
* This struct allows ArborX to use BoundingBoxIntersectPredicate as a
* predicate.
using memory_space = Kokkos::HostSpace;
- * Number of BoundingBox stored in @p bb_intersect.
+ * The number of bounding boxes stored in @p bb_intersect.
static std::size_t
size(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::BoundingBoxIntersectPredicate
* This struct allows ArborX to use BoundingBoxNearstPredicate as a
* predicate.
using memory_space = Kokkos::HostSpace;
- * Number of BoundingBox stored in @p bb_nearest.
+ * The number of bounding boxes stored in @p bb_nearest.
static std::size_t
size(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::BoundingBoxNearestPredicate &bb_nearest);
std::size_t i);
+ /**
+ * This struct allows ArborX to use SphereIntersectPredicate as a predicate.
+ */
+ template <>
+ struct AccessTraits<dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereIntersectPredicate,
+ PredicatesTag>
+ {
+ using memory_space = Kokkos::HostSpace;
+ /**
+ * The number of points stored in @p sph_intersect.
+ */
+ static std::size_t
+ size(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereIntersectPredicate &sph_intersect);
+ /**
+ * Return an ArborX::intersects(ArborX::Sphere) object constructed from the
+ * `i`th sphere stored in @p sph_intersect.
+ */
+ static auto
+ get(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereIntersectPredicate &sph_intersect,
+ std::size_t i);
+ };
+ /**
+ * This struct allows ArborX to use SphereNearestPredicate as a predicate.
+ */
+ template <>
+ struct AccessTraits<dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereNearestPredicate,
+ PredicatesTag>
+ {
+ using memory_space = Kokkos::HostSpace;
+ /**
+ * The number of spheres stored in @p sph_nearest.
+ */
+ static std::size_t
+ size(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereNearestPredicate &sph_nearest);
+ /**
+ * Return an ArborX::nearest(ArborX::Sphere,
+ * SphereNearestPredicate::get_n_nearest_neightbors) object constructed from
+ * the `i`th sphere stored in @p sph_nearest.
+ */
+ static auto
+ get(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereNearestPredicate &sph_nearest,
+ std::size_t i);
+ };
// ------------------------------- Inline ----------------------------------//
// The implementation of AccessTraits<..., PredicatesTag> needs to be in the
{max_corner[0], max_corner[1], max_corner[2]}},
+ inline std::size_t
+ AccessTraits<dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereIntersectPredicate,
+ PredicatesTag>::
+ size(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereIntersectPredicate &sph_intersect)
+ {
+ return sph_intersect.size();
+ }
+ inline auto
+ AccessTraits<dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereIntersectPredicate,
+ PredicatesTag>::
+ get(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereIntersectPredicate &sph_intersect,
+ std::size_t i)
+ {
+ const auto sphere = sph_intersect.get(i);
+ return intersects(
+ Sphere{{sphere.first[0], sphere.first[1], sphere.first[2]},
+ sphere.second});
+ }
+ inline std::size_t
+ AccessTraits<dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereNearestPredicate, PredicatesTag>::
+ size(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereNearestPredicate &sph_nearest)
+ {
+ return sph_nearest.size();
+ }
+ inline auto
+ AccessTraits<dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereNearestPredicate, PredicatesTag>::
+ get(const dealii::ArborXWrappers::SphereNearestPredicate &sph_nearest,
+ std::size_t i)
+ {
+ const auto sphere = sph_nearest.get(i);
+ return nearest(Sphere{{sphere.first[0], sphere.first[1], sphere.first[2]},
+ sphere.second},
+ sph_nearest.get_n_nearest_neighbors());
+ }
} // namespace ArborX
return n_nearest_neighbors;
+ // ------------------- SpherePredicate ------------------- //
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ SpherePredicate::SpherePredicate(
+ const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>>
+ &dim_spheres)
+ {
+ static_assert(dim != 1, "dim equal to one is not supported.");
+ const unsigned int size = dim_spheres.size();
+ spheres.reserve(size);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ // ArborX assumes that the center coordinates and the radius use float
+ // and the sphere is 3D
+ spheres.emplace_back(std::make_pair(
+ dealii::Point<3, float>(
+ static_cast<float>(dim_spheres[i].first[0]),
+ static_cast<float>(dim_spheres[i].first[1]),
+ dim == 2 ? 0.f : static_cast<float>(dim_spheres[i].first[2])),
+ static_cast<float>(dim_spheres[i].second)));
+ }
+ }
+ std::size_t
+ SpherePredicate::size() const
+ {
+ return spheres.size();
+ }
+ const std::pair<dealii::Point<3, float>, float> &
+ SpherePredicate::get(unsigned int i) const
+ {
+ return spheres[i];
+ }
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ SphereIntersectPredicate::SphereIntersectPredicate(
+ const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>> &spheres)
+ : SpherePredicate(spheres)
+ {}
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ SphereNearestPredicate::SphereNearestPredicate(
+ const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>> &spheres,
+ const unsigned int n_nearest_neighbors)
+ : SpherePredicate(spheres)
+ , n_nearest_neighbors(n_nearest_neighbors)
+ {}
+ unsigned int
+ SphereNearestPredicate::get_n_nearest_neighbors() const
+ {
+ return n_nearest_neighbors;
+ }
} // namespace ArborXWrappers
dim == 2 ? 0.f : static_cast<float>(max_corner[2])}};
+ // ---------------------- Sphere Primitives AccessTraits ----------------- //
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ std::size_t
+ AccessTraits<std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>>,
+ PrimitivesTag>::
+ size(const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>> &v)
+ {
+ return v.size();
+ }
+ template <int dim, typename Number>
+ Sphere
+ AccessTraits<std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>>,
+ PrimitivesTag>::
+ get(const std::vector<std::pair<dealii::Point<dim, Number>, Number>> &v,
+ std::size_t i)
+ {
+ // ArborX assumes that the center coordinates and the radius use float and
+ // the sphere is 3D
+ return {{static_cast<float>(v[i].first[0]),
+ static_cast<float>(v[i].first[1]),
+ dim == 2 ? 0 : static_cast<float>(v[i].first[2])},
+ static_cast<float>(v[i].second)};
+ }
} // namespace ArborX
// ----------------------- Instantiations --------------------//