* a cell object, there can only be a single set of degrees of freedom, and
* fe_index has to match the result of active_fe_index().
- void set_dof_index
- (const unsigned int i,
- const types::global_dof_index index,
- const unsigned int fe_index = DoFHandlerType::default_fe_index) const;
+ void set_dof_index (const unsigned int i,
+ const types::global_dof_index index,
+ const unsigned int fe_index = DoFHandlerType::default_fe_index) const;
void set_mg_dof_index (const int level, const unsigned int i, const types::global_dof_index index) const;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * A class that represents DoF accessor objects to iterators that don't make sense
+ * such as quad iterators in on 1d meshes. This class can not be used to
+ * create objects (it will in fact throw an exception if this should ever be
+ * attempted but it sometimes allows code to be written in a simpler way in a
+ * dimension independent way. For example, it allows to write code that works
+ * on quad iterators that is dimension independent -- i.e., also compiles
+ * in 1d -- because quad iterators
+ * (via the current class) exist and are syntactically correct. You can not
+ * expect, however, to ever create an actual object of one of these iterators
+ * in 1d, meaning you need to expect to wrap the code block in which you use
+ * quad iterators into something like <code>if (dim@>1)</code> -- which makes
+ * eminent sense anyway.
+ *
+ * This class provides the minimal interface necessary for Accessor classes to
+ * interact with Iterator classes. However, this is only for syntactic
+ * correctness, none of the functions do anything but generate errors.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Accessors
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 2017
+ */
+template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim=dim>
+class DoFInvalidAccessor : public InvalidAccessor<structdim,dim,spacedim>
+ /**
+ * Propagate typedef from base class to this class.
+ */
+ typedef typename InvalidAccessor<structdim,dim,spacedim>::AccessorData AccessorData;
+ /**
+ * Constructor. This class is used for iterators that do not make
+ * sense in a given dimension, for example quads for 1d meshes. Consequently,
+ * while the creation of such objects is syntactically valid, they make no
+ * semantic sense, and we generate an exception when such an object is
+ * actually generated.
+ */
+ DoFInvalidAccessor (const Triangulation<dim,spacedim> *parent = 0,
+ const int level = -1,
+ const int index = -1,
+ const AccessorData *local_data = 0);
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor. This class is used for iterators that do not make
+ * sense in a given dimension, for example quads for 1d meshes. Consequently,
+ * while the creation of such objects is syntactically valid, they make no
+ * semantic sense, and we generate an exception when such an object is
+ * actually generated.
+ */
+ DoFInvalidAccessor (const DoFInvalidAccessor<structdim,dim,spacedim> &);
+ /**
+ * Conversion from other accessors to the current invalid one. This of
+ * course also leads to a run-time error.
+ */
+ template <typename OtherAccessor>
+ DoFInvalidAccessor (const OtherAccessor &);
+ /**
+ * Set the index of the <i>i</i>th degree of freedom of this object to @p
+ * index. Since the current object doesn't point to anything useful, like
+ * all other functions in this class this function only throws an exception.
+ */
+ void set_dof_index (const unsigned int i,
+ const types::global_dof_index index,
+ const unsigned int fe_index = DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::default_fe_index) const;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
+template <typename OtherAccessor>
+DoFInvalidAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::
+DoFInvalidAccessor (const OtherAccessor &)
+ Assert (false,
+ ExcMessage ("You are attempting an illegal conversion between "
+ "iterator/accessor types. The constructor you call "
+ "only exists to make certain template constructs "
+ "easier to write as dimension independent code but "
+ "the conversion is not valid in the current context."));
// include more templates
-template <int, int, int> class InvalidAccessor;
+template <int, int, int> class DoFInvalidAccessor;
template <int structdim, typename DoFHandlerType, bool lda> class DoFAccessor;
template <typename DoFHandlerType, bool lda> class DoFCellAccessor;
typedef TriaIterator <CellAccessor> line_iterator;
typedef TriaActiveIterator<CellAccessor> active_line_iterator;
- typedef TriaRawIterator <InvalidAccessor<2,1,spacedim> > raw_quad_iterator;
- typedef TriaIterator <InvalidAccessor<2,1,spacedim> > quad_iterator;
- typedef TriaActiveIterator<InvalidAccessor<2,1,spacedim> > active_quad_iterator;
+ typedef TriaRawIterator <DoFInvalidAccessor<2,1,spacedim> > raw_quad_iterator;
+ typedef TriaIterator <DoFInvalidAccessor<2,1,spacedim> > quad_iterator;
+ typedef TriaActiveIterator<DoFInvalidAccessor<2,1,spacedim> > active_quad_iterator;
- typedef TriaRawIterator <InvalidAccessor<3,1,spacedim> > raw_hex_iterator;
- typedef TriaIterator <InvalidAccessor<3,1,spacedim> > hex_iterator;
- typedef TriaActiveIterator<InvalidAccessor<3,1,spacedim> > active_hex_iterator;
+ typedef TriaRawIterator <DoFInvalidAccessor<3,1,spacedim> > raw_hex_iterator;
+ typedef TriaIterator <DoFInvalidAccessor<3,1,spacedim> > hex_iterator;
+ typedef TriaActiveIterator<DoFInvalidAccessor<3,1,spacedim> > active_hex_iterator;
typedef raw_line_iterator raw_cell_iterator;
typedef line_iterator cell_iterator;
typedef TriaIterator <CellAccessor> quad_iterator;
typedef TriaActiveIterator<CellAccessor> active_quad_iterator;
- typedef TriaRawIterator <InvalidAccessor<3,2,spacedim> > raw_hex_iterator;
- typedef TriaIterator <InvalidAccessor<3,2,spacedim> > hex_iterator;
- typedef TriaActiveIterator<InvalidAccessor<3,2,spacedim> > active_hex_iterator;
+ typedef TriaRawIterator <DoFInvalidAccessor<3,2,spacedim> > raw_hex_iterator;
+ typedef TriaIterator <DoFInvalidAccessor<3,2,spacedim> > hex_iterator;
+ typedef TriaActiveIterator<DoFInvalidAccessor<3,2,spacedim> > active_hex_iterator;
typedef raw_quad_iterator raw_cell_iterator;
typedef quad_iterator cell_iterator;
+/*------------------------ Functions: DoFInvalidAccessor ---------------------------*/
+template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
+DoFInvalidAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::
+DoFInvalidAccessor (const Triangulation<dim,spacedim> *,
+ const int,
+ const int,
+ const AccessorData *)
+ Assert (false,
+ ExcMessage ("You are attempting an illegal conversion between "
+ "iterator/accessor types. The constructor you call "
+ "only exists to make certain template constructs "
+ "easier to write as dimension independent code but "
+ "the conversion is not valid in the current context."));
+template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
+DoFInvalidAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::
+DoFInvalidAccessor (const DoFInvalidAccessor &i)
+ :
+ InvalidAccessor<structdim,dim,spacedim> (static_cast<const InvalidAccessor<structdim,dim,spacedim>&>(i))
+ Assert (false,
+ ExcMessage ("You are attempting an illegal conversion between "
+ "iterator/accessor types. The constructor you call "
+ "only exists to make certain template constructs "
+ "easier to write as dimension independent code but "
+ "the conversion is not valid in the current context."));
+template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
+DoFInvalidAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::
+set_dof_index (const unsigned int,
+ const types::global_dof_index,
+ const unsigned int) const
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
/*------------------------- Functions: DoFCellAccessor -----------------------*/
+for (deal_II_struct_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : DIMENSIONS)
+ template class DoFInvalidAccessor<deal_II_struct_dimension,deal_II_dimension,deal_II_space_dimension>;