]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Doc updates.
authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Thu, 6 May 1999 09:07:31 +0000 (09:07 +0000)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Thu, 6 May 1999 09:07:31 +0000 (09:07 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@1282 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index ee58dfedc2452f35f99eaa9c6c034f3d405b2d94..d7c3754c7b413dd4e3815affc687eb84fd524a65 100644 (file)
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
  * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998, 1999
 template <int dim>
 class FEQ1 : public FELinearMapping<dim> {
index be0ab5532da4faee311efd12aea331f65a5cdd96..74584b16423bc8e8e5c8e228c1a0b1cd3f935fa3 100644 (file)
- * This class provides an abstract interface to time dependent method in that
+ * This class provides an abstract interface to time dependent problems in that
  * it addresses some of the most annoying aspects of this class of problems:
  * data management. These problems frequently need large amounts of computer
  * ressources, most notably computing time, main memory and disk space.
  * Main memory reduction is often the most pressing need, methods to implement
  * it are almost always quite messy, though, quickly leading to code that
  * stores and reloads data at places scattered all over the program, and
- * which becomes unmaintanable sometimes. The present class tries to offer
+ * which becomes unmaintainable sometimes. The present class tries to offer
  * a more structured interface, albeit simple, which emerged in my mind after
  * messing with my wave equation simulation for several months.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
  * The general structure of a time dependent problem solver using a timestepping
  * scheme is about the following: we have a collection of time step objects
- * on which we solve out problem subsequently. In order to do so, we need
+ * on which we solve our problem subsequently. In order to do so, we need
  * knowledge of the data on zero or several previous timesteps (when using single
  * or multiple step methods, that is) and maybe also some data of time steps
  * ahead (for example the computational grid on these). Dependening on the
  * like this:
  * \begin{verbatim}
  *    for sweep=0 to n_sweeps-1
+ *    {
+ *      for i=0 to n_timesteps-1
+ *        initialize timestep i for this sweep, e.g. for setting up
+ *        data structures, creating temporary files, etc.
+ *   
  *      for i=0 to n_timesteps-1
  *        prepare timestep i for loop 0
  *      for i=0 to n_timesteps-1
  *        perform loop 0 on timestep i   (e.g. solve primal problem)
- *    for sweep=0 to n_sweeps-1
  *      for i=0 to n_timesteps-1
  *        prepare timestep i for loop 1
  *      for i=0 to n_timesteps-1
  *        perform loop 1 on timestep i   (e.g. solve dual problem)
- *    for sweep=0 to n_sweeps-1
  *      for i=0 to n_timesteps-1
  *        prepare timestep i for loop 2
  *      for i=0 to n_timesteps-1
  *        perform loop 2 on timestep i   (e.g. compute error information)
- *    ...
+ *      ...
+ *
+ *      for i=0 to n_timesteps-1
+ *        notify timestep i of the end of the sweep, e.g. for cleanups,
+ *        deletion of temporary files, etc.
+ *    }
  * \end{verbatim}
  * The user may specify that a loop shall run forward or backward (the latter
  * being needed for the solution of global dual problems, for example).
  * \subsection{Implementation}
- * Still to be written.
+ * The main loop of a program using this class will usually look like
+ * the following one, taken modified from the wave program:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ *   template <int dim>
+ *   void TimeDependent_Wave<dim>::run_sweep (const unsigned int sweep_no)
+ *   {
+ *     start_sweep (sweep_no);
+ *   
+ *     solve_primal_problem ();
+ *   
+ *     if (compute_dual_problem)
+ *       solve_dual_problem ();
+ *     
+ *     postprocess ();
+ *   
+ *     if (sweep_no != number_of_sweeps-1)
+ *       refine_grids ();
+ *   
+ *     write_statistics ();
+ *   
+ *     end_sweep ();
+ *   };
+ *   
+ *   
+ *   
+ *   template <int dim>
+ *   void WaveProblem<dim>::run () 
+ *   {
+ *     for (unsigned int sweep=0; sweep<number_of_sweeps; ++sweep)
+ *       timestep_manager.run_sweep (sweep);
+ *   };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * Here, #timestep_manager# is an object of type #TimeDependent_Wave#, which
+ * is a class derived from #TimeDependent#. #start_sweep#, 
+ * #solve_primal_problem#, #solve_dual_problem#, #postprocess# and #end_sweep#
+ * are functions inherited from this class. They all do a loop over all 
+ * timesteps within this object and call the respective function on each of
+ * these objects. For example, here are two of the functions as they are
+ * implemented by the library:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ *   void TimeDependent::start_sweep (const unsigned int s) 
+ *   {
+ *     sweep_no = s;
+ *   
+ *                                // reset the number each
+ *                                // time step has, since some time
+ *                                // steps might have been added since
+ *                                // the last time we visited them
+ *                                //
+ *                                // also set the sweep we will
+ *                                // process in the sequel
+ *     for (unsigned int step=0; step<timesteps.size(); ++step)
+ *       {
+ *         timesteps[step]->set_timestep_no (step);
+ *         timesteps[step]->set_sweep_no (sweep_no);
+ *       };
+ *   
+ *     for (unsigned int step=0; step<timesteps.size(); ++step)
+ *       timesteps[step]->start_sweep ();
+ *   };
+ *   
+ *   
+ *   void
+ *   TimeDependent::solve_primal_problem () 
+ *   {
+ *     do_loop (mem_fun(&TimeStepBase::init_for_primal_problem),
+ *              mem_fun(&TimeStepBase::solve_primal_problem),
+ *             timestepping_data_primal,
+ *             forward);
+ *   };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * The latter function shows rather clear how most of the loops are
+ * invoked (#solve_primal_problem#, #solve_dual_problem#, #postprocess#,
+ * #refine_grids# and #write_statistics# all have this form, where the
+ * latter two give functions of the derived timestep class, rather than
+ * from the base class). The function #TimeStepBase::init_for_primal_problem#
+ * and the respective ones for the other operations defined by that class
+ * are only used to store the type of operation which the loop presently
+ * performed will do.
+ *
+ * As can be seen, most of the work is done by the #do_loop# function of
+ * this class, which takes the addresses of two functions which are used
+ * to initialize all timestep objects for the loop and to actually perform
+ * some action. The next parameter gives some information on the look-ahead
+ * and look-back and the last one denotes in which direction the loop is
+ * to be run.
+ *
+ * Using function pointers through the #mem_fun# functions provided by
+ * the #C++# standard library, it is possible to do neat tricks, like
+ * the following, also taken from the wave program, in this case from
+ * the function #refine_grids#:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ *   ...
+ *   compute the thresholds for refinement
+ *   ...
+ *
+ *   do_loop (mem_fun (&TimeStepBase_Tria<dim>::init_for_refinement),
+ *            bind2nd (mem_fun1 (&TimeStepBase_Wave<dim>::refine_grid),
+ *                    TimeStepBase_Tria<dim>::RefinementData (top_threshold,
+ *                                                            bottom_threshold)),
+ *            TimeDependent::TimeSteppingData (0,1),
+ *            TimeDependent::forward);
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * #TimeStepBase_Wave<dim>::refine_grid# is a function taking an argument, unlike
+ * all the other functions used above within the loops. However, in this special
+ * case the parameter was the same for all timesteps and known before the loop
+ * was started, so we fixed it and made a function object which to the outside
+ * world does not take parameters.
+ *
+ * Since it is the central function of this class, we finally present a
+ * stripped down version of the #do_loop# method, which is shown in order
+ * to provide a better understanding of the internals of this class. For
+ * brevity we have omitted the parts that deal with backward running loops
+ * as well as the checks whether wake-up and sleep operations act on timesteps
+ * outside #0..n_timesteps-1#.
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ *   template <typename InitFunctionObject, typename LoopFunctionObject>
+ *   void TimeDependent::do_loop (InitFunctionObject      init_function,
+ *                          LoopFunctionObject      loop_function,
+ *                          const TimeSteppingData &timestepping_data,
+ *                          const Direction         direction)
+ *   {
+ *                                // initialize the time steps for
+ *                                // a round of this loop
+ *     for (unsigned int step=0; step<n_timesteps; ++step)
+ *       init_function (static_cast<typename InitFunctionObject::argument_type>
+ *                (timesteps[step]));
+ *   
+ *                                // wake up the first few time levels
+ *     for (int step=-timestepping_data.look_ahead; step<0; ++step)
+ *       for (int look_ahead=0; look_ahead<=timestepping_data.look_ahead; ++look_ahead)
+ *         timesteps[step+look_ahead]->wake_up(look_ahead);
+ *     
+ *     
+ *     for (unsigned int step=0; step<n_timesteps; ++step)
+ *       {
+ *                                    // first thing: wake up the
+ *                                    // timesteps ahead as necessary
+ *         for (unsigned int look_ahead=0;
+ *        look_ahead<=timestepping_data.look_ahead; ++look_ahead)
+ *     timesteps[step+look_ahead]->wake_up(look_ahead);
+ *         
+ *         
+ *                                    // actually do the work
+ *         loop_function (static_cast<typename LoopFunctionObject::argument_type>
+ *                  (timesteps[step]));
+ *         
+ *                                    // let the timesteps behind sleep
+ *         for (unsigned int look_back=0; look_back<=timestepping_data.look_back; ++look_back)
+ *     timesteps[step-look_back]->sleep(look_back);
+ *       };
+ *   
+ *                                // make the last few timesteps sleep
+ *     for (int step=n_timesteps; n_timesteps+timestepping_data.look_back; ++step)
+ *       for (int look_back=0; look_back<=timestepping_data.look_back; ++look_back)
+ *         timesteps[step-look_back]->sleep(look_back);
+ *   };
+ * \end{verbatim}
  * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1999
@@ -492,132 +657,6 @@ class TimeDependent
-template <typename InitFunctionObject, typename LoopFunctionObject>
-void TimeDependent::do_loop (InitFunctionObject      init_function,
-                            LoopFunctionObject      loop_function,
-                            const TimeSteppingData &timestepping_data,
-                            const Direction         direction)
-                                  // the following functions looks quite
-                                  // disrupted due to the recurring switches
-                                  // for forward and backward running loops.
-                                  //
-                                  // I chose to switch at every place where
-                                  // it is needed, since it is so easy
-                                  // to overlook something when you change
-                                  // some code at one place when it needs
-                                  // to be changed at a second place, here
-                                  // for the other direction, also.
-  const unsigned int n_timesteps = timesteps.size();
-                                  // initialize the time steps for
-                                  // a round of this loop
-  for (unsigned int step=0; step<n_timesteps; ++step)
-    switch (direction)
-      {
-       case forward:
-             init_function (static_cast<typename InitFunctionObject::argument_type>
-                            (timesteps[step]));
-             break;
-       case backward:
-             init_function (static_cast<typename InitFunctionObject::argument_type>
-                            (timesteps[n_timesteps-step-1]));
-             break;
-      };
-                                  // wake up the first few time levels
-  for (int step=-timestepping_data.look_ahead; step<0; ++step)
-    for (int look_ahead=0;
-        look_ahead<=static_cast<int>(timestepping_data.look_ahead); ++look_ahead)
-      switch (direction)
-       {
-         case forward:
-               if (step+look_ahead >= 0)
-                 timesteps[step+look_ahead]->wake_up(look_ahead);
-               break;
-         case backward:
-               if (n_timesteps-(step+look_ahead) < n_timesteps)
-                 timesteps[n_timesteps-(step+look_ahead)]->wake_up(look_ahead);
-               break;
-       };
-  for (unsigned int step=0; step<n_timesteps; ++step)
-    {
-                                      // first thing: wake up the
-                                      // timesteps ahead as necessary
-      for (unsigned int look_ahead=0;
-          look_ahead<=timestepping_data.look_ahead; ++look_ahead)
-       switch (direction)
-         {
-           case forward:
-                 if (step+look_ahead < n_timesteps)
-                   timesteps[step+look_ahead]->wake_up(look_ahead);
-                 break;
-           case backward:
-                 if (n_timesteps > (step+look_ahead))
-                   timesteps[n_timesteps-(step+look_ahead)-1]->wake_up(look_ahead);
-                 break;
-         };
-                                      // actually do the work
-      switch (direction)
-       {
-         case forward:
-               loop_function (static_cast<typename LoopFunctionObject::argument_type>
-                              (timesteps[step]));
-               break;
-         case backward:
-               loop_function (static_cast<typename LoopFunctionObject::argument_type>
-                              (timesteps[n_timesteps-step-1]));
-               break;
-       };
-                                      // let the timesteps behind sleep
-      for (unsigned int look_back=0;
-          look_back<=timestepping_data.look_back; ++look_back)
-       switch (direction)
-         {
-           case forward:
-                 if (step>=look_back)
-                   timesteps[step-look_back]->sleep(look_back);
-                 break;
-           case backward:
-                 if (n_timesteps-(step-look_back) <= n_timesteps)
-                   timesteps[n_timesteps-(step-look_back)-1]->sleep(look_back);
-                 break;
-         };
-    };
-                                  // make the last few timesteps sleep
-  for (int step=n_timesteps;
-       step<static_cast<int>(n_timesteps+timestepping_data.look_back); ++step)
-    for (int look_back=0;
-        look_back<=static_cast<int>(timestepping_data.look_back); ++look_back)
-      switch (direction)
-       {
-         case forward:
-               if ((step-look_back >= 0)
-                   &&
-                   (step-look_back < static_cast<int>(n_timesteps)))
-                 timesteps[step-look_back]->sleep(look_back);
-               break;
-         case backward:
-               if ((step-look_back >= 0)
-                   &&
-                   (step-look_back < static_cast<int>(n_timesteps)))
-                 timesteps[n_timesteps-(step-look_back)-1]->sleep(look_back);
-               break;
-       };
@@ -731,7 +770,10 @@ class TimeStepBase : public Subscriptor
                                      * This is the analogon to the above
                                      * function, but it is called at the
-                                     * end of a sweep.
+                                     * end of a sweep. You will usually want
+                                     * to do clean-ups in this function,
+                                     * such as deleting temporary files
+                                     * and the like.
     virtual void end_sweep ();
@@ -827,7 +869,20 @@ class TimeStepBase : public Subscriptor
                                      * is appropriate in most cases since
                                      * if there is no previous time step
                                      * you will need special treatment
-                                     * anyway.
+                                     * anyway and this way no invalid
+                                     * value is returned which could lead
+                                     * to wrong but unnoticed results of
+                                     * your computation. (The only sensible
+                                     * value to return in that case would
+                                     * not be zero, since valid computation
+                                     * can be done with that, but would
+                                     * be a denormalized value such as #NaN#.
+                                     * However, there is not much difference
+                                     * in finding that the results of a
+                                     * computation are all denormalized values
+                                     * or in getting an exception; in the
+                                     * latter case you at least get the exact
+                                     * place where your problem lies.)
     double get_backward_timestep () const;
@@ -840,11 +895,6 @@ class TimeStepBase : public Subscriptor
     double get_forward_timestep () const;
-                                    /**
-                                     * Exception
-                                     */
-    DeclException0 (ExcGridNotDeleted);
                                      * Exception
@@ -961,15 +1011,15 @@ class TimeStepBase : public Subscriptor
- * Specialization of #TimeStepBase# which addresses some aspects of grid handling.
+ * Specialisation of #TimeStepBase# which addresses some aspects of grid handling.
  * In particular, this class is thought to make handling of grids available that
  * are adaptively refined on each time step separately or with a loose coupling
  * between time steps. It also takes care of deleting and rebuilding grids when
  * memory resources are a point, through the #sleep# and #wake_up# functions
  * declared in the base class.
- * In addition to that, it offers a function which do some rather hairy refinement
- * rules for time dependent problems. trying to avoid to much change in the grids
+ * In addition to that, it offers functions which do some rather hairy refinement
+ * rules for time dependent problems, trying to avoid too much change in the grids
  * between subsequent time levels, while also trying to retain the freedom of
  * refining each grid separately. There are lots of flags and numbers controlling
  * this function, which might drastically change the behaviour of the function -- see
@@ -988,7 +1038,7 @@ class TimeStepBase_Tria :  public TimeStepBase
                                      * Extension of the enum in the base
-                                     * cass denoting the next action to be
+                                     * class denoting the next action to be
                                      * done.
     enum SolutionState {
@@ -1166,6 +1216,11 @@ class TimeStepBase_Tria :  public TimeStepBase
     void save_refine_flags ();
+                                    /**
+                                     * Exception
+                                     */
+    DeclException0 (ExcGridNotDeleted);
@@ -1616,6 +1671,134 @@ struct TimeStepBase_Tria<dim>::RefinementData
+/*----------------------------- template functions ------------------------------*/
+template <typename InitFunctionObject, typename LoopFunctionObject>
+void TimeDependent::do_loop (InitFunctionObject      init_function,
+                            LoopFunctionObject      loop_function,
+                            const TimeSteppingData &timestepping_data,
+                            const Direction         direction)
+                                  // the following functions looks quite
+                                  // disrupted due to the recurring switches
+                                  // for forward and backward running loops.
+                                  //
+                                  // I chose to switch at every place where
+                                  // it is needed, since it is so easy
+                                  // to overlook something when you change
+                                  // some code at one place when it needs
+                                  // to be changed at a second place, here
+                                  // for the other direction, also.
+  const unsigned int n_timesteps = timesteps.size();
+                                  // initialize the time steps for
+                                  // a round of this loop
+  for (unsigned int step=0; step<n_timesteps; ++step)
+    switch (direction)
+      {
+       case forward:
+             init_function (static_cast<typename InitFunctionObject::argument_type>
+                            (timesteps[step]));
+             break;
+       case backward:
+             init_function (static_cast<typename InitFunctionObject::argument_type>
+                            (timesteps[n_timesteps-step-1]));
+             break;
+      };
+                                  // wake up the first few time levels
+  for (int step=-timestepping_data.look_ahead; step<0; ++step)
+    for (int look_ahead=0;
+        look_ahead<=static_cast<int>(timestepping_data.look_ahead); ++look_ahead)
+      switch (direction)
+       {
+         case forward:
+               if (step+look_ahead >= 0)
+                 timesteps[step+look_ahead]->wake_up(look_ahead);
+               break;
+         case backward:
+               if (n_timesteps-(step+look_ahead) < n_timesteps)
+                 timesteps[n_timesteps-(step+look_ahead)]->wake_up(look_ahead);
+               break;
+       };
+  for (unsigned int step=0; step<n_timesteps; ++step)
+    {
+                                      // first thing: wake up the
+                                      // timesteps ahead as necessary
+      for (unsigned int look_ahead=0;
+          look_ahead<=timestepping_data.look_ahead; ++look_ahead)
+       switch (direction)
+         {
+           case forward:
+                 if (step+look_ahead < n_timesteps)
+                   timesteps[step+look_ahead]->wake_up(look_ahead);
+                 break;
+           case backward:
+                 if (n_timesteps > (step+look_ahead))
+                   timesteps[n_timesteps-(step+look_ahead)-1]->wake_up(look_ahead);
+                 break;
+         };
+                                      // actually do the work
+      switch (direction)
+       {
+         case forward:
+               loop_function (static_cast<typename LoopFunctionObject::argument_type>
+                              (timesteps[step]));
+               break;
+         case backward:
+               loop_function (static_cast<typename LoopFunctionObject::argument_type>
+                              (timesteps[n_timesteps-step-1]));
+               break;
+       };
+                                      // let the timesteps behind sleep
+      for (unsigned int look_back=0;
+          look_back<=timestepping_data.look_back; ++look_back)
+       switch (direction)
+         {
+           case forward:
+                 if (step>=look_back)
+                   timesteps[step-look_back]->sleep(look_back);
+                 break;
+           case backward:
+                 if (n_timesteps-(step-look_back) <= n_timesteps)
+                   timesteps[n_timesteps-(step-look_back)-1]->sleep(look_back);
+                 break;
+         };
+    };
+                                  // make the last few timesteps sleep
+  for (int step=n_timesteps;
+       step<static_cast<int>(n_timesteps+timestepping_data.look_back); ++step)
+    for (int look_back=0;
+        look_back<=static_cast<int>(timestepping_data.look_back); ++look_back)
+      switch (direction)
+       {
+         case forward:
+               if ((step-look_back >= 0)
+                   &&
+                   (step-look_back < static_cast<int>(n_timesteps)))
+                 timesteps[step-look_back]->sleep(look_back);
+               break;
+         case backward:
+               if ((step-look_back >= 0)
+                   &&
+                   (step-look_back < static_cast<int>(n_timesteps)))
+                 timesteps[n_timesteps-(step-look_back)-1]->sleep(look_back);
+               break;
+       };
 /*----------------------------   time-dependent.h     ---------------------------*/
 /* end of #ifndef __time_dependent_H */

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.