<li> In case you want the printable documentation, however, you
need Doc++ and LaTeX installed. It is known that Doc++
version 3.3.13 is broken and generates invalid Tex, but
- 3.3.8 is ok.
+ 3.4 is ok. Note that the printed documentation of the
+ classes alone is far more than 1000 pages, so you may not
+ want to print it usually.
<li> The library generates output in formats readable by
GNUPLOT, GMV (general mesh viewer), AVS Explorer, Povray,
explains the basic elements of finite element programs based
on the library, and provides some small example programs.</p>
<li> Programming interface documentation: the classes and methods
- in the library are extensively documented (approximately 1000
- pages if printed). We write this documentation directly into
- the source code, which makes it much easier to keep it up to
- date, and use automatic tools to extract it into HTML or into
- printable formats.
+ in the library are extensively documented (presently
+ approximately 1250 pages if printed). We write this
+ documentation directly into the source code, which makes it
+ much easier to keep it up to date, and use automatic tools to
+ extract it into HTML or into printable formats.