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+A short description of the new threading scheme
+ <strong> Wolfgang Bangerth, May 2003</strong>
+Since the <a href="../multithreading/index.html" target="body">report on
+multithreading</a> was written in 2000, we have put in place a new
+implementation of the threading scheme (the first release to contain it is
+4.0). The new scheme can do all that you could do before, so the report is in a
+sense still valid, but it describes a syntax that is no more used. We will here
+briefly describe this syntax as well as some considerations that guided us
+while implementing it. For general questions on multithreading, how programs
+that use it must look like, and for pitfalls to watch out for, please still
+refer to the report mentioned above.
+<h3>1. Rationale and Introduction</h3>
+POSIX and other thread libraries only allow functions as thread entry
+points that satisfy the signature
+ void * (*) (void *)
+and starting threads involves a clumsy syntax. Thread entry points
+with another signature need to be "wrapped", i.e. their arguments need
+to be stored in a structure, and we need a function with above
+signature that can be used to "unpack" the arguments and call the
+desired function. This basically forces us to have one such structure
+and entry function for each function signature that we want to start a
+thread with.
+The first incarnations of the threading scheme in deal.II already got a long
+way towards making this simpler, by hiding the thread entry points, the packing
+and unpacking behind a layer of carefully crafted templates. It allowed you to
+call (almost) any function with arbitrary argument lists on a new thread,
+except that functions that returned values were not allowed. Implementing such
+a template scheme is not simple, since, besides simplicity to use, it has to
+take care of the lifetimes of objects that need to be synchronised across
+threads, and in particular since templates do not allow for functions with
+arbitrary numbers of arguments - they need to be repeated for every number of
+arguments, which makes implementation tedious. Nevertheless, the old scheme was
+very much usable.
+However, the old scheme had a number of shortcomings:
+<li>The implementation did not allow for functions returning
+ anything but <code>void</code>. We want to be able to call everything
+ on a new thread that can also be called on the present one.</li>
+<li>Thread objects could not be copied. Rather, thread ids were put into a
+thread manager object that took care of it, but handling single, or even
+detached threads was not too convenient.</li>
+<li>The general syntax for calling a function on a new thread was a
+ little clumsy and not intuitive.</li>
+Regarding the last point, note that any other function is called by
+ f(arg1, arg2);
+ obj.f(arg1, arg2);
+Ideally, the following syntax for starting any function on a new
+thread would be nice:
+ spawn f(arg1, arg2);
+ spawn obj.f(arg1,arg2);
+This syntax is not possible in C++, but the following syntax is,
+making it relatively clear what the intent of the statement is:
+ spawn (f)(arg1, arg2);
+ spawn (obj, &Class::f)(arg1,arg2);
+This is the syntax we will want to achieve (except for the fact that the
+<code>spawn</code> function is in a namespace <code>Threads</code>, just like
+all other entities described here).
+This text will discuss the details that are needed to implement
+this syntax, as well as the following points:
+<li>Overloading <code>spawn(</code>) so as to take unbound functions and member
+functions, whether virtual or static. Of course, every call needs to be type
+safe, i.e. the exact
+ same conversions of arguments need to be performed as in a usual call (except
+ for two additional copies that are necessary).</li>
+<li><code>spawn()</code> needs to return a value that allows us to identify,
+and join a thread. The syntax for this will be
+ Thread<> t = spawn(f)(arg1, arg2);
+ t.join ();
+ If we don't save the return value of <code>spawn()</code>, as in the examples
+ above, then we have just created a detached thread.</li>
+<li>Return values: if <code>f()</code> returns a value, say, an integer, then
+we want to be able to retrieve it once the thread has finished:
+ Thread<int> t = spawn (f)(1., 1.);
+ t.join ();
+ int i = t.return_value ();
+ This requires some care when functions return references, but some
+ template magic will save us. Another special case are functions that
+ return <code>void</code>.</li>
+<li>Thread groups: if threads are created inside a loop, we will want to
+ put all of them into a <code>ThreadGroup</code> object, and wait for them
+ collectively, rather than one-by-one.</li>
+Basically, the syntax above is all you need to know. It is as simple as
+that. The rest of this text, in comparison is very much of technical nature. I
+took most of it from a technical discussion I had with the author of the
+threading scheme in boost, William Kempf. It describes the way the threading
+scheme is implemented, the meaning of the various classes, etc. It probably
+doesn't give you much insight how to <em>use</em> it, but should explain in
+reasonable detail how it <em>works</em>. For more examples of use, take a look
+at a number of the example programs in deal.II, or at some places in the
+library itself.
+This paper is divided into the following parts:
+<li>This introduction</li>
+<li>Entities (functions, classes) that are used by both and that
+ describe the newly created thread</li>
+<li>Entities that are used on the calling thread</li>
+<li>Entities that are used to create a thread</li>
+<li>Tool classes</li>
+<li>Open problems</li>
+<li>Further suggestions</li>
+We will present the main parts of the code in the text. The implementation is
+in the library; all entities that
+are not to be used by the user are placed into a namespace
+<code>internal</code>, those to be used are in a namespace
+<code>Threads</code>. The implementation uses Boost's shared_ptr. Some parts of
+the implementation parallel the
+boost::function library, but they are small and taylored to the
+particular purpose at hand; in particular, they make heavy use of the
+boost::tuple library. We note that the code has in some places already evolved
+a little bit beyond the state of this paper, but the main ideas are all to be
+found still.
+<h3>2. Entities that describe threads</h3>
+Each thread that has been created is described by exactly one object
+of type <code>thread_description<RT></code>, where <code>RT</code> here and in the
+sequel will always denote the return type of the function being called
+on a new thread. The <code>thread_description</code> class is split into an
+operating system dependent base class, and an independent derived
+class. The base class is responsible for abstracting the OS
+interface to the functions creating, joining, killing, and signalling
+threads. For POSIX threads, this class looks as follows:
+ struct thread_description_base {
+ private:
+ pthread_t pt;
+ mutable volatile bool was_joined;
+ mutable boost::mutex join_mutex;
+ mutable boost::condition join_condition;
+ public:
+ thread_description_base () : was_joined (false) {};
+ virtual ~thread_description_base () { /* ... */ };
+ void create (void * (*p) (void *), void *d) {
+ pthread_create (&pt, 0, p, d);
+ };
+ void join () const {
+ if (was_joined)
+ return;
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(join_mutex);
+ if (!was_joined)
+ pthread_join (pt, 0);
+ was_joined = true;
+ };
+ };
+<code>join()</code> can be called more than once and uses Schmidt's thread-safe
+double-checking pattern for speed. There could be additional functions
+<code>kill()</code> or <code>send_signal()</code>, but these are not presently
+In the destructor, we need to make sure that a thread is joined at
+least once in its lifetime, or if not that it is being detached
+(otherwise, we create the thread equivalent of a zombie process, which
+will lead to a resource leak in the operating system). This is a
+little tricky, since the destructor might be called while the thread
+is still running; comments in the code explain how we work around
+The <code>thread_description<RT></code> class is derived from this base
+ template <typename RT>
+ struct thread_description : public thread_description_base
+ {
+ return_value<RT> ret_val;
+ };
+Its only purpose is to provide a place of storage for the return
+value of the function being called on the new thread. Since functions
+might return references or just nothing at all, the <code>return_value</code>
+template is used. It is described below in the section on Tool
+Classes. The return value will be set on exit of the function being
+As mentioned, there is exactly one <code>thread_description<RT></code>
+object per created thread. It is accessed using <code>boost::shared_ptr</code>
+objects, and references are held from each <code>Thread<RT></code> object
+for this thread as
+well as from a wrapper function on the new thread. The object is thus
+deleted, when all <code>Thread<RT></code> objects for this thread have gone out of
+scope (or point to different threads) and the thread itself has
+finished; this is the appropriate time.
+<h3>3. Entities that are used on the calling thread</h3>
+On the calling thread, we basically use the <code>Thread<RT></code>
+class, <code>ThreadGroup<RT></code> class, and <code>spawn</code>
+function. The <code>Thread<RT></code> class has the following
+ template <typename RT = void>
+ class Thread {
+ public:
+ Thread () {};
+ Thread (const boost::shared_ptr<thread_description<RT> > &td)
+ : thread_description (td) {};
+ void join () const { thread_description->join (); };
+ RT return_value () {
+ join ();
+ return thread_description->ret_val.get();
+ };
+ bool operator == (const thread &t) {
+ return thread_description == t.thread_description;
+ };
+ private:
+ boost::shared_ptr<thread_description<RT> > thread_description;
+ };
+Copy constructor and <code>operator=</code> are generated automatically by the
+compiler. Note that asking for the <code>return_value</code> automatically waits
+for the thread to finish, and that for this it is helpful that we can
+call <code>join()</code> more than once on the thread description object. The
+<code>return_value()</code> function also makes use of the fact that if <code>RT=void</code>,
+then the return construct is still valid. Furthermore, since this is
+the most common case, the template argument of the thread class has a
+default of <code>void</code>.
+The <code>ThreadGroup</code> class is a container distributing calls to its
+member functions to all its elements. Elements are added using
+<code>operator+=</code>, and they are stored using a
+<code>std::vector</code>. (A <code>std::set</code> would be more appropriate,
+but then we would have to have <code>operator<</code> for
+<code>Thread<RT></code> objects.) It has the same default value for the
+template argument:
+ template <typename RT = void>
+ class ThreadGroup
+ {
+ public:
+ ThreadGroup & operator += (const Thread<RT> &t) {
+ threads.push_back (t);
+ return *this;
+ };
+ void join_all () const {
+ for (typename std::vector<Thread<RT> >::const_iterator
+ t=threads.begin(); t!=threads.end(); ++t)
+ t->join ();
+ };
+ private:
+ std::vector<Thread<RT> > threads;
+ };
+Since objects of type <code>Thread<RT></code> are freely copyable, there
+is no need
+to provide an index operator for <code>ThreadGroup</code>; if you need to index
+its elements (for example to get at the return value), use
+<code>std::vector<Thread<RT> ></code>.
+Finally, there are overloads of the <code>spawn</code> template, for unbound
+functions, as well as <code>const</code> and non-<code>const</code> member
+functions. We only show them for unary member functions:
+ template <typename RT, typename C, typename Arg1>
+ mem_fun_encapsulator<RT,C,boost::tuple<Arg1> >
+ spawn (C &c, RT (C::*fun_ptr)(Arg1)) {
+ return mem_fun_encapsulator<RT, C, boost::tuple<Arg1> > (c,fun_ptr);
+ }
+ template <typename RT, typename C, typename Arg1>
+ mem_fun_encapsulator<RT,const C,boost::tuple<Arg1> >
+ spawn (const C &c, RT (C::*fun_ptr)(Arg1) const) {
+ return mem_fun_encapsulator<RT, const C, boost::tuple<Arg1> > (c,fun_ptr);
+ }
+Note that we need two overloaded versions, for <code>const</code> and
+member functions. Both create an intermediate object (in the
+namespace) that will accept arguments in place of the function being
+called on the new thread, make sure a new thread is created, copy the
+arguments to the new thread's stack, and only then return. The exact
+mechanism is described in the next section.
+In the implementation, we have to repeat the functions above for
+binary, ternary, ... member functions, and also for unbound member
+functions. One would really like to have something also for objects other than
+pointers to (member-)functions that provide an
+<code>operator()</code>. However, this doesn't seem to be possible if
+<code>operator()</code> returns something other than <code>void</code> or takes
+arguments. This
+would need some kind of typeof-operator which is not standard C++. See the
+discussion in the Open Problems section.
+<h3>4. Entities that are used to create a thread</h3>
+In this section, we describe the gory details of copying arguments
+from the stack of the old thread to the stack of the new one. These
+details are not necessary to <em>use</em> the <code>spawn()</code> functions,
+so are probably boring and may be skipped.
+The basic idea is the following: <code>spawn()</code> returns an object and provides
+it with the address of the function to be called, and in the case of a
+member function with the address of an object. <code>mem_fun_encapsulator</code>
+looks like this:
+ template <typename RT, typename C, typename ArgList,
+ int length = boost::tuples::length<ArgList>::value>
+ class mem_fun_encapsulator;
+ template <typename RT, typename C, typename ArgList>
+ class mem_fun_encapsulator<RT,C,ArgList,1> {
+ typedef typename mem_fun_ptr<RT,C,ArgList>::type MemFunPtr;
+ public:
+ mem_fun_encapsulator (C &c, MemFunPtr mem_fun_ptr)
+ : c (c), mem_fun_ptr(mem_fun_ptr) {};
+ Thread<RT>
+ operator() (typename boost::tuples::element<0,ArgList>::type arg1) {
+ return mem_fun_wrapper<RT,C,ArgList> (mem_fun_ptr, c,
+ boost::tie(arg1)).fire_up ();
+ };
+ private:
+ C &c;
+ MemFunPtr mem_fun_ptr;
+ };
+(Note how the default value specification of the last template
+argument automatically redirects uses with three template parameters
+to the correct four-parameter specialization, even though the general
+template is never used.)
+The constructor stores the two addresses. If one calls
+ spawn(obj, &C::f) (42);
+the next thing that is invoked is the <code>operator()</code> of this class. It
+takes the argument(s), creates a temporary with the two addresses and
+a reference to the argument (that's what <code>boost::tie</code>) does, and calls
+<code>fire_up()</code> on this temporary. <code>fire_up</code> has all the information, and does
+the work. Note that we will not pass references to the individual
+arguments, but bind them all together with <code>boost::tie</code>, so that we need
+not have different versions of the <code>mem_fun_wrapper</code> class for different
+numbers of arguments. (However, we need a separate partial
+specialization of the <code>mem_fun_encapsulator</code> class for each number of
+function arguments.) The <code>tie_args</code> template is used to make a version
+of the <code>ArgList</code> type with all reference types; it is described below.
+The next question, of course, is how <code>mem_fun_wrapper</code> looks like. Let
+us first consider the base class that it has in common with
+<code>fun_wrapper</code>, the wrapping class for non-member function objects:
+ template <typename RT, typename EntryPointClass>
+ struct wrapper_base {
+ Thread<RT> fire_up () {
+ thread_descriptor
+ = DescriptionPointer(new typename thread_description<RT>());
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock (mutex);
+ thread_descriptor->create (&EntryPointClass::entry_point,
+ (void *)this);
+ condition.wait (lock);
+ return thread_descriptor;
+ }
+ protected:
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<thread_description<RT> >
+ DescriptionPointer;
+ DescriptionPointer thread_descriptor;
+ mutable boost::mutex mutex;
+ mutable boost::condition condition;
+ };
+<code>fire_up</code> is the only real function; it creates a thread descriptor
+object, and calls it with a pointer to the present object, and the address of
+the starting point is <code>EntryPointClass::entry_point</code>, where
+<code>EntryPoint</code> is the name of a class that implements this thread
+starting function and is passed as a template argument to
+Before it starts the new thread, it acquires a mutex and
+afterwards wait until a condition is signalled before it finishes by
+using the thread descriptor object to generate a <code>Thread<RT></code>
+The magic happens in the derived class:
+ template <typename RT, class C, typename ArgList>
+ struct mem_fun_wrapper
+ : public wrapper_base<RT, mem_fun_wrapper<RT,C,ArgList> >
+ {
+ typedef typename mem_fun_ptr<RT,C,ArgList>::type MemFunPtr;
+ typedef typename tie_args<ArgList>::type ArgReferences;
+ mem_fun_wrapper (MemFunPtr mem_fun_ptr,
+ C &c,
+ const ArgReferences &args)
+ : c (c),
+ mem_fun_ptr (mem_fun_ptr),
+ args (args) {};
+ private:
+ mem_fun_wrapper ();
+ mem_fun_wrapper (const mem_fun_wrapper &);
+ C &c;
+ MemFunPtr mem_fun_ptr;
+ ArgReferences args;
+ static void * entry_point (void *arg)
+ {
+ const wrapper_base<RT> *w
+ = reinterpret_cast<const wrapper_base<RT>*> (arg);
+ const mem_fun_wrapper *wrapper
+ = static_cast<const mem_fun_wrapper*> (w);
+ MemFunPtr mem_fun_ptr = wrapper->mem_fun_ptr;
+ C &c = wrapper->c;
+ ArgList args = wrapper->args;
+ boost::shared_ptr<thread_description<RT> >
+ thread_descriptor = wrapper->thread_descriptor;
+ {
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock (wrapper->mutex);
+ wrapper->condition.notify_one ();
+ }
+ call (mem_fun_ptr, c, args, thread_descriptor->ret_val);
+ return 0;
+ };
+ };
+Note in particular, how this class passes itself as second template parameter
+to the base class, enabling the latter to call the
+<code>mem_fun_wrapper::entry_point</code> function as entry point to the new
+thread. When the fire_up function in the base
+class is called, it creates a new thread that starts inside this
+function, and the argument given to it is the address of the
+<code>wrapper_base</code> object. The first thing the <code>entry_point</code> function does, is
+to cast back this address to the real object's type (it knows the real
+type of the object, since the address of this function has been handed
+down through the template magic), then copies the address of
+the object to work with and the address of the member function to be
+called from the stack of the old thread to the stack of this new
+thread. It then also copies the arguments, which so far have been held
+only as references, but copies them by value. Next, it gets the
+address of the return thread descriptor, and with it the address of
+the return value (the <code>shared_ptr</code> will also make sure that the object
+lives long enough). The part in braces signals the condition to the
+old thread, which hangs in the <code>fire_up</code> function: the arguments have
+been copied, and the old thread can go on, eventually also destroying
+objects that have been copied by value. Finally, it calls the
+requested function with the proper arguments through a generic
+interface (described in the section on tools) and sets the return
+value of the thread.
+<h3>5. Tool classes</h3>
+In the implementation above, some tool classes have been used. These
+are briefly described here.
+<h4>a) The return_value<T> class template</h4>
+This class stores a value of type T if T is not a reference or
+"void". It offers get() and set() functions that get and set the
+value. If T is a reference type, then set() is obviously not possible
+since references cannot be rebound after construction time. The class
+therefore stores a pointer, and set() sets the pointer to the object
+the reference references. get() returns the reference again. If T is
+"void", then the class is empty and there is only a get() function
+that returns void.
+ template <typename RT> struct return_value
+ {
+ private:
+ RT value;
+ public:
+ RT get () const { return value; }
+ void set (RT v) { value = v; }
+ };
+ template <typename RT> struct return_value<RT &>
+ {
+ private:
+ RT * value;
+ public:
+ RT & get () const { return *value; }
+ void set (RT & v) { value = &v; }
+ };
+ template <> struct return_value<void> {
+ static void get () {};
+ };
+<h4>b) The "call" function templates</h4>
+The call function templates take a function pointer, an argument list
+tuple, and the address of the return value object, and call the
+function with these arguments. Since we have to unpack the argument
+list, we have to dispatch to different functions, depending on the
+number of arguments, in the usual way:
+ template <int> struct int2type;
+ template <typename RT, typename PFun, typename ArgList>
+ static void call (PFun fun_ptr,
+ ArgList &arg_list,
+ return_value<RT> &ret_val)
+ {
+ Caller<RT>::do_call (fun_ptr, arg_list, ret_val,
+ int2type<boost::tuples::length<ArgList>::value>());
+ };
+The Caller class has the following member functions:
+ template <typename RT> struct Caller
+ {
+ template <typename PFun, typename ArgList>
+ static void do_call (PFun fun_ptr,
+ ArgList &arg_list,
+ return_value<RT> &ret_val,
+ const int2type<1> &)
+ { ret_val.set ((*fun_ptr) (arg_list.template get<0>())); };
+ // likewise for int2type<0>, int2type<2>, ...
+ };
+There is a specialization Caller<void> that does not set a return
+value, and for each call and do_call function there is a second
+function for member function pointers that takes an object as
+additional argument.
+<h4>c) mem_fun_ptr</h4>
+In order to form a pointer to member function for both cases of const
+and non-const member functions, we need a simple tool:
+ template <typename RT, class C, typename ArgList,
+ int length = boost::tuples::length<ArgList>::value>
+ struct mem_fun_ptr_helper;
+ template <typename RT, class C, typename ArgList>
+ struct mem_fun_ptr_helper<RT, C, ArgList, 1>
+ {
+ typedef RT (C::*type) (typename boost::tuples::element<0,ArgList>::type);
+ };
+ template <typename RT, class C, typename ArgList>
+ struct mem_fun_ptr_helper<RT, const C, ArgList, 1>
+ {
+ typedef RT (C::*type) (typename boost::tuples::element<0,ArgList>::type) const;
+ };
+ template <typename RT, class C, typename ArgList>
+ struct mem_fun_ptr
+ {
+ typedef typename mem_fun_ptr_helper<RT,C,ArgList>::type type;
+ };
+Note that if the second template argument is a "const C", then we mark
+the member function "const". The two templates for mem_fun_ptr_helper
+have to be repeated for every number of arguments that we have in
+mind. Note also that the specification of the default argument in the
+declaration of the general template of mem_fun_ptr_helper saves us
+from recomputing it in mem_fun_ptr.
+<h4>d) add_reference for tuples</h4>
+The following classes add references to the elements of a tuple, thus
+providing the type equivalent of the return value of the boost::tie
+functions. There are probably ways inside boost's tuples library to do
+this, but I couldn't locate this.
+ template <int N, typename Tuple>
+ struct add_reference_to_Nth
+ {
+ typedef typename boost::tuples::element<N,Tuple>::type ArgType;
+ typedef typename boost::add_reference<ArgType>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename Tuple, int = boost::tuples::length<Tuple>::value>
+ struct tie_args_helper;
+ template <typename Tuple>
+ struct tie_args_helper<Tuple,1>
+ {
+ typedef
+ boost::tuple<typename add_reference_to_Nth<0,Tuple>::type>
+ type;
+ };
+ template <typename Tuple>
+ struct tie_args
+ {
+ typedef typename tie_args_helper<Tuple>::type type;
+ };
+The tie_args_helper class is repeated for every number of elements we
+want to use.
+<h3>6. Open Problems</h3>
+a) A variable lifetime problem
+The only unsolved semantic problem the author is aware of is the
+following: if we have a function
+ void f(const int &i);
+then this function can be called as
+ f(1);
+i.e. the compiler creates a temporary and passes its address to
+f(). When invoking f() on a new thread, however, as in
+ spawn (f)(1);
+then it is only guaranteed that the call to spawn() does not return
+before the new thread is started and has copied the arguments to
+f(). However, the argument is only the reference to the temporary, not
+its value. f() will thus likely observe corrupted values for its
+argument. On the other hand, copying the value is no option either, of
+course. Since to the author's best knowledge the language does not
+provide means to avoid taking the address of a temporary, there is
+presently no way to avoid this problem. Suggestions for healing it are
+very welcome.
+b) Forwarding of operator()
+Above, we have defined an overload of spawn for functor-like objects:
+ template <typename C>
+ mem_fun_encapsulator<void,C,boost::tuple<> >
+ spawn (C &c) {
+ return spawn (c, &C::operator());
+ }
+This only works if operator() satisfies the signature
+ struct C { void operator() (); };
+We could add another overload if operator() is const. However, what one
+would like is an overload for more general signatures. Unfortunately,
+this requires that we can infer type and number of arguments and
+return type of operator() at the time we declare the return type of
+above overload of spawn(). I have not found a way to infer this
+information just by using the template parameter C -- it just seems
+not possible. What would work if it were supported by compilers is a
+kind of typeof-operator:
+ template <typename C>
+ typeof(spawn(c,&C::operator())) // **
+ spawn (C &c) {
+ return spawn (c, &C::operator());
+ }
+When seeing the declaration, the compiler would automatically check
+which version of the overloaded spawn() function it would call, and
+correspondingly take the return type. gcc does support the typeof
+keyword, but even present CVS snapshots generate an internal compiler
+error on this construct.
+c) Using a memory based scheme rather than condition variables
+The scheme using mutices and condition variables to synchronise
+calling and called thread seems expensive. A simpler approach would be
+to replace it by letting the creating thread generate an object on the
+heap that holds copies of the arguments (instead of references as
+presently), spawn the new thread and just go on without any
+The calling thread would then not have to copy the arguments onto its
+local stack and signal to the calling thread. It would only have to
+delete the memory after the call to the user-supplied function
+returns. Apart from replacing ArgReferences by ArgList in some places,
+the scheme would basically just replace *_encapsulator::operator(),
+fire_up, and thread_entry_point:
+ thread<RT>
+ operator() (typename boost::tuples::element<0,ArgList>::type arg1) {
+ return (new mem_fun_wrapper<RT,C,ArgList> (mem_fun_ptr, c,
+ boost::tie(arg1)))->fire_up ();
+ };
+ thread<RT> fire_up () {
+ thread_descriptor
+ = DescriptionPointer(new typename detail::thread_description<RT>());
+ thread_descriptor->create (entry_point, (void *)this);
+ // no synchronisation here
+ return thread_descriptor;
+ }
+ static void * entry_point (void *arg) {
+ wrapper_base<RT> *w = reinterpret_cast<wrapper_base<RT>*> (arg);
+ fun_wrapper *wrapper = static_cast<fun_wrapper*> (w);
+ // no copying here; no synchronisation necessary
+ detail::call (wrapper->fun_ptr, wrapper->args,
+ wrapper->thread_descriptor->ret_val);
+ // delete memory
+ delete wrapper;
+ return 0;
+ }
+The perceived simplicity without using mutices and condition variable
+might be deceptive, however, since memory allocation and deallocation
+requires locking and unlocking mutices as well, and is generally not a
+cheap operation.
+However, the main problem is that I get spurious segmentation faults
+with this on my Linux box. These always happen inside the memory
+allocation and deallocation functions in the C++ and C language
+support libraries. I believe that these are not bugs in the
+application, but in the language runtime. However, my motivation to
+debug multithreading problems in the libc is very limited; for
+reference, valgrind 1.94 does not show accesses to uninitialized or
+already freed memory portions, even for runs that eventually crash
+later on.
+<h3>7. Alternative Suggestions</h3>
+Here are some additional suggestions for discussion:
+<h4>a) Conversions between return values<h4>
+If f() is a function returning an integer, then the following is
+ double d = f(arg1, arg2);
+The question, then, would be: do we want to allow conversions between
+thread<double> and thread<int> objects? And do we want to allow a
+conversion from thread<T> to thread<void> (i.e.: casting away the
+return value)?
+Since one can still assign the return value of the thread to a double,
+ double d = thread.return_value();
+the only real merit in allowing conversions is in putting threads with
+different return value types into a thread_group:
+ double f1 ();
+ int f2 ();
+ thread_group<double> tg;
+ tg += spawn(f1)();
+ tg += spawn(f2)(); // convert thread<int> to thread<double>
+ tg.join_all ();
+Being able to do this is probably only syntactic sugar, except for the
+case where we are not interested in the return values of all threads,
+i.e. the conversion thread<T> -> thread<void> seems like the only one
+that is really worth it.
+I have made some initial experiments with implementing general
+conversions. The main problem is that we need to allow conversion
+ thread<double> t1 = spawn (f)(arg1, arg2);
+ thread<int> t2 = t1;
+ thread<double> t3 = t2;
+If f() returns 1.5, then t3.return_value() needs to return 1.0. I
+believe that such conversions could be implemented, by adding the
+types in the chain into a boost::tuple of growing length, and writing
+a function that converts a value of the first type of this tuple to
+the second, to the third, ..., to the last type in the tuple. However,
+a plethora of internal compiler errors has scared me off doing more
+experiments in this direction.
+<h4>b) Conversions between class types I</h4>
+When you have a class hierarchy like
+ struct B { void f(); };
+ struct D : public B {};
+then calling
+ spawn (D(), &B::f);
+fails for gcc (but succeeds with Intel's icc). Presumably, gcc is
+right: template arguments must match exactly, and D() is of type D,
+while &B::f leads to a class type of B. There is no function template
+for spawn for which this call can match without a derived-to-base
+conversion. We could now change the template
+ template <typename RT, typename C, typename Arg1>
+ mem_fun_encapsulator<RT,C,boost::tuple<Arg1> >
+ spawn (C &c, RT (C::*fun_ptr)(Arg1)) {
+ return mem_fun_encapsulator<RT, C, boost::tuple<Arg1> > (c,fun_ptr);
+ }
+ template <typename RT, typename A, typename C, typename Arg1>
+ mem_fun_encapsulator<RT,C,boost::tuple<Arg1> >
+ spawn (A &a, RT (C::*fun_ptr)(Arg1)) {
+ return mem_fun_encapsulator<RT, C, boost::tuple<Arg1> > (a,fun_ptr);
+ }
+i.e. introduce another class template A for the type of the
+object. Since the arguments of the constructor to the
+mem_fun_encapsulator object are known, the compiler would perform a
+derived-to-base conversion for object "a" if necessary. I don't know
+whether this is desirable, in particular since also other conversions
+could happen here that one would not want (in the extreme case
+generating a temporary). It is something that should be discussed.
+<h4>c) Conversions between class types II</h4>
+When one writes
+ spawn (this, &X::f)
+one gets an error that "'this' is not convertible to type X&". One has
+to write "*this" instead. It would be simple to have another set of
+overloads of spawn() that accepts a pointer instead of a reference,
+and simply forwards to the existing function. This is just for the
+lazy people, probably, but it is a common case.
+<h4>d) Catching exceptions</h4>
+When a function on a new thread throws an exception, it only
+propagates up to one of the two entry_point() functions, then vanishes
+into the run-time system and kills the program. Ideally, we would have
+a way to pass it over to the main thread. This, however, would need
+some support from the language. Basically, we would need two
+<li>clone an exception without knowing its type; we could then in the
+ entry_point function catch it and stack it somewhere, just like we
+ do for the return value</li>
+<li>back on the main thread, the thread::join() function must raise this
+ stored exception if there was one, again without knowing its type.</li>
+Given how exceptions are implemented usually, the machinery for these
+operations is probably there, but is not exported to the user through
+the run-time environment. Thus, an implementation of such ideas has to
+wait for changes in the language specification.
+<div ALIGN="RIGHT">
+Wolfgang Bangerth, 2003
+<p> </P></BODY>