-// @sect5{Stokes system assembly}
-// The next three functions implement the
-// assembly of the Stokes system, again
-// split up into a part performing local
-// calculations, one for writing the local
-// data into the global matrix and vector,
-// and one for actually running the loop
-// over all cells with the help of the
-// WorkStream class. Note that the assembly
-// of the Stokes matrix needs only to be
-// done in case we have changed the
-// mesh. Otherwise, just the
-// (temperature-dependent) right hand side
-// needs to be calculated here. Since we
-// are working with distributed matrices
-// and vectors, we have to call the
-// respective <code>compress()</code>
-// functions in the end of the assembly in
-// order to send non-local data to the
-// owner process.
+ // @sect5{Stokes system assembly}
+ // The next three functions implement the
+ // assembly of the Stokes system, again
+ // split up into a part performing local
+ // calculations, one for writing the local
+ // data into the global matrix and vector,
+ // and one for actually running the loop
+ // over all cells with the help of the
+ // WorkStream class. Note that the assembly
+ // of the Stokes matrix needs only to be
+ // done in case we have changed the
+ // mesh. Otherwise, just the
+ // (temperature-dependent) right hand side
+ // needs to be calculated here. Since we
+ // are working with distributed matrices
+ // and vectors, we have to call the
+ // respective <code>compress()</code>
+ // functions in the end of the assembly in
+ // order to send non-local data to the
+ // owner process.
template <int dim>
- if (rebuild_stokes_matrix)
+ if (rebuild_stokes_matrix == true)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
data.local_matrix(i,j) += (EquationData::eta * 2 *
-// @sect5{Temperature matrix assembly}
+ // @sect5{Temperature matrix assembly}
-// The task to be performed by the next three
-// functions is to calculate a mass matrix
-// and a Laplace matrix on the temperature
-// system. These will be combined in order to
-// yield the semi-implicit time stepping
-// matrix that consists of the mass matrix
-// plus a time step weight times the Laplace
-// matrix. This function is again essentially
-// the body of the loop over all cells from
-// step-31.
-// The two following functions perform
-// similar services as the ones above.
+ // The task to be performed by the next
+ // three functions is to calculate a mass
+ // matrix and a Laplace matrix on the
+ // temperature system. These will be
+ // combined in order to yield the
+ // semi-implicit time stepping matrix that
+ // consists of the mass matrix plus a time
+ // step-dependent weight factor times the
+ // Laplace matrix. This function is again
+ // essentially the body of the loop over
+ // all cells from step-31.
+ //
+ // The two following functions perform
+ // similar services as the ones above.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::
local_assemble_temperature_matrix (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
-// @sect5{Temperature right hand side assembly}
-// This is the last assembly function. It
-// calculates the right hand side of the
-// temperature system, which includes the
-// convection and the stabilization
-// terms. It includes a lot of evaluations
-// of old solutions at the quadrature
-// points (which are necessary for
-// calculating the artificial viscosity of
-// stabilization), but is otherwise similar
-// to the other assembly functions. Notice,
-// once again, how we resolve the dilemma
-// of having inhomogeneous boundary
-// conditions, but just making a right hand
-// side at this point (compare the comments
-// for the project function): We create
-// some matrix columns with exactly the
-// values that would be entered for the
-// temperature stiffness matrix, in case we
-// have inhomogeneously constrained
-// dofs. That will account for the correct
-// balance of the right hand side vector
-// with the matrix system of temperature.
+ // @sect5{Temperature right hand side assembly}
+ // This is the last assembly function. It
+ // calculates the right hand side of the
+ // temperature system, which includes the
+ // convection and the stabilization
+ // terms. It includes a lot of evaluations
+ // of old solutions at the quadrature
+ // points (which are necessary for
+ // calculating the artificial viscosity of
+ // stabilization), but is otherwise similar
+ // to the other assembly functions. Notice,
+ // once again, how we resolve the dilemma
+ // of having inhomogeneous boundary
+ // conditions, by just making a right hand
+ // side at this point (compare the comments
+ // for the <code>project()</code> function
+ // above): We create some matrix columns
+ // with exactly the values that would be
+ // entered for the temperature stiffness
+ // matrix, in case we have inhomogeneously
+ // constrained dofs. That will account for
+ // the correct balance of the right hand
+ // side vector with the matrix system of
+ // temperature.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::
local_assemble_temperature_rhs (const std::pair<double,double> global_T_range,
+// @todo ?????? why old_Ts?
const double gamma
- = ((EquationData::radiogenic_heating * EquationData::density(old_Ts) //?????? why old_Ts?
+ = ((EquationData::radiogenic_heating * EquationData::density(old_Ts)
2 * EquationData::eta * extrapolated_strain_rate * extrapolated_strain_rate) /
(EquationData::density(old_Ts) * EquationData::specific_heat));
-// In the function that runs the WorkStream
-// for actually calculating the right hand
-// side, we also generate the final
-// matrix. As mentioned above, it is a sum
-// of the mass matrix and the Laplace
-// matrix, times some time step
-// weight. This weight is specified by the
-// BDF-2 time integration scheme, see the
-// introduction in step-31. What is new in
-// this tutorial program (in addition to
-// the use of MPI parallelization and the
-// WorkStream class), is that we now
-// precompute the temperature
-// preconditioner as well. The reason is
-// that the setup of the Jacobi preconditioner
-// takes a noticable time compared to the
-// solver because we usually only need
-// between 10 and 20 iterations for solving
-// the temperature system (this might sound strange,
-// as Jacobi really only consists of a diagonal,
-// but in Trilinos it is derived from more general
-// framework for point relaxation preconditioners
-// which is a bit inefficient). Hence, it is
-// more efficient to precompute the
-// preconditioner, even though the matrix
-// entries may slightly change because the
-// time step might change. This is not
-// too big a problem because we remesh every
-// few time steps (and regenerate the
-// preconditioner then).
+ // In the function that runs the WorkStream
+ // for actually calculating the right hand
+ // side, we also generate the final
+ // matrix. As mentioned above, it is a sum
+ // of the mass matrix and the Laplace
+ // matrix, times some time step-dependent
+ // weight. This weight is specified by the
+ // BDF-2 time integration scheme, see the
+ // introduction in step-31. What is new in
+ // this tutorial program (in addition to
+ // the use of MPI parallelization and the
+ // WorkStream class), is that we now
+ // precompute the temperature
+ // preconditioner as well. The reason is
+ // that the setup of the Jacobi
+ // preconditioner takes a noticable time
+ // compared to the solver because we
+ // usually only need between 10 and 20
+ // iterations for solving the temperature
+ // system (this might sound strange, as
+ // Jacobi really only consists of a
+ // diagonal, but in Trilinos it is derived
+ // from more general framework for point
+ // relaxation preconditioners which is a
+ // bit inefficient). Hence, it is more
+ // efficient to precompute the
+ // preconditioner, even though the matrix
+ // entries may slightly change because the
+ // time step might change. This is not too
+ // big a problem because we remesh every
+ // few time steps (and regenerate the
+ // preconditioner then).
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::assemble_temperature_system (const double maximal_velocity)
rebuild_temperature_preconditioner = false;
+ // The next part is computing the right
+ // hand side vectors. To do so, we first
+ // compute the average temperature $T_m$
+ // that we use for evaluating the
+ // artificial viscosity stabilization
+ // through the residual $E(T) =
+ // (T-T_m)^2$. We do this by defining the
+ // midpoint between maximum and minimum
+ // temperature as average temperature in
+ // the definition of the entropy
+ // viscosity. An alternative would be to
+ // use the integral average, but the
+ // results are not very sensitive to this
+ // choice. The rest then only requires
+ // calling WorkStream::run again, binding
+ // the arguments to the
+ // <code>local_assemble_temperature_rhs</code>
+ // function that are the same in every
+ // call to the correct values:
temperature_rhs = 0;
const QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(parameters.temperature_degree+2);
const std::pair<double,double>
global_T_range = get_extrapolated_temperature_range();
- // Here we compute the average
- // temperature $T_m$ that we use for
- // evaluating the artificial viscosity
- // stabilization through the residual
- // $E(T) = (T-T_m)^2$. We do this by
- // defining the midpoint between maximum
- // and minimum temperature as average
- // temperature in the definition of the
- // entropy viscosity. An alternative
- // would be to use the integral average,
- // but the results are not very sensitive
- // to this choice.
const double average_temperature = 0.5 * (global_T_range.first +
const double global_entropy_variation =
-// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::solve}
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::solve}
-// This function solves the linear systems
-// in each time step of the Boussinesq
-// problem. First, we
-// work on the Stokes system and then on
-// the temperature system. In essence, it
-// does the same things as the respective
-// function in step-31. However, there are a few
-// changes here.
-// The first change is related to the way we store our solution: we keep the
-// vectors with locally owned degrees of freedom plus ghost nodes on each MPI
-// node. When we enter a solver which is supposed to perform matrix-vector
-// products with a distributed matrix, this is not the appropriate form,
-// though. There, we will want to have the solution vector to be distributed
-// in the same way as the matrix without any ghosts. So what we do first is to
-// generate a distributed vector called
-// <code>distributed_stokes_solution</code> and put only the locally owned
-// dofs into that, which is neatly done by the <code>operator=</code> of the
-// Trilinos vector.
-// Next, we scale the pressure solution (or rather, the initial guess) for the
-// solver so that it matches with the length scales in the matrices, as
-// discussed in the introduction. We also immediately scale the pressure
-// solution back to the correct units after the solution is completed.
-// We also need to set the
-// pressure values at hanging nodes to
-// zero. This we also did in step-31 in
-// order not to disturb the Schur
-// complement by some vector entries that
-// actually are irrelevant during the solve
-// stage. As a difference to step-31, here
-// we do it only for the locally owned
-// pressure dofs. After solving for the
-// Stokes solution, each processor copies
-// distributed solution back into the solution
-// vector for which every element is locally
-// owned.
-// The third and most obvious change is that we have two variants for the
-// Stokes solver: A fast solver that sometimes breaks down, and a robust
-// solver that is slower. This is what we already discussed in the
-// introduction. Here is how we realize it: First, we perform 30 iterations
-// with the fast solver based on the simple preconditioner based on the AMG
-// V-cycle instead of an approximate solve. If we converge, everything is
-// fine. If we do not converge, the solver control will throw an exception
-// SolverControl::NoConvergence. Usually, this will abort the program, which is certainly
-// not what we want to happen here. Rather, we want to switch to the strong
-// solver and continue the solution process with whatever vector we got so
-// far. Hence, we catch the exception with the C++ try/catch mechanism. Note
-// also how we construct different preconditioners: The fast one gives a @p
-// false flag to the BlockSchurPreconditioner class that signals that no solve
-// for the velocity-velocity block should be performed (but only an AMG
-// V-cycle). The @p true flag for the strong solver signals an approximate CG
-// solve, see the definition of the preconditioner above.
+ // This function solves the linear systems
+ // in each time step of the Boussinesq
+ // problem. First, we
+ // work on the Stokes system and then on
+ // the temperature system. In essence, it
+ // does the same things as the respective
+ // function in step-31. However, there are a few
+ // changes here.
+ //
+ // The first change is related to the way
+ // we store our solution: we keep the
+ // vectors with locally owned degrees of
+ // freedom plus ghost nodes on each MPI
+ // node. When we enter a solver which is
+ // supposed to perform matrix-vector
+ // products with a distributed matrix, this
+ // is not the appropriate form,
+ // though. There, we will want to have the
+ // solution vector to be distributed in the
+ // same way as the matrix, i.e. without any
+ // ghosts. So what we do first is to
+ // generate a distributed vector called
+ // <code>distributed_stokes_solution</code>
+ // and put only the locally owned dofs into
+ // that, which is neatly done by the
+ // <code>operator=</code> of the Trilinos
+ // vector.
+ //
+ // Next, we scale the pressure solution (or
+ // rather, the initial guess) for the
+ // solver so that it matches with the
+ // length scales in the matrices, as
+ // discussed in the introduction. We also
+ // immediately scale the pressure solution
+ // back to the correct units after the
+ // solution is completed. We also need to
+ // set the pressure values at hanging nodes
+ // to zero. This we also did in step-31 in
+ // order not to disturb the Schur
+ // complement by some vector entries that
+ // actually are irrelevant during the solve
+ // stage. As a difference to step-31, here
+ // we do it only for the locally owned
+ // pressure dofs. After solving for the
+ // Stokes solution, each processor copies
+ // the distributed solution back into the
+ // solution vector that also includes ghost
+ // elements.
+ //
+ // The third and most obvious change is
+ // that we have two variants for the Stokes
+ // solver: A fast solver that sometimes
+ // breaks down, and a robust solver that is
+ // slower. This is what we already
+ // discussed in the introduction. Here is
+ // how we realize it: First, we perform 30
+ // iterations with the fast solver based on
+ // the simple preconditioner based on the
+ // AMG V-cycle instead of an approximate
+ // solve (this is indicated by the
+ // <code>false</code> argument to the
+ // <code>LinearSolvers::BlockSchurPreconditioner</code>
+ // object). If we converge, everything is
+ // fine. If we do not converge, the solver
+ // control object will throw an exception
+ // SolverControl::NoConvergence. Usually,
+ // this would abort the program because we
+ // don't catch them in our usual
+ // <code>solve()</code> functions. This is
+ // certainly not what we want to happen
+ // here. Rather, we want to switch to the
+ // strong solver and continue the solution
+ // process with whatever vector we got so
+ // far. Hence, we catch the exception with
+ // the C++ try/catch mechanism. We then
+ // simply go through the same solver
+ // sequence again in the <code>catch</code>
+ // clause, this time passing the @p true
+ // flag to the preconditioner for the
+ // strong solver, signaling an approximate
+ // CG solve.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::solve ()
distributed_stokes_solution(i) = 0;
- PrimitiveVectorMemory< TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector > mem;
+ PrimitiveVectorMemory<TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector> mem;
unsigned int n_iterations = 0;
const double solver_tolerance = 1e-8 * stokes_rhs.l2_norm();
- // Now let's turn to the temperature part:
- // First, we compute the time step size. We
- // found that we need smaller time steps for
- // 3D than for 2D for the shell geometry. This
- // is because the cells are more distorted in
- // that case (it is the smallest edge length
- // that determines the CFL number). Instead of
- // computing the time step from maximum
- // velocity and minimal mesh size as in
- // step-31, we compute local CFL numbers,
- // i.e., on each cell we compute the maximum
- // velocity times the mesh size, and compute
- // the maximum of them. Hence, we need to
- // choose the factor in front of the time step
- // slightly smaller. After temperature right
- // hand side assembly, we solve the linear
- // system for temperature (with fully
- // distributed vectors without any ghosts),
- // apply constraints and copy the vector back
- // to one with ghosts.
- //
- // In the end, we extract the temperature
- // range similarly to step-31. The only
- // difference is that we need to exchange
- // maxima over all processors.
+ // Now let's turn to the temperature
+ // part: First, we compute the time step
+ // size. We found that we need smaller
+ // time steps for 3D than for 2D for the
+ // shell geometry. This is because the
+ // cells are more distorted in that case
+ // (it is the smallest edge length that
+ // determines the CFL number). Instead of
+ // computing the time step from maximum
+ // velocity and minimal mesh size as in
+ // step-31, we compute local CFL numbers,
+ // i.e., on each cell we compute the
+ // maximum velocity times the mesh size,
+ // and compute the maximum of
+ // them. Hence, we need to choose the
+ // factor in front of the time step
+ // slightly smaller.
+ //
+ // After temperature right hand side
+ // assembly, we solve the linear system
+ // for temperature (with fully
+ // distributed vectors without any
+ // ghosts), apply constraints and copy
+ // the vector back to one with ghosts.
+ //
+ // In the end, we extract the temperature
+ // range similarly to step-31 to produce
+ // some output (for example in order to
+ // help us choose the stabilization
+ // constants, as discussed in the
+ // introduction). The only difference is
+ // that we need to exchange maxima over
+ // all processors.
computing_timer.enter_section (" Assemble temperature rhs");
old_time_step = time_step;
- const double cfl_number = get_cfl_number();
- double scaling = (dim==3)?0.25:1.0;
+ const double scaling = (dim==3 ? 0.25 : 1.0);
time_step = (scaling/(2.1*dim*std::sqrt(1.*dim)) /
(parameters.temperature_degree *
- cfl_number));
+ get_cfl_number()));
const double maximal_velocity = get_maximal_velocity();
pcout << " Maximal velocity: "
-// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::output_results}
-// Next comes the function that generates the output. The quantities to output
-// could be introduced manually like we did in step-31. An alternative is to
-// hand this task over to a class PostProcessor that inherits from the class
-// DataPostprocessor, which can be attached to DataOut. This allows us to
-// output derived quantities from the solution, like the friction heating
-// included in this example. It overloads the virtual function @p
-// compute_derived_quantities_vector, which is then internally called in
-// DataOut. We have to give it values of the numerical solution, its
-// derivatives, normals to the cell, the actual evaluation points and any
-// additional quantities.
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::output_results}
+ // Next comes the function that generates
+ // the output. The quantities to output
+ // could be introduced manually like we did
+ // in step-31. An alternative is to hand
+ // this task over to a class PostProcessor
+ // that inherits from the class
+ // DataPostprocessor, which can be attached
+ // to DataOut. This allows us to output
+ // derived quantities from the solution,
+ // like the friction heating included in
+ // this example. It overloads the virtual
+ // function
+ // DataPostprocessor::compute_derived_quantities_vector,
+ // which is then internally called from
+ // DataOut::build_patches. We have to give
+ // it values of the numerical solution, its
+ // derivatives, normals to the cell, the
+ // actual evaluation points and any
+ // additional quantities. This follows the
+ // same procedure as discussed in step-29
+ // and other programs.
template <int dim>
class BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::Postprocessor : public DataPostprocessor<dim>
- // Here we define the names for the variables
- // we want to output. These are the actual
- // solution values for velocity, pressure, and
- // temperature, as well as the friction
- // heating and to each cell the number of the
- // processor that owns it. This allows us to
- // visualize the partitioning of the domain
- // among the processors. Except for the
- // velocity, which is vector-valued, all other
- // quantities are scalar.
+ // Here we define the names for the
+ // variables we want to output. These are
+ // the actual solution values for velocity,
+ // pressure, and temperature, as well as
+ // the friction heating and to each cell
+ // the number of the processor that owns
+ // it. This allows us to visualize the
+ // partitioning of the domain among the
+ // processors. Except for the velocity,
+ // which is vector-valued, all other
+ // quantities are scalar.
template <int dim>
BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::Postprocessor::get_names() const
- // Now we implement the function that computes
- // the derived quantities. As we also did for
- // the output, we rescale the velocity from
- // its SI units to something more readable,
- // namely cm/year. Next, the pressure is
- // scaled to be between 0 and the maximum
- // pressure. This makes it more easily
- // comparable -- in essence making all
- // pressure variables positive or
- // zero. Temperature is taken as is, and the
- // friction heating is computed as $2 \eta
- // \varepsilon(\mathbf{u}) \cdot
- // \varepsilon(\mathbf{u})$.
+ // Now we implement the function that
+ // computes the derived quantities. As we
+ // also did for the output, we rescale the
+ // velocity from its SI units to something
+ // more readable, namely cm/year. Next, the
+ // pressure is scaled to be between 0 and
+ // the maximum pressure. This makes it more
+ // easily comparable -- in essence making
+ // all pressure variables positive or
+ // zero. Temperature is taken as is, and
+ // the friction heating is computed as $2
+ // \eta \varepsilon(\mathbf{u}) \cdot
+ // \varepsilon(\mathbf{u})$.
+ //
+ // The quantities we output here are more
+ // for illustration, rather than for actual
+ // scientific value. We come back to this
+ // briefly in the results section of this
+ // program and explain what one may in fact
+ // be interested in.
template <int dim>
-// This function does mostly what the
-// corresponding one did in to
-// step-31, in particular merging
-// data from the two DoFHandler
-// objects (for the Stokes and the
-// temperature parts of the problem)
-// into one is the same. There is
-// one minor change: we make sure
-// that each processor
-// only works on the subdomain it owns locally (and not on ghost or artificial
-// cells). This we do by adding an additional number to the filename when we
-// write the solution. This is not really new, we did it similarly in
-// step-40. Note that we write in the compressed format @p .vtu instead of
-// plain vtk files, which saves quite some storage.
-// All the rest is done in the PostProcessor class.
+ // The <code>output_results()</code>
+ // function does mostly what the
+ // corresponding one did in to step-31, in
+ // particular the merging data from the two
+ // DoFHandler objects (for the Stokes and
+ // the temperature parts of the problem)
+ // into one. There is one minor change: we
+ // make sure that each processor only works
+ // on the subdomain it owns locally (and
+ // not on ghost or artificial cells) when
+ // building the joint solution vector. The
+ // same will then have to be done in
+ // DataOut::build_patches(), but that
+ // function does so automatically.
+ //
+ // What we end up with is a set of patches
+ // that we can write using the functions in
+ // DataOutBase in a variety of output
+ // formats. Here, we then have to pay
+ // attention that what each processor
+ // writes is really only its own part of
+ // the domain, i.e. we will want to write
+ // each processor's contribution into a
+ // separate file. This we do by adding an
+ // additional number to the filename when
+ // we write the solution. This is not
+ // really new, we did it similarly in
+ // step-40. Note that we write in the
+ // compressed format @p .vtu instead of
+ // plain vtk files, which saves quite some
+ // storage.
+ //
+ // All the rest of the work is done in the
+ // PostProcessor class.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::output_results ()
std::ofstream output (filename.c_str());
data_out.write_vtu (output);
- // Eventually, we create a master file on the
- // zeroth processor that describes how the
- // subdomains are defining the global mesh.
+ // At this point, all processors have
+ // written their own files to disk. We
+ // could visualize them individually in
+ // Visit or Paraview, but in reality we
+ // of course want to visualize the whole
+ // set of files at once. To this end, we
+ // create a master file in each of the
+ // formats understood by Visit
+ // (<code>.visit</code>) and Paraview
+ // (<code>.pvtu</code>) on the zeroth
+ // processor that describes how the
+ // individual files are defining the
+ // global data set.
if (Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD) == 0)
std::vector<std::string> filenames;