* the STL container classes.
typedef number value_type;
+ class const_iterator;
+ /**
+ * Accessor class for iterators
+ */
+ class Accessor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Since we use
+ * accessors only for read
+ * access, a const matrix
+ * pointer is sufficient.
+ */
+ Accessor (const BlockSparseMatrix<number>*,
+ unsigned int row,
+ unsigned short index);
+ /**
+ * Row number of the element
+ * represented by this
+ * object.
+ */
+ unsigned int row() const;
+ /**
+ * Index in row of the element
+ * represented by this
+ * object.
+ */
+ unsigned short index() const;
+ /**
+ * Column number of the
+ * element represented by
+ * this object.
+ */
+ unsigned int column() const;
+ /**
+ * Value of this matrix entry.
+ */
+ number value() const;
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * The matrix accessed.
+ */
+ const BlockSparseMatrix<number>* matrix;
+ /**
+ * Iterator of the underlying matrix class.
+ */
+ typename SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator base_iterator;
+ /**
+ * Number of block where row lies in.
+ */
+ unsigned int block_row;
+ /**
+ * First row of block.
+ */
+ unsigned int row_start;
+ /**
+ * Number of block column where column lies in.
+ */
+ unsigned int block_col;
+ /**
+ * First column of block.
+ */
+ unsigned int col_start;
+ /**
+ * Index in whole row.
+ */
+ unsigned int a_index;
+ friend class const_iterator;
+ };
+ /**
+ * STL conforming iterator.
+ */
+ class const_iterator : private Accessor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ const_iterator(const BlockSparseMatrix<number>*,
+ unsigned int row,
+ unsigned short index);
+ /**
+ * Prefix increment.
+ */
+ const_iterator& operator++ ();
+ /**
+ * Postfix increment.
+ */
+ const_iterator& operator++ (int);
+ /**
+ * Dereferencing operator.
+ */
+ const Accessor& operator* () const;
+ /**
+ * Dereferencing operator.
+ */
+ const Accessor* operator-> () const;
+ /**
+ * Comparison. True, if
+ * both iterators point to
+ * the same matrix
+ * position.
+ */
+ bool operator == (const const_iterator&) const;
+ /**
+ * Inverse of @p{==}.
+ */
+ bool operator != (const const_iterator&) const;
+ /**
+ * Comparison
+ * operator. Result is true
+ * if either the first row
+ * number is smaller or if
+ * the row numbers are
+ * equal and the first
+ * index is smaller.
+ */
+ bool operator < (const const_iterator&) const;
+ };
* Constructor; initializes the
* matrix to be empty, without
const BlockSparsityPattern &
get_sparsity_pattern () const;
+ /**
+ * STL-like iterator with the
+ * first entry.
+ */
+ const_iterator begin () const;
+ /**
+ * Final iterator.
+ */
+ const_iterator end () const;
+ /**
+ * STL-like iterator with the
+ * first entry of row @p{r}.
+ */
+ const_iterator begin (unsigned int r) const;
+ /**
+ * Final iterator of row @p{r}.
+ */
+ const_iterator end (unsigned int r) const;
* Determine an estimate for the
* memory consumption (in bytes)
* Array of sub-matrices.
Table<2,SmartPointer<SparseMatrix<number> > > sub_objects;
+ friend class Accessor;
+ friend class const_iterator;
/* ------------------------- Template functions ---------------------- */
+template <typename number>
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::Accessor (
+ const BlockSparseMatrix<number>* matrix,
+ unsigned int r,
+ unsigned short i)
+ : matrix(matrix),
+ base_iterator(matrix->block(0,0).begin()),
+ block_row(0),
+ row_start(0),
+ block_col(0),
+ col_start(0),
+ a_index(0)
+ Assert (i==0, ExcNotImplemented());
+ if (r < matrix->m())
+ {
+ pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> indices = matrix->sparsity_pattern
+ ->get_row_indices().global_to_local(r);
+ block_row = indices.first;
+ base_iterator = matrix->block(indices.first, 0).begin(indices.second);
+ row_start = matrix->sparsity_pattern
+ ->get_row_indices().local_to_global(block_row, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ block_row = matrix->n_block_rows();
+ base_iterator = matrix->block(0, 0).begin();
+ }
+template <typename number>
+unsigned int
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::row() const
+ return row_start + base_iterator->row();
+template <typename number>
+short unsigned int
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::index() const
+ return a_index;
+template <typename number>
+unsigned int
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::column() const
+ return col_start + base_iterator->column();
+template <typename number>
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::value () const
+ return base_iterator->value();
+template <typename number>
+ const BlockSparseMatrix<number>* m,
+ unsigned int r,
+ unsigned short i)
+ : BlockSparseMatrix<number>::Accessor(m, r, i)
+template <typename number>
+typename BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator&
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator++ ()
+ Assert (block_row<matrix->n_block_rows(), ExcIteratorPastEnd());
+ // Remeber current row inside block
+ unsigned int local_row = base_iterator->row();
+ // Advance inside block
+ ++base_iterator;
+ ++a_index;
+ // If end of row inside block,
+ // advance to next block
+ if (base_iterator == matrix->block(block_row, block_col).end(local_row))
+ {
+ if (block_col<matrix->n_block_cols()-1)
+ {
+ // Advance to next block in
+ // row
+ ++block_col;
+ col_start = matrix->sparsity_pattern
+ ->get_column_indices().local_to_global(block_col, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Advance to first block
+ // in next row
+ block_col = 0;
+ col_start = 0;
+ a_index = 0;
+ ++local_row;
+ if (local_row>=matrix->block(block_row,0).m())
+ {
+ // If final row in
+ // block, go to next
+ // block row
+ local_row = 0;
+ ++block_row;
+ if (block_row<matrix->n_block_rows())
+ row_start = matrix->sparsity_pattern
+ ->get_row_indices().local_to_global(block_row, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, set base_iterator
+ // to start of row determined
+ // above
+ if (block_row<matrix->n_block_rows())
+ base_iterator = matrix->block(block_row, block_col).begin(local_row);
+ else
+ // Set base_iterator to a
+ // defined state for
+ // comparison. This is the
+ // end() state.
+ base_iterator = matrix->block(0, 0).begin();
+ }
+ return *this;
+// template <typename number>
+// inline
+// const_iterator&
+// BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator++ (int)
+// {
+// Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+// }
+template <typename number>
+const typename BlockSparseMatrix<number>::Accessor&
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator* () const
+ return *this;
+template <typename number>
+const typename BlockSparseMatrix<number>::Accessor*
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator-> () const
+ return this;
+template <typename number>
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator == (const const_iterator& i) const
+ if (matrix != i->matrix)
+ return false;
+ if (block_row == i->block_row
+ && block_col == i->block_col
+ && base_iterator == i->base_iterator)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+template <typename number>
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator != (const const_iterator& i) const
+ return !(*this == i);
+template <typename number>
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator < (const const_iterator& i) const
+ if (block_row<i->block_row)
+ return true;
+ if (block_row == i->block_row)
+ {
+ if (base_iterator->row() < i->base_iterator->row())
+ return true;
+ if (base_iterator->row() == i->base_iterator->row())
+ {
+ if (a_index < i->a_index)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
template <typename number>
+template <typename number>
+typename BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::begin () const
+ return const_iterator(this, 0, 0);
+template <typename number>
+typename BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::end () const
+ return const_iterator(this, m(), 0);
+template <typename number>
+typename BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::begin (unsigned int r) const
+ Assert (r<m(), ExcIndexRange(r,0,m()));
+ return const_iterator(this, r, 0);
+template <typename number>
+typename BlockSparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator
+BlockSparseMatrix<number>::end (unsigned int r) const
+ Assert (r<m(), ExcIndexRange(r,0,m()));
+ return const_iterator(this, r+1, 0);
#endif // __deal2__block_sparse_matrix_h