- //
+ // @sect3{The stress-strain tensor}
+ // Next, we define the linear relationship
+ // between the stress and the strain in
+ // elasticity. It is given by a tensor of
+ // rank 4 that is usually written in the
+ // form ``C_{ijkl} = \mu (\delta_{ik}
+ // \delta_{jl} + \delta_{il} \delta_{jk}) +
+ // \lambda \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl}''. This
+ // tensor maps symmetric tensor of rank 2
+ // to symmetric tensors of rank 2. A
+ // function implementing its creation for
+ // given values of the Lame constants
+ // lambda and my is straightforward:
template <int dim>
get_stress_strain_tensor (const double lambda, const double mu)
return tmp;
+ // With this function, we can define a
+ // variable that will be used throughout
+ // the program as the stress-strain tensor,
+ // with values for the Lame constants that
+ // are appropriate for steel:
const SymmetricTensor<4,deal_II_dimension> stress_strain_tensor
= get_stress_strain_tensor<deal_II_dimension> (/*lambda = */ 9.695e10,
/*mu = */ 7.617e10);
+ // In more elaborate programs, this will
+ // probably be a member variable of some
+ // class instead, or a function that
+ // returns the stress-strain relationship
+ // depending on other input. For example in
+ // damage theory models, the Lame constants
+ // are considered a function of the prior
+ // stress/strain history of a
+ // point. Conversely, in plasticity the
+ // form of the stress-strain tensor is
+ // modified if the material has reached the
+ // yield stress in a certain point, and
+ // possibly also depending on its prior
+ // history.
+ //
+ // In the present program, however, we
+ // assume that the material is completely
+ // elastic and linear, and a constant
+ // stress-strain tensor is sufficient for
+ // our present purposes.
// @sect3{Auxiliary functions}